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The p16(INK4A)/CDKN2A tumor suppressor gene is known to be inactivated in up to 98% of human pancreatic cancer specimens and represents a potential target for novel therapeutic intervention. Chemically induced pancreatic tumors in Syrian golden hamsters have been demonstrated to share many morphologic and biological similarities with human pancreatic tumors and this model may be appropriate for studying therapies targeting p16(INK4A)/CDKN2A. The purpose of this study was to investigate the fundamental biochemistry of hamster P16 protein. Using both in vivo and in vitro approaches, the CDK4 binding affinity, kinase inhibitory activity, and thermodynamic stability of hamster and human P16 proteins were evaluated. Furthermore, a structural model of hamster P16 protein was generated. These studies demonstrate that hamster P16 protein is biochemically indistinguishable from human P16 protein. From a biochemical perspective, these data strongly support the study of p16-related pancreatic oncogenesis and cancer therapies in the hamster model.  相似文献   

p16INK4a and p21WAF1, two major cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors, are the products of two tumor suppressor genes that play important roles in various cellular metabolic pathways. p21WAF1 is up-regulated in response to different DNA damaging agents. While the activation of p21WAF1 is p53-dependent following γ-rays, the effect of ultraviolet (UV) light on p21WAF1 protein level is still unclear. In the present report, we show that the level of the p21WAF1 protein augments in response to low UVC fluences in different mammalian cells. This up-regulation is mediated through the stabilization of p21WAF1 mRNA in a p16INK4a-dependent manner in both human and mouse cells. Furthermore, using p16-siRNA treated human skin fibroblast; we have shown that p16 controls the UV-dependent cytoplasmic accumulation of the mRNA binding HuR protein. In addition, HuR immunoprecipitations showed that UV-dependent binding of HuR to p21 mRNA is p16-related. This suggests that p16 induces p21 by enabling the relocalization of HuR from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Accordingly, we have also shown that p16 is necessary for efficient UV-dependent p53 up-regulation, which also requires HuR. These results indicate that, in addition to its role in cell proliferation, p16INK4a is also an important regulator of the cellular response to UV damage.  相似文献   

Li N  Li Q  Cao X  Zhao G  Xue L  Tong T 《FEBS letters》2011,585(19):3106-3112

Low gene expression of folylpolyglutamate synthase (FPGS) in colorectal mucosa correlates with low folate levels and poor survival of colorectal cancer (CRC) patients. Because gene-specific hypermethylation is affected by the folate level, the hypermethylation status in mucosa may also be linked to clinical outcome of CRC patients. The tumor suppressor gene p16INK4a (p16) regulates the cell cycle and angiogenic switch. In human neoplastic tissues, the main mechanism of p16 inactivation is promoter methylation. The aim of the study was to determine whether hypermethylation of the p16 promoter could be detected in mucosa of CRC patients (n = 181) and to analyze if hypermethylation was related to survival. The relation between p16 hypermethylation and expression of FPGS and two other folate-associated genes, reduced folate carrier 1 (RFC-1), and thymidylate synthase (TS), was analyzed (n = 63). The results showed that p16 was hypermethylated in 65 (36%) of the mucosa samples and that hypermethylation was age-related (P = 0.029). After adjustment for known risk factors, Cox regression analysis showed that Dukes' A-C patients with p16 hypermethylation in mucosa had an increased risk of cancer-related death (hazard ratio = 2.9, P = 0.007) and shorter disease-free survival (hazard ratio = 2.5, P = 0.015) compared with patients with no p16 hypermethylation. RFC-1 and FPGS gene expression levels were significantly correlated in patients lacking p16 hypermethylation in mucosa (P = 0.0003), but not at all correlated in patients having hypermethylation in mucosa (P = 1.0). In conclusion, p16 hypermethylation in mucosa of CRC patients was identified as an independent prognostic parameter for cancer-specific survival as well as an independent predictor of DFS. The results suggest that there might be a connection between folate-associated gene expression and p16 methylation status.  相似文献   

