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Episiotomy is still a controversy issue among physicians, despite the enormous growth of clinical research. Therefore, the potential of numerical modeling of anatomical structures to simulate biomechanical processes was exploited to realize quantitatively the real effects of the episiotomy and its consequences on the pelvic floor muscle. As such, a numerical model was used composed of pelvic floor muscles, a surface delimiting the anterior region, and a fetus body. A normal vaginal delivery without and with different episiotomies was simulated with the fetus in vertex presentation and occipitoanterior position. According to our numerical results, a mediolateral episiotomy has a protective effect, reducing the stress on the muscles, and the force required to delivery successfully up to 52.2 %. The intervention also has benefits on muscle injury, reducing the damage to a small zone. This study demonstrates the feasibility of using a computational modeling approach to study parturition, namely the capability to isolate and evaluate the mechanical significance of a single feature. It must, however, be taken into account that the numerical model does not assess problems that may occur as blood loss, infections and others, so it is necessary to examine whether the benefits of an intervention outweigh the risks.  相似文献   

A method for biomechanical analysis of bicycle pedalling   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper reports a new method, which enables a detailed biomechanical analysis of the lower limb during bicycling. The method consists of simultaneously measuring both the normal and tangential pedal forces, the EMGs of eight leg muscles, and the crank arm and pedal angles. Data were recorded for three male subjects of similar anthropometric characteristics. Subjects rode under different pedalling conditions to explore how both pedal forces and pedalling rates affect the biomechanics of the pedalling process. By modelling the leg-bicycle as a five bar linkage and driving the linkage with the measured force and kinematic data, the joint moment histories due to pedal forces only (i.e. no motion) and motion only (i.e. no pedal forces) were generated. Total moments were produced by superimposing the two moment histories. The separate moment histories, together with the pedal forces and EMG results, enable a detailed biomechanical analysis of bicycle pedalling. Inasmuch as the results are similar for all three subjects, the analysis for one subject is discussed fully. One unique insight gained via this new method is the functional role that individual leg muscles play in the pedalling process.  相似文献   

Investigations are reported in the literature, by means of experimental, analytical and numerical methods, concerning the biomechanical properties of bone. However, the evolutionary phenomena of bone fracture healing does not have a large reference literature. This work investigates and describes the behaviour of inclined human femur fractures with external fixation up to complete healing. A numerical formulation based on the finite element method has been adopted. Geometric configuration is defined using data from a magnetic resonance process applied to a femur in vivo. A three dimensional model has been developed by adopting an orthotropic material law for cortical bone and an isotropic law for the fracture gap zone. Stress and strain reponses of the bone and fixation device are investigated with reference to the evolutionary behaviour of the healing tissue.  相似文献   

Among primates, some highly gummivorous species habitually gouge trees to elicit exudate flow whereas others scrape the hardened gums from trees. These foraging behaviors are thought to require high external forces at the anterior dentition. In this study, we test whether skull form in gouging and scraping galagids corresponds to this suggested need to produce these higher external forces and to resist increased internal loads in the jaws. We find few consistent morphological patterns linking skull form and the generation of high forces during gouging. However, there is some tendency for gougers and scrapers to show increased load resistance capabilities in their mandibles. Future research on the mechanical properties of trees exploited by these species and on jaw function during gouging and scraping will improve our understanding of the mechanical demands of gum feeding on the galagid skull form.  相似文献   

Interdisciplinary communication of three-dimensional kinematic data arising from in vitro biomechanical tests is challenging. Complex kinematic representations such as the helical axes of motion (HAM) add to the challenge. The difficulty increases further when other quantities (i.e. load or tissue strain data) are combined with the kinematic data. The objectives of this study were to develop a method to graphically replay and animate in vitro biomechanical tests including HAM data. This will allow intuitive interpretation of kinematic and other data independent of the viewer's area of expertise. The value of this method was verified with a biomechanical test investigating load-sharing of the cervical spine. Three 3.0 mm aluminium spheres were glued to each of the two vertebrae from a C2-3 segment of a human cervical spine. Before the biomechanical tests, CT scans were made of the specimen (slice thickness=1.0 mm and slice spacing=1.5 mm). The specimens were subjected to right axial torsion moments (2.0 Nm). Strain rosettes mounted to the anterior surface of the C3 vertebral body and bilaterally beneath the facet joints on C3 were used to estimate the force flow through the specimen. The locations of the aluminium spheres were digitised using a space pointer and the motion analysis system. Kinematics were measured using an optoelectronic motion analysis system. HAMs were calculated to describe the specimen kinematics. The digitised aluminium sphere locations were used to match the CT and biomechanical test data (RMS errors between the CT and experimental points were less than 1.0 mm). The biomechanical tests were "replayed" by animating reconstructed CT models in accordance with the recorded experimental kinematics, using custom software. The animated test replays allowed intuitive analysis of the kinematic data in relation to the strain data. This technique improves the ability of experts from disparate backgrounds to interpret and discuss this type of biomechanical data.  相似文献   

