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Knowledge of tree growth/climate response relationships is important to dendroecological studies and dendroclimatic reconstructions, particularly in the Southeastern Coastal Plain where few such studies have been attempted. To this end, we developed tree-ring chronologies of total ring width, earlywood width, and latewood width from longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) at three sites in the Southeastern Coastal Plain to examine the climate–growth relationships for this tree species. The length of these chronologies is unprecedented for southern pine chronologies in the Southeast. We compared the tree-ring chronologies to monthly temperature, precipitation, Palmer drought severity index (PDSI), and Palmer hydrological drought index (PHDI) data from the pertinent climate divisions. We found that PDSI and PHDI have the highest correlation with longleaf pine growth, and the strongest relationships between longleaf pine growth and these variables occur between July and November. Precipitation in the spring and summer was also positively related to growth at all sites. The relationship between temperature and growth was the weakest among all climate variables, but warm summer temperatures had a consistent, negative relationship with longleaf pine growth. The climate signal in the latewood was generally more robust than for total ring width and earlywood width.  相似文献   

Seed Bank Viability in Disturbed Longleaf Pine Sites   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Some of the most species‐rich areas and highest concentrations of threatened and endangered species in the southeastern United States are found in wet savanna and flatwood longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) communities. Where intensive forestry practices have eliminated much of the natural understory of the longleaf ecosystem, the potential for reestablishment through a seed bank may present a valuable restoration opportunity. Longleaf pine sites converted to loblolly pine plantations and non‐disturbed longleaf sites on the Coastal Plain of North Carolina were examined for seed bank presence and diversity. Conducting vegetation surveys and examining the seed bank using the seedling emergence technique allowed for verification of the seed bank presence, as well as evaluation of the quality of the seed bank on disturbed longleaf pine sites. Forty‐three species and over 1,000 individuals germinated, and the seed banks of both the disturbed and non‐disturbed stand types contained species not noted in the vegetation survey. Although many of these species were considered weedy and typical of disturbance, numerous taxa were indicative of stable longleaf pine communities. This study confirms both the presence and quality of seed banks in highly disturbed former longleaf pine sites, suggesting that the seed bank may be an important tool in restoration efforts.  相似文献   

Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) historically was a widespread ecosystem composed of a simple tree canopy and grasslands ground layer. After widespread loss of this ecosystem due to logging and fire exclusion, little quantitative information exists about historical structure for restoration goals. We identified composition in De Soto National Forest and Pearl River County, Mississippi, USA, and density, basal area, and percent stocking in Pearl River County using General Land Office surveys and US Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis surveys. Historical longleaf ecosystems were about 85% pine, with lesser amounts of broadleaf evergreen and oak species. Densities were about 175 to 180 trees/ha, mean tree diameters were 45 cm, and stocking was around 60% to 65%, which suggested longleaf pines were closed woodlands. Current forests are 38% to 57% pine, primarily loblolly, while longleaf pine is 2% to 8% of composition. Indeed, current longleaf pine composition across the Coastal Plain averages 3% and does not reach 10% at smaller landscape scales. Fire-sensitive broadleaf species of water oak, sweetgum, yellow-poplar, and red maple increased from about 0.5% composition to 2% to 10% of composition. Forests became twice as dense, at about 280 trees/ha to 330 trees/ha, with mean tree diameters of 22 cm. These results characterize conversion from open old growth longleaf forests, resulting in part from human maintenance, to successional forests due to human disruption of the historical ecosystem. It is important to remember structure and composition of historical forests for restoration and recognize wholesale changes so that successional forests do not become the new social and cultural baseline.  相似文献   



Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) is being restored across the U.S. South for a multitude of ecological and economic reasons, but our understanding of longleaf pine’s response to soil physical conditions is poor. On the contrary, our understanding of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) root and shoot growth response to soil conditions is well established.


We performed a comparative greenhouse study which modeled root length density, total seedling biomass, and the ratio of aboveground:belowground mass as functions of volumetric water content, bulk density and soil fertility (fertilized or not).


Root length density was about 35 % greater in longleaf pine seedlings compared to loblolly pine seedlings, and was reasonably well modeled (R 2?=?0.54) for longleaf pine by bulk density (linear), volumetric water content (quadratic), soil fertility, and the interactions of bulk density, volumetric water content, species, and soil fertility. The aboveground:belowground mass ratio (ABR) increased at both extremes of water content.


