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Changes in collagen cross-linking and lysyl oxidase by estrogen.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Dermal collagen solubility and lysyl oxidase activity of bones were measured in DDD mice of advancing age. Insoluble fractions of the dermal collagen increased more rapidly in females than in males after 5 weeks of age. Activity of the lysyl oxidase extracted from bones was higher in females than in males after 4 weeks of age. After sexual maturation, such sex differences were always observed in skin as well as in bone tissue. In other experimental animals, dermal collagen solubility was markedly decreased by estrogen treatment and lysyl oxidase was remarkably activated by estrogen in both skin and bone. Thus it is clear that estrogen stimulates the enzyme activity and accelerates the maturation of collagen and elastin in extracellular space.  相似文献   

In this paper, the synthesis of collagen cross-links in vitro was investigated in a defined system consisting of highly purified chick cartilage lysyl oxidase and chick bone collagen fibrils. Cross-link synthesis in vitro was quite similar to the biosynthesis of collagen cross-links in vivo. Enzyme-dependent synthesis of cross-link intermediates and cross-linked collagen derived from lathyritic collagen occurred. The concentration of the two principal reducible cross-links, N6:6'-dehydro-5,5'-dihydroxylysinonorleucine and N6:6'-dehydro-5-hydroxylysinonorleucine, increased to a peak value of approximately two cross-links per molecule and then decreased. Synthesis of histidinohydroxymerodesmosine and a second polyfunctional cross-link of unknown structure began after synthesis of bifunctional cross-links was largely completed and proceeded linearly afterwards. Inhibition of lysyl oxidase after the bulk of bifunctional cross-link synthesis had occurred did not alter the rate of decrease in reducible cross-link concentration but did inhibit further histidinohydroxymerodesmosine synthesis. These results indicate that lysyl oxidase and collagen fibrils are the only macromolecules required for cross-link biosynthesis in vivo. It is likely that the decrease in reducible cross-links observed during fibril maturation results from spontaneous reactions within the collagen fibril rather than additional enzymatic reactions.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic analyses of the products of cell-free translation of elastin mRNA isolated from 17-day chick-embryo thoracic arteries have demonstrated that the elastin mRNA codes for polypeptides that are slightly larger than the cellular tropoelastin polypeptides synthesized and secreted by matrix-free artery cells. Pulse-chase experiments with cells labelled with [3H]proline established that newly synthesized tropoelastin polypeptides were associated solely with membrane-bound particulate fractions. Cell-free translation of membrane-bound and free polyribosomes isolated from artery cells revealed that the tropoelastin mRNA was associated predominantly with the membrane-bound fraction. When rough-microsomal fractions, isolated from cells labelled with [3H]proline for 10 min, were treated with proteinases in the presence and in the absence of detergent, the nascent tropoelastin polypeptides were shown to be susceptible to proteolysis only when the integrity of the membranes was destroyed by detergent treatment. In similar experiments tropoelastin polypeptides synthesized by membrane-bound polyribosomes in the nuclease-treated reticulocyte lysate were also resistant to the proteolytic-enzyme treatment. The results suggest that tropoelastin polypeptides are synthesized on membrane-bound polyribosomes and discharged into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum with co-translational removal of a signal peptide.  相似文献   

Lysyl oxidase is a specific amine oxidase that catalyzes the formation of aldehyde cross-link intermediates in collagen and elastin. In this study, lysyl oxidase from embryonic chick cartilage was purified to constant specific activity and a single protein band on sodium dodecyl sulfate acrylamide gel electrophoresis. This band had an apparent molecular weight of 62,000. The eluted protein cross-reacted with inhibiting antisera developed against highly purified lysyl oxidase. The highly purified enzyme was active with both insoluble elastin and embryonic chick skin or bone collagen precipitated as reconstituted, native fibrils. There was low activity with nonhydroxylated collagen, collagen monomers, or native fibrils isolated from lathyritic calvaria. The maximum number of aldehyde intermediates formed per molecule of collagen that became insoluble was two. These results indicate that lysyl oxidase has maximum activity on ordered aggregates of collagen molecules that may be overlapping associations of only a few collagen molecules across. Formation of aldehyde intermediates and cross-links during fibril formation may facilitate the biosynthesis of stable collagen fibrils and contribute to increased fibril tensile strength in vivo.  相似文献   

