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Cloud storage is an important cloud computing service, it allows data users to store and access their files anytime, from anywhere and with any device. To ensure the security of the outsourced data, it also must allow data user to periodically verify integrity of the data which was outsourced to an untrusted cloud server at a relatively low cost. To solve this problem, most recent auditing protocols are mainly based on the traditional-public key infrastructure. In this infrastructure, the auditor must validate the certificates of data user before auditing data integrity. Thus, it results in a large amount of computation cost and is not suitable to the multi-user setting. To overcome this problem, in this paper, we propose two efficient ID-based public auditing protocols for the outsourced data by combing Water’s signature and public auditing for the outsourced data. And the two protocols are provably secure in the standard security model. Especially, our optimized protocol has constant communication overhead and computation cost. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first ID-based auditing for data integrity in the standard security model. By comparison with Wang et al.’s scheme and Tan et al.’s scheme, our protocols have the large advantages over the other two schemes in terms of communication cost and computation cost. Simulation results show that our proposed ID-based auditing protocols are the most efficient among three schemes in terms of computation cost.  相似文献   

The public cloud storage auditing with deduplication has been studied to assure the data integrity and improve the storage efficiency for cloud storage in recent years. The cloud, however, has to store the link between the file and its data owners to support the valid data downloading in previous schemes. From this file-owner link, the cloud server can identify which users own the same file. It might expose the sensitive relationship among data owners of this multi-owners file, which seriously harms the data owners’ privacy. To address this problem, we propose an identity-protected secure auditing and deduplicating data scheme in this paper. In the proposed scheme, the cloud cannot learn any useful information on the relationship of data owners. Different from existing schemes, the cloud does not need to store the file-owner link for supporting valid data downloading. Instead, when the user downloads the file, he only needs to anonymously submit a credential to the cloud, and can download the file only if this credential is valid. Except this main contribution, our scheme has the following advantages over existing schemes. First, the proposed scheme achieves the constant storage, that is, the storage space is fully independent of the number of the data owners possessing the same file. Second, the proposed scheme achieves the constant computation. Only the first uploader needs to generate the authenticator for each file block, while subsequent owners do not need to generate it any longer. As a result, our scheme greatly reduces the storage overhead of the cloud and the computation overhead of data owners. The security analysis and experimental results show that our scheme is secure and efficient.  相似文献   

Revocation functionality is necessary and crucial to identity-based cryptosystems. Revocable identity-based encryption (RIBE) has attracted a lot of attention in recent years, many RIBE schemes have been proposed in the literature but shown to be either insecure or inefficient. In this paper, we propose a new scalable RIBE scheme with decryption key exposure resilience by combining Lewko and Waters’ identity-based encryption scheme and complete subtree method, and prove our RIBE scheme to be semantically secure using dual system encryption methodology. Compared to existing scalable and semantically secure RIBE schemes, our proposed RIBE scheme is more efficient in term of ciphertext size, public parameters size and decryption cost at price of a little looser security reduction. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first construction of scalable and semantically secure RIBE scheme with constant size public system parameters.  相似文献   

Cloud storage is an important application service in cloud computing, it allows data users to store and access their files anytime, from anywhere and with any device. To ensure the security of the outsourced data, data user needs to periodically check data integrity. In some cases, the identity privacy of data user must be protected. However, in the existing preserving identity privacy protocols, data tag generation is mainly based on complex ring signature or group signature. It brings a heavy burden to data user. To ensure identity privacy of data user, in this paper we propose a novel identity privacy-preserving public auditing protocol by utilizing chameleon hash function. It can achieve the following properties: (1) the identity privacy of data user is preserved for cloud server; (2) the validity of the outsourced data is verified; (3) data privacy can be preserved for the auditor in auditing process; (4) computation cost to produce data tag is very low. Finally, we also show that our scheme is provably secure in the random oracle model, the security of the proposed scheme is related to the computational Diffie–Hellman problem and hash function problem.  相似文献   

The existing certificateless signcryption schemes were designed mainly based on the traditional public key cryptography, in which the security relies on the hard problems, such as factor decomposition and discrete logarithm. However, these problems will be easily solved by the quantum computing. So the existing certificateless signcryption schemes are vulnerable to the quantum attack. Multivariate public key cryptography (MPKC), which can resist the quantum attack, is one of the alternative solutions to guarantee the security of communications in the post-quantum age. Motivated by these concerns, we proposed a new construction of the certificateless multi-receiver signcryption scheme (CLMSC) based on MPKC. The new scheme inherits the security of MPKC, which can withstand the quantum attack. Multivariate quadratic polynomial operations, which have lower computation complexity than bilinear pairing operations, are employed in signcrypting a message for a certain number of receivers in our scheme. Security analysis shows that our scheme is a secure MPKC-based scheme. We proved its security under the hardness of the Multivariate Quadratic (MQ) problem and its unforgeability under the Isomorphism of Polynomials (IP) assumption in the random oracle model. The analysis results show that our scheme also has the security properties of non-repudiation, perfect forward secrecy, perfect backward secrecy and public verifiability. Compared with the existing schemes in terms of computation complexity and ciphertext length, our scheme is more efficient, which makes it suitable for terminals with low computation capacity like smart cards.  相似文献   

