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A collection of subfossil wood of Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine) was exposed to X-ray densitometry. The collection of 64 samples from the southern boreal forest zone was dendrochronologically cross-dated to a.d. 673-1788. Growth characteristics were determined by performing density profiles including the following parameters: minimum density, earlywood and latewood boundary density, maximum density, earlywood width, earlywood density, latewood width, latewood density, annual ring width and annual ring density. Seven out of the nine parameters were found to contain non-climatic growth trends and six were found to be heteroscedastic in their variance. Tree-specific records were indexed, to remove the non-climatic growth trends and stabilize the variance, and combined into nine parameter-specific tree-ring chronologies. Growth characteristics of the pines changed in parallel with the generally agreed climatic cooling from the Medieval Warm Period to the Little Ice Age: pine tree-rings showed decreasing maximum densities from the period a.d. 975-1150 to a.d. 1450–1625. A concomitant change in the intra-annual growth characteristics was detected between these periods. The findings indicate that not only the trees growing near the species’ distributional limits are sensitive to large-scale climatic variations but also the trees growing in habitats remote from the timberline have noticeably responded to past climate changes.  相似文献   


Actualistic studies on mammalian carnivore taphonomy in southern South America are reviewed here, including pumas, small cats, foxes, and other, smaller carnivores. Patterns for different carnivore taxa and their variation are elicited. Also temporal and spatial variability is analysed, and comparisons are made to other carnivores and regions. While generally these Neotropical carnivores produce low damage intensity, stronger modifications and their implications are described as well. These patterns and their variation are put in context by taking into account the particular physical and biotic conditions in the southern Neotropics.  相似文献   

A land cover map of South America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A digital land cover map of South America has been produced using remotely sensed satellite data acquired between 1995 and the year 2000. The mapping scale is defined by the 1 km spatial resolution of the map grid‐cell. In order to realize the product, different sources of satellite data were used, each source providing either a particular parameter of land cover characteristic required by the legend, or mapping a particular land cover class. The map legend is designed both to fit requirements for regional climate modelling and for studies on land cover change. The legend is also compatible with a wider, global, land cover mapping exercise, which seeks to characterize the world's land surface for the year 2000. As a first step, the humid forest domain has been validated using a sample of high‐resolution satellite images. The map demonstrates both the major incursions of agriculture into the remaining forest domains and the extensive areas of agriculture, which now dominate South America's grasslands.  相似文献   

The Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests (SDTF) present very high biodiversity and a number of tree species that are adapted to prolonged periods of water stress. Considering tree ring formation is mainly driven by seasonal variation in precipitation in tropical environments, tree-ring studies from STDF can provide important contributions to understanding how these forests are responding to climate variations. In the present study, we demonstrate the influence of edaphoclimatic variables (precipitation, air temperature and soil water deficit-SWD) and the ocean teleconnections (Tropical Southern Atlantic-TSA, Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation-AMO, Western Hemisphere Warm Pool-WHWP and El Niño 3.4) on Cedrela odorata L. growth from a SDTF of northeastern Brazil. We used standard dendrochronological methods to develop an 89-year-long ring-width index chronology. The climate sensitivity of C. odorata was assessed through Pearson's correlation tests and linear regressions, which allowed to identify the determinant months (cause-effect) of each variable on the chronology. Tree growth was positively correlated with precipitation and negatively correlated with air temperature and SWD, particularly during the rainy season (March to August). In parallel, we identified that extremely dry years can contribute to missing rings, exposing the lack of growth in C. odorata caused by water stress. Among the oceanic variables, all of them showed a negative effect on radial growth of C. odorata, except for TSA, which had no significant effect. Tree growth is constrained in years with strong El Niño and high values of AMO index during the rainy months (May, June and October). However, the WHWP showed a more pronounced negative effect in the beginning of the dry season (September). Our findings add valuable information on C. odorata responses to hydrological seasonality from SDTF and the fluctuations in oceanic teleconnections, which in turn, influence the rainfall dynamics in northeastern Brazil.  相似文献   

