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Research on avian vocalisations has traditionally focused on male song produced by oscine passerines. However, accumulating evidence indicates that complex vocalisations can readily evolve outside the traditional contexts of mate attraction and territory defence by male birds, and yet the previous bias towards male song has shaped – and continues to shape – our understanding of avian communication as a whole. Accordingly, in this review we seek to address this imbalance by synthesising studies on female vocalisations from across signalling contexts throughout the Aves, and discuss the implications of recent empirical advances for our understanding of vocalisations in both sexes. This review reveals great structural and functional diversity among female vocalisations and highlights the important roles that vocalisations can play in mediating female-specific behaviours. However, fundamental gaps remain. While there are now several case studies that identify the function of female vocalisations, few quantify the associated fitness benefits. Additionally, very little is known about the role of vocal learning in the development of female vocalisations. Thus, there remains a pressing need to examine the function and development of all forms of vocalisations in female birds. In the light of what we now know about the functions and mechanisms of female vocalisations, we suggest that conventional male-biased definitions of songs and calls are inadequate for furthering our understanding of avian vocal communication more generally. Therefore, we propose two simple alternatives, both emancipated from the sex of the singer. The first distinguishes song from calls functionally as a sexually selected vocal signal, whilst the second distinguishes them mechanistically in terms of their underlying neurological processes. It is clear that more investigations are needed into the ultimate and proximate causes of female vocalisations; however, these are essential if we are to develop a holistic epistemology of avian vocal communication in both sexes, across ecological contexts and taxonomic divides.  相似文献   

Comments on the taxonomic treatment of Arenaria section Plinthine (Caryophyllaceae) by D. J.Goyder. Comments are given on the taxonomic treatment of Arenaria section Plinthine presented by D. J.Goyder in a revision of this group recently published in the Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 97(1): 9–32.  相似文献   

GOYDER, D. J., 1987. A revision of Arenaria section Plinthine (Coryophyllaceae). The systematics of Arenaria section Plinthine are reviewed and a classification is presented, based on detailed field and herbarium studies. Members of the section are found on the mountains of SW Europe and N Africa. Seven taxa are recognized within five species: A. alfacarensis, A. tetraquetra subsp. tetraquetra, A. tetraquetra subsp. amabilis, A. armerina, A. aggregata subsp. aggregata, A. aggregata subsp. erinacea , and A. querioides. Arenaria armerina and A. aggregata subsp. erinacea are extremely polymorphic and include minor morphological variants which have been treated as separate species in previous systematic treatments of the group.  相似文献   

Based on a literature survey, we present a review of the embryology of Euphorbiaceaesensu Webster (with about 8,000 species in five subfamilies), which are one of the largest and most diversified families and have often been considered heterogenous. Nearly 40% of over 110 publications available for the whole family is concerned with a single genusEuphorbia, so that the current level of our knowledge on the embryology of Euphorbiaceae is very poor. Nevertheless we found that, contrary to a conclusion recently published by other authors, available information does not provide evidence to support a monophyly of Euphorbiaceae. Our analysis further suggested that only the following five of over 50 embryological characters of ovules and seeds are likely to be useful for comparison between and within subfamilies: (1) the presence or absence of vascular bundles in the inner integument; (2) whether the inner integument is thick or thin (probably useful only in Phyllanthoideae); (3) whether ovules or seeds are pachychalazal or not; (4) whether seeds are arillate or not; (5) whether an exotegmen is fibrous or not. On the basis of these five characters, a consistency and diversity of individual subfamilies was discussed. The need of further extensive studies on the five characters using herbarium specimens, particularly in genera of Phyllanthoideae, Oldfieldioideae and Acalyphoideae, was also discussed.  相似文献   

The subfamily Chrysomyinae includes blowflies of considerable ecological and applied importance. Previous extensive morphological investigations have affirmed chrysomyine monophyly, but did not support the monophyly of traditional chrysomyine tribes. Conversely, molecular systematic analyses suggested a para‐ or polyphyletic Chrysomyinae. Conflicting hypotheses have been proposed about the tribe‐level classification, and about the relationships of the obligate bird parasites Protocalliphora Hough and Trypocalliphora Peus. To understand chrysomyine evolution better, we reconstructed phylogenies of the Chrysomyinae based on 2285 bp of combined data from mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase c subunit 1 (COI) and nuclear carbamoylphosphate synthetase (CPS) genes. Maximum parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian analysis (BA) strongly supported the monophyly of Chrysomyinae and the paraphyly of the tribe Chrysomyini. BA and ML yielded a monophyletic tribe Phormiini, but this was unresolved by MP. A sister‐group relationship between Trypocalliphora and Protocalliphora indicates that obligate bird parasitism evolved once within the Calliphoridae. For the first time all Neotropical genera (Cochliomyia Townsend, Compsomyiops Townsend, Paralucilia Brauer and Bergenstamm, Hemilucilia Brauer and Chloroprocta Wulp) were found to comprise a single lineage, and Chrysomya Robineau‐Desvoidy, traditionally a member of Chrysomyini, was found to be closer to the Phormiini. Similarly, Hemilucilia + Chloroprocta was a monophyletic group. Every genus for which we examined more than one species was monophyletic.  相似文献   

