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Averaged evoked potentials (AEP) to verbal (letters) and nonverbal (random shapes) stimuli exposed in the left and right visual fields were registered in healthy subjects with normal vision. Analysis of the later AEP latencies pointed to asymmetry in the temporal parameters of the interhemispheric interaction. The late AEP latency is shorter in the right hemisphere than in the left hemisphere. The difference is more pronounced in responses to nonverbal stimuli. The earlier development of the evoked potential in the right hemisphere (or the later one in the left hemisphere) accounts for the interhemispheric difference in the temporal parameters of the late AEP components. Comparison of the latency of the component P300 to verbal and nonverbal stimuli presented in the ipsilateral or the contralateral visual fields reveals a transfer of the results of the cortical processing of visual information in the course of interhemispheric interaction.  相似文献   

The effect of gonadectomy and sex-steroid hormones treatment on functional interhemispheric asymmetry to the reaction of pain cry avoidance of another species (emotional reactions) and motor and exploratory activity of open-field behavior in Wistar rats of 3 months old has been investigated. A spreading depression technique for hemisphere inactivation has been used. The hemispheric asymmetry of the reactions in intact rats was characterized by sex dimorphism; the left hemisphere dominated to a great extent in males than in females under the control of emotional reactions; in motor and exploratory activity in open-field behavior of rats the left hemisphere dominated in males and the right one--in female. In both sexes the neonatal gonadectomy levelled the interhemispheric differences in reactions under investigation. The following treatment of females with estradiol and males with testosterone didn't restore the asymmetry. After the castration at the age of 3 months the correlation between the size and direction of interhemispheric differences became reverse. The treatment of females with testosterone and males with estradiol both castrated in adulthood restored the interhemispheric asymmetry in males and had no effect in females. The treatment of intact rats with hormones of opposite sex led to the enhancement of left hemisphere dominance in motor and exploratory activity in males and levelled the asymmetry in females. It has been shown that in adult rats sex-steroids effect predominantly the right hemisphere.  相似文献   

The problem is reviewed of sex differences and the brain organization of the visual-spatial and verbal-cognitive functions both in adults and in the 5–15-year old children. Characteristic of men are the integral strategy of the face image recognition, specialization of the right hemisphere for visual-spatial functions, and the tonic inhibitory effect of the right hemisphere on the left one. Typical of women are the fragmented type of the image recognition, the equality of the brain hemispheres functions at the unfamiliar face recognition, and predominance of the left hemisphere by accuracy of the object localization in the visual field. It is possible that the general strategy of the recognition in women is not realized due to the right hemisphere submitted to the interfering effect of the left hemisphere. Analysis of sex differences in distribution of verbal functions shows that the capability for the verbal learning at the age of 5 years and older is higher in girls than in boys. Such capability seems to be accounted for by the superiority of the left hemisphere in girls in this type of its activity and by its earlier development and maturation. The phenomenon of semantic paralexia appearing more often in boys is accounted for by inclusion of lexical-semantic fields of the right hemisphere symmetric areas in the verbal-cognitive activity There are reasons to believe that the higher capability in girls for the verbal learning is mainly due to processes of the auditory-verbal integration within the limits of the left hemisphere, whereas this verbal ability in boys depends on the relative predominance of the interhemispheric connections.  相似文献   

Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography was used to measure the linear blood velocity (LBV) in the middle cerebral artery (MCA) of the right and left hemispheres in right-handers and left-handers who were breathing a gas mixture with 10% oxygen through a mask at normal barometric pressure. No interhemispheric differences were found in left-handers before hypoxia. The maximum systolic velocity was higher in the MCA of the left hemisphere in right-handers. Left-handers had a higher LBV in the right hemisphere than did right-handers. LBV in the MCA of both hemispheres increased in both left-handers and right-handers as a result of hypoxia. Aggravation of hypoxia caused a decrease in LBV in the left hemisphere in right-handers.  相似文献   