Twenty eight species of Ixodidae have been found on man in South America (21 Amblyomma, 1 Boophilus, 2 Dermacentor, 2 Haemaphysalis, 1 Ixodes and 1 Rhipicephalus species). Most of them are rarely found on man. However, three species frequently parasitize humans in restricted areas of Argentina (A. neumanni reported from 46 localities), Uruguay (A. triste from 21 sites) and Argentina–Brazil (A. parvum from 27 localities). The most widespread ticks are A. cajennense (134 localities in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Suriname and Venezuela), A. ovale (37 localities in Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Suriname and Venezuela) and A. oblongoguttatum (28 sites in Brazil, Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela). Amblyomma aureolatum (18 localities in Argentina, Brazil, French Guiana and Paraguay), A. cajennense, and A. triste are vectors of rickettsioses to man in South America. A better understanding of the respective roles of these and other tick species in transmitting pathogens to humans will require further local investigations. Amblyomma ticks should be the main subjects of these studies followed by species of Boophilus, Dermacentor, Haemaphysalis and Rhipicephalus species. In contrast with North America, Europe and Asia, ticks of the genus Ixodes do not appear to be major players in transmitting diseases to human. Indeed, there is only one record of an Ixodes collected while feeding on man for all South America.  相似文献   

The review article presents some of the history of how paleoparasitology started in Brazil, making highlight the great responsible Dr. Luiz Fernando Ferreira and Dr. Adauto Araújo, the trajectory of paleoparasitology in Brazil since 1978 and its performance in science to the present day. In sequence, it is made a presentation of parasitological findings on human remains found in archaeological sites in South America, highlighting Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and Peru, where major discoveries have occurred. Many of the parasites found in archaeological material and mentioned in this review went out of Africa with the peopling of Europe and from there they dispersed around the world, where climatic conditions allow the transmission. However, humans have acquired other parasites of animals, since humans invaded new habitats or creating new habits adopting new technologies, thus expanding its range of influence on the environment. Thus, this review article is finalized with information that explain the importance of these findings in the interaction between parasites, human host, and ambient.  相似文献   

Seasonal climate can influence the radial growth of woody species, resulting in physical indications of regional environmental events that are identifiable through dendrochronological analysis. The objective of this work was to investigate the dendroclimatological potential of the Paratecoma peroba occurring in the last remnant of seasonal semideciduous forest in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and to characterize the anatomical structure of its growth rings. This important species has a large ecological role in the forest as a late succession but is classified as “Endangered" because it is extensively and illegally exploited due to the use potential of wood. Samples were collected and analyzed using dendrochronological methods and wood anatomy. P. peroba has distinct annual growth rings with diffuse to semi-porous porosity, marginal parenchyma, radial flattening, and greater thickening of the fibre wall in the latewood. It may sometimes present weakly distended rays and a higher frequency of vessels in the initial wood. The analyzed individuals are 30–77 years of age and exhibit a radial increase of 2–4 mm year-1. Our results indicate that precipitation and temperature influence the growth of P. peroba in this forest and that temperature is the climatic factor with the most influence on the growth ring of the species. Given the importance of the species and the study area, knowing its growth rates and the factors that influence it is possible to offer better criteria for managing species and its reforestation for conservation.  相似文献   

