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Regulation and targeting of the fission yeast formin cdc12p in cytokinesis   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Formins are conserved actin nucleators which promote the assembly of actin filaments for the formation of diverse actin structures. In fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the formin cdc12p is required specifically in assembly of the actin-based contractile ring during cytokinesis. Here, using a mutational analysis of cdc12p, we identify regions of cdc12p responsible for ring assembly and localization. Profilin-binding residues of the FH1 domain regulate actin assembly and processive barbed-end capping by the FH2 domain. Studies using photobleaching (FRAP) and sensitivity to latrunculin A treatment show that profilin binding modulates the rapid dynamics of actin and cdc12p within the ring in vivo. Visualized by functional GFP-fusion constructs expressed from the endogenous promoter, cdc12p appears in a small number of cytoplasmic motile spot structures that deliver the formin to the ring assembly site, without detectable formation of an intermediate band of "nodes." The FH3/DID region directs interphase spot localization, while an N-terminal region and the FH1-FH2 domains of cdc12p can target its localization to the ring. Mutations in putative DID and DAD regions do not alter regulation, suggesting that cdc12p is not regulated by a canonical autoinhibition mechanism. Our findings provide insights into the regulation of formin activity and the mechanisms of contractile ring dynamics and assembly.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cdc42p GTPase interacts with multiple regulators and downstream effectors through an approximately 25-amino-acid effector domain. Four effector domain mutations, Y32K, F37A, D38E, and Y40C, were introduced into Cdc42p and characterized for their effects on these interactions. Each mutant protein showed differential interactions with a number of downstream effectors and regulators and various levels of functionality. Specifically, Cdc42(D38E)p showed reduced interactions with the Cla4p p21-activated protein kinase and the Bem3p GTPase-activating protein and cdc42(D38E) was the only mutant allele able to complement the Deltacdc42 null mutant. However, the mutant protein was only partially functional, as indicated by a temperature-dependent multibudded phenotype seen in conjunction with defects in both septin ring localization and activation of the Swe1p-dependent morphogenetic checkpoint. Further analysis of this mutant suggested that the multiple buds emerged consecutively with a premature termination of bud enlargement preceding the appearance of the next bud. Cortical actin, the septin ring, Cla4p-green fluorescent protein (GFP), and GFP-Cdc24p all predominantly localized to one bud at a time per multibudded cell. These data suggest that Cdc42(D38E)p triggers a morphogenetic defect post-bud emergence, leading to cessation of bud growth and reorganization of the budding machinery to another random budding site, indicating that Cdc42p is involved in prevention of the initiation of supernumerary buds during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Martin SG  Chang F 《Current biology : CB》2006,16(12):1161-1170
BACKGROUND: Formins are a conserved family of actin nucleators responsible for the assembly of diverse actin structures such as cytokinetic rings and filopodia. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the formin for3p is necessary for the formation of actin cables, which are bundles of short parallel actin filaments that regulate cell polarity. These filaments are largely organized with their barbed ends facing the cell tip, where for3p is thought to function in their assembly. RESULTS: Here, using a functional for3p-3GFP fusion expressed at endogenous levels, we find that for3p localizes to small dots that appear transiently at cell tips and then move away on actin cables at a rate of 0.3 microm/s. These movements were dependent on the continuous assembly of actin in cables, on the ability of for3p to bind actin within its FH2 domain, and on profilin and bud6p, two formin binding proteins that promote formin activity. Bud6p transiently colocalizes with for3p at the cell tip and stays behind at the cell tip when for3p detaches. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest a new model for actin cable assembly: a for3p particle is activated and promotes the assembly of a short actin filament at the cell tip for only seconds. For3p and the actin filament may then be released from the cell tip and carried passively into the cell interior by retrograde flow of actin filaments in the cable. These studies reveal a complex and dynamic cycle of formin regulation and actin cable assembly in vivo.  相似文献   

The ability of filamentous fungi to form hyphae requires the establishment and maintenance of a stable polarity axis. Based on studies in yeasts and animals, the GTPases Cdc42 and Rac1 are presumed to play a central role in organizing the morphogenetic machinery to enable axis formation and stabilization. Here, we report that Cdc42 (ModA) and Rac1 (RacA) share an overlapping function required for polarity establishment in Aspergillus nidulans. Nevertheless, Cdc42 appears to have a more important role in hyphal morphogenesis in that it alone is required for the timely formation of lateral branches. In addition, we provide genetic evidence suggesting that the polarisome components SepA and SpaA function downstream of Cdc42 in a pathway that may regulate microfilament formation. Finally, we show that microtubules become essential for the establishment of hyphal polarity when the function of either Cdc42 or SepA is compromised. Our results are consistent with the action of parallel Cdc42 and microtubule-based pathways in regulating the formation of a stable axis of hyphal polarity in A. nidulans.  相似文献   

