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Producer diversity is frequently assumed to be detrimental to herbivores, because less edible taxa are more likely to dominate diverse communities. Many producers are, however, complementary in their resource use, and primary production is often positively related to producer diversity. We performed an experiment with microalgae and a generalist herbivore to explore the hypothesis that such positive effects are transferred up the food chain and are functionally comparable to effects of enrichment with a limiting resource. In both absence and presence of grazers, primary production was positively affected by both light supply and producer diversity. Survival, reproduction, and biomass of herbivores were also positively affected by light supply and producer diversity, with both factors contributing equally to grazer performance. We conclude that producer diversity can indeed have similar positive effects on secondary production as enrichment with a limiting resource and discuss conditions under which such positive effects are likely to dominate over negative ones.  相似文献   

The relationship between functional and taxonomic diversity is a major issue in ecology. Biodiversity in aquatic environments is strongly influenced by environmental gradients that act as dispersion and niche barriers. Environmental conditions act as filters to select functional traits, but biotic interactions also play a role in assemblage structure. In headwater streams, the relationship between functional and taxonomic diversity remains unclear. In this study we investigated how environmental conditions, taxonomic diversity and biotic interactions influence the spatial distribution of traits and functional diversity in stream fish species. Standardized sampling of fish species was carried out in 50 m sections of 16 streams located in rainforest enclaves in a semiarid region of Brazil (Caatinga biome). The functional diversity indices displayed different responses to the predictor variables used. Functional richness was mainly influenced by environmental conditions, while functional evenness was mostly determined by taxonomic diversity. On the other hand, functional dispersion was explained by a combination of environmental conditions and taxonomic diversity. The spatial distribution of fish species with the same functional traits was random, indicating that biotic interactions are not a strong predictor in these ecosystems. Channel width, pH and substrate were the most important variables in the spatial distribution of the functional traits of the fish species. Our results suggest that the functional structure of fish assemblages in headwater streams depends mainly on environmental conditions and taxonomic diversity.  相似文献   

Despite Angola’s central scarp forests being recognised as a critical global priority for bird conservation, fine-scale information on threatened bird distributions and patterns of bird diversity are lacking. These data are essential to identify sites within the Western Angola Endemic Bird Area that should be targeted for conservation. First endemic and near-endemic species and subspecies, and species with isolated populations along the Angolan scarp were identified to highlight taxa of greatest priority for conservation and for use in studying the evolutionary origins of the region. Thereafter survey data collected during 2005 from 13 forest sites along the central scarp was analysed. These data show that there are three distinct bird communities across the width of the escarpment, each associated with a distinctive forest type. Of note is the finding that threatened and Near Threatened endemic species occur almost exclusively in the dry forests adjacent to the main escarpment, rather than in the moistest forests found on the main escarpment, which instead are richer in Congo Basin forest birds. Based on these data, summaries of ranges, populations and conservation threats are given for the seven most threatened bird species. Attention is drawn to threats to the habitats of greatest importance to these species. A conservation area network should be established that encompasses the full spectrum of bird diversity described, to ensure survival of current unique taxa and the future evolutionary potential of the area.  相似文献   

Plant community productivity generally increases with biodiversity, but the strength of this relationship exhibits strong empirical variation. In meta-food-web simulations, we addressed if the spatial overlap in plants' resource access and animal space-use can explain such variability. We found that spatial overlap of plant resource access is a prerequisite for positive diversity–productivity relationships, but causes exploitative competition that can lead to competitive exclusion. Space-use of herbivores causes apparent competition among plants, resulting in negative relationships. However, space-use of larger top predators integrates sub-food webs composed of smaller species, offsetting the negative effects of exploitative and apparent competition and leading to strongly positive diversity–productivity relationships. Overall, our results show that spatial overlap of plants' resource access and animal space-use can greatly alter the strength and sign of such relationships. In particular, the scaling of animal space-use effects opens new perspectives for linking landscape processes without effects on biodiversity to productivity patterns.  相似文献   

