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Analysis of the enzymatic methylation of oligodeoxynucleotides containing multiple C-G groups showed that hemimethylated sites in duplex oligomers are not significantly methylated by human or murine DNA methyltransferase unless those sites are capable of being methylated de novo in the single- or double-stranded oligomers. Thus, the primary sequence of the target strand, rather than the methylation pattern of the complementary strand, determines maintenance methylation. This suggests that de novo and maintenance methylation are the same process catalyzed by the same enzyme. In addition, the study revealed that complementary strands of oligodeoxynucleotides are methylated at different rates and in different patterns. Both primary DNA sequence and the spacing between C-G groups seem important since in one case studied, maximal methylation required a specific spacing of 13 to 17 nucleotides between C-G pairs.  相似文献   

In the cell, DNA is wrapped on histone octamers, which reduces its accessibility for DNA interacting enzymes. We investigated de novo methylation of nucleosomal DNA in vitro and show that the Dnmt3a and Dnmt1 DNA methyltransferases efficiently methylate nucleosomal DNA without dissociation of the histone octamer from the DNA. In contrast, the prokaryotic SssI DNA methyltransferase and the catalytic domain of Dnmt3a are strongly inhibited by nucleosomes. We also found that full-length Dnmt1 and Dnmt3a bind to nucleosomes much stronger than their isolated catalytic domains, demonstrating that the N-terminal parts of the MTases are required for the interaction with nucleosomes. Variations of the DNA sequence or the histone tails did not significantly influence the methylation activity of Dnmt3a. The observation that mammalian methyltransferases directly modify nucleosomal DNA provides an insight into the mechanisms by which histone tail and DNA methylation patterns can influence each other because the DNA methylation pattern can be established while histones remain associated to the DNA.  相似文献   

AdoMet-dependent methylation, DNA methyltransferases and base flipping   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty AdoMet-dependent methyltransferases (MTases) have been characterized structurally by X-ray crystallography and NMR. These include seven DNA MTases, five RNA MTases, four protein MTases and four small molecule MTases acting on the carbon, oxygen or nitrogen atoms of their substrates. The MTases share a common core structure of a mixed seven-stranded beta-sheet (6 downward arrow 7 upward arrow 5 downward arrow 4 downward arrow 1 downward arrow 2 downward arrow 3 downward arrow) referred to as an 'AdoMet-dependent MTase fold', with the exception of a protein arginine MTase which contains a compact consensus fold lacking the antiparallel hairpin strands (6 downward arrow 7 upward arrow). The consensus fold is useful to identify hypothetical MTases during structural proteomics efforts on unannotated proteins. The same core structure works for very different classes of MTase including those that act on substrates differing in size from small molecules (catechol or glycine) to macromolecules (DNA, RNA and protein). DNA MTases use a 'base flipping' mechanism to deliver a specific base within a DNA molecule into a typically concave catalytic pocket. Base flipping involves rotation of backbone bonds in double-stranded DNA to expose an out-of-stack nucleotide, which can then be a substrate for an enzyme-catalyzed chemical reaction. The phenomenon is fully established for DNA MTases and for DNA base excision repair enzymes, and is likely to prove general for enzymes that require access to unpaired, mismatched or damaged nucleotides within base-paired regions in DNA and RNA. Several newly discovered MTase families in eukaryotes (DNA 5mC MTases and protein arginine and lysine MTases) offer new challenges in the MTase field.  相似文献   