The plus ends of microtubules have been speculated to regulate the actin cytoskeleton for the proper positioning of sites of cell polarization and cytokinesis. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, interphase microtubules and the kelch repeat protein tea1p regulate polarized cell growth. Here, we show that tea1p is directly deposited at cell tips by microtubule plus ends. Tea1p associates in large "polarisome" complexes with bud6p and for3p, a formin that assembles actin cables. Tea1p also interacts in a separate complex with the CLIP-170 protein tip1p, a microtubule plus end-binding protein that anchors tea1p to the microtubule plus end. Localization experiments suggest that tea1p and bud6p regulate formin distribution and actin cable assembly. Although single mutants still polarize, for3Deltabud6Deltatea1Delta triple-mutant cells lack polarity, indicating that these proteins contribute overlapping functions in cell polarization. Thus, these experiments begin to elucidate how microtubules contribute to the proper spatial regulation of actin assembly and polarized cell growth.  相似文献   

Actin filaments are dynamically reorganized to accommodate ever-changing cellular needs for intracellular transport, morphogenesis, and migration. Formins, a major family of actin nucleators, are believed to function as direct effectors of Rho GTPases, such as the polarity regulator Cdc42p. However, the presence of extensive redundancy has made it difficult to assess the in vivo significance of the low-affinity Rho GTPase–formin interaction and specifically whether Cdc42p polarizes the actin cytoskeleton via direct formin binding. Here we exploit a synthetically rewired budding yeast strain to eliminate the redundancy, making regulation of the formin Bni1p by Cdc42p essential for viability. Surprisingly, we find that direct Cdc42p–Bni1p interaction is dispensable for Bni1p regulation. Alternative paths linking Cdc42p and Bni1p via “polarisome” components Spa2p and Bud6p are also collectively dispensable. We identify a novel regulatory input to Bni1p acting through the Cdc42p effector, Gic2p. This pathway is sufficient to localize Bni1p to the sites of Cdc42p action and promotes a polarized actin organization in both rewired and wild-type contexts. We suggest that an indirect mechanism linking Rho GTPases and formins via Rho effectors may provide finer spatiotemporal control for the formin-nucleated actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Site-specific activation of the Rho-type GTPase Cdc42p is critical for the establishment of cell polarity. Here we investigated the role and regulation of the GTPase-activating enzymes (GAPs) Bem2p and Bem3p for Cdc42p activation and actin polarization at bud emergence in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Bem2p and Bem3p are localized throughout the cytoplasm and the cell cortex in unbudded G1 cells, but accumulate at sites of polarization after bud emergence. Inactivation of Bem2p results in hyperactivation of Cdc42p and polarization toward multiple sites. Bem2p and Bem3p are hyperphosphorylated at bud emergence most likely by the Cdc28p-Cln2p kinase. This phosphorylation appears to inhibit their GAP activity in vivo, as non-phosphorylatable Bem3p mutants are hyperactive and interfere with Cdc42p activation. Taken together, our results indicate that Bem2p and Bem3p may function as global inhibitors of Cdc42p activation during G1, and their inactivation by the Cdc28p/Cln kinase contributes to site-specific activation of Cdc42p at bud emergence.  相似文献   

Regulation of Hsp90 ATPase activity by the co-chaperone Cdc37p/p50cdc37   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In vivo activation of client proteins by Hsp90 depends on its ATPase-coupled conformational cycle and on interaction with a variety of co-chaperone proteins. For some client proteins the co-chaperone Sti1/Hop/p60 acts as a "scaffold," recruiting Hsp70 and the bound client to Hsp90 early in the cycle and suppressing ATP turnover by Hsp90 during the loading phase. Recruitment of protein kinase clients to the Hsp90 complex appears to involve a specialized co-chaperone, Cdc37p/p50(cdc37), whose binding to Hsp90 is mutually exclusive of Sti1/Hop/p60. We now show that Cdc37p/p50(cdc37), like Sti1/Hop/p60, also suppresses ATP turnover by Hsp90 supporting the idea that client protein loading to Hsp90 requires a "relaxed" ADP-bound conformation. Like Sti1/Hop/p60, Cdc37p/p50(cdc37) binds to Hsp90 as a dimer, and the suppressed ATPase activity of Hsp90 is restored when Cdc37p/p50(cdc37) is displaced by the immunophilin co-chaperone Cpr6/Cyp40. However, unlike Sti1/Hop/p60, which can displace geldanamycin upon binding to Hsp90, Cdc37p/p50(cdc37) forms a stable complex with geldanamycin-bound Hsp90 and may be sequestered in geldanamycin-inhibited Hsp90 complexes in vivo.  相似文献   