The article provides a biomechanical analysis of ventral furrow formation in the Drosophila melanogaster embryo. Ventral furrow formation is the first large-scale morphogenetic movement in the fly embryo. It involves deformation of a uniform cellular monolayer formed following cellularisation, and has therefore long been used as a simple system in which to explore the role of mechanics in force generation. Here we use a quantitative framework to carry out a systematic perturbation analysis to determine the role of each of the active forces observed. The analysis confirms that ventral furrow invagination arises from a combination of apical constriction and apical-basal shortening forces in the mesoderm, together with a combination of ectodermal forces. We show that the mesodermal forces are crucial for invagination: the loss of apical constriction leads to a loss of the furrow, while the mesodermal radial shortening forces are the primary cause of the internalisation of the future mesoderm as the furrow rises. Ectodermal forces play a minor but significant role in furrow formation: without ectodermal forces the furrow is slower to form, does not close properly and has an aberrant morphology. Nevertheless, despite changes in the active mesodermal and ectodermal forces lead to changes in the timing and extent of furrow, invagination is eventually achieved in most cases, implying that the system is robust to perturbation and therefore over-determined.  相似文献   

Scaling of mandibular dimensions in male Old World monkeys was investigated. Mandibular condyle length, width, and area were regressed separately against body mass and mandibular length for a total of 14 species of Cercopithecoids. Scaling of mandibular depth and width against both body mass and mandibular length were also investigated. When results of regression analysis using the two different independent variables (body mass and mandibular length) were compared, there were significant pattern differences in scaling of cercopithecines versus colobines. Compared to body mass, male cercopithecines had relatively large mandibles (length, width, and depth) and also relatively large condyles (length, width, and area). However, compared to mandibular length, cercopithecines had relatively transversely thin and shallow mandibles and relatively narrow condyles. It is shown that a “biomechanical” interpretation of mandibular scaling patterns against body mass in Old World monkeys demonstrates only that cercopithecines have prognathic faces, an already well-known and well-documented condition. When the biomechanical effects of prognathic faces are controlled for (by scaling against mandibular length), it is shown that cercopithecines possess special adaptations in condyle length while colobines possess special adaptations in condyle width and mandibular depth and width. These results clearly demonstrate the importance of selecting a relevant reference variable in scaling studies where biomechanical interpretations are attempted.  相似文献   

One of the factors associated with the high prevalence of upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, among dental practitioners is the repeated high pinch force applied during periodontal scaling. The goal of this study was to determine the relationship between the pinch force applied during periodontal scaling and the forces generated at the tip of the tool. A linear biomechanical model that incorporated tool reaction forces and a calculated safety margin was created to predict the pinch force applied by experienced and inexperienced dentists during periodontal scaling. Six dentists and six dental students used an instrumented scaling tool while performing periodontal scaling on patients. Thumb pinch force was measured by a pressure sensor, while the forces developed at the instrument tip were measured by a six-axis load cell. A biomechanical model was used to calculate a safety factor and to predict the applied pinch force. For experienced dentists, the model was moderately successful in predicting pinch force (R(2)=0.59). For inexperienced dentists, the model failed to predict peak pinch force (R(2)=0.01). The mean safety margin was higher for inexperienced (4.88+/-1.58) than experienced (3.35+/-0.55) dentists, suggesting that students apply excessive force during scaling.  相似文献   

Bariatric surgery includes a variety of procedures that are performed on obese people and aim at decreasing the intake of food and calories. This goal is usually pursued by reducing stomach capacity and/or absorbing capability. Adjustable gastric banding is the most common and successful operation. In general, bariatric surgical procedures are effective, but are often associated with major complications.Surgical procedure and post-surgical conformation of the stomach are usually defined on clinical and surgical basis only. Instead, the optimal configuration should be identified by analyzing the mechanical functionality of the stomach and the surrounding structures, and the relationship between food intake, nutrient adsorption, mechanical stimulation of stomach wall and feeling of satiety.A novel approach to bariatric surgery is required, integrating competences in the areas of biomechanics, physiology and surgery, based on a strong interaction between engineers and clinicians. Preliminary results from coupled experimental and computational investigations are here reported. The analyses aim to develop computational tools for the investigation of stomach mechanical functionality in pre- and post-surgical conformations.  相似文献   