Semiarid environments throughout the world have lost a major part of their woody vegetation and biodiversity due to the effects of wood cutting, cattle grazing and subsistence agriculture. The resulting state is typically used for cattle production, but the productivity of these systems is often very low, and erosion of the unprotected soil is a common problem. Such dry‐land degradation is of great international concern, not only because the resulting state is hardly productive but also because it paves the way to desertification. The natural distribution of the genus Prosopis includes arid and semiarid zones of the Americas, Africa and Asia, but the majority of the Prosopis species are, however, native to the Americas. In order to assess a likely gradient in the response of tree species to precipitation, temperature and their connection to El Niño southern oscillation (ENSO) events, two Prosopis species were chosen along a latitudinal gradient in Latin America, from northern Peru to central Chile: Prosopis pallida from a semi‐arid land in northern and southern Peru and P. chilensis from a semiarid land in central Chile. Growth rings of each species were crossdated at each sampling site using classical dendrochronological techniques. Chronologies were related with instrumental climatic records in each site, as well as with SOI and N34 series. Cross‐correlation, spectral and wavelet analysis techniques were used to assess the relation of growth with precipitation and temperature. Despite the long distance among sites, the two Prosopis species presented similar responses. Thus, the two species' growth is positively correlated to precipitation, while with temperature it is not. In northern Peru, precipitation and growth of P. pallida present a similar cyclic pattern, with a period of around 3 years. On the other hand, P. pallida in southern Peru, and P. chilensis also present this cyclic pattern, but also another one with lower frequency, coinciding with the pattern of precipitation. Both cycles are within the range of the ENSO band.  相似文献   

Dicynodont therapsids were a major component of the Permo-Triassic terrestrial ecosystems across Pangea and have been regarded as specialized herbivores. In South America, the group was represented by several taxa of the clade Kannemeyeriiformes spanning from the Middle to the Late Triassic. In order to evaluate if cranial differences among taxa are potentially related to differences in feeding function, we performed a geometric morphometric analysis on 28 South American dicynodont crania. We digitized 19 cranial landmarks and conducted generalized Procrustes analysis, principal component analysis (PCA), principal component analysis between groups (bg-PCA), and a branch weighted squared-change parsimony approach. Phylogenetic inertia was not a significant driver of cranial shape evolution in the group, whereas PCA and bg-PCA support that major morphological shape differences are concentrated in the preorbital region (relative length of the snout and width of the caniniform process), in the position of quadrate condyle in relation to the caniniform process, and in the increase in the intertemporal surface area. In this context, tusked Dinodontosaurus, “Kannemeyeria,” and Vinceria have relatively smaller adductor attachment areas and input moment arm than younger taxa lacking tusks, such as Ischigualastia, Stahleckeria, and Jachaleria. Differences in cranial morphology in later dicynodonts reflect modifications in feeding mechanics, probably due to changes in food resources (vegetation) in their habitats toward the end of the Triassic.  相似文献   

Based on the 1958 Vema cruise and the 1965 Anton Bruun cruise 11 off the west coast of Central America and south through the islands east of the tip of South America, 143 trawl samples were examined for abyssal polychaetous annelida. The cruise tracks designated 7 major areas: Central America (1), Ecuador-Peru (II), Central and Southern Chile (III), Chile and the Magellan Strait (IV), Tierra del Fuego (V), the Island Complex (Falkland, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands) (VI), the Drake Strait and Antarctic Peninsula (VII). The collections yielded 7,015 individuals and 322 species from 52 families. The relatively small number of species was attributed mainly to sampling effort, collecting gear and processing techniques. Each major area was characterized in terms of the number of individuals, the number of species, mean number of individuals, mean number of species and mean H′, SR, J′ and DI. Species diversity was significantly higher in Central America (I) than in the other areas. The relationships between biotic and abiotic measures (depth and areas of upwelling) were examined. There were no significant associations for the entire data base with depth. Moreover, there was no association between abundance of polychaetes and areas of upwelling which was hypothesized. In fact, relative abundance was highest in the deepest portions of Central America (I) (Guatemala Basin) and Ecuador—Peru (II) (Milne—Edwards Deep) compared to shallower areas closer to areas of upwelling. Quantitative collecting gear and refined processing techniques will be required to more accurately address these relationships. Dominant families were identified in terms of number of species and number of individuals. These families conformed well with world wide generalizations of dominant families. Dominant species were identified based on the Biological Index Value. The top twenty or dominant species for each major area were identified. A number of these dominant species occurred widely throughout the major areas. The dominant species for the entire data set were determined. In general these species were very eurybathic which was consistent with other worldwide depth distributions of abyssal polychaetes. Based on biotic measures (mean number of species, mean H', SR, J′ and DI) and the Simpson and Dice similarity co-efficients, several zoogeographic patterns emerged. The polychaete fauna from Central America (I) to southern Chile (II) formed a relatively homogeneous group. Polychaetes from Central America (I) had affinities with faunas studied off western Mexiko. The Chile and Magellan Strait (IV) area seemed to be a transition area which yielded to another relatively homogeneous fauna comprising areas V—VII. The latter fauna belonged to an Antarctic polychaete fauna which was documented earlier in other studies with a larger data base and more sophisticated analysis. It is hoped that the present study will help to provide a start to fill the zoogeographic gap of this enormous and bathymetrically diverse area.  相似文献   