This research indicates that young longleaf pine seedling root systems respond more negatively to extremes of soil physical conditions than loblolly pine, and compacted or dry loamy soils should be ameliorated in addition to normal competition control, especially on soils degraded by past management.  相似文献   

Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) savanna characterized by open-canopy, diverse herbaceous vegetation, and high amounts of bare soil once covered much of the southeastern United States Coastal Plain. The unique structural and vegetative conditions of this ecosystem support endemic reptiles and amphibians that have declined as longleaf pine forests have been lost or degraded. Private working pine (Pinus spp.) forests managed for timber production now occur throughout the southeastern United States and have replaced much of the historical longleaf pine savanna. The examination of herpetofaunal (reptile, amphibian) communities in private working loblolly pine (P. taeda) landscapes, particularly in the western Gulf Coastal Plain is lacking. Using repeated field surveys and hierarchical community occupancy models, we examined occupancy and species richness of herpetofauna across 81 sites spanning gradients of management practices, vegetative conditions, and soil composition in northwestern Louisiana, USA, 2017–2019. Young pine stands (<6 yr) exhibited structural characteristics most similar to mature longleaf pine reference sites (>30 yr), while mid-aged stands (13–26 yr) often featured closed canopy and dense midstory. Vegetation conditions varied widely depending on landscape characteristics and site-specific disturbance regimes. We documented 43 species of herpetofauna, including 9 open-pine-associated species. Occupancy of open-pine-associated herpetofauna was positively associated with open-canopy and understory conditions, and sandy soil area. Sites providing open-canopy conditions were often occupied by open-pine-associated species regardless of overstory type and disturbance method. Overall richness of herpetofauna was greatest at sites with moderate canopy cover outside of sandy soil regions. Working pine landscapes in the western Gulf Coastal Plain can support diverse herpetofaunal assemblages, including open-pine-associated species, when management practices maintain open-canopy conditions on sandy, upland soils. More broadly, our results provide insight into how forest management practices affect herpetofauna and may guide practices that can contribute to conservation value of working pine forests.  相似文献   

The primary objective of many longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) restoration programs is to enhance or restore habitat for wildlife dependent on herbaceous plant communities. Because herbaceous cover is inversely related to canopy cover, restoration programs often place restrictions on longleaf pine planting density. However, the influence of planting density on understory plant communities has been inadequately evaluated. Therefore, we initiated a study to examine the relative influences of planting density and other factors on overall understory composition and forage availability for white‐tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) in nine longleaf pine stands throughout the Coastal Plain of Alabama during 2017–2018. We found that coverage of herbaceous plants decreased 3.5%, coverage of woody plants decreased 2.4%, and coverage of northern bobwhite forage plants decreased 1.9% for each 1 m2/ha increase in longleaf pine basal area. However, planting density was not a significant predictor of current basal area, nor coverage of any functional group of plants we examined, likely because current longleaf pine density averaged only 46% (range = 30–64%) of seedling planting density. We did not detect an effect of prescribed fire on stand condition or understory plant communities, likely due to variability in fire timing and frequency. Our findings related to planting density were likely a function of low longleaf pine survival, which is not uncommon. Because of this and the inherent variability in growth rates for young longleaf pine stands, restoration programs should consider placing greater emphasis on post‐planting monitoring and management than planting density.  相似文献   

Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) cones have been counted annually by the United States Forest Service (USFS) at eleven locations throughout the species’ range since 1958. These data have been useful for understanding spatiotemporal patterns in longleaf pine cone production, and are beneficial in timing regeneration efforts. Variations in annual mast (i.e. seed crop) are known to influence ring widths in numerous tree species, yet this relationship is poorly understood for longleaf pine. This research examines the relationship between longleaf pine cone data and tree-ring growth from trees sampled in the multi-decadal USFS cone-crop study. We examined cone–radial growth relationships using individual tree-ring data and proprietary cone data for each tree from six sites in four locations in the southeastern USA. We found that longleaf pine cones were correlated with basal area increment growth (BAI) over the three-year cone-development cycle. Low BAI years were more frequently associated with above-average cone crop and BAI during years that coincided with the largest cone-crop class (bumper, > 100 cones per tree) were statistically less than any other cone class. We prepared linear models that predicted radial growth using PDSI and cones as predictors, and found that including cones in the models did not improve adjusted R2 values. We conclude that while cone production is inversely related to radial growth, the combination of infrequent bumper years and the concentration of cone production by a few trees per stand, creates an environment where radial-growth chronologies assembled from longleaf pine for dendroclimatic purposes are unlikely to be significantly influenced by reproductive strain.  相似文献   