Li J  Byeon IJ  Ericson K  Poi MJ  O'Maille P  Selby T  Tsai MD 《Biochemistry》1999,38(10):2930-2940
Since the structures of several ankyrin-repeat proteins including the INK4 (inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinase 4) family have been reported recently, the detailed structures and the functional roles of the loops have drawn considerable interest. This paper addresses the potential importance of the loops of ankyrin-repeat proteins in three aspects. First, the solution structure of p18INK4C was determined by NMR, and the loop structures were analyzed in detail. The loops adapt nascent antiparallel beta-sheet structures, but the positions are slightly different from those in the crystal structure. A detailed comparison between the solution structures of p16 and p18 has also been presented. The determination of the p18 solution structure made such detailed comparisons possible for the first time. Second, the [1H,15N]HSQC NMR experiment was used to probe the interactions between p18INK4C and other proteins. The results suggest that p18INK4C interacts very weakly with dna K and glutathione S-transferase via the loops. The third aspect employed site-specific mutagenesis and functional assays. Three mutants of p18 and 11 mutants of p16 were constructed to test functional importance of loops and helices. The results suggest that loop 2 is likely to be part of the recognition surface of p18INK4C or p16INK4A for CDK4, and they provide quantitative functional contributions of specific residues. Overall, our results enhance understanding of the structural and functional roles of the loops in INK4 tumor suppressors in particular and in ankyrin-repeat proteins in general.  相似文献   

The ankyrin repeat is one of the most common protein motifs and is involved in protein-protein interactions. It consists of 33 residues that assume a beta-hairpin helix-loop-helix fold. Mutagenesis and kinetic experiments (Phi-value analysis of the folding transition state) have shown that the tumor suppressor p16(INK4a), a four-repeat protein, unfolds sequentially starting from the two N-terminal repeats. Here, the flexibility of p16(INK4a) at room temperature and its unfolding mechanism at high temperature have been investigated by multiple molecular dynamics runs in explicit water for a total simulation time of 0.65 micros. The transition state ensemble (TSE) of p16(INK4a) was identified by monitoring both the deviation from the experimental Phi values and sudden conformational changes along the unfolding trajectories. Conformations in the TSE have a mainly unstructured second repeat whereas the other repeats are almost completely folded. A rigid-body displacement of the first repeat involving both a rotation and translation is observed in all molecular dynamics simulations at high temperature. The Trp(15), Pro(75), and Ala(76) side-chains are more buried in the TSE than the native state. The sequential unfolding starting at the second repeat is in agreement with the mutagenesis studies whereas the displacement of the first repeat and the presence of nonnative interactions at the TSE are simulation results which supplement the experimental data. Furthermore, the unfolding trajectories reveal the presence of two on-pathway intermediates with partial alpha-helical structure. Finally, on the basis of the available experimental and simulation results we suggest that in modular proteins the shift of the folding TSE toward the native structure upon reduction of the number of tandem repeats is consistent with the Hammond effect.  相似文献   

The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p15 INK4b and p16 INK4a are involved in the development of a wide range of human and murine tumors. These tumor suppressor genes are inactivated by deletions frequently associated to point mutations in the coding regions or hypermethylation of their promoters. In this work, we describe a simple-sequence length polymorphism located in mouse Chromosome (Chr) 4, between the Cdkn2B (p15 INK4b ) and Cdkn2A (p16 INK4a ) genes, only 700 bp downstream of the Cdkn2B locus. This DNA region was analyzed in different inbred strains showing a variable AC-repetitive DNA sequence. We used this microsatellite to detect loss of heterozygosity of the Cdkn2A and Cdkn2B loci in γ-irradiation-induced thymic lymphomas of C57BL/6J × RF/J F1 hybrids. Using this specific marker, we were able to locate additional allelic losses not detected by other microsatellites. Since the allelic losses can be detected by a simple PCR amplification, this AC-repetitive sequence is specially useful as a genetic marker for these Cdkn2 genes and specifically for the p15 INK4b cell cycle inhibitor. Received: 27 August 1997 / Accepted: 13 November 1997  相似文献   