The enzymatic control of the setting and maintenance of symmetric and non-symmetric DNA methylation patterns in a particular genome context is not well understood. Here, we describe a comprehensive analysis of DNA methylation patterns generated by high resolution sequencing of hairpin-bisulfite amplicons of selected single copy genes and repetitive elements (LINE1, B1, IAP-LTR-retrotransposons, and major satellites). The analysis unambiguously identifies a substantial amount of regional incomplete methylation maintenance, i.e. hemimethylated CpG positions, with variant degrees among cell types. Moreover, non-CpG cytosine methylation is confined to ESCs and exclusively catalysed by Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b. This sequence position-, cell type-, and region-dependent non-CpG methylation is strongly linked to neighboring CpG methylation and requires the presence of Dnmt3L. The generation of a comprehensive data set of 146,000 CpG dyads was used to apply and develop parameter estimated hidden Markov models (HMM) to calculate the relative contribution of DNA methyltransferases (Dnmts) for de novo and maintenance DNA methylation. The comparative modelling included wild-type ESCs and mutant ESCs deficient for Dnmt1, Dnmt3a, Dnmt3b, or Dnmt3a/3b, respectively. The HMM analysis identifies a considerable de novo methylation activity for Dnmt1 at certain repetitive elements and single copy sequences. Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b contribute de novo function. However, both enzymes are also essential to maintain symmetrical CpG methylation at distinct repetitive and single copy sequences in ESCs.  相似文献   

M Okano  D W Bell  D A Haber  E Li 《Cell》1999,99(3):247-257
The establishment of DNA methylation patterns requires de novo methylation that occurs predominantly during early development and gametogenesis in mice. Here we demonstrate that two recently identified DNA methyltransferases, Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b, are essential for de novo methylation and for mouse development. Inactivation of both genes by gene targeting blocks de novo methylation in ES cells and early embryos, but it has no effect on maintenance of imprinted methylation patterns. Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b also exhibit nonoverlapping functions in development, with Dnmt3b specifically required for methylation of centromeric minor satellite repeats. Mutations of human DNMT3B are found in ICF syndrome, a developmental defect characterized by hypomethylation of pericentromeric repeats. Our results indicate that both Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b function as de novo methyltransferases that play important roles in normal development and disease.  相似文献   

Summary Heterogeneous nuclear RNP protein A1, one of the major proteins in hnRNP particle (precursor for mRNA), is known to be post-translationally arginine-methylatedin vivo on residues 193, 205, 217 and 224 within the RGG box, the motif postulated to be an RNA binding domain. Possible effect of NG-arginine methyl-modification in the interaction of protein A1 to nucleic acid was investigated. The recombinant hnRNP protein A1 wasin vitro methylated by the purified nuclear protein/histone-specific protein methylase I (S-adenosylmethionine:protein-arginine N-methyltransferase) stoichiometrically and the relative binding affinity of the methylated and the unmethylated protein A1 to nucleic acid was compared: Differences in their binding properties to ssDNA-cellulose, pI values and trypsin sensitivities in the presence and absence of MS2-RNA all indicate that the binding property of hnRNP protein A1 to single-stranded nucleic acid has been significantly reduced subsequent to the methylation. These results suggest that posttranslational methyl group insertion to the arginine residue reduces protein-RNA interaction, perhaps due to interference of H-bonding between guanidino nitrogen arginine and phosphate RNA.Abbreviations hnRNP heterogeneous ribonucleoprotein particle - AdoMet S-adenosyl-L-methionine - AdoHcy S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine - MBP myelin basic protein - HMG high mobility group - ss single stranded  相似文献   

Systems for multigene delivery in mammalian cells, particularly in the context of genome engineering, have gained a lot of attention in biomolecular research and medicine. Initially these methods were based on RNA polymerase II promoters and were used for the production of protein complexes and for applications in cell biology such as reprogramming of somatic cells to stem cells. Emerging technologies such as CRISPR/Cas9-based genome engineering, which enable any alteration at the genomic level of an organism, require additional elements including U6-driven expression cassettes for RNA expression and homology constructs for designed genome modifications. For these applications, systems with high DNA capacity, flexibility and transfer rates are needed. In this article, we briefly give an update on some of recent strategies that facilitate multigene assembly and delivery into mammalian cells. Also, we review applications in various fields of biology that rely on multigene delivery systems.  相似文献   