The effect of inverse masking on the skin of the left and right hands and of bimanual reverse masking during coordinated work of both hands in stutterers was studied to detect the changes in cerebral asymmetry related to stuttering. The study showed that (1) asymmetry of tactile perception is absent in stutterers in the conditions of masking; it is supposed that when stuttering begins in early childhood, the formation of the hemispheric specialization in performing both sensory (all modalities) and speech functions is interrupted; (2) stuttering right-handers demonstrate a strongly levotropic nature of the interhemispheric interactions under conditions of bimanual masking, which testifies to a more considerable retardation of the perception of a test stimulus in the stutterers' left hemisphere under the influence of the masking stimulus in the right hemisphere than in right-handers with normal speech. It is assumed on this basis that stuttering begins because of the combination of symmetry and asymmetry in the interhemispheric relations. There is a hypothetical model that supposes that the phenomenon of stuttering is caused by two fundamental factors, namely, bilateral symmetry (existence of two identical speech centers in the right and left hemispheres) and a specific levotropic asymmetry of the interhemispheric relations, i.e., a more manifest influence of the right hemisphere on the left hemisphere in stutterers. This conditions the emergence of two identical speech impulses that appear with long intervals between them, which cause a dissonance in the functioning of the speech-forming apparatus.  相似文献   

Peptide extracts of the right and left hemispheres were applied to the projective (somatosensory and visual) and temporal associative regions of the left brain hemisphere in cats. In the zones of peptide application, evoked potentials (EP) in response to singular and coupled somatic, visual and transcallosal stimuli were registered. The data obtained showed that right and left peptide extracts had different effects on evoked potentials of the left hemisphere. Thus ipsilateral extract increased the amplitude of projective EP, decreased duration of their cycles and amplitude of transcallosal responses. Contralateral extract, on the contrary, activated interhemispheric inputs to brain cortex, suppressed thalamic inputs and increased multimodal properties of neurons. A differential approach to the problem of specific correction of pathological states of the right and left brain hemispheres is required. Right and left peptide extracts may be used in normalization of interhemispheric activity balance in compensatory-recovering processes.  相似文献   

The influence was studied of the gonadectomy in the newborn and mature male and female rats on functional interhemispheric asymmetry of the reaction of avoidance of pain scream of another rat ("emotional resonance"), and motor and investigatory activity in the open field. Consecutive inactivation of the hemispheres was realized by K+ spreading depression. It has been shown that neonatally gonadectomized rats have no interhemispheric asymmetry of the studied reactions. In male rats gonadectomized in mature state, interhemispheric asymmetry of "the emotional resonance" reaction is not significant and in the motor and investigatory activity in the open field, in contrast to intact animals, the right hemisphere is dominant and not the left one. Ovariectomy of mature female rats led to the increase of the dominance of the left hemisphere in the control of "the emotional resonance" and change of the right hemispheric dominance in the control of the motor and investigatory activity in the open field for the left hemispheric one. Gonadectomy of male and female mature rats had an opposite effect on the functioning of the right hemisphere: facilitating in male rats and inhibitory in female ones.  相似文献   

The main aim of this work was by using transcranial magnetic stimulation to investigate mechanisms of interhemispheric organization the emotion in the healthy and patients with epilepsy. The research was carried out on three groups: the first and second groups of healthy and third group of the patients with idiopatical epilepsy. The first and third groups received transcranial magnetic stimulation on right and left frontalis area. The second group was control (sham transcranial magnetic stimulation). Is shown, that transcranial magnetic stimulation of right frontalis area increases the examining time on negative photos and decreases on positive photos. Transcranial magnetic stimulation of left frontalis area in the healthy and patients with epilepsy increases the examining time on positive photos and decreases on negative photos. The right hemisphere at the healthy and patients with epilepsy in the greater degree is connected to negative marks of emotions, and left hemisphere with positive marks of emotions.  相似文献   

Spatial organization of EEG power and coherence during memorization of dichotically presented lists of words were studied in patients with winter depression (N = 17) and control subjects (N = 22). In contrast to the control subjects, the depressed patients were characterized by the higher theta power in the right parietal and posterior temporal regions and the dominance of the alpha 2 in the left midfrontal area. The patients also differed in the lower theta 2 coherence in the left hemisphere and lower alpha 1 coherence in the right hemisphere. These effects showed different intrahemispheric distribution. The interhemispheric EEG coherence in the theta 2 range between the frontal areas and alpha 1 coherence between the left frontal and right posterior areas was lower in the patients than in the control subjects. Verbal-emotional interaction in depressions are discussed.  相似文献   

Visual evoked potentials (EPs) of the left and right hemispheres in response to relevant and irrelevant stimuli in the structures of the left and right hemispheres have been studied in healthy young schoolchildren, learning-disabled (LD) children, and mentally retarded (MR) children. In healthy children, the largest EP variations depending on the stimulus relevancy have been found in associative structures of the left hemisphere. In LD children of the same age, the amplitude and temporal characteristics of left-hemispheric EPs to target and nontarget stimuli are the same. In MR children, EPs to relevant and irrelevant stimuli do not differ from each other in either the left or the right hemisphere. EP latencies are significantly longer in MR children than in healthy children. The results of simultaneous recording of EPs in the left and right hemispheres during isolated stimulation of the right and left visual half-fields indicate that interhemispheric interaction is impaired in children with deviations in mental development. The results of the study are discussed in terms of the psychological characteristics and learning ability of children.  相似文献   

