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To study the potential immunologic functions of murine Thy-1+ dendritic epidermal cells (Tdec), we used long term, IL-2-dependent, Tdec lines derived from the skin of C3H mice. Cells of the Tdec lines AU16 or AU4 were conjugated in vitro with the hapten FITC and injected s.c. into the footpad (ifp.) or i.v. into syngeneic recipient mice to assess their ability to induce or inhibit contact hypersensitivity (CHS). FITC-conjugated Tdec were unable to induce CHS after ifp. or i.v. injection. Furthermore, when mice were sensitized epicutaneously with FITC after the injection of FITC-conjugated Tdec, they were unable to mount a CHS response. These results indicated that hapten-conjugated Tdec are capable of inducing tolerance upon ifp. or i.v. injection. In contrast, ifp. injection of normal lymphocytes conjugated with FITC in vitro produced no impairment of the CHS response to FITC, although i.v. injection of these cells, as with that of FITC-conjugated Tdec, induced down-regulation of CHS. The immunologic tolerance induced by FITC-conjugated Tdec was Ag specific, but not H-2 restricted. Immunization with unconjugated Tdec either ifp. or i.v. did not induce tolerance, indicating that unconjugated Tdec by themselves are not suppressive. In addition, Tdec were unable to mediate a local graft-vs-host reaction in an F1 host. These results demonstrate that Tdec can induce immunologic tolerance and suggest that these cells may play a role in the down-regulation of cutaneous immune responses.  相似文献   

T cells bearing gamma delta antigen receptors constitute minor populations in most peripheral lymphoid tissues but represent the major populations of T cells in certain epithelia, including the epidermis. We show that murine dendritic epidermal cell (dEC) clones express V gamma and V delta gene segments, which are rare in adult T cells but predominate in fetal thymocytes. Analysis of the junctions of the rearranged gamma and delta genes shows a striking homogeneity among the receptors of five dEC clones. Our data support a model in which dECs represent one of perhaps several waves of emigrants from the early fetal thymus, and imply a role for dECs in immune surveillance that is distinct from that of alpha beta- and other gamma delta-bearing T cells.  相似文献   

The possibility that Thy-1-positive dendritic epidermal cells (Thy-1+DEC) may contribute to the immunologic functions of murine epidermal cells (EC) prompted us to simultaneously assess the effects of certain immunomodulating physicochemical agents on both Thy-1+DEC and Ia-bearing Langerhans cells (LC). C3H/He mice received one of the following treatment modalities: UV-B irradiation (four consecutive days); psoralen plus UV-A (PUVA; three times a week for three consecutive weeks); topically and systemically applied glucocorticosteroids (GCS). Beginning 2 days after the last treatment, animals were sacrificed and the structure and surface marker expression of Ia+EC and Thy-1+DEC were assessed by immunohistologic means on epidermal sheet preparations from ear skin by using appropriate monoclonal antibodies. Whereas low-dose UV-B irradiation (4 X 100 or 200 J/m2) had little, if any, effect on either Ia+EC or Thy-1+DEC, high-dose UV-B (4 X 700 or 1000 J/m2) or PUVA treatment led to an almost complete disappearance of both surface characteristics. Immunoelectron microscopic studies revealed that in the case of LC, high-dose UV-B or PUVA treatment results in the disappearance of their anti-Ia reactivity but leaves their ultrastructural morphology intact. In sharp contrast, Thy-1+DEC escape ultrastructural detection after PUVA treatment and are greatly reduced in number after high-dose UV-B. Ia+EC continuously reappeared with both treatment modalities over a course of 4 to 6 wk, whereas even after 14 to 22 wk Thy-1+DEC were present only in negligible numbers. Similar to high-dose UV-B or PUVA therapy, administration of GCS resulted in the disappearance of both anti-Thy-1- and anti-Ia-reactive cells. Ultrastructural studies disclosed, however, that these steroid-induced alterations in the surface characteristics were accompanied by a dramatic reduction of the LC population but were not paralleled by morphologic changes of Thy-1+DEC. In the course of 7 wk after cessation of steroid treatment, the number of both Ia+EC and Thy-1+DEC had returned to normal values. The selective removal of either of these two dendritic epidermal cell populations by physicochemical agents may provide an excellent strategy to further clarify the functional properties of both LC and Thy-1+DEC.  相似文献   