Norepinephrine (NE) is involved in many cardiovascular diseases such as congestive heart failure. We have recently reported that NE had a comitogenic effect in isolated cardiac fibroblasts, and that it activated p42/p44 mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK). This study was designed to characterize a possible mechanism involved in the proliferative effect of NE. Isolated rat cardiac fibroblasts were exposed to NE (10M) for up to 8 h, and interleukin-6 (IL-6) expression was measured by Ribonuclease Protection Assay and Western blotting. The activity of p42/p44MAPK was analyzed by Western blotting. Cell number was assessed by use of a Coulter Counter. IL-6/GAPDH mRNA was increased by NE in a time-dependent manner reaching 23 fold stimulation after 1 h compared to untreated samples. Immunoreactivity to IL-6 was not found in controls. After 16h of exposure to NE, IL-6 protein was detected. It further increased up to 48 h. The effect of NE on IL-6 mRNA was abolished by the -adrenoceptor blockers propranolol, metoprolol (1) and ICI 118.551 (2), but not by the -adrenoceptor blockers prazosin (1) and yohimbine (2). The MAPK-inhibitor PD98059 suppressed the NE-induced MAPK activation in a concentration-dependent fashion after 5 min, attenuated the NE-induced IL-6 expression after 2 h, and suppressed the proliferative effect of NE from 53 to 18% after 48 h. Recombinant IL-6 caused an increase in proliferation by 31% after 48 h. Simultaneous application of the IL-6 antibody reduced the NE-induced proliferation to 34%, and completely prevented the IL-6 induced effect. These results suggest that NE induces proliferation of rat cardiac fibroblasts in part by increasing the expression of IL-6 through regulation of MAPK.  相似文献   

Regulation of p34cdc2 protein kinase during mitosis   总被引:91,自引:0,他引:91  
S Moreno  J Hayles  P Nurse 《Cell》1989,58(2):361-372
The cell-cycle timing of mitosis in fission yeast is determined by the cdc25+ gene product activating the p34cdc2 protein kinase leading to mitotic initiation. Protein kinase activity remains high in metaphase and then declines during anaphase. Activation of the protein kinase also requires the cyclin homolog p56cdc13, which also functions post activation at a later stage of mitosis. The continuing function of p56cdc13 during mitosis is consistent with its high level until the metaphase/anaphase transition. At anaphase the p56cdc13 level falls dramatically just before the decline in p34cdc2 protein kinase activity. The behavior of p56cdc13 is similar to that observed for cyclins in oocytes. p13suc1 interacts closely with p34cdc2; it is required during the process of mitosis and may play a role in the inactivation of the p34cdc2 protein kinase. Therefore, the cdc25+, cdc13+, and suc1+ gene products are important for regulating p34cdc2 protein kinase activity during entry into, progress through, and exit from mitosis.  相似文献   

Microtubules regulate actin-based processes such as cell migration and cytokinesis, but molecular mechanisms are not understood. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, microtubule plus ends regulate cell polarity in part by transporting the kelch repeat protein tea1p to cell ends. Here, we identify tea4p, a SH3 domain protein that binds directly to tea1p. Like tea1p, tea4p localizes to growing microtubule plus ends and to cortical sites at cell ends, and it is necessary for the establishment of bipolar growth. Tea4p binds directly to and recruits the formin for3p, which nucleates actin cable assembly. During "new end take off" (NETO), formation of a protein complex that includes tea1p, tea4p, and for3p is necessary and sufficient for the establishment of cell polarity and localized actin assembly at new cell ends. Our results suggest a molecular mechanism for how microtubule plus ends regulate the spatial distribution of actin assembly.  相似文献   

Mechanical transection of the nigrostriatal dopamine pathway at the medial forebrain bundle (MFB) results in the delayed degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc). We have previously demonstrated that c-Jun activation is an obligate component of neuronal death in this model. Here we identified the small GTPase, cdc42, and mixed lineage kinases (MLKs) as upstream factors regulating neuronal loss and activation of c-Jun following MFB axotomy. Adenovirus-mediated expression of a dominant-negative form of cdc42 in nigral neurons blocked MFB axotomy-induced activation (phosphorylation) of MAP kinase kinase 4 (MKK4) and c-Jun, resulting in attenuation of SNpc neuronal death. Pharmacological inhibition of MLKs, MKK4-activating kinases, significantly reduced the phosphorylation of c-Jun and abrogated dopaminergic neuronal degeneration following MFB axotomy. Taken together, these findings suggest that death of nigral dopaminergic neurons following axotomy can be attenuated by targeting cell signaling events upstream of c-Jun N-terminal mitogen-activated protein kinase/c-Jun.  相似文献   