Fire‐maintained Pinus palustris (longleaf pine) ecosystems are species rich and considered a top conservation priority in the southeastern United States. Ground‐nesting species such as Gopherus polyphemus (gopher tortoise) and Colinus virginianus (northern bobwhite) thrive in longleaf ecosystems. However, the generalist carnivore Procyon lotor (raccoon) is a significant predator of these endemic ground nesters. In forested ecosystems, raccoons prefer hardwood‐dominated habitats. Removal of hardwood trees, which is a common longleaf pine ecosystem restoration tool, affects habitat use of this predator. We examined 269 daytime resting sites (DRS) associated with 31 radio‐collared adult raccoons (18 M, 13 F) during 2014–2015 on a longleaf pine‐dominated site in southwestern Georgia. We developed 26 a priori models using an information theoretic approach to evaluate factors affecting use of DRS by raccoons. The top two models (ΔAIC < 2) had combined model weights of 0.75 and contained tree diameter, tree type, presence of nearby hardwood, and distances to pine, hardwood, mixed forest, and agriculture as predictors. However, the only informative variables were tree type and tree diameter. Raccoons used DRS in all available forest types, but were less likely to use pine trees (n = 7) relative to hardwoods (n = 247), and there was a positive relationship with tree diameter. Females used smaller trees farther from agriculture and primary roads, and were closer to wetlands than those used by males. Hardwood removal from within longleaf pine ecosystem affects habitat use of this predator, specifically DRS.  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) were used to construct linkage maps of the parent of a longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) slash pine (Pinus elliottii Englm.) F1 family. A total of 247 segregating loci [233 (1∶1), 14 (3∶1)] and 87 polymorphic (between parents), but non-segregating, loci were identified. The 233 loci segregating 1∶1 (testcross configuration) were used to construct parent-specific linkage maps, 132 for the longleaf-pine parent and 101 for the slash-pine parent. The resulting linkage maps consisted of 122 marker loci in 18 groups (three or more loci) and three pairs (1367.5 cM) for longleaf pine, and 91 marker loci in 13 groups and six pairs for slash pine (952.9 cM). Genome size estimates based on two-point linkage data ranged from 2348 to 2392 cM for longleaf pine, and from 2292 to 2372 cM for slash pine. Linkage of 3∶1 loci to testcross loci in each of the parental maps was used to infer further linkages within maps, as well as potentially homologous counterparts between maps. Three of the longleaf-pine linkage groups appear to be potentially homologous counterparts to four different slash-pine linkage groups. The number of heterozygous loci (previously testcross in parents) per F1 individual, ranged from 96 to 130. With the 87 polymorphic, but non-segregating, loci that should also be heterozygous in the F1 progeny, a maximum of 183–217 heterozygous loci could be available for mapping early height growth (EHG) loci and for applying genomic selection in backcross populations.  相似文献   