The adult murine epidermis harbors two separate CD45+ bone marrow (BM)-derived dendritic cell systems, i.e., Ia+, ADPase+, Thy-1-, CD3- Langerhans cells (LC) and Ia-, ADPase-, Thy-1+, CD3+ dendritic epidermal T cells (DETC). To clarify whether the maturation of these cells from their ill-defined precursors is already accomplished before their entry into the epidermis or, alternatively, whether a specific epidermal milieu is required for the expression of their antigenic determinants, we studied the ontogeny of CD45+ epidermal cells (EC). In the fetal life, there exists a considerable number of CD45+, Ia-, ADPase+ dendritic epidermal cells. When cultured, these cells become Ia+ and, in parallel, acquire the potential of stimulating allogeneic T cell proliferation. These results imply that CD45+, Ia-, ADPase+ fetal dendritic epidermal cells are immature LC precursors and suggest that the epidermis plays a decisive role in LC maturation. The day 17 fetal epidermis also contains a small population of CD45+, Thy-1+, ADPase-, CD3- round cells. Over the course of 2 to 3 wk, they are slowly replaced by an ever increasing number of round and, finally, dendritic CD45+, Thy-1+, CD3+ EC. Thus, CD45+, Thy-1+, ADPase-, CD3- fetal EC may either be DETC precursors or, alternatively, may represent a distinctive cell system of unknown maturation potential. According to this latter theory, these cells would be eventually outnumbered by newly immigrating CD45+, Thy-1+, CD3+ T cells--the actual DETC.  相似文献   

We have examined the antigen-presenting function of spleen cells in the C.B-17 scid mouse, a mutation that severely impairs the development of T and B lymphocytes. We show that antigen-presenting cells (APC) of SCID mice function normally in antigen-specific proliferative responses of primed T cells and in the antigen-specific activation of IL 2-producing T cell hybridomas. In both quantitative and qualitative terms, APC of SCID mice are equivalent to those of normal mice. These results indicate that the development and differentiation of APC function in vivo is independent of signals from mature, functional T or B lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Circumstantial evidence suggests strongly that epidermal Langerhans cells (LC) alone among epidermal cells (EC) are responsible for generating an immunogenic signal for contact hypersensitivity (CH) after epicutaneous application of hapten. However, data obtained from previous studies performed with intact skin or isolated EC do not address the immunogenic capacity of a second dendritic, bone marrow-derived population of cells that resides within the epidermis, Thy-1+ epidermal cells. To identify the cellular source(s) of the antigenic signals emerging from the epidermis, purified preparations of LC, Thy-1+ cells, and keratinocytes were prepared from CBA/J mouse skin. Each cell type was derivatized in vitro with TNBS and inoculated via various routes into syngeneic mice that were assayed for the induction of CH and specific unresponsiveness. IA+ LC, when derivatized with hapten and inoculated into mice, induced CH without evidence of down-regulation regardless of the route of immunization. Derivatized Thy-1+ EC did not deliver a positive signal for CH. Rather, Thy-1+ EC possessed the capacity to initiate down-regulation of the CH response when they were delivered i.v. We conclude that all cellular elements necessary for the induction and regulation of CH after epicutaneous application of hapten to skin reside within the epidermis. The resident, dendritic, bone marrow-derived populations within the epidermis have the capacity to determine the outcome of an epicutaneous antigenic encounter.  相似文献   