Epigenetic modification of the cytosine base of DNA by its methylation introduced the possibility that beyond the inherent information contained within the nucleotide sequence there was an additional layer of information added to the underlying genetic code. DNA methylation has been implicated in a wide range of biological functions, including an essential developmental role in the reprogramming of germ cells and early embryos, the repression of endogenous retrotransposons, and a generalized role in gene expression. Special functions of DNA methylation include the marking of one of the parental alleles of many imprinted genes, a group of genes essential for growth and development in mammals with a unique parent-of-origin expression pattern, a role in stabilizing X-chromosome inactivation, and centromere function. In this regard, it is not surprising that errors in establishing or maintaining patterns of methylation are associated with a diverse group of human diseases and syndromes.  相似文献   

Mechanism-based inhibitors of enzymes, which mimic reactive intermediates in the reaction pathway, have been deployed extensively in the analysis of metabolic pathways and as candidate drugs. The inhibition of cytosine-[C5]-specific DNA methyltransferases (C5 MTases) by oligodeoxynucleotides containing 5-azadeoxycytidine (AzadC) and 5-fluorodeoxycytidine (FdC) provides a well-documented example of mechanism-based inhibition of enzymes central to nucleic acid metabolism. Here, we describe the interaction between the C5 MTase from Haemophilus haemolyticus (M.HhaI) and an oligodeoxynucleotide duplex containing 2-H pyrimidinone, an analogue often referred to as zebularine and known to give rise to high-affinity complexes with MTases. X-ray crystallography has demonstrated the formation of a covalent bond between M.HhaI and the 2-H pyrimidinone-containing oligodeoxynucleotide. This observation enables a comparison between the mechanisms of action of 2-H pyrimidinone with other mechanism-based inhibitors such as FdC. This novel complex provides a molecular explanation for the mechanism of action of the anti-cancer drug zebularine.  相似文献   

Gene silencing by targeted DNA methylation has potential applications in basic research and therapy. To establish targeted methylation in human cell lines, the catalytic domains (CDs) of mouse Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b DNA methyltransferases (MTases) were fused to different DNA binding domains (DBD) of GAL4 and an engineered Cys2His2 zinc finger domain. We demonstrated that (i) Dense DNA methylation can be targeted to specific regions in gene promoters using chimeric DNA MTases. (ii) Site-specific methylation leads to repression of genes controlled by various cellular or viral promoters. (iii) Mutations affecting any of the DBD, MTase or target DNA sequences reduce targeted methylation and gene silencing. (iv) Targeted DNA methylation is effective in repressing Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection in cell culture with the viral titer reduced by at least 18-fold in the presence of an MTase fused to an engineered zinc finger DBD, which binds a single site in the promoter of HSV-1 gene IE175k. In short, we show here that it is possible to direct DNA MTase activity to predetermined sites in DNA, achieve targeted gene silencing in mammalian cell lines and interfere with HSV-1 propagation.  相似文献   

Here, we describe a role for mammalian DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) in telomere length control. Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells genetically deficient for DNMT1, or both DNMT3a and DNMT3b have dramatically elongated telomeres compared with wild-type controls. Mammalian telomere repeats (TTAGGG) lack the canonical CpG methylation site. However, we demonstrate that mouse subtelomeric regions are heavily methylated, and that this modification is decreased in DNMT-deficient cells. We show that other heterochromatic marks, such as histone 3 Lys 9 (H3K9) and histone 4 Lys 20 (H4K20) trimethylation, remain at both subtelomeric and telomeric regions in these cells. Lack of DNMTs also resulted in increased telomeric recombination as indicated by sister-chromatid exchanges involving telomeric sequences, and by the presence of 'alternative lengthening of telomeres' (ALT)-associated promyelocytic leukaemia (PML) bodies (APBs). This increased telomeric recombination may lead to telomere-length changes, although our results do not exclude a potential involvement of telomerase and telomere-binding proteins in the aberrant telomere elongation observed in DNMT-deficient cells. Together, these results demonstrate a previously unappreciated role for DNA methylation in maintaining telomere integrity.  相似文献   