Isonicotinic acid hydrazide (isoniazid) causes a large increase in the salt-solubility of collagen when injected into chick embryos; this change is accompanied by the inactivation of lysyl oxidase (EC, the enzyme responsible for initiating cross-link formation in collagen and elastin. In addition, isoniazid markedly decreases the liver content of pyridoxal phosphate. The depletion of pyridoxal phosphate takes approx. 6 h, whereas the inhibition of lysyl oxidase and the increase in collagen solubility occur more slowly. A reversal of these effects of isoniazid can be produced by the subsequent injection of a stoichiometric amount of pyridoxal, supporting the role of pyridoxal as a cofactor for lysyl oxidase. Treatment of chick embryos with beta-aminopropionitrile, an irreversible inhibitor of lysyl oxidase, causes an inhibition of the enzyme, which begins to recover within 24 h but which is not affected by the administration of pyridoxal; with isoniazid inhibition, however, lysyl oxidase activity does not show any sign of recovery by 48 h. It is proposed that isoniazid may cause the inhibition of lysyl oxidase by competing for its obligatory cofactor, pyridoxal phosphate. The potential clinical implications in the therapeutic control of fibrosis are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

To clarify the role of L-ascorbic acid (AsA) in the formation of pyridinoline, we examined the effects of AsA in vitro using soluble collagen and partially purified lysyl oxidase from bovine aorta. The concentration of dehydrodihydroxylysinonorleucine decreased when AsA was added in the early stage of pyridinoline formation. However, when AsA was added in a later stage of pyridinoline formation, the concentration of pyridinoline was not affected. These findings indicated that AsA was involved in the initial enzymatic reaction in pyridinoline synthesis. We purified lysyl oxidase to confirm its association of AsA. AsA inhibited the enzyme activity. Erythorbic acid and 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate suppressed the enzyme activity as well as AsA did. The inhibition by AsA of the lysyl oxidase activity arose from characteristics of AsA structure. AsA might be important in the regulation of the oxidative reaction of lysine.  相似文献   

Lysine-rich and arginine-rich histones were examined as substrates for lysyl hydroxylase. Both proteins are known to be rich in lysyl residues, and lysine-rich histone also contains -X-Lys-Gly-sequences, whereas no such sequences are found in the arginine-rich histone. Both histones were found to be hydroxylated by lysyl hydroxylase, and the time courses of the hydroxylation reactions with these substrates were linear for at least 60 min. The Km values observed where 3 - 10(-6)M for heat-denatured lysine-rich histone and 6 - 10(-6)M for heat-denatured arginine-rich histone. Heat-denatured lysine-rich histone was hydroxylated at a higher rate than non-denatured both at 37 and 25 degrees C. No such phenomenon was found, however, when arginine-rich histone was examined as a substrate. Furthermore, at 37 degrees C lysine-rich histone was a better substrate for lysyl hydroxylase then arginine-rich histone, but this relationship was reversed at 25 degrees C. The synthesis of hydroxylysine observed with arginine-rich histone indicates that the lysyl hydroxylase preparation used in these experiments catalyzes the synthesis of hydroxylysine not only in the sequence -X-Lys-Gly-, but also in some other sequences. Certain collagen polypeptide chains are known to contain one hydroxlysyl residue in a sequence other than -X-Lys-Gly-, and the present results may explain this finding.  相似文献   

D-Pencillamine is believed to inhibit collagen cross-link biosynthesis by forming thiazolidine rings with lysyl-derived aldehydes that are intermediates in bifunctional cross-link synthesis. Recently, we showed that aldehyde biosynthesis catalyzed by lysyl oxidase occurs after the onset of fibril formation and that nascent aldehydes form Schiff-base cross-links rapidly in fibrils. This suggested that the accessibility of D-penicillamine to most aldehydes formed during cross-link synthesis might be limited. To study this, reconstituted chick bone collagen fibrils were incubated in vitro with highly purified lysyl oxidase and D-penicillamine. As reported in previous studies in vivo, allysine content increased and polyfunctional cross-link synthesis decreased with D-penicillamine. However, the concentration of bifunctional cross-links increased rather than decreased due to a 2-fold increase in N6:6'-dehydro-5,5'-dihydroxylysinonorleucine. Hydroxyallysine, an intermediate in formation of this Schiff base, decreased. A time study indicated that allysine levels increased primarily after the bulk of Schiff base synthesis. These results indicate that D-penicillamine does not inhibit bifunctional cross-link synthesis as previously suggested. Its principal effect is to block synthesis of polyfunctional cross-link products from Schiff base cross-link precursors and to cause accumulation of these precursors. This effect may be due to interference with the close molecular packing required for polyfunctional cross-link synthesis. These results also suggest a mechanism for the relative insensitivity of tissues such as bone with high hydroxylysine content to D-penicillamine. In this study, D-penicillamine caused selective accumulation of allysyl and not hydroxyallysyl residues. In bone as opposed to soft tissues, hydroxyallysyl residues are intermediates in synthesis of almost all cross-links.  相似文献   