Lymphatic vasculature: a molecular perspective   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The lymphatic vasculature comprises an intricate network of vessels critical for fluid homeostasis, immune surveillance and fat absorption. Recent studies have provided insights into the developmental processes and molecular mechanisms controlling the formation and remodelling of the lymphatic vessels. These studies have further demonstrated the essential and active role of the lymphatic vessels in various pathological conditions and advanced our understanding of the progression of human diseases, such as inflammation and tumorigenesis. In the context of the latest exciting findings, we review here the current understanding of the mechanisms of lymphatic development and contribution of lymphatic vessels to pathological conditions.  相似文献   

A cladistic analysis of the Neotropical Castniidae is presented using 120 morphological characters, and a taxonomic treatment based on that analysis is also presented. The tribe Gazerini as previously delimited was found to be paraphyletic with respect to the genera Ceretes, Divana, Riechia, Frostetola, and Oiticicastnia. The genera Castnia, Geyeria, and Athis were also found to be non‐monophyletic taxa. The mimicry pattern had multiple independent origins in the Neotropical castniids, and at least two lineages, Riechia and Prometheus, are involved in Batesian mimicry rings with unpalatable butterfly models in the tribes Acraeini and Heliconiini (Nymphalidae). We propose for Castniini 13 new synonymies and 27 new combinations. Geyeria strigata (Walker, 1854) is revalidated. The generic placements of Athis superba (Strand, 1912) and Castnia eudesmia Gray, 1838 are questionable, but presently upheld. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The publication of Systematics Agenda 2000 in February, 1994 represented an historic event in the collaboration of the systematic biology community designed to set a research agenda for a twenty five year period across the areas of basic and applied systematics. How the community came to take the initiative to produce such a consensus is outlined. Of special interest is the emergence of the Systematics Agenda 2000 initiative from a North American perspective to a truly global enterprise.  相似文献   

The genus Katatopygia gen. n. is proposed for the Boletina erythropyga/punctus-group that was first introduced by Garrett (1924, 1925) and currently comprises eight described species. Molecular studies have strongly indicated that this group forms a monophyletic sister-group to a clade consisting of all other Boletina, Coelosia and Gnoriste, and its monophyly is supported by morphological data as well. The new genus includes the following species: Katatopygia antoma (Garrett, 1924), comb. n., Katatopygia antica (Garrett, 1924), comb. n., Katatopygia erythropyga (Holmgren, 1883), comb. n.,Katatopygia hissarica (Zaitzev & Polevoi, 2002), comb. n., Katatopygia magna (Garrett, 1925), comb. n., Katatopygia laticauda (Saigusa, 1968), comb. n., Katatopygia neoerythropyga (Zaitzev & Polevoi, 2002), comb. n. andKatatopygia sahlbergi (Lundström, 1906), comb. n., all transferred from Boletina. Katatopygia sahlbergi is found to be a senior synonym of Boletina punctus Garrett, 1925, syn. n. A phylogeny based on morphological data and using parsimony analysis yielded four most parsimonious trees where the new genus is retrieved as monophyletic with high support. Katatopygia neoerythropyga is found to be the sister-taxon to all other species that form two clades, one with Katatopygia sahlbergi-like species and one with Katatopygia erythropyga-like species. A key to males of Katatopygia is provided.  相似文献   

Plant self-incompatibility systems: a molecular evolutionary perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Incompatibility recognition systems preventing self-fertilization have evolved several times in independent lineages of Angiosperm plants, and three main model systems are well characterized at the molecular level [the gametophytic self-incompatibility (SI) systems of Solanaceae, Rosaceae and Anthirrhinum, the very different system of poppy, and the system in Brassicaceae with sporophytic control of pollen SI reactions]. In two of these systems, the genes encoding both components of pollen-pistil recognition are now known, showing clearly that these two proteins are distinct, that is, SI is a lock-and-key mechanism. Here, we review recent findings in the three well-studied systems in the light of these results and analyse their implications for understanding polymorphism and coevolution of the two SI genes, in the context of a tightly linked genome region.  相似文献   