The syndecans, a family of transmembrane heparan sulfate proteoglycans, are ubiquitous molecules whose intracellular function is still unknown. To examine the function of syndecan-2, one of the most abundant heparan sulfate proteoglycan in fibroblasts, we performed transfection studies in COS-1 and Swiss 3T3 cells. Endogenous syndecan-2 colocalized with F-actin in cortical structures. Overexpression of full-length syndecan-2 induced the formation of long filopodia-like structures. These changes correlated with a rearrangement of the actin cytoskeleton, which strongly colocalized with syndecan-2. Overexpression of syndecan-2 lacking the extracellular domain increased the number of microspikes on the cell surface but failed to induce filopodia. Addition of heparin blocked the effect of full-length syndecan-2, suggesting that heparan sulfate chains in the extracellular domain are necessary to induce filopodia. Coexpression of cdc42Hs negative-dominant N17 blocked syndecan-2-induced filopodia and cdc42Hs positive-dominant V12 had a synergic effect. This indicates that active cdc42Hs is necessary for syndecan-2 induction of filopodia. These results provide a link between syndecan-2, actin cytoskeleton, and cdc42Hs.  相似文献   

Selective control of basolateral membrane protein polarity by cdc42   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The rho GTPase cdc42 is implicated in several aspects of cell polarity. A recent study (Kroschewski R, Hall A, Mellman I. Nat Cell Biol 1999;1:8–13) demonstrated that a dominant negative mutant of cdc42 abolishes the polarity of basolateral membrane proteins in MDCK cells, but did not elucidate whether this effect was selective for basolateral proteins or nonselective for all secreted proteins. To answer this question, we analyzed the polarity of newly synthesized membrane and soluble proteins in MDCK cell lines previously induced to overexpress mutant forms of cdc42. GTPase-deficient and dominant negative cdc42 did not affect the apical targeting of a newly synthesized apical membrane protein, but reversed to apical the distribution of two exogenous basolateral membrane proteins. In striking contrast, GTPase-deficient cdc42 did not affect polarized exocytosis of endogenous soluble proteins, either apical or basolateral. The exquisitely selective regulation of polarized protein targeting by cdc42 may allow cells to fine-tune their membrane composition in response to extracellular signals during development, migration and in response to injury.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive pat1 mutants of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe can be induced to undergo meiosis at the restrictive temperature, irrespective of the mat1 configuration and the nutritional conditions. Using a combination of exit from stationary phase and thermal inactivation of the 52-kilodalton protein kinase that is encoded by the pat1 (also called ran1) gene, highly synchronous meiotic cultures were obtained. Synthesis and tyrosyl phosphorylation of p34cdc2 was evident during meiotic G1 and S phases. During this period there was increased expression of p105wee1, a protein kinase implicated in the tyrosyl phosphorylation of p34cdc2. Following a relatively brief G2 period, during which a reduction in the steady-state level of p105wee1 occurred, there was an approximately 19-fold increase in the histone H1 phosphotransferase activity of p34cdc2. Only a single peak of histone H1 kinase activation was observed, which implies that unlike meiosis in amphibians and echinoderms, p34cdc2 is functional only during one of the meiotic divisions in S. pombe, presumably meiosis II. Stimulation of the kinase activity of p34cdc2 was associated with its tyrosyl dephosphorylation. This is analogous to mitotic M phase and suggests parallels in the mechanism of activation of p34cdc2 during mitosis and one of the meiotic divisions in S. pombe.  相似文献   

Shen W  Wu B  Zhang Z  Dou Y  Rao ZR  Chen YR  Duan S 《Neuron》2006,50(3):401-414
Maturation of presynaptic transmitter secretion machinery is a critical step in synaptogenesis. Here we report that a brief train of presynaptic action potentials rapidly converts early nonfunctional contacts between cultured hippocampal neurons into functional synapses by enhancing presynaptic glutamate release. The enhanced release was confirmed by a marked increase in the number of depolarization-induced FM4-64 puncta in the presynaptic axon. This rapid presynaptic maturation can be abolished by treatments that interfered with presynaptic BDNF and Cdc42 signaling or actin polymerization. Activation of Cdc42 by applying BDNF or bradykinin mimicked the effect of electrical activity in promoting synaptic maturation. Furthermore, activity-induced increase in presynaptic actin polymerization, as revealed by increased concentration of actin-YFP at axon boutons, was abolished by inhibiting BDNF and Cdc42 signaling. Thus, rapid presynaptic maturation induced by neuronal activity is mediated by presynaptic activation of the Cdc42 signaling pathway.  相似文献   

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