Frequent fire is an integral component of longleaf pine ecosystems, creating environmental conditions favoring survival and growth of juvenile pines. This study examined stand structure, species composition, and longleaf pine regeneration in an old-growth tract of longleaf pine forest (Boyd Tract) experiencing long-term (>80 yr) fire exclusion in the Sandhills of North Carolina. Sampling of woody stems (i.e., 2.5 cm diameter at breast height) and tallies of longleaf pine seedlings were carried out in plots established randomly on upland, mesic areas and lowland, xeric areas within the Boyd Tract. Dominant woody species in mesic plots were black oak, hickories, and large, sparse longleaf pines. Xeric plots had high densities of turkey oak with the large longleaf pines, as well as higher frequencies of smaller longleaf stems. These differences between areas were associated with higher clay content of upland soils and higher sand content of lowland soils. Age-class frequency distributions for fire-suppressed longleaf pine following the last wildfire at the Boyd Tract approximately 80 yr ago contrasted sharply with data from an old-growth longleaf tract in southern Georgia (Wade Tract) that has been under a long-term frequent fire regime. Post-burn recruitment for the Boyd Tract wildfire appears to have been initially high on both site types. Longleaf pine recruitment diminished sharply on the mesic site, but remained high for 60 yr on the xeric site. Currently, longleaf pine regeneration is minimal on both site types; several plots contained no seedlings. Sharp contrasts in longleaf pine dominance and stand structure between the Boyd and Wade Tracts demonstrate the importance of large-scale disturbance, especially hurricanes and fire, in shaping the structure and function of longleaf pine ecosystems of the southeastern United States. In particular, long-term exclusion of fire on the Boyd Tract has altered stand structure dramatically by permitting hardwoods to occupy at high densities the characteristically large gaps between longleaf stems that are maintained by fire and other disturbances.  相似文献   

Red light with a wavelength of 660 nm promotes germination of longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) seeds, and far-red light (730 nm) inhibits germination. The promotion-inhibition process is repeatedly reversible, indicating that germination is controlled by the photoreversible reaction of phytochrome. Response varied greatly between single-tree lots and was dependent on the length of time seeds were imbibed at 5°C. Dry seeds did not respond to light treatments when they were subsequently imbibed and tested in darkness. Stratification for 28 days essentially removed the light requirements for germination.  相似文献   

We evaluated the oviposition response of gravid Aedes albopictus (Skuse) to six organic infusions. Laboratory and field‐placed oviposition cups baited with water oak (Quercus nigra L.), longleaf pine (Pinus palustris P. Mill), or St. Augustine grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walt.) Kuntze), as well as binary infusion mixtures of each, were used. In addition, a triple‐cage, dual port olfactometer was used to measure upwind response of gravid individuals to these infusions. We found that Ae. albopictus deposited more eggs in infusion‐baited cups compared with water alone. Moreover, significantly more eggs were laid in the water oak and a water oak‐pine mixture as compared with the St. Augustine grass infusion in laboratory bioassays. However, a negative upwind response was observed with longleaf pine infusion in the olfactometer. In field cages, significantly more eggs were deposited in infusion‐baited cups as compared with water alone and a greater percentage of eggs were deposited in cups containing a water oak and the water oak‐longleaf pine mixture as compared with cups containing single infusions or their mixtures.  相似文献   

Chronic human activities may result in new and permanent successional trajectories in certain ecosystems. The invasion of longleaf pine ecosystems by sand pine in the Florida Panhandle is one such change in the landscape. This study examined the spatial pattern of sand pine expansion and explored the natural and anthropogenic disturbances that fostered this invasion. Aerial photographs (1949, 1994) and Geographic Information Systems analyses confirmed sand pine expansion at Eglin Air Force Base. In 1949, there were 8,982 ha of sand pine in the southern portion of the study area near riparian and coastal lowland forests. By 1994, sand pine had expanded further upland and inland, for a total of 17,147 ha in the study area. Sand pine age data showed that this expansion had started by 1920 but increased rapidly in the 1940s. Historical accounts and structural data from stands suggest that land-use activities associated with the extraction of turpentine promoted the invasion by sand pine. Fires were suppressed in longleaf pine forests to protect turpentine trees, resulting in increased vegetation cover and decreased regeneration of longleaf pine. In addition, stands were typically harvested after turpentining, and there was little or no advanced regeneration of longleaf pine. Sand pine age histograms showed that the onset of high establishment rates (1940s) coincided with changes in land ownership and widespread fire suppression. Sand pine is likely to persist in these ecosystems due to its abundant regeneration. Received 17 March 1999; accepted 28 January 2000.  相似文献   