Thy-1+ dendritic epidermal cells (Thy-1+DEC) are present in the murine epidermis. They are morphologically dendritic and express Thy-1, CD3 and asialoGM1, but not CD4 or CD8. T cell receptor (TCR) of Thy-1+DEC is TCR gamma delta. Allison et al and Tonegawa et al recently found that TCR of Thy-1+DEC is V gamma 5 J gamma C gamma -V delta 1D2J2C delta and has no junctional diversity. This TCR gamma delta of Thy-1+DEC is identical to TCR expressed on the earliest fetal thymocytes. It is distinct from that of other epithelial associated lymphocytes or other thymocytes. The ligand of Thy-1+DEC is not known, although TCR gamma delta of adult type could recognize allogenic major histocompatibility complex(MHC) class I or class II and mycobacterium antigen, especially heat shock protein. The TCR of Thy-1+DEC may not be the homing receptor to epidermis. The further studies are needed to elucidate the ligands or functions of Thy-1+DEC.  相似文献   

Direct in situ introduction of retroviral producer cells might provide a form of treatment for localized tumors. A possible undesirable consequence of this treatment could be uncontrolled proliferation of the injected producer cells. To test this possibility, severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice were reconstituted with human peripheral blood lymphocytes which were marked with a retroviral vector using a coculture method. Although specific measures were taken to remove the possible contaminating producer cells, a high percentage of mice developed fibrosarcoma 2–6 weeks after reconstitution. We hypothesized that tumors arose from a small number of contaminating producer cells in the inoculum. Tumor cells were consistently DNA tetraploid, a characteristic of the producer cell line. DNA extracted from tumor tissue was found to contain the gene (neomycin phosphotransferase) used to mark the producer cell line. Furthermore, SCID mice injected with 1 × 104 producer cells developed tumors with analogous characteristics. This report indicates that the retroviral producer cell line is tumorigenic in immune-deficient animals.  相似文献   

Mouse epidermal cells (EC) are composed of at least two phenotypically discrete populations of cells that in epidermal sheets have a dendritic morphology: Ia+ Langerhans cells (LC) and dendritic, bone marrow-derived, Ia- cells that express Thy-1 antigen (Thy-1+ dEC). Thy-1+ dEC lack other typical T cell markers such as L3T4, Lyt-1, and Lyt-2; however they do express Ly-5 and asialo GM1 in common with NK cells and certain other leukocytes. To investigate the functional capabilities of Thy-1+ dEC in vitro, cell suspensions prepared from trypsin-disaggregated sheets of mouse body wall epidermis were first enriched to 8 to 20% Ia+ and 20 to 40% Thy-1+ cells by centrifugation over Isolymph and then were cultured for 2 to 10 days with Concanavalin A (Con A) and/or partially purified rat IL 2. Con A-induced proliferation of EC was readily seen, with the maximal response occurring at a Con A concentration of 2.5 micrograms/ml on day 5 of culture. Con A responses were significantly enhanced by the continuous presence of 1 microgram/ml indomethacin. Responses both in the presence and absence of Con A were significantly enhanced by the addition of 5 to 10 U/ml of partially purified rat IL 2; proliferation in cultures stimulated by both Con A and IL 2 continued to increase throughout the 10-day culture period. Culture of fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS)-separated EC suspensions revealed that Thy-1-depleted EC and irradiated Thy-1+ EC failed to proliferate in response to Con A and IL 2, whereas unirradiated purified Thy-1+ EC gave enhanced Con A- and IL 2-induced responses compared with the unseparated population. Finally, to distinguish between the proliferation of small numbers of mature peripheral T cells and that of Thy-1+ dEC, antibody and complement-depletion studies were conducted with an unusual monoclonal anti-Thy-1 reagent, 20-10-5S, and with the anti-T cell reagents, anti-L3T4 and anti-Lyt-2. Thy-1+ dEC, but not LC, express the 20-10-5S determinant; furthermore, in CBA (Thy-1.2) mice 20-10-5S reacts with Thy-1+ dEC, thymocytes, and peripheral T cells, whereas in AKR/J (Thy-1.1) mice, it reacts only with Thy-1+ dEC and thymocytes and not with peripheral T cells. Pretreatment of AKR/J EC with 20-10-5S and complement abolished the capacity of such cells to respond to Con A and to IL 2.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Rotaviruses are important pathogens of human infants and the infants of many animal species. The disease produced by these viruses can be described as an acute, self-limiting diarrheal disease, with virus replication localized to the differentiated epithelial enterocytes of the small intestine. Immunologically normal infants shed virus for approximately 5 to 12 days after the onset of infection. Recently, it has been shown that rotavirus can produce a chronic infection in severely immunocompromised children, with virus shedding and intermittent diarrhea lasting from 6 weeks to 2 years (G. A. Losonsky, J. P. Johnson, J. A. Winkelstein, and R. H. Yolken, J. Clin. Invest. 76:2362-2367, 1985; F. T. Saulsbury, J. A. Winkelstein, and R. H. Yolken, J. Pediatr. 97:61-65, 1980). These findings point to an important role for the immune system in recovery from the disease. The study described here examined the outcome of murine rotavirus infection in mice with severe combined B- and T-cell immunodeficiency (SCID) and in immunologically normal seronegative BALB/c mice. Persistent rotavirus infection was established in all mice with SCID which had been inoculated orally as pups. Low levels of virus replication and constant fecal virus shedding characterized the chronic infection. This is the first report of a persistent rotavirus infection in an animal model.  相似文献   