A computer-based mathematical technique was developed to measure and completely describe the migration and micromotion of a femoral hip prosthesis relative to the femur. This technique utilized the mechanics of rigid-body motion analysis and apparatus of seven linear displacement transducers to measure and describe the complete three-dimensional motion of the prosthesis during cyclic loading. Computer acquisition of the data and custom analysis software allowed one to calculate the magnitude and direction of the motion of any point of interest on the prostheses from information about the motion of two points on the device. The data were also used to replay the tests using a computer animation technique, which allowed a magnified view of the three-dimensional motion of the prosthesis. This paper describes the mathematical development of the rigid-body motion analysis, the experimental method and apparatus for data collection, the technique used to animate the motion, the sources of error and the effect of the assumptions (rigid bodies) on the results. Selected results of individual test runs of uncemented and cemented prostheses are presented to demonstrate the efficacy of the method. The combined effect of the vibration and electrical noise resulted in a resolution of the system of about 3-5 microns motion for each transducer. Deformation effects appear to contribute about 3-15 microns to the measurement error. This measurement and analysis technique is a very sensitive and powerful means of assessing the effects of different design parameters on the migration and micromotion of total joint prostheses and can be applied to any other case (knee, dental implant) where three-dimensional relative motion between two bodies is important.  相似文献   

A biomechanical model of the foot   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The foot is modeled as a statically indeterminate structure supporting its load at the heads of the five metatarsals and the tuberosity of the calcaneous. The distribution of support is determined through an analysis of the deformations caused in the structure as a result of the forces at these locations. The analysis includes the effect of the plantar aponeurosis and takes into account the deformation of the metatarsals and bending of the joints. A parametric study is presented to illustrate the behavior of the solution under a broad range of conditions.  相似文献   

To gain a better understanding of the forces working on the cervical spine, a spatial biomechanical computer model was developed. The first part of our research was concerned with the development of a kinematic model to establish the axes of rotation and the mutual position of the head and vertebrae with regard to flexion, extension, lateroflexion and torsion. The next step was the introduction of lines of action of muscle forces and an external load, created by gravity and accelerations in different directions, working on the centre of gravity of the head and possibly a helmet. Although the results of our calculations should be interpreted cautiously in the present stage of our research, some conclusions can be drawn with respect to different head positions. During flexion muscle forces and joint reaction forces increase, except the force between the odontoid and the ligamentum transversum atlantis. This force shows a minimum during moderate flexion. The joint reaction forces on the levels C0-C1, C1-C2, and C7-T1 reach minimum values during extension, each in different stages of extension. Axial rotation less than 35 degrees does not need great muscle forces, axial rotation further than 35 degrees causes muscle forces and joint reaction forces to increase fast. While performing, lateral flexion muscle forces and joint reaction forces must increase rapidly to balance the head. We obtained some indications that the order of magnitude of the calculated forces is correct.  相似文献   

A new methodological approach employing mechanical work (MW) determination and relative portion of its elemental analysis was applied to investigate the biomechanical causes of golf-related lumbar spine injuries. Kinematic and kinetic parameters at the lumbar and lower limb joints were measured during downswing in 18 golfers. The MW at the lumbar joint (LJ) was smaller than at the right hip but larger than the MWs at other joints. The contribution of joint angular velocity (JAV) to MW was much greater than that of net muscle moment (NMM) at the LJ, whereas the contribution of NMM to MW was greater rather than or similar to that of JAV at other joints. Thus, the contribution of JAV to MW is likely more critical in terms of the probability of golf-related injury than that of NMM. The MW-based golf-related injury index (MWGII), proposed as the ratio of the contribution of JAV to MW to that of NMM, at the LJ (1.55) was significantly greater than those at other joints ( < 1.05). This generally corresponds to the most frequent occurrence of golf-related injuries around the lumbar spine. Therefore, both MW and MWGII should be considered when investigating the biomechanical causes of lumbar spine injuries.  相似文献   

The periodontal ligament (PDL), as other soft biological tissues, shows a strongly non-linear and time-dependent mechanical response and can undergo large strains under physiological loads. Therefore, the characterization of the mechanical behavior of soft tissues entails the definition of constitutive models capable of accounting for geometric and material non-linearity. The microstructural arrangement determines specific anisotropic properties. A hyperelastic anisotropic formulation is adopted as the basis for the development of constitutive models for the PDL and properly arranged for investigating the viscous and damage phenomena as well to interpret significant aspects pertaining to ordinary and degenerative conditions. Visco-hyperelastic models are used to analyze the time-dependent mechanical response, while elasto-damage models account for the stiffness and strength decrease that can develop under significant loading or degenerative conditions. Experimental testing points out that damage response is affected by the strain rate associated with loading, showing a decrease in the damage limits as the strain rate increases. These phenomena can be investigated by means of a model capable of accounting for damage phenomena in relation to viscous effects. The visco-hyperelastic-damage model developed is defined on the basis of a Helmholtz free energy function depending on the strain-damage history. In particular, a specific damage criterion is formulated in order to evaluate the influence of the strain rate on damage. The model can be implemented in a general purpose finite element code. The accuracy of the formulation is evaluated by using results of experimental tests performed on animal model, accounting for different strain rates and for strain states capable of inducing damage phenomena. The comparison shows a good agreement between numerical results and experimental data.  相似文献   