Although the Trithorax histone methyltransferases ATX1–5 are known to regulate development and stress responses by catalyzing histone H3K4 methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana, it is unknown whether and how these histone methyltransferases affect DNA methylation. Here, we found that the redundant ATX1–5 proteins are not only required for plant development and viability but also for the regulation of DNA methylation. The expression and H3K4me3 levels of both RNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM) genes (NRPE1, DCL3, IDN2, and IDP2) and active DNA demethylation genes (ROS1, DML2, and DML3) were downregulated in the atx1/2/4/5 mutant. Consistent with the facts that the active DNA demethylation pathway mediates DNA demethylationmainly at CG and CHG sites, and that the RdDM pathway mediates DNA methylation mainly at CHH sites, whole-genome DNA methylation analyses showed that hyper-CG and CHG DMRs in atx1/2/4/5 significantly overlapped with those in the DNA demethylation pathway mutant ros1 dml2 dml3 (rdd), and that hypo-CHH DMRs in atx1/2/4/5 significantly overlapped with those in the RdDM mutant nrpe1, suggesting that the ATX paralogues function redundantly to regulate DNA methylation by promoting H3K4me3 levels and expression levels of both RdDM genes and active DNA demethylation genes. Given that the ATX proteins function as catalytic subunits of COMPASS histone methyltransferase complexes, we also demonstrated that the COMPASS complex components function as a whole to regulate DNA methylation. This study reveals a previously uncharacterized mechanism underlying the regulation of DNA methylation.  相似文献   

Nagase H  Ghosh S 《The FEBS journal》2008,275(8):1617-1623
Epigenetics refers to heritable phenotypic alterations in the absence of DNA sequence changes, and DNA methylation is one of the extensively studied epigenetic alterations. DNA methylation is an evolutionally conserved mechanism to regulate gene expression in mammals. Because DNA methylation is preserved during DNA replication it can be inherited. Thus, DNA methylation could be a major mechanism by which to produce semi-stable changes in gene expression in somatic tissues. Although it remains controversial whether germ-line DNA methylation in mammalian genomes is stably heritable, frequent tissue-specific and disease-specific de novo methylation events are observed during somatic cell development/differentiation. In this minireview, we discuss the use of restriction landmark genomic scanning, together with in silico analysis, to identify differentially methylated regions in the mammalian genome. We then present a rough overview of quantitative DNA methylation patterns at 4600 NotI sites and more than 150 differentially methylated regions in several C57BL/6J mouse tissues. Comparative analysis between mice and humans suggests that some, but not all, tissue-specific differentially methylated regions are conserved. A deeper understanding of cell-type-specific differences in DNA methylation might lead to a better illustration of the mechanisms behind tissue-specific differentiation in mammals.  相似文献   

Previously, we have derived murine hybridomas producing monoclonal antibodies against DNA methyltransferase from human placenta (Kaul, S., Pfeifer, G. P., and Drahovsky, D. (1984) Eur. J. Cell Biol. 34, 330-335). One of these monoclonal antibodies, M2B10, which undergoes immune complex formation also with DNA methyltransferase from P815 mouse mastocytoma cells, was used for the immunoaffinity purification of mouse and human DNA methyltransferases. In sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels and in immunoblotting studies, the immunoaffinity-purified mouse DNA methyltransferase revealed 5-6 polypeptides of molecular masses 150-190 kDa. The immunoaffinity-purified human placental DNA methyltransferase was characterized by a polypeptide of 158 kDa, presumably representing the native enzyme molecule and by polypeptides of 105-108 kDa and 50-68 kDa, probably generated by a limited proteolysis of the native enzyme molecule. The immunoaffinity-purified DNA methyltransferases preferred hemimethylated DNA substrates over unmethylated ones, and among all unmethylated substrates tested, poly[(dG-dC).(dG-dC)] had the highest methyl-accepting activity. DNA polymers of at least 90 base pairs in length were required for the binding reaction of the immunoaffinity-purified human DNA methyltransferase, and this initial binding was apparently independent of the nucleotide composition of the DNA polymer and of the presence of S-adenosyl-L-methionine.  相似文献   

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