Sarcocystis neurona is an apicomplexan parasite that is the primary etiologic agent of equine protozoal myeloencephalitis in horses. Protective immune responses in horses have not been determined, but interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) is considered critical for protection from neurologic disease in mice. The role of adaptive and innate immune responses in control of parasites was explored by infecting BALB/c, IFN-gamma knockout (GKO), and severe combined immune deficient (SCID) mice with S. neurona (10(4) sporocysts/mouse). Immune competent BALB/c mice eliminated parasites within 30 days, with no sign of neurologic disease, whereas GKO mice developed fulminant neurologic disease. In contrast, SCID mice remained healthy throughout the experimental period despite the persistence of parasite at low levels in some mice. Treatment with anti-IFN-gamma antibody resulted in neurologic disease in infected SCID mice. Although SCID mice lack adaptive immune responses, they have natural killer (NK) cells capable of producing significant quantities of IFN-gamma. Therefore, SCID mice were infected with sporocysts of S. neurona and treated with anti-asialo GM1. Depletion of NK cells, confirmed by flow cytometry, did not result in neurologic disease in SCID mice. These results indicate that IFN-gamma mediates protection from neurologic disease in SCID mice. Protective levels of IFN-gamma may originate from a low number of nondepleted NK cells or from a non-T cell, non-NK cell population.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from C.B- 17 scid mice with severe combined immunodeficiency disease exhibit natural killer cell (NK) activity against YAC lymphoma targets in a standard 4-hr 51Cr release assay. The cytolytic activity is demonstrable only at high effector to target ratios but can be augmented at least sevenfold by the interferon inducer poly I:C. The pattern of target lysis is specific, because splenocytes from poly I:C-primed C.B-17 scid mice lyse NK-sensitive YAC cells and not the insensitive P815 mastocytoma. The presence of several NK-associated antigens on C.B-17 scid splenocytes was tested by pretreating cells with the appropriate antiserum plus complement before testing for NK activity. The results indicate that a proportion of NK effectors in C.B-17 scid mice bear surface NK 2.1 and Asialo GM1 but are negative for Thy-1.  相似文献   