Lepidopilum grevilleanum Mitt., long considered a synonym ofL. affine C. Müll., is a distinct and rare species of western Ecuador.Lepidopilum affine is widespread, presently known from the western and northern Amazon basin, Atlantic region of northern South America, and the Pacific coastal region of Central America. Several new synonyms are proposed forLepidopilum affine: L. allionii Broth.,L. ambiguum Broth.,L. antisanense Bartr.,L. mittenii C. Müll.,L. obtusulum C. Müll., andL. subobtusulum Broth.Lepidopilum pulcherrimum Steere is a synonym ofL. grevilleanum.  相似文献   

Spatial synchrony refers to the presence of a common signal for a time-varying characteristic that, in dendrosciences, is shared among tree-ring chronologies from a particular area. Analysis and interpretation of synchrony patterns in tree-ring networks is currently limited by: (i) the requirement for flexible modelling of complex correlations and heteroscedastic errors and (ii) the availability of ready-to-use open software to fulfil this task. We present an R package (DendroSync) that facilitates estimating and plotting synchrony patterns for pre-defined groups. The package has been devised to work with traits derived from tree rings (e.g. ring-width), but other data types are also suitable. It combines variance-covariance mixed modelling with functions that quantify the degree to which tree-ring chronologies contain a common signal over a fixed time period. It also estimates temporal changes in synchrony using a moving window algorithm. The functionality and usage of DendroSync are illustrated using a simple example.  相似文献   

Aims This study assesses the relationship between phylogenetic relatedness of angiosperm tree species and climatic variables in local forests distributed along a tropical elevational gradient in South America. In particular, this paper addresses two questions: Is phylogenetic relatedness of plant species in communities related to temperature variables more strongly than to water variables for tropical elevational gradients? Is phylogenetic relatedness of plant species in communities driven by extreme climatic conditions (e.g. minimum temperature (MT) and water deficit) more strongly than by climatic seasonal variability (e.g. temperature seasonality and precipitation seasonality)?Methods I used a set of 34 angiosperm woody plant assemblages along an elevational gradient in the Andes within less than 5 degrees of the equator. Phylogenetic relatedness was quantified as net relatedness index (NRI) and nearest taxon index (NTI) and was related to major climatic variables. Correlation analysis and structure equation modeling approach were used to assess the relationships between phylogenetic relatedness and climatic variables.Important findings Phylogenetic relatedness of angiosperm woody species in the local forest communities is more strongly associated with temperature-related variables than with water-related variables, is positively correlated with mean annual temperature (MAT) and MT, and is related with extreme cold temperature more strongly than with seasonal temperature variability. NTI was related with elevation, MAT and MT more strongly than was NRI. Niche convergence, rather than niche conservatism, has played a primary role in driving community assembly in local forests along the tropical elevational gradient examined. Negative correlations of phylogenetic relatedness with elevation and higher correlations of phylogenetic relatedness with elevation and temperature for NTI than for NRI indicate that evolution of cold tolerance at high elevations in tropical regions primarily occurred at recent (terminal) phylogenetic nodes widely distributed among major clades.  相似文献   