(1) Sucrose gradient centrifugation of cytochrome oxidase in the presence of Triton X-100 gave one slowly sedimenting green band. After cross-linking with dithiobis(succinimidylpropionate) (DSP), two green bands were observed, one sedimenting like the control and the other one more rapidly. Only the slowly sedimenting band was observed if the cross-linker was cleaved by dithiothreitol before centrifugation. (2) The rapidly sedimenting band in the Triton-containing sucrose gradient is probably the internally cross-linked dimer of cytochrome oxidase; the one sedimenting slowly is the monomeric enzyme. (3) Cross-linking with DSP after monomerization yields a small fraction of internally cross-linked dimers in addition to the internally cross-linked monomers. Under similar conditions, but using the shorter cross-linker disuccinimidyl tartarate (DST), no dimers are detected. (4) Both DSP and DST cross-link the dimeric enzyme so that it could no longer be monomerized by centrifugation in Triton, unless the cross-link is cleaved. (5) Polypeptide analysis using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of cross-linked dimers and monomers suggest that subunit VIb is involved in intermonomeric cross-linking of dimeric enzyme by DSP.  相似文献   

The synthesis of lysyl oxidase, which initiates the cross-linking of collagen and elastin, was investigated in carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) induced fibrotic liver of rat. Lysyl oxidase activity of the fibrotic liver was 4 times greater than that of normal liver. mRNAs from the livers of normal and CCl4-treated rats were prepared for in vitro protein synthesis and the products were analyzed by immunoprecipitation with a monoclonal antibody against lysyl oxidase. The mRNAs from the fibrotic liver gave more than 3 times higher level of messenger copies for lysyl oxidase than did mRNAs from normal liver. The molecular weight of the nascent lysyl oxidase was 48,000.  相似文献   

Lysyl oxidase is the enzyme responsible for the oxidative deamination of lysine and hydroxylysine residues in collagen and elastin. Lysyl oxidase activity is irreversibly inhibited by disulfhydryls and diamines while the sulfhydryl-amine, penicillamine, inhibits reversibly. Monosulfhydryls or monoamines do not inhibit significantly. All inhibitors tested react directly with the enzyme. The disulfhydryls do not inhibit through thiolytic cleavage as an equivalent amount of β-mercaptoethanol does not produce significant inhibition (1). The possibility of adduct formation between these bifunctional inhibitors and aldehyde or pyridoxine derived cofactors within the enzyme is discussed.  相似文献   

Recent studies of the reaction mechanism of the molybdenum-containing enzyme xanthine oxidase are presented. The pH-dependence of both the steady-state and rapid reaction kinetics of the enzyme exhibits is bell-shaped, with pK(a)s for the acid and alkaline limbs of 6.6 and 7.4, respectively. These are assigned to ionizations of an active site base and substrate, respectively, with the implication that enzyme acts on the neutral rather than monoanionic form of the purine substrate. A computational study provides evidence that in the course of the reaction tautomerization of substrate occurs, with a proton moving from N-3 to N-9 in the course of the reaction - enzyme facilitation of this tautomerization may contribute as much as 24 kcal/mol in transition state stabilization for the reaction. Electron spin echo (ESEEM) and electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) studies of the so-called "very rapid" Mo(V) intermediate of the reaction, the latter work using a newly synthesized form of the substrate 2-hydroxy-6-methylpurine that has been selectively isotopically labeled at C-8, indicates that product is bound to the molybdenum of the active site in a simple, end-on fashion, consistent with a reaction mechanism involving nucleophilic attack of a (deprotonated) Mo-OH on the C-8 position of substrate. A kinetic study using a series of purines has failed to identify a correlation between the one-electron reduction potential for substrate and catalytic effectiveness, indicating that a reaction mechanism initiated by one-electron, outer-sphere electron transfer is unlikely. Finally, a consideration of the active site structure in the context of the above work suggests specific amino acid residues to target for site-directed mutagenesis studies. Preliminary experiments with two such mutants are entirely consistent with the proposed catalytic roles of two active site glutamate residues.  相似文献   

Extracts of bovine ligamentum nuchae have been assayed for lysyl oxidase activity using as substrates soluble elastin and soluble collagen labeled with tritiated lysine. The assays were performed in the presence and absence of sodium oleate. At 0.8 mM, oleate decreased activity with elastin more than 50% and enhanced activity with collagen to approximately 200% that of controls without oleate. The results show that this hydrophobic anion modulates lysyl oxidase specificity in crude extracts and suggests a mechanism for modifying activity in tissues.  相似文献   

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