Within the tumor suppressor protein INK4 (inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinase 4) family, p15INK4B is the smallest and the only one whose structure has not been determined previously, probably due to the protein's conformational flexibility and instability. In this work, multidimensional NMR studies were performed on this protein. The first tertiary structure was built by comparative modeling with p16INK4A as the template, followed by restrained energy minimization with NMR constraints (NOE and H-bonds). For this purpose, the solution structure of pl6INK4A, whose quality was also limited by similar problems, was refined with additional NMR experiments conducted on an 800 MHz spectrometer and by structure-based iterative NOE assignments. The nonhelical regions showed major improvement with root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) improved from 1.23 to 0.68 A for backbone heavy atoms. The completion of p15INK4B coupled with refinement of p16INK4A made it possible to compare the structures of the four INK4 members in depth, and to compare the structures of p16INK4A in the free form and in the p16INK4A-CDK6 complex. This is an important step toward a comprehensive understanding of the precise functional roles of each INK4 member.  相似文献   

黑素瘤是人类恶性皮肤肿瘤之一,对药物治疗不敏感且死亡率高.近年来随着分子生物学的发展,人们对黑素瘤的研究在基因水平取得了很大进步.p16INK4A作为一种多肿瘤抑制基因,与黑素瘤的发生、发展有关.P16 INK4A在黑素瘤中的失活形式主要是缺失、突变和甲基化,进一步明确p16INK4A基因的失活机制及其与黑素瘤的相关性,可能为黑素瘤的临床诊断、治疗和判断预后等方面提供一种新路径.  相似文献   

Alterations in DNA methylation are important in cancer, but the acquisition of these alterations is poorly understood. Using an unbiased global screen for CpG island methylation events, we have identified a non-random pattern of DNA hypermethylation acquired in p16-repressed cells. Interestingly, this pattern included loci located upstream of a number of homeobox genes. Upon removal of p16(INK4A) activity in primary human mammary epithelial cells, polycomb repressors, EZH2 and SUZ12, are up-regulated and recruited to HOXA9, a locus expressed during normal breast development and epigenetically silenced in breast cancer. We demonstrate that at this targeted locus, the up-regulation of polycomb repressors is accompanied by the recruitment of DNA methyltransferases and the hypermethylation of DNA, an endpoint, which we show to be dependent on SUZ12 expression. These results demonstrate a causal role of p16(INK4A) disruption in modulating DNA hypermethylation, and identify a dynamic and active process whereby epigenetic modulation of gene expression is activated as an early event in breast tumor progression.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor gene p16INK4A is a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor (CDKI) and an important cell cycle regulator. We have previously constructed a recombinant adenovirus which expresses p16 (Adp16) and shown that infection in a variety of human tumor cell lines with this recombinant virus results in high levels of p16INK4A protein expression resulting in cell cycle arrest and loss of cyclin-cdk activity. Furthermore, adenoviral-mediated overexpression of wild-type p16INK4A is more toxic in cancer cells which express mutant forms of p16INK4A compared to cancer cell lines containing endogenous wild-type p16. TUNEL assay and DAPI staining following infection of MDA-MB 231 breast cancer cells with Adp16 indicate that p16INK4A-mediated cytotoxicity was associated with apoptosis. This is supported by studies demonstrating a decrease in cpp32 and cyclinB1 protein levels and induction of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) cleavage following infection of MDA-MB-231 cells with Adp16. These results suggest that gene therapy using Adp16 may be a promising treatment option for human cancers containing alterations in p16 expression.  相似文献   