Three new species of the streptaxid snail genus Perrottetia are described from north and northeastern Thailand, Perrottetia aquilonaria sp. n., Perrottetia dermapyrrhosa sp. n. and Perrottetia phuphamanensis sp. n. Each species is endemic to a single or a few limestone mountain ranges. The species are characterized by the morphology of their genital organs, as well as by shell characters. Perrottetia aquilonaria sp. n. has a club shaped distal penis and large penial hooks are present and penial papillae cover almost the entire penial hook portion; adjacent areas possess low reticulated folds. Perrottetia dermapyrrhosa sp. n. has a long genital atrium and the penial sheath is about two-thirds of the penis length. Penial hooks are long, scattered and sunken into deep ovate hollows; vaginal hooks are present. Perrottetia phuphamanensis sp. n. has a rounded and protruded shell periphery. The aperture is subcircular, peristome is thick and the second parietal lamella is adjacent to the first parietal lamella; a basal lamella is the smaller than in the other Thai species.  相似文献   

Viruses are the predominant infectious cause of asthma exacerbations in the developed world. In addition, recent evidence strongly suggests that viral infections may also have a causal role in the development of childhood asthma. In this article, we will briefly describe the general perception of how the link between infections and asthma has changed over the last century, and then focus on very recent developments that have provided new insights into the contribution of viruses to asthma pathogenesis. Highlighted areas include the contribution of severe early life viral infections to asthma inception, genetic determinants of severe viral infections in infancy, the differences in innate and adaptive immune system cytokine responses to viral infection between asthmatic and nonasthmatic subjects, and a potential vaccine strategy to prevent severe early life virally-induced illness.  相似文献   

What levels and patterns of craniodental variation among a fossil hypodigm are necessary to reject the null hypothesis that only a single species is sampled? We suggest how developmental and functional criteria can be used to predict where in the skeleton of fossil hominins we should expect more, or less, within-species variation. We present and test three hypotheses about the factors contributing to craniodental variation in extant primate taxa, and then apply these results to the interpretation of the P. boisei hypodigm. Within the comparative samples of extant Homo, Pan, Gorilla, Pongo, and Colobus, variables from the cranial base, neurocranium, and face that are not subject to high magnitudes of strain have consistently lower levels of intraspecific variation than variables from regions of the face subject to high levels of strain. Dental size variables are intermediate in terms of their reliability. P. boisei is found to have a low degree of variability relative to extant primates for variables shown to be generally useful for testing taxonomic hypotheses. Contrary to the claims of Suwa et al. ([1997] Nature 389:489-492), the recently discovered material from Konso falls within the range of variation of the "pre-Konso" hypodigm of P. boisei for available conventional metrical variables. Those aspects of the Konso material that appear to extend the range of the P. boisei hypodigm involve regions of the skull predicted to be prone to high levels of within-species variation. The approach used in this study focuses on craniodental data, but it is applicable to other regions of the skeleton.  相似文献   

This review summarises current understanding of the evolution of self-incompatibility inferred from DNA sequence analysis. Self-incompatibility in many plant families is controlled by a single, highly polymorphicS-locus which, in the Solanaceae, encodes an allelic series of stylar ribonucleases known as the S-RNases. PCR approaches are a convenient way to examine the diversity of S-RNase sequences within and between wild populations of a self-incompatible species and provide a unique view into the species' current and historic population structure. Similar molecular appoaches have also been used to show that S-RNases are involved in self-incompatibility in families other than the Solanaceae. A model for the evolution of ribonuclease-based self-incompatibility systems is discussed.  相似文献   

The Spitzenkörper is a dynamic structure present at the tips of hyphal cells with a single highly polarized growth site. It is closely connected with cell morphogenesis and polar growth, and is only present at actively growing sites. Morphogenesis of such highly polarized cells is complex, and requires the coordinated action of multiple protein complexes. We discuss the relevance of these complexes for the structure and function of the Spitzenkörper.  相似文献   

