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The Moloney murine leukemia virus causes thymic leukemias when injected into newborn mice. A major genetic determinant of the thymic disease specificity of the Moloney virus genetically maps to two protein binding sites in the Moloney virus enhancer, the leukemia virus factor b site and the adjacent core site. Point mutations introduced into either of these sites significantly shifts the disease specificity of the Moloney virus from thymic leukemia to erythroleukemia (N. A. Speck, B. Renjifo, E. Golemis, T. Frederickson, J. Hartley, and N. Hopkins, Genes Dev. 4:233-242, 1990). We have purified several polypeptides that bind to the core site in the Moloney virus enhancer. These proteins were purified from calf thymus nuclear extracts by selective pH denaturation, followed by chromatography on heparin-Sepharose, nonspecific double-stranded DNA-cellulose, and core oligonucleotide-coupled affinity columns. We have achieved greater than 13,000-fold purification of the core-binding factors (CBFs), with an overall yield of approximately 19%. Analysis of purified protein fractions by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis reveals more than 10 polypeptides. Each of the polypeptides was recovered from an SDS-polyacrylamide gel, and those in the molecular size range of 19 to 35 kDa were demonstrated to have core-binding activity. The purified CBFs were shown by DNase I footprint analyses to bind the core site in the Moloney virus enhancer specifically, and also to core motifs in the enhancers from a simian immunodeficiency virus, the immunoglobulin mu chain, and T-cell receptor gamma-chain genes.  相似文献   

Replication-competent retroviruses can be modified to carry nonviral genes. Such gene transfer vectors help define regions of the retroviral genome that are required in cis for retroviral replication. Moloney murine leukemia virus has been used extensively in vector construction, and all of the internal protein-encoding regions can be removed and replaced with other genes while still allowing production of virions containing and transmitting the altered retroviral genome. However, inclusion of a portion of the gag region from Moloney murine leukemia virus markedly increases the titer of virus derived from these vectors. We determined that this effect was due to more efficient packaging of the vector RNA into particles and did not depend on protein synthesis from the gag region. We conclude that the retrovirus packaging signal extends into the gag region. We have found that retroviral vectors containing the complete packaging signal allow more efficient gene transfer into a variety of cell types. In addition, these results may help explain why many oncogenic retroviruses have retained gag sequences and often express transforming proteins that are gag-onc hybrids.  相似文献   

We have addressed the question of the nature of Moloney murine leukemia virus (MoMuLV) repression in mouse embryos by assaying for the transient expression of MoMuLV-derived constructs microinjected into early cleavage embryos. We show that the same cis-acting DNA sequences responsible for the block in MoMuLV expression in embryonal carcinoma cell lines operate in early embryos: (i) the MoMuLV long terminal repeat is nonfunctional, and (ii) the +147 to +163 repressor binding site, or negative regulatory element, negatively regulates the expression from an active promoter.  相似文献   

S Basu  H E Varmus 《Journal of virology》1990,64(11):5617-5625
The integration protein (IN) of Moloney murine leukemia virus (MuLV), purified after being produced in yeast cells, has been analyzed for its ability to bind its putative viral substrates, the att sites. An electrophoretic mobility shift assay revealed that the Moloney MuLV IN protein binds synthetic oligonucleotides containing att sequences, with specificity towards its cognate (MuLV) sequences. The terminal 13 base pairs, which are identical at both ends of viral DNA, are sufficient for binding if present at the ends of oligonucleotide duplexes in the same orientation as in linear viral DNA. However, only weak binding was observed when the same sequences were positioned within a substrate in a manner simulating att junctions in circular viral DNA with two long terminal repeats. Binding to att sites in oligonucleotides simulating linear viral DNA was dependent on the presence of the highly conserved CA residues preceding the site for 3' processing (an IN-dependent reaction that removes two nucleotides from the 3' ends of linear viral DNA); mutation of CA to TG abolished binding, and a CA to TA change reduced affinity by at least 20-fold. Removal of either the terminal two base pairs from both ends of the oligonucleotide duplex or the terminal two nucleotides from the 3' ends of each strand did not affect binding. The removal of three 3' terminal nucleotides, however, abolished binding, suggesting an essential role for the A residue immediately upstream of the 3' processing site in the binding reaction. These results help define the sequence requirements for att site recognition by IN, explain the conservation of the subterminal CA dinucleotide, and provide a simple assay for sequence-specific IN activity.  相似文献   

The Moloney murine sarcoma-leukemia virus [M-MSV (MuLV)], propagated at high multiplicity of infection (MOI), was demonstrated previously to contain a native genome mass of 4 X 10(6) daltons as contrasted to a mass of 7 X 10(6) daltons for Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV). The 4 X 10(6)-dalton classof RNA from M-MSV (MuLV) was examined for base sequence homology with DNA complementary to the 7 X 10(6)-dalton M-MuLV RNA genome. Approximately 86% of the M-MSV (MuLV) was protected from RNase digestion by hybridization, whereas 95% of M-MuLV was protected under identical conditions. These results indicate that the small RNA class of high-MOI M-MSV (MuLV) contains little (perhaps 10%) genetic information not present in M-MuLV. Virtually all of the 1.8 X 10(6)-dalton subunits of M-MSV (MuLV) RNA contained regions of poly(A) since 94% of the RNA bound to oligo(dT) cellulose in 0.5 M KCl. This suggests that the formation of the 1.8 X 10(6)-dalton subunits occurs before their packaging into virions and does not result from hydrolysis of intact 3.5 X 10(6)-dalton subunits by a virion-associated nuclease.  相似文献   