Individual features of the regional interhemispheric relations in the brain were studied in dogs during alimentary conditioning. The electrical activity was recorded from symmetrical anterior (frontal and motor cortices) and posterior (visual and auditory cortices) areas of the neocortex. Comparison between the averaged left and right intrahemispheric EEG coherences revealed a dynamic character of interhemispheric relations dependent on the stage of conditioning. Individual features were shown. In a dog with strong type of the nervous system, in the anterior brain regions, the EEG coherence was higher in the left hemisphere than in the right one, whereas, on the contrary, in the posterior regions, the values were higher in the right than in the left hemisphere. In dogs with weak type of the nervous system, there was an inverse relationship. Thus, the spatial organization of the cortical electrical activity in the associative and projection brain areas was different.  相似文献   

The functional interhemispheric asymmetry of brain in patients with systemic rheumatic diseases was estimated by measuring brain direct current potentials. It is shown that different types of functional interhemispheric asymmetry correspond to different stages of systemic rheumatic diseases. At early stages, the left hemisphere asymmetry dominates, at expressed stages, the right hemisphere asymmetry is prevalent, and the terminal stage is characterized by the loss of functional interhemispheric asymmetry.  相似文献   

EEG intrahemispheric coherences (HCohs) in the resting state in twenty-four 4 Hz frequency windows between 1 and 51 Hz were studied in 18 children with "non-verbal learning disorder" (NLD) and compared to a group of 18 children with "verbal learning disorder" (VLD). New facts were found in the NLD group. These concern hemispheric balance, expressed as left minus right (L-R) homologous HCohs: 1a). In the high frequencies (25-51 HZ) the number of long-distance HCohs, higher in the right hemisphere (RH), is lower than HCohs, which are higher in the left hemisphere (LH). A reversed interhemispheric asymmetry is seen for short distance HCohs in that band. These asymmetries are not found in the VLD group, and the tendency is even reversed. 1b). In the low frequencies (1-27 Hz) all higher HCohs are more numerous in the RH, irrespective of interelectrode distance (IED). In these bands there are no NLD-VLD group differences; 2). In NLD there is a significant inverse relationship between IED and (L-R)HCoh values (designated as LRDif) in the high frequencies: the larger the IED, the higher the LRDif. In the lower frequencies there is no such tendency. In the VLD group these relationships were absent. These preliminary results suggest long distance gamma band hypoconnectivity in the RH of NLD children, in line with the hypothesis of an RH long distance connectivity problem in NLD. This may explain difficulties with mtermodal perception (gestalt function). Finally in the NLD group some gamma band interhemispheric (ICohs) over F7/F8 and T3/T4 were lower than in VLD children and some gamma band ICohs were higher in NLD compared to VLD over O1/O2. This is possibly connected with the cognitive differences subserved by these areas, i.e., language, respectively visuospatial function.  相似文献   

Dynamic EEG study of patients with posttraumatic Korsakoff's syndrome (KS) with the application of complex analysis methods revealed a complicated pathological structure of the intercentral relations of cortical electrical activity. The interhemispheric EEG coherence between symmetrical frontal cortical areas are sharply reduced, while the intrahemispheric coherence are increased in comparison with the normal values. The proposed technique of segregation of statistically homogeneous spectro-coherent characteristics made it possible to reveal the earlier intercentral EEG relations formed by stable and variable coherence spectra. The structure formed by the stable and variable coherence spectra in KS differs from that reflected in the mean coherence levels. During the KS regression, the EEG coherence between the right and left frontal areas increased to the normal level, and the variable spectra are revealed. In the chronic KS syndrome, the pathological intercentral relations persist, while the variable relations in the frontal areas are absent. A reduction of pathologically decreased intrahemispheric coherence selectively revealed in the right hemisphere during the KS regression and formation of variable relations in this hemisphere point to a leading role of the right hemisphere in development of compensatory processes in KS. The reciprocal relations between the intra- and interhemispheric coherence and coherence dynamics in the theta rhythm suggest that pathological activity in the basal diencephalic structures plays an important role in formation of the pathological EEG pattern in KS.  相似文献   