A biomechanical study of lateral translation in lumbar spine with human cadavers was performed in order to explore the direction of the force increasing lateral translation and the contributions of discs and facet joints to lateral translation. Whole lumbar spines from 12 fresh cadavers were attached to a specially designed loading apparatus whose five cables simulated the muscles of the trunk without restricting natural movement. Three-dimensional positions of each vertebra were recorded with position-sensitive detectors. Force in the anterolateral direction increased the lateral translation more than force in the posterolateral direction. Lateral translation was increased to a significantly greater extent when the facet joints were removed than when the discs were removed at L4-5 at the levels of shear loading applied in this study.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new general method for kinematic analysis of rigid multi body systems subject to holonomic constraints. The method extends the standard analysis of kinematically determinate rigid multi body systems to the over-determinate case. This is accomplished by introducing a constrained optimisation problem with the objective function given as a function of the set of system equations that are allowed to be violated while the remaining equations define the feasible set.

We show that exact velocity and acceleration analysis can also be performed by solving linear sets of equations, originating from differentiation of the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker optimality conditions.

The method is applied to the analysis of an 18 degrees-of-freedom gait model where the kinematical drivers are prescribed with data from a motion capture experiment.

The results show that significant differences are obtained between applying standard kinematic analysis or minimising the least-square errors on the two fully equivalent 3D gait models with only the way the experimental data is processed being different.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new general method for kinematic analysis of rigid multi body systems subject to holonomic constraints. The method extends the standard analysis of kinematically determinate rigid multi body systems to the over-determinate case. This is accomplished by introducing a constrained optimisation problem with the objective function given as a function of the set of system equations that are allowed to be violated while the remaining equations define the feasible set. We show that exact velocity and acceleration analysis can also be performed by solving linear sets of equations, originating from differentiation of the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions. The method is applied to the analysis of an 18 degrees-of-freedom gait model where the kinematical drivers are prescribed with data from a motion capture experiment. The results show that significant differences are obtained between applying standard kinematic analysis or minimising the least-square errors on the two fully equivalent 3D gait models with only the way the experimental data is processed being different.  相似文献   

Forces, occurring as result of orthodontic appliances, present a guiding system which controls force activity during the growth and development of lower jaw. By qualitative photoelasticimetric analysis author decided to evaluate the influence of extension apparatus to the lower jaw. The concentration and stress distribution, intensity and force direction on contacts with insert (extensor device) were analysed on araldyte lower jaw models. Three different loadings 41.0, 57.4 and 73.8 N under four different loading conditions with and without the correction appliance were used. The results of investigation indicated that the force created by the orthodontic appliance is correct at the beginning. The change from surface contact to linear and punctual contact increased the static moment and local stress, resulting in new regional conditions.  相似文献   

The effect of design features of an internal spinal fixator on the loading of its individual components is paramount to the understanding of the interaction between the fixator and the instrumented spine. Using a corpectomy injury model, a strain gauge instrumented spinal fixation device was employed to investigate the role of clamp tightening torque and the inclusion of transverse bars on the distribution of bending and torsional moments acting on the fixator under torsional loading. The increase in clamp torque from 5 to 10 Nm caused a marked decrease (40%) in torsional moments acting on the vertical rods, an increase of 24% in torsional moments acting on the screws and an increase of 44% in bending moments acting on the rods along the sagittal plane of the fixator. The inclusion of transverse elements significantly increased (132%) the bending moment acting on the rods and decreased (92%) the bending moments acting on the screws along the sagittal plane. The change in both design parameters significantly reduced the response hysteresis and decreased the asymmetry of loading. A theoretical model, developed to elucidate the load path mechanisms underlying this response, successfully predicted the external response of the fixator. This model suggested both design parameters would affect the internal force and moment distribution across the fixator and the relative role of each load response mechanism in effecting this response. The changes in load patterns across the fixator will influence both its ability to augment the process of spinal fusion and the long-term performance of its components.  相似文献   

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