Public key encryption with keyword search plays very important role in the outsourced data management. In most of public key encryption schemes with keyword search, the server can unlimitedly execute keyword search ability after obtaining a trapdoor information of a keyword. To restrict the ability of the server’s unlimited search, we propose a novel public key encryption with revocable keyword search by combining hash chain and anonymous multi-receiver encryption scheme in this paper. The scheme can not only achieve security property of the indistinguishability of ciphertexts against an adaptive chosen keywords attack, but also resist off-line keyword guess attack. By comparison with Yu et al.’s scheme, our scheme is more efficient in terms of computational cost and communication overhead for the whole system.  相似文献   

Most existing works to secure cloud devote to remote integrity check, search and computing on encrypted data. In this paper, we deal with simultaneous authentication and secrecy when data are uploaded to cloud. Observing that cloud is most interesting to companies in which multiple authorized employees are allowed to upload data, we propose a general framework for secure data upload in an identity-based setting. We present and employ identity-based signcryption (IBSC) to meet this goal. As it is shown that it is challenging to construct IBSC scheme in the standard model and most IBSC schemes are realized in the random oracle model which is regarded weak to capture the realistic adversaries, we propose a new IBSC scheme simultaneously performing encryption and signature with cost less than the signature-then-encryption approach. The identity based feature eliminates the complicated certificates management in signcryption schemes in the traditional public-key infrastructure (PKI) setting. Our IBSC scheme exploits Boneh et al.’s strongly unforgeable signature and Paterson et al.’s identity-based signature. The scheme is shown to satisfy semantic security and strong unforgeability. The security relies on the well-defined bilinear decision Diffie-Hellman (BDDH) assumption and the proof is given in the standard model. With our IBSC proposal, a secure data upload scheme is instantiated with simultaneous authentication and secrecy in a multi-user setting.  相似文献   

For an encryption scheme to be applied in practical applications, it should withstand various leakage attacks. In this paper, we present a new leakage-resilient public key encryption scheme whose security is based on the classical DDH (decisional Diffie-Hellman) assumption. In the computational cost, our proposed scheme is more efficient than the original Cramer-Shoup leakage-resilient public key encryption scheme. At the same time, our new scheme also enjoys a shorter (public and secret) key length, and a higher relative key leakage ratio. We formally prove our new proposal is semantically secure against adaptive posteriori chosen ciphertext key-leakage attacks assuming the hardness of the DDH problem without random models.  相似文献   

With the security requirements of networks, biometrics authenticated schemes which are applied in the multi-server environment come to be more crucial and widely deployed. In this paper, we propose a novel biometric-based multi-server authentication and key agreement scheme which is based on the cryptanalysis of Mishra et al.’s scheme. The informal and formal security analysis of our scheme are given, which demonstrate that our scheme satisfies the desirable security requirements. The presented scheme provides a variety of significant functionalities, in which some features are not considered in the most of existing authentication schemes, such as, user revocation or re-registration and biometric information protection. Compared with several related schemes, our scheme has more secure properties and lower computation cost. It is obviously more appropriate for practical applications in the remote distributed networks.  相似文献   

An aggregate signature scheme allows anyone to compress multiple individual signatures from various users into a single compact signature. The main objective of such a scheme is to reduce the costs on storage, communication and computation. However, among existing aggregate signature schemes in the identity-based setting, some of them fail to achieve constant-length aggregate signature or require a large amount of pairing operations which grows linearly with the number of signers, while others have some limitations on the aggregated signatures. The main challenge in building efficient aggregate signature scheme is to compress signatures into a compact, constant-length signature without any restriction. To address the above drawbacks, by using the bilinear pairings, we propose an efficient unrestricted identity-based aggregate signature. Our scheme achieves both full aggregation and constant pairing computation. We prove that our scheme has existential unforgeability under the computational Diffie-Hellman assumption.  相似文献   