  • The Cactaceae is one of the most conspicuous and ecologically important plant families in the world. Its species may have specialist or generalist pollination systems that show geographic patterns, which are synthesised in the Geographic Dichotomy Hypothesis.
  • Here, we assess this hypothesis in five countries in both tropical and extratropical regions, evaluating the pollinator visitation rate and pollinator identity and abundance. We calculate the Shannon diversity index (H′) and evenness (J) and evaluate differences between latitude parameters with a Student t‐test.
  • Overall, we found more specialised pollination systems in all tropical sites; the richness, diversity and evenness of pollinators was reduced in comparison to extratropical regions, where the pollination system was generalised.
  • Our results support the geographic dichotomy hypothesis in the cacti of South America, suggesting that environmental factors underlying the latitudinal patterns can help to explain differences in the pollination syndrome between tropical and extratropical regions.

Up to now, the development of dendrochronological records from tropical regions in South America has been limited to the lowlands with emphasis in the Amazon basin. In this contribution, we present the first chronology of Cedrela nebulosa, a species that develops in the tropical mountainous regions of South America. We collected samples from trees in Monobamba district in Peru, analysed the anatomical features that determine the growth rings, and processed following the methods commonly used in dendrochronology. The 133-years chronology covering the 1883–2015 period, showed large correlation between series. In order to determine the climatic variables that control tree growth, we performed correlation analyses between tree-growth and local and regional precipitation and temperature records. We found that precipitation triggers tree growth at the beginning of the spring season but temperature seems to be the main control in annual growth. Also, C. nebulosa chronology present coherent variations with Multivariate Enso Index (MEI) and Pacific Ocean sea surface temperatures during summer months. This climate-sensitive tree-ring record indicates good potential for dendroclimatic studies and provides an opportunity to reconstruct climatic variations in montane forests of the tropical Andes.  相似文献   

We analyzed mtDNA sequence variation in 590 individuals from 18 south Amerindian populations. The spatial pattern of mtDNA diversity in these populations fits well the model proposed on the basis of Y-chromosome data. We found evidence of a differential action of genetic drift and gene flow in western and eastern populations, which has led to genetic divergence in the latter but not in the former. Although it is not possible to identify a pattern of genetic variation common to all South America, when western and eastern populations are analyzed separately, the mtDNA diversity in both regions fits the isolation-by-distance model, suggesting independent evolutionary dynamics. Maximum-likelihood estimates of divergence times between central and south Amerindian populations fall between 13,000 and 19,000 years, which is consistent with a Pleistocenic peopling of South America. Moreover, comparison of among-population variability of mtDNA and Y-chromosome DNA seems to indicate that South America is the only continent where the levels of differentiation are similar for maternal and paternal lineages.  相似文献   

Grossi PC  Grossi EJ 《ZooKeys》2011,(75):21-28
A second species of Amblyodus Westwood, 1878, Amblyodus castroi sp. n., is described from the northern South America based on 12 specimens from Brazil and Peru (Amazonian subregion). The new species is here compared with the type species of the genus, Amblyodus taurus Westwood, 1878 and both species and their male genitalia are illustrated. Diagnostic characters for the genus are discussed, especially the metatibial teeth. A distribution map including the type species and the new species is provided. The genus Amblyodus is recorded for the first time from Peru and from Brazil states of Pará and Rondônia.  相似文献   

Bulkiness, longevity and solidity of the body in woody plants enable the successive development of accessory shoots and adventitious roots in (1) both proximal and distal positions on organs, (2) both the above-ground and below-ground space, (3) both the aerial and soil environments. In monocotyledons, woody rhizomes play an essential role in the basic growth habit and architectural models. In dicotyledonous and a few gymnospermous trees, attached and successively disconnected ramets play a multilateral role in the pertinent life strategies. The majority of sprouts, coppice shoots and root suckers behave as opportunistic organs (a) serving as means of vegetative reproduction, (b) securing colonization of unoccupied ground, (c) increasing competitive power of the species within the community, (d) increasing survival rate of the stressed/disturbed genet in marginal habitats, (e) forming replacement for ageing or damaged organs, and (f) enabling reiteration of the genet's entire architectural model.  相似文献   

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