Genetic studies of the ploidy of Moloney murine leukemia virus.   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
An assay for Moloney murine leukemia virus was developed that made use of the production of morphologically altered foci in nonproducer mouse cells (15F) carrying murine sarcoma virus. Wild-type (wt) virus gave a ratio of titers at 39 degrees C/34degrees C = 1.05 +/- 0.45 (standard deviation;n = 20). A spontaneous, thermosensitive (ts) mutant of Moloney murine leukemia virus, ts3, defective in a late viral function, gave 39 degrees C/34degrees C = 0. A murine cell line (TB) was mixedly infected with ts3 and wt (multiplicities of infection, 7.8:4.3), cloned after infection, and shown to be infected by both viruses. At 34 degrees C it produced wt, ts, and particles of mixed parentage. The heterozygotes (hz) had ratios of assays 39 degrees C/34 degrees C = 0.06 to 0.84 (mean, 0.36). To eliminate possible interference by multiploid particles with determination of the proportions of the three types of particles, the virus produced by the mixedly infected, cloned cell line at 34 degrees C was distributed by velocity sedimentation in a sucrose gradient, and virus was picked from the lightest part of the gradient. The proportions of ts, wt, and hz were 0.27, 0.26, and 0.47. Those particles identified as hz segreated ts, wt, and hz in the proportions 0.24, 0.27, and 0.49, respectively. These values were not significantly different from those predicted from a diploid model of the genome.  相似文献   

Retrovirus plus-strand synthesis is primed by a cleavage remnant of the polypurine tract (PPT) region of viral RNA. In this study, we tested replication properties for Moloney murine leukemia viruses with targeted mutations in the PPT and in conserved sequences upstream, as well as for pools of mutants with randomized sequences in these regions. The importance of maintaining some purine residues within the PPT was indicated both by examining the evolution of random PPT pools and from the replication properties of targeted mutants. Although many different PPT sequences could support efficient replication and one mutant that contained two differences in the core PPT was found to replicate as well as the wild type, some sequences in the core PPT clearly conferred advantages over others. Contributions of sequences upstream of the core PPT were examined with deletion mutants. A conserved T-stretch within the upstream sequence was examined in detail and found to be unimportant to helper functions. Evolution of virus pools containing randomized T-stretch sequences demonstrated marked preference for the wild-type sequence in six of its eight positions. These findings demonstrate that maintenance of the T-rich element is more important to viral replication than is maintenance of the core PPT.  相似文献   

Nondefective Friend murine leukemia virus (MuLV) causes erythroleukemia when injected into newborn NFS mice, while Moloney MuLV causes T-cell lymphoma. Exchange of the Friend virus enhancer region, a sequence of about 180 nucleotides including the direct repeat and a short 3'-adjacent segment, for the corresponding region in Moloney MuLV confers the ability to cause erythroid disease on Moloney MuLV. We have used the electrophoretic mobility shift assay and methylation interference analysis to identify cellular factors which bind to the Friend virus enhancer region and compared these with factors, previously identified, that bind to the Moloney virus direct repeat (N. A. Speck and D. Baltimore, Mol. Cell. Biol. 7:1101-1110, 1987). We identified five binding sites for sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins in the Friend virus enhancer region. While some binding sites are present in both the Moloney and Friend virus enhancers, both viruses contain unique sites not present in the other. Although none of the factors identified in this report which bind to these unique sites are present exclusively in T cells or erythroid cells, they bind to three regions of the enhancer shown by genetic analysis to encode disease specificity and thus are candidates to mediate the tissue-specific expression and distinct disease specificities encoded by these virus enhancer elements.  相似文献   

Intracellular Moloney murine leukemia viral precursor polyproteins were compared with mature viral proteins by immunoprecipitation and tryptic peptide mapping experiments. The results were consistent with precursor roles for Pr65gag, Pr200gag-pol, Pr135pol, and gPr83env. The glycosylated gag gene product gPr85gag, although containing sequences characteristic of all four core proteins plus additional sequences not found in Pr65gag, lacked a major tyrosine-containing p30 tryptic peptide, suggesting that gPr85gag is not processed to p30.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1996,135(6):1841-1852
Retrovirus Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV) matures by budding at the cell surface. Central to the budding process is the myristoylated viral core protein precursor Gag which, even in the absence of all other viral components, is capable of associating with the cytoplasmic leaflet of the plasma membrane and assembling into extracellular virus- like particles. In this paper we have used heterologous, Semliki Forest virus-driven, expression of M-MuLV Gag to study the mechanism by which this protein is targeted to the cell surface. In pulse-chase experiments, BFA, monensin, and 20 degrees C block did not affect incorporation of Gag into extracellular particles thereby indicating that the secretory pathway is not involved in targeting of Gag to the cell surface. Subcellular fractionation studies demonstrated that newly synthesized Gag became rapidly and efficiently associated with membranes which had a density similar to that of plasma membrane- derived vesicles. Protease-protection studies confirmed that the Gag- containing membranes were of plasma membrane origin, since in crude cell homogenates, the bulk of newly synthesized Gag was protease- resistant as expected of a protein that binds to the cytoplasmic leaflet of the plasma membrane. Taken together these data indicate that targeting of M-MuLV Gag to the cell surface proceeds via direct insertion of the protein to the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane. Furthermore, since the membrane insertion reaction is highly efficient and specific, this suggests that the reaction is dependent on as-yet-unidentified cellular factors.  相似文献   

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