Linkage mapping and genome length in eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 Haploid linkage analysis of eastern white pine, Pinus strobus L., was carried out using mainly RAPD markers and microsatellite, or simple-sequence-repeat, markers. Ninety one loci mapped to 12 linkage groups of three or more markers. The resulting framework genome map, the first for a soft pine species, contained 69 markers. The map covered 58% of the estimated genome length of 2071 cM(K), with a 95% confidence interval of 1828–2242 cM(K). A systematic comparison of linkage data from eastern white pine, longleaf pine (P. palustris Mill.) and maritime pine (P. pinaster Ait.), gave genome-length estimates for all three species very close to either 2000 cM(K) or 2600 cM(H), depending on whether the Kosambi(K) or Haldane(H) map functions, respectively, were employed. Differences among previous pine genome-length estimates were attributed to the divergent criteria used in the methods of estimation, and indicate the need for the adoption of uniform criteria when performing genome-length estimates. Current data suggest that members of the two pine subgenera, which diverged during the late Mesozoic era, have highly conserved rates of recombination. Received: 5 January 1997/Accepted: 24 January 1997  相似文献   

多样化松林中昆虫群落多样性特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
刘兴平  刘向辉  王国红  韩瑞东  戈峰 《生态学报》2005,25(11):2976-2982
马尾松和湿地松是我国南方的2种主要松树。通过对6种不同林分结构下的马尾松林和湿地松林内昆虫群落调查与多样性指数分析,表明2种松树内的昆虫种类和数量无显著差异,混交林中的昆虫群落的种类和数量比纯林多,尤其以捕食天敌类群的种类和数量更为明显。整个昆虫群落和植食类群多样性指数以湿地松林内较大,而天敌(捕食类群和寄生类群)多样性指数则以马尾松林较高。从不同林分结构下昆虫多样性的比较来看,混交林内昆虫群落多样性指数波动较小,明显地高于纯林。但不同林分结构下昆虫多样性随水平分布和垂直分层格局而变化,松树北面和东面各样地之间的昆虫群落多样性指数差异显著,而南、西面之间差异较小;树冠层各样地之间的差异达极显著水平,而枯枝落叶层和树干层之间差异不显著。由此,还进一步讨论了混交林中昆虫群落稳定性问题。  相似文献   

The historical range of longleaf pine (Pinus palustris P. Mill) has been greatly reduced, in part, by lack of fire. Recently, the application of fire has become an accepted practice for the restoration of longleaf pine to former parts of its natural range. This study was designed to evaluate the effects of season of prescribed fire on the root growth and nonstructural carbohydrate concentrations of longleaf pine, and identify the time of year when fire has the least negative effect on longleaf pine root processes. We found that root growth was generally less on July-burned plots than on either March- or May-burned plots and we attribute these responses to the effect of fire on interaction between root processes and the soil environment. Specifically, soil water and temperature conditions may have been less favorable for root growth on the July-burned plots compared to the March- and May-burned plots. With two years of information on the seasonal dynamics of foliage production, root growth, and root carbohydrates, we determined that at our study site, optimal prescribed fire would impact tree growth less in November through March compared to other times of the year. We also observed that severe drought during the 1998 growing season was associated with a 3-month delay in peak root growth, and prolonged drought in 1999 through 2000 coincided with a reduction in root starch storage. We conclude that season of prescribed fire potentially affects root processes, but that severe or prolonged drought may either interact with or override these effects.  相似文献   

The significant loss of the longleaf pine‐wiregrass ecosystem in the southeastern United States has serious implications for biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. In response to this loss, we have initiated a long‐term and landscape‐scale restoration experiment at the 80,125 ha (310 mi2) Department of Energy Savannah River Site (SRS) located near Aiken, South Carolina. Aristida beyrichiana (wiregrass), an important and dominant grass (i.e., a “matrix” species) of the longleaf pine savanna understory, and 31 other herbaceous “non‐matrix” species were planted at six locations throughout SRS in 2002 and 2003. Of the 36,056 transplanted seedlings, 75% were still alive in June 2004, while mean 1–2 year survival across all planted species was 48%. Lespedeza hirta (hairy lespedeza) exhibited the greatest overall survival per 3 × 3 m cell at 95%, whereas Schizachyrium spp. (little bluestem) exhibited the greatest mean cover among individual species at 5.9%. Wiregrass survival and cover were significantly reduced when planted with non‐matrix species. Aggregate cover of all planted species in restored cells averaged 25.9% in 2006. High rates of survival and growth of the planted species resulted in greater species richness (SR), diversity, and vegetative cover in restored cells. Results suggest that the loss of the longleaf pine‐wiregrass ecosystem may be ameliorated through restoration efforts and illustrate the positive impact of restoration plantings on biodiversity and vegetative cover.  相似文献   