Role of Thy-1+ and Ia+ cells in ovarian function   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cryostat sections of anovulatory ovaries from persistent estrous rats following a single postnatal dose of testosterone and from persistent diestrous rats following long-term postnatal estradiol treatment were investigated. The indirect immunoperoxidase technique was used to localize ovarian Thy-1 and Ia glycoproteins, as well as several other cell surface markers, and the results were compared with those obtained in normal ovaries of cycling females. Folliculogenesis in persistent estrous rats proceeded up to cystic antral follicles and was associated with the occurrence of Thy-1+ stromal cells under follicular basal lamina. In contrast to normal ovaries, Thy-1+ material did not invade the basal layers of granulosa cells. There was also no association of Ia+ cells with follicular basal lamina, but Ia+ cells were usually found associated with some thecal vessels. In persistent diestrous rats folliculogenesis was significantly retarded in both advanced antrum formation and thecal development. Thy-1+ cells were usually present in theca. No Thy-1+ material was found among basal layers of granulosa cells and the depletion of thecal Ia+ cells was almost complete. We suggest that normal follicular development may be dependent on the correct effects of Thy-1+ and Ia+ cells in addition to appropriate gonadotropin and steroid stimulation. On the other hand, anovulatory syndromes following postnatal androgen or estrogen treatment might be induced by temporary direct ovarian effects disturbing the establishment of the normal relationship between follicular structures and the immune system.  相似文献   

Human Taenia in severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A rodent model for the development of the larval stages of human taeniid tapeworms would help advance immunodiagnosis in human and domestic animals and vaccine development for cysticercosis cellulosae or bovis in domestic animals. Here, Akira Ito and Mamoru Ito review recent results demonstrating the potential of the severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mouse for supporting development of the larval stages of Taenia saginata asiatica, T. saginata and T. solium.  相似文献   

Xenoengraftment of human cells in mice with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) has been used as a model system to study the mechanisms of B-cell lymphomagenesis. In the study reported here, we determined that SCID mice can also be used as a model to study angiogenesis in B-cell lymphomas. The C.B-17 scid/scid mice were xenotransplanted with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL), and we determined whether CD31, a marker found on endothelial cells, was detected in the human B-cell lymphomas that developed in these mice. Microvessel formation was identified by use of immunohistochemical staining for CD31. To assess possible mechanisms of angiogenic stimulus, we analyzed the expression of interleukin 8 (IL-8), a chemokine documented to promote angiogenesis, in non-small-cell lung cancer and bronchogenic carcinomas. We observed that a panel of LCL and LCL-lymphomas expressed IL-8 mRNA and protein. Neutralization of IL-8, however, did not inhibit lymphomagenesis, suggesting that IL-8 is not essential for angiogenesis in this model. To examine other parameters of angiogenesis, we identified expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in the lymphomas. These data suggest that angiogenesis accompanies EBV-associated B-cell lymphoma development, but IL-8 is not essential for this process. Thus, the SCID mouse model is amenable to testing of anti-angiogenic factors.  相似文献   

The nature of the association of adenosine deaminase deficiency and severe combined immunodeficiency disease is reviewed. The basis for the molecular heterogeneity exhibited by adenosine deaminase in human tissue and the mechanisms whereby a deficiency of this activity results in the extreme perturbation of the immune system as observed in severe combined immunodeficiency are critically discussed.  相似文献   

The lineage of lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells is poorly understood. To examine the relationship between LAK and natural killer (NK) cells we utilized two congenitally immunodeficient mice, namely severe combined immunodeficient (scid) and athymic (nude) mice that lack T cells but have normal NK cells. LAK activity was evaluated by the ability to lyze NK-resistant P815 cells. When cultured with human recombinant interleukin 2, splenocytes of scid and nude mice could generate LAK activity at levels comparable to or more than those of normal C.B-17 mice. LAK effector cells in these immunodeficient mice as well as normal mice had the phenotype resembling that of NK cells with asialo-GM1 (aGM1) expression. In vivo treatment with anti-aGM1 antiserum completely abolished the induction of LAK activity from splenocytes of normal mice. In contrast, LAK activity in splenocytes of scid and nude mice was still demonstrable even after this treatment, indicating that most LAK precursors in both mice were cells without aGM1 antigen. The aGM1- progenitors for LAK activity, probably in common with NK progenitors, appeared to be more expanded in scid and nude mice than in normal mice. The use of such congenitally immunodeficient mice should be helpful in studying the differentiation step of LAK as well as NK cells from their precursors.  相似文献   

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