We use sequences from the nuclear ribosomal genes, 18S and 28S to analyze the phylogeny of the Rhizocephala Akentrogonida including two species, Clistosaccus paguri and Chthamalophilus delagei, that are critical for understanding rhizocephalan evolution but have not previously been part of a molecularly based study. In addition we use light and scanning electron microscopy to compare the cypris larvae of C. paguri, Sylon hippolytes and two species of the family Thompsoniidae, since this larval stage offers a suite of characters for analyzing the evolution of these otherwise highly reduced parasites. The Rhizocephala Akentrogonida form a monophyletic group nested within a paraphyletic “Kentrogonida”. C. paguri and S. hippolytes are sistergroups confirming the monophyly of the Clistosaccidae that was originally based on similarities in the cypris larvae. We find numerous LM and SEM level similarities between the two species, many of which appear to be correlated with their specialized sexual system, where male cyprids use an antennule to implant cells into the virgin female parasite. Some of these traits are also found in cyprids of the thompsoniid species. We conclude that the special cypris morphology and the implantation of males by antennular penetration was present in the stem species to the Thompsoniidae and the Clistosaccidae and emphasize the power of larval characters in rhizocephalan systematics. C. delagei is a sister group to Boschmaella balani and the two are nested deep within the Akentrogonida. This confirms the monophyly of the Chthamalophilidae and falsifies the theory that C. delagei should represent the most primitive extant rhizocephalan. Instead, chthamalophilid rhizocephalans represent some of the most highly advanced members of the parasitic barnacles.  相似文献   

Astrocyte dysfunction in neurological disorders: a molecular perspective   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent work on glial cell physiology has revealed that glial cells, and astrocytes in particular, are much more actively involved in brain information processing than previously thought. This finding has stimulated the view that the active brain should no longer be regarded solely as a network of neuronal contacts, but instead as a circuit of integrated, interactive neurons and glial cells. Consequently, glial cells could also have as yet unexpected roles in the diseased brain. An improved understanding of astrocyte biology and heterogeneity and the involvement of these cells in pathogenesis offers the potential for developing novel strategies to treat neurological disorders.  相似文献   

D. Curnoe  A. Thorne   《HOMO》2003,53(3):201-224
Despite the remarkable developments in molecular biology over the past three decades, anthropological genetics has had only limited impact on systematics in human evolution. Genetics offers the opportunity to objectively test taxonomies based on morphology and may be used to supplement conventional approaches to hominid systematics. Our analyses, examining chromosomes and 46 estimates of genetic distance, indicate there may have been only around 4 species on the direct line to modern humans and 5 species in total. This contrasts with current taxonomies recognising up to 23 species.

The genetic proximity of humans and chimpanzees has been used to suggest these species are congeneric. Our analysis of genetic distances between them is consistent with this proposal. It is time that chimpanzees, living humans and all fossil humans be classified in Homo. The creation of new genera can no longer be a solution to the complexities of fossil morphologies. Published genetic distances between common chimpanzees and bonobos, along with evidence for interbreeding, suggest they should be assigned to a single species.

The short distance between humans and chimpanzees also places a strict limit on the number of possible evolutionary side branches that might be recognised on the human lineage. All fossil taxa were genetically very close to each other and likely to have been below congeneric genetic distances seen for many mammals.

Our estimates of genetic divergence suggest that periods of around 2 million years are required to produce sufficient genetic distance to represent speciation. Therefore, Neanderthals and so-called H. erectus were genetically so close to contemporary H. sapiens they were unlikely to have been separate species. Thus, it is likely there was only one species of human (H. sapiens) for most of the last 2 million years. We estimate the divergence time of H. sapiensfrom 16 genetic distances to be around 1.7 Ma which is consistent with evidence for the earliest migration out of Africa. These findings call into question the mitochondrial «African Eve» hypothesis based on a far more recent origin for H. sapiens and show that humans did not go through a bottleneck in their recent evolutionary history.

Given the large offset in evolutionary rates of molecules and morphology seen in human evolution, Homo species are likely to be characterised by high levels of morphological variation and low levels of genetic variability. Thus, molecular data suggest the limits for intraspecific morphological variation used by many palaeoanthropologists have been set too low. The role of phenotypic plasticity has been greatly underestimated in human evolution.

We call into question the use of mtDNA for studies of human evolution. This DNA is under strong selection, which violates the assumption of selective neutrality. This issue should be addressed by geneticists, including a reassessment of its use for molecular clocks. There is a need for greater cooperation between palaeoanthropologists and anthropological geneticists to better understand human evolution and to bring palaeoanthropology into the mainstream of evolutionary biology.  相似文献   

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