The current state of the problem of changes of brain functional asymmetry in psychopathology is reviewed from the point of view of disorders of interhemispheric interaction as the main chain in genesis of affective disorders and schizophrenia. Based on studies of individual activation of the left and right hemispheres as well as on evaluation of cognitive activity, it is shown that psychopathology is accompanied by a disorder of hemispheric interaction with shift of the interhemispheric activation balance towards the right hemisphere in depression and towards the left hemisphere in maniacal states and paranoid schizophrenia. Changes of the activation balance lead to disorder of cognitive activity and human adaptation in the environment. A conclusion is made that disinhibition of subcortical and brainstem structures in psychoses occurs not only vertically, but also horizontally, when the complementary and superpositional interaction of hemispheres shifts to the evolutionary earlier reciprocal type of interaction with domination of cognitive functions of the right hemisphere in depression and of the left hemisphere in the maniacal state and schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Brain-stem, middle latency and late auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs, MLAEPs and LAEPs, respectively) were recorded in a patient 2 months after removal of a tumor affecting the quadrigeminal plate. Simultaneously, MRI showed a left unilateral lesion involving the inferior colliculus, brachium colliculi and the medial geniculate body (MGB). On dichotic listening, there was complete extinction of the right ear input, without subjective auditory disturbance. BAEPs were abnormal after stimulation of the right ear alone. Wave V was delayed and reduced in amplitude, and the I–V interval was augmented. Above all, MLAEPs of both ears were very abnormal. The Pa and Na components over the left hemisphere were abolished (Pa) or very reduced in amplitude or abolished (Na) whereas both Pa and Na components over the right hemisphere were normal. LAEPs were asymmetrical, with reduced P1N1P2 complex over the left hemisphere and absence of polarity reversal over the mastoid. It has been demonstrated that a lesion affecting only the inferior colliculus and MGB unilaterally and not extending beyond the MGB can abolish Na and Pa ipsilaterally. Any discussion of Na and Pa sources should take into account the output of the MGB to the auditory radiations, the MGB, the brachium colliculi and the inferior colliculus.  相似文献   

For more precise definition of the role of hemispheric interconnections in mechanisms of human CNS compensation the intercentral relations of the electrical activity of the left and right cerebral hemispheres were studied on physiological model of focal interhemispheric asymmetry. Spectral-coherent EEG characteristics of 36 patients with tumoral damage of one hemisphere were studied in condition of chronic (prior to operation) and acute (early terms of postoperative period) brain decompensation. In was shown that the reorganization of the structure of the EEG intercentral relations correlated with definite stages of CNS compensatory processes and that the character of hemispheric interconnections depended on the lateralization of the damage focus. The primary role was revealed of the degree of the left (dominant) hemisphere preservation in restoration of normal pattern of the interhemispheric asymmetry of the coherence of human brain electrical processes.  相似文献   

The present study investigates hemispheric asymmetries in the neural adaptation processes occurring during alternating auditory stimulation. Stimuli were two monaural pure tones having a frequency of 400 or 800 Hz and a duration of 500 ms. Electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded from 14 volunteers during the presentation of the following stimulus sequences, lasting 12 s each: 1) evoked potentials (EP condition, control), 2) alternation of frequency and ear (FE condition), 3) alternation of frequency (F condition), and 4) alternation of ear (E condition). Main results showed that in the central area of the left hemisphere (around C3 site) the N100 response underwent adaptation in all patterns of alternation, whereas in the same area of the right hemisphere the tones presented at the right ear in the FE produced no adaptation. Moreover, the responses to right-ear stimuli showed a difference between hemispheres in the E condition, which produced less adaptation in the left hemisphere. These effects are discussed in terms of lateral symmetry as a product of hemispheric, pathway and ear asymmetries.  相似文献   

In patients (34 right-handed) in remote terms of cerebral trauma (CT) characteristics were studied of interhemispheric EEG correlations depending on lateralization of lesion in comparison with healthy subjects (20 right-handed). Disturbance of neuropsychic activity in patients with CT before treatment was accompanied by changes of interhemispheric asymmetry of conjunction in the form of a decrease of coherence values in the injured hemisphere; the decrease of conjunction values of symmetric cortical zones was determined by laterality of the lesion. After treatment the most effective restoration of neuropsychic activity and of interhemispheric EEG correlations was in patients in whose dynamics of the restoration process the stage of the right hemisphere activation was observed. This stage came earlier and restoration period was shorter in patients with the left hemisphere lesion.  相似文献   

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