Telomere damage resulting from telomere shortening can potentially suppress tumorigenesis by permanently arresting or eliminating incipient cancer cells. Dysfunctional telomeres activate the canonical DNA damage signaling pathway, resulting in a p53-mediated G1/S arrest and senescence or apoptosis. Experimental induction of telomere damage through inhibition of the telomeric protein TRF2 recapitulates aspects of telomere attrition, including a p53-mediated cell cycle arrest. Using this system, we have shown that telomere damage can also elicit a G1/S arrest through the RB-regulator p16INK4a, especially in cells lacking p53 function. Here we discuss the significance of p16INK4a as a second effector of the telomere damage response.  相似文献   

Aberrant DNA methylation at CpG dinucleotides can result in epigenetic silencing of tumour suppressor genes and represents one of the earliest events in tumourigenesis. To date, however, high-throughput tools that are capable of surveying the methylation status of multiple gene promoters have been restricted to a limited number of cytosines. Here, we present an oligonucleotide microarray that permits the parallel analysis of the methylation status of individual cytosines, thus combining high throughput and high resolution. The approach was used to study the CpG island in the promoter region of the tumour suppressor gene p16INK4A. In total, 876 oligonucleotide probes of 21 nt in length were used to inspect the methylation status of 53 CpG dinucleotides, producing correct signals in colorectal cancer cell lines as well as control samples with a defined methylation status. The information was validated by established alternative methods. The overall methylation pattern was consistent for each cell line, while different between them. At the level of individual cytosines, however, significant variations between individual cells of the same type were found, but also consistencies across the panel of cancer cell lines were observed.  相似文献   

The cell-cycle regulating gene, p16INK4A, encoding an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases 4 and 6, is considered to play an important role in cellular aging and in premature senescence. Although there is an age-dependent increase of p16INK4A expression in human fibroblast senescence in vitro, no data are available regarding the age dependency of p16INK4A in vivo. To determine whether p16INK4A expression in human skin correlates with donor age, p16INK4A expression was analyzed by immunohistochemistry as well as the expression of the p16INK4A repressor BMI1. Samples from the age groups 0-20, 21-70, and 71-95 years were selected from a bank of healthy human skin. We show that the number of p16INK4A positive cells is significantly higher in elderly individuals compared to the younger age groups. The number of p16INK4A positive cells was found to be increased in both epidermis and dermis, compartments with strictly different proliferative activities. BMI1 gene expression was significantly down-regulated with increasing donor age, whereas no striking age differences were observed for Ki67. In immunofluorescence co-expression studies, Ki67-positive cells were negative for p16INK4A and BMI1-expressing cells also stained negatively for Ki67. In conclusion, we provide for the first time evidence that p16INK4A expression directly correlates with chronological aging of human skin in vivo. p16INK4A therefore is a biomarker for human aging in vivo. The data reported here suggest a model for changes in regulatory gene expression that drive aging in human skin.  相似文献   

p16INK4a基因的功能及其调控   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
p16INK4a蛋白能抑制CDK4和CDK6的活性,使pRb处于非磷酸化或低磷酸化状态而能与转录因子E2Fs结合,从而抑制DNA 的合成,阻止细胞由G1期进入S期.p16INK4a的表达受Ets1和Ets2的正调控,受Bmi-1的负调控.p16INK4a基因缺失、突变、甲基化、RNA剪接加工错误可导致细胞周期失控和癌变.应用p16INK4a对某些肿瘤进行基因治疗的研究正在进行中.  相似文献   

Research on tumor suppressors has for a long time run on two tracks: analysis of the mutations found in human tumor material, and active genetic manipulation in mice. As primary human cells were not easily amenable to genetic alterations, the proof to designate a suspected gene as a tumor suppressor was often by generation of knockout mice and analysis of their phenotypes. In this way, a vast amount of information has been gathered on the actions of major players in carcinogenesis. However, it has recently become apparent that there are major differences in the requirements for oncogenic transformation between human and mouse cells. Among these are the expression of hTERT, SV40 small t, and the response to Ras induced growth arrest by the tumor suppressor pathways involving p53, pRb and the INK4A locus. The potential contribution of these tumor suppressors to the prevention of transformation of human cells can now begin to be unraveled by the recent emergence of novel RNA interference genetic tools.  相似文献   

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