Populations of Bachman's Sparrows (Peucaea aestivalis) have declined range‐wide since the late 1960s. Populations at the periphery of their range have exhibited some of the steepest declines, and these sparrows are now rare or extirpated over much of the northern extent of their historical range. To better understand the spatial ecology of Bachman's Sparrows in this region of decline, we examined microhabitat selection and determined the home range sizes of radio‐tagged male Bachman's Sparrows (= 37) in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina in 2014 and 2015. From April to July, we located males 1–2 times daily for 5–6 d per week. We measured vegetation structure in home ranges using 5‐m‐radius plots centered on a subset of 10 randomly selected telemetry locations as well as in available unused locations 50 m and in a random direction from each telemetry location. Mean size of home ranges (7.9 ha) was larger than estimates reported in most previous studies, with differences among studies possibly due, at least in part, to differences in the characteristics of habitats where studies were conducted. The home ranges of Bachman's Sparrows in our study had greater densities of woody and dead vegetation than unused areas. Although generally considered detrimental to the presence of Bachman's Sparrows, the presence of some woody vegetation in frequently burned (i.e., ≤ 3‐yr return interval) longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) communities like those in our study may be important in providing song perches for males and cover from attacking predators. Bachman's Sparrows in our study showed clear selection for several vegetation characteristics linked to frequent fire. Management strategies that approximate historical fire regimes in longleaf pine ecosystems should continue to be promoted as essential tools for the conservation of Bachman's Sparrows.  相似文献   

Abstract Logging, fire suppression, and urbanization have all contributed to the serious decline and fragmentation of Pinus palustris (longleaf pine) ecosystems in the southeastern United States. Effective management of the remaining patches of these pyrogenic communities must incorporate periodic low‐intensity fires, even where they are located on private lands in populated urban and suburban areas. To explore the effects of fire and its potential use for restoration and management of small fragments surrounded by suburban development, we conducted growing season prescribed fires in remnant longleaf pine sandhill patches in the suburbs of Gainesville, Florida. Density and composition of hardwoods were surveyed pre‐burn and 1 and 9 months post‐burn. Woody stem density decreased in the burn plots, predominantly in the smaller size classes. Flowering responses of forbs and small shrubs were surveyed six times post‐burn for 1 year. Overall, the burns did not yield greater densities of flowering stems, but burn patches had higher species richness and diversity than control patches. In addition, there were consistently greater numbers of “showy flowered” sandhill species in flower in burn patches relative to controls. The results of this research demonstrate that prescribed fire can be used for restoration and management of small remnants of longleaf pine sandhill in suburban neighborhoods. It is also clear that although a single prescribed burn can be effective, it will take more than one burn to attain desired restoration goals in degraded longleaf remnants.  相似文献   

Assessing the status of soil nutrients with their corresponding microbial communities provides important information about degraded soils during the restoration of coastal wet pine forests. Net nitrogen mineralization, nitrogen‐oxidizing bacteria (NOB), and soil microbial biomass were compared with patch‐derived volume along a 110‐year longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) chronosequence for identifying a trajectory and ecological benchmark during forest restoration. Net nitrogen mineralization rates decreased significantly in the maturing‐aged, pine patches, driven by a larger drop in net nitrification. Net nitrification and abundance of NOB were higher in young pine patches compared to soils from the maturing (86–110 years) pine patches. Gross nitrate fluxes followed the nonfungal portion of the soil microbial biomass along the chronosequence, declining in 64‐year‐old pine patches. Microbial biomass peaked in patches 17–34 years of age, but significantly declined in the older patches. Fungal biomass leveled off without decline. Ammonium was the major source of nitrogen within the maturing pine patches as well as the wetland patches, indicating that ammonium maintains longleaf pine during growth‐limiting conditions. Nitrate dominated during rapid tree growth, optimally in mesic conditions. The relative amounts of available ammonium to nitrate can be used to model nitrogen cycling in facultative‐wetland pine forests of the coastal United States as soils alternate between wet and mesic conditions. A key restoration benchmark occurred after 86 years of pine development when pine patch growth rates slowed, with lower numbers of NOB, when the nonfungal biomass leveled off, and net nitrification rates are at a minimum, during pine maturation.  相似文献   

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