A broadcast encryption scheme with personalized messages (BEPM) is a scheme in which a broadcaster transmits not only encrypted broadcast messages to a subset of recipients but also encrypted personalized messages to each user individually. Several broadcast encryption (BE) schemes allow a broadcaster encrypts a message for a subset S of recipients with public keys and any user in S can decrypt the message with his/her private key. However, these BE schemes can not provide an efficient way to transmit encrypted personalized messages to each user individually. In this paper, we propose a broadcast encryption scheme with a transmission of personalized messages. Besides, the scheme is based on multilinear maps ensure constant ciphertext size and private key size of each user and the scheme can achieve statically security. More realistically, the scheme can be applied to the Conditional Access System (CAS) of pay television (pay-TV) efficiently and safely.  相似文献   

In multi-server environments, user authentication is a very important issue because it provides the authorization that enables users to access their data and services; furthermore, remote user authentication schemes for multi-server environments have solved the problem that has arisen from user’s management of different identities and passwords. For this reason, numerous user authentication schemes that are designed for multi-server environments have been proposed over recent years. In 2015, Lu et al. improved upon Mishra et al.’s scheme, claiming that their remote user authentication scheme is more secure and practical; however, we found that Lu et al.’s scheme is still insecure and incorrect. In this paper, we demonstrate that Lu et al.’s scheme is vulnerable to outsider attack and user impersonation attack, and we propose a new biometrics-based scheme for authentication and key agreement that can be used in multi-server environments; then, we show that our proposed scheme is more secure and supports the required security properties.  相似文献   

Cloud computing is an emerging computing paradigm in which IT resources and capacities are provided as services over the Internet. Promising as it is, this paradigm also brings forth new challenges for security when users want to securely outsource the computation of cryptographic operations to the untrusted cloud servers. As we know, modular exponentiation is one of the basic operations among most of current cryptosystems. In this paper, we present the generic secure outsourcing schemes enabling users to securely outsource the computations of exponentiations to the untrusted cloud servers. With our techniques, a batch of exponentiations (e.g. t exponentiations) can be efficiently computed by the user with only O(n+t) multiplications, where n is the number of bits of the exponent. Compared with the state-of-the-art algorithm, the proposed schemes are superior in both efficiency and verifiability. Furthermore, there are not any complicated pre-computations on the user side. Finally, the schemes are proved to be secure under the Subset Sum Problem.  相似文献   

Aggregate signatures allow anyone to combine different signatures signed by different signers on different messages into a short signature. An ideal aggregate signature scheme is an identity-based aggregate signature (IBAS) scheme that supports full aggregation since it can reduce the total transmitted data by using an identity string as a public key and anyone can freely aggregate different signatures. Constructing a secure IBAS scheme that supports full aggregation in bilinear maps is an important open problem. Recently, Yuan et al. proposed such a scheme and claimed its security in the random oracle model under the computational Diffie-Hellman assumption. In this paper, we show that there is an efficient forgery on their IBAS scheme and that their security proof has a serious flaw.  相似文献   

In this paper we present SNUAGE, a platform-as-a-service security framework for building secure and scalable multi-layered services based on the cloud computing model. SNUAGE ensures the authenticity, integrity, and confidentiality of data communication over the network links by creating a set of security associations between the data-bound components on the presentation layer and their respective data sources on the data persistence layer. SNUAGE encapsulates the security procedures, policies, and mechanisms in these security associations at the service development stage to form a collection of isolated and protected security domains. The secure communication among the entities in one security domain is governed and controlled by a standalone security processor and policy attached to this domain. This results into: (1) a safer data delivery mechanism that prevents security vulnerabilities in one domain from spreading to the other domains and controls the inter-domain information flow to protect the privacy of network data, (2) a reusable security framework that can be employed in existing platform-as-a-service environments and across diverse cloud computing service models, and (3) an increase in productivity and delivery of reliable and secure cloud computing services supported by a transparent programming model that relieves application developers from the intricate details of security programming. Last but not least, SNUAGE contributes to a major enhancement in the energy consumption and performance of supported cloud services by providing a suitable execution container in its protected security domains for a wide suite of energy- and performance-efficient cryptographic constructs such as those adopted by policy-driven and content-based security protocols. An energy analysis of the system shows, via real energy measurements, major savings in energy consumption on the consumer devices as well as on the cloud servers. Moreover, a sample implementation of the presented security framework is developed using Java and deployed and tested in a real cloud computing infrastructure using the Google App Engine service platform. Performance benchmarks show that the proposed framework provides a significant throughput enhancement compared to traditional network security protocols such as the Secure Sockets Layer and the Transport Layer Security protocols.  相似文献   

