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Robotic-assistive exoskeletons can enable frequent repetitive movements without the presence of a full-time therapist; however, human-machine interaction and the capacity of powered exoskeletons to attenuate shoulder muscle and joint loading is poorly understood. This study aimed to quantify shoulder muscle and joint force during assisted activities of daily living using a powered robotic upper limb exoskeleton (ArmeoPower, Hocoma). Six healthy male subjects performed abduction, flexion, horizontal flexion, reaching and nose touching activities. These tasks were repeated under two conditions: (i) the exoskeleton compensating only for its own weight, and (ii) the exoskeleton providing full upper limb gravity compensation (i.e., weightlessness). Muscle EMG, joint kinematics and joint torques were simultaneously recorded, and shoulder muscle and joint forces calculated using personalized musculoskeletal models of each subject’s upper limb. The exoskeleton reduced peak joint torques, muscle forces and joint loading by up to 74.8% (0.113 Nm/kg), 88.8% (5.8%BW) and 68.4% (75.6%BW), respectively, with the degree of load attenuation strongly task dependent. The peak compressive, anterior and superior glenohumeral joint force during assisted nose touching was 36.4% (24.6%BW), 72.4% (13.1%BW) and 85.0% (17.2%BW) lower than that during unassisted nose touching, respectively. The present study showed that upper limb weight compensation using an assistive exoskeleton may increase glenohumeral joint stability, since deltoid muscle force, which is the primary contributor to superior glenohumeral joint shear, is attenuated; however, prominent exoskeleton interaction moments are required to position and control the upper limb in space, even under full gravity compensation conditions. The modeling framework and results may be useful in planning targeted upper limb robotic rehabilitation tasks.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the forces and moments of the whole upper limb, analyzing forces and moments at the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints simultaneously during manual wheelchair propulsion of persons with different levels of spinal cord injury (SCI) on a treadmill. Fifty-one people participated in this study and were grouped by their level of SCI: C6 tetraplegia (G1), C7 tetraplegia (G2), high paraplegia (G3), and low paraplegia (G4). An inverse dynamic model was defined to compute net joint forces and moments from segment kinematics, the forces acting on the pushrim, and subject anthropometrics. Right side, upper limb kinematic data were collected with four camcorders (Kinescan–IBV). Kinetic data were recorded by replacing the wheels with SmartWheels (Three Rivers Holdings, LLC). All participants propelled the wheelchair at 3 km/h for 1 min. The most noteworthy findings in both our tetraplegic groups in relation to paraplegic groups were increased superior joint forces in the shoulder (G1 and G2 vs G3 p<0.001; G1 and G2 vs G4 p<0.01), elbow (G1 vs G3 p<0.001; G1 vs G4 p<0.05) and wrist (G1 vs G4 p<0.001), an increased adduction moment in the shoulder (G1 vs G3 p<0.001; G1 vs G4 p<0.01; G2 vs G3 and G4 p<0.05) and the constancy of the moments of force of the wrist the fact that they reached their lowest values in the tetraplegic groups. This pattern may increase the risk of developing upper limb overuse injuries in tetraplegic subjects.  相似文献   

High upper extremity (U/E) demands are required when manual wheelchair users (MWUs) with spinal cord injury (SCI) ascend curbs; this may contribute to the risk of developing U/E musculoskeletal impairments. The aim of this study was to compare movement strategies (kinematics), mechanical loads (kinetics) and muscular demand (EMG) at the non-dominant U/E among 15 MWUs with SCI when ascending curbs of 4 cm (3 trials), 8 cm (3 trials) and 12 cm high (3 trials) from a starting line set 3 m before the curb. Biomechanical data was collected during three trials for each height. The curb ascent task was divided into three adjustment phases: caster pop, rear-wheel ascent and post-ascent. The greatest effort was generated by the shoulder flexors and internal rotators as well as the elbow flexors. A significant difference (p < 0.0167) between the curb heights was found for most outcome measures studied: movement excursion, net joint moments and muscular utilization ratio (MUR) of the main muscles increased with the higher curb heights, mainly around the shoulder joint. These results provide insight that aside from adhering to a highly structured training method for wheelchair curb ascent, rehabilitation professionals need to propose task-specific strength training programs based on the demands documented in this study and continue to advocate for physically accessible environments.  相似文献   

In rehabilitation, exercise instructions are multi-modal and can include a focus of increasing mean activity of a target muscle and inhibiting aberrant synergistic muscle activity, particularly during shoulder exercises, such as the prone horizontal abduction (PHA). The objective was to compare the immediate effects and short-term retention of multi-modal exercise instruction by a physical therapist written only instruction on normalized mean upper and lower trapezius muscle activity during three phases (concentric/isometric/eccentric) versus of an isotonic PHA exercise between participants with and without shoulder pain. Surface electromyography (EMG) was recorded from fourteen healthy participants and twelve participants with shoulder pain during the PHA exercise under two conditions: (1) written only instructions and (2) multi-modal instruction. Retention of multi-modal instruction on muscle activity was assessed one week later. Results demonstrate 12.8–16.0% increase in lower trapezius muscle activity during the concentric and isometric phases with multi-modal instructions in both groups. Inhibition of the upper trapezius did not occur in either group. Facilitation effects were maintained in short-term follow-up. Findings suggest that regardless of shoulder pain, multi-modal instruction by a physical therapist facilitates greater neuromuscular activity of a targeted muscle compared to written instructions alone and these effects are retained.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of age on upper erector spinae (UES), lower erector spinae (LES) and lower body (gluteus maximus; biceps femoris; and vastus lateralis) muscle activity during a repetitive lifting task. Twenty-four participants were assigned to two age groups: ‘younger’ (n = 12; mean age ± SD = 24.6 ± 3.6 yrs) and ‘older’ (n = 12; mean age = 46.5 ± 3.0 yrs). Participants lifted and lowered a box (13 kg) repetitively at a frequency of 10 lifts per minute for a maximum of 20 min. EMG signals were collected every minute and normalised to a maximum voluntary isometric contraction. A submaximal endurance test of UES and LES was used to assess fatigue. Older participants showed higher levels of UES and LES muscle activity (approximately 12–13%) throughout the task, but less fatigue compared to the younger group post-task completion. When lifting, lower-limb muscle activity was generally higher in older adults, although temporal changes were similar. While increased paraspinal muscle activity may increase the risk of back injury in older workers when repetitive lifting, younger workers may be more susceptible to fatigue-related effects. Education and training in manual materials handling should consider age-related differences when developing training programmes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of imposing different degrees of forward trunk flexion during sitting pivot transfers on electromyographic activity at the leading and trailing upper limb muscles and on dynamic stability requirements. Thirty-two individuals with a spinal cord injury performed three types of sitting pivot transfers: natural technique, exaggerated forward trunk flexion and upright trunk position. Ground reaction forces, trunk kinematics, and bilateral electromyographic activity of eight upper limb muscles were recorded. Electromyographic data were analyzed using the area under the curve of the muscular utilization ratio. Dynamic stability requirements of sitting pivot transfers were assess using a dynamic equilibrium model. Compared to the natural strategy, significantly greater muscle activities were found for the forward trunk flexion condition at the anterior deltoid and both heads of the pectorialis major, whereas the upright trunk strategy yielded greater muscle activity at the latissimus dorsii and the triceps. The forward flexed condition was found to be more dynamically stable, with a lower stabilizing force, increased area of base of support and greater distance traveled. Thus, transferring with a more forward trunk inclination, even though it increases work of few muscles, may be a beneficial trade-off because increased dynamic stability of this technique and versatility in terms of potential distance of the transfer.  相似文献   

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