With an advancement in biomedical applications, many images are communicated over the public networks. Therefore, these medical images are prone to various security threats. Development of end to end secure communication protocol for these medical images is found to be a challenging task. Therefore, many researchers have proposed various image medica image encryption techniques to provide end to end security of medical images. However, the existing approaches of block-based recovery of the secret through progressive sharing paradigm have support for limited threshold value of the chosen blocks out of the total number of the blocks during the communication of the image. Most of the suggested scheme has fixed threshold value for the blocks during recovery of secret; works good for a limited threshold (k) value out of number of blocks (n) in which secret has been divided for security. A novel threshold based (any value of k and n) blockwide recovery of secret in progressive secret sharing has been introduced and analyzed for distributed environment. The proposed threshold block wise splitting using progressive visual secret sharing (T-BPVSS) achieves any general higher value of threshold for recovery of secret medical images. Proposed scheme is tested based on various parameters such as varying values of threshold for recovery of secret during enhanced security scenario, as well as changing dimensions of the images and introducing noise in the images. A detailed distributed computing recovery solution is also suggested for the original secret by using distribution technique of shares across the networks of computers. The scheme satisfies for perfect security condition in distributed environment using at least minimum decided threshold numbers of participants (k) before revealing any of the blocks of secret medical image.  相似文献   



The significant advancement in the mobile sensing technologies has brought great interests on application development for the Internet-of-Things (IoT). With the advantages of contactlessness data retrieval and efficient data processing of intelligent IoT-based objects, versatile innovative types of on-demand medical relevant services have promptly been developed and deployed. Critical characteristics involved within the data processing and operation must thoroughly be considered. To achieve the efficiency of data retrieval and the robustness of communications among IoT-based objects, sturdy security primitives are required to preserve data confidentiality and entity authentication.


A robust nursing-care support system is developed for efficient and secure communication among mobile bio-sensors, active intelligent objects, the IoT gateway and the backend nursing-care server in which further data analysis can be performed to provide high-quality and on-demand nursing-care service.


We realize the system implementation with an IoT-based testbed, i.e. the Raspberry PI II platform, to present the practicability of the proposed IoT-oriented nursing-care support system in which a user-friendly computation cost, i.e. 6.33 ms, is required for a normal session of our proposed system. Based on the protocol analysis we conducted, the security robustness of the proposed nursing-care support system is guaranteed.


According to the protocol analysis and performance evaluation, the practicability of the proposed method is demonstrated. In brief, we can claim that our proposed system is very suitable for IoT-based environments and will be a highly competitive candidate for the next generation of nursing-care service systems.

Though IP multicast is resource efficient in delivering data to a group of members simultaneously, it suffers from scalability problem with the number of concurrently active multicast groups because it requires a router to keep forwarding state for every multicast tree passing through it. To solve this state scalability problem, we proposed a scheme, called aggregated multicast. The key idea is that multiple groups are forced to share a single delivery tree. In our earlier work, we introduced the basic concept of aggregated multicast and presented some initial results to show that multicast state can be reduced. In this paper, we develop a more quantitative assessment of the cost/benefit trade-offs. We propose an algorithm to assign multicast groups to delivery trees with controllable cost and introduce metrics to measure multicast state and tree management overhead for multicast schemes. We then compare aggregated multicast with conventional multicast schemes, such as source specific tree scheme and shared tree scheme. Our extensive simulations show that aggregated multicast can achieve significant routing state and tree management overhead reduction while containing the expense of extra resources (bandwidth waste and tunnelling overhead). We conclude that aggregated multicast is a very cost-effective and promising direction for scalable transit domain multicast provisioning.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of Internet applications has made communication anonymity an increasingly important or even indispensable security requirement. Onion routing has been employed as an infrastructure for anonymous communication over a public network, which provides anonymous connections that are strongly resistant to both eavesdropping and traffic analysis. However, existing onion routing protocols usually exhibit poor performance due to repeated encryption operations. In this paper, we first present an improved anonymous multi-receiver identity-based encryption (AMRIBE) scheme, and an improved identity-based one-way anonymous key agreement (IBOWAKE) protocol. We then propose an efficient onion routing protocol named AIB-OR that provides provable security and strong anonymity. Our main approach is to use our improved AMRIBE scheme and improved IBOWAKE protocol in onion routing circuit construction. Compared with other onion routing protocols, AIB-OR provides high efficiency, scalability, strong anonymity and fault tolerance. Performance measurements from a prototype implementation show that our proposed AIB-OR can achieve high bandwidths and low latencies when deployed over the Internet.  相似文献   

目的 了解深圳市社区公共卫生服务包运行中除人力成本之外最基本的运行成本。方法 通过普查和抽样问卷调查2种方法,收集并计算管理、培训等几大类成本数据。结果 按每万服务人口计,服务包运行的基本支持与保障成本,如管理、培训、租金、折旧和水电维修成本分别为6.25万元、0.15万元、6.19万元、2.73万元和3.96万元。结论 每万服务人口的各类支持成本信息,使得各级财政在基本支持与保障成本的投入标准和方向的确定上具有参考价值。  相似文献   

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