Land-use change and current game management have favored an increasing population of wild ungulates (especially deer) in many regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Here, we assess the impact of high deer densities (>30 ind km?2) on the highly diverse woody vegetation of Mediterranean ecosystems, where big game have been favored for the last decades. We examine whether prolonged deer browsing (over 30 years) affected plant composition, diversity and dynamics of the original (non-browsed) vegetation. Deer browsing led to an average decrease of 30.4 % in woody plant diversity (species richness), due to a lack of regeneration for the most preferred plant species. Species belonging to early stages of succession (mostly Labiatae and Cistaceae) were non-preferred by deer. Conversely, the most preferred species belonged mainly to late stages of plant succession. Deer impact on Mediterranean shrublands is causing biotic homogenization of plant communities and is threatening vegetation dynamics by forcing it to return to earlier succession stages. Strict deer population control favouring larger trophies but lower offspring numbers together with an adequate habitat management (increasing grass and acorn availability) would be the most efficient measures to reverse this diversity loss. Restoration work seems only appropriate for the most vulnerable species. We highlight the need of sampling deer-free areas with low or null historical browsing to assess the real impact of deer on woody plant diversity and vegetation dynamics.  相似文献   

Plants are sessile organisms forced to adjust to their surrounding environment. In a single plant the photoautotrophic shoot is exposed to pronounced environmental variations recurring in a day-night 24?h (diel) cycle, whereas the heterotrophic root grows in a temporally less fluctuating environment. The contrasting habitats of shoots and roots are reflected in different diel growth patterns and their responsiveness to environmental stimuli. Differences between diel leaf growth patterns of mono- and dicotyledonous plants correspond to their different organization and placement of growth zones. In monocots, heterotrophic growth zones are organized linearly and protected from the environment by sheaths of older leaves. In contrast, photosynthetically active growth zones of dicot leaves are exposed directly to the environment and show characteristic, species-specific diel growth patterns. It is hypothesized that the different exposure to environmental constraints and simultaneously the sink/source status of the growing organs may have induced distinct endogenous control of diel growth patterns in roots and leaves of monocot and dicot plants. Confronted by strong temporal fluctuations in environment, the circadian clock may facilitate robust intrinsic control of leaf growth in dicot plants.  相似文献   

The impact of invasion on diversity varies widely and remains elusive. Despite the considerable attempts to understand mechanisms of biological invasion, it is largely unknown whether some communities’ characteristics promote biological invasion, or whether some inherent characteristics of invaders enable them to invade other communities. Our aims were to assess the impact of one of the massive plant invaders of Scandinavia on vascular plant species diversity, disentangle attributes of invasible and noninvasible communities, and evaluate the relationship between invasibility and genetic diversity of a dominant invader. We studied 56 pairs of Heracleum persicum Desf. ex Fisch.‐invaded and noninvaded plots from 12 locations in northern Norway. There was lower native cover, evenness, taxonomic diversity, native biomass, and species richness in the invaded plots than in the noninvaded plots. The invaded plots had nearly two native species fewer than the noninvaded plots on average. Within the invaded plots, cover of H. persicum had a strong negative effect on the native cover, evenness, and native biomass, and a positive association with the height of the native plants. Plant communities containing only native species appeared more invasible than those that included exotic species, particularly H. persicum. Genetic diversity of H. persicum was positively correlated with invasibility but not with community diversity. The invasion of a plant community by H. persicum exerts consistent negative pressure on vascular plant diversity. The lack of positive correlation between impacts and genetic diversity of H. persicum indicates that even a small founder population may cause high impact. We highlight community stability or saturation as an important determinant of invasibility. While the invasion by H. persicum may decrease susceptibility of a plant community to further invasion, it severely reduces the abundance of native species and makes them more vulnerable to competitive exclusion.  相似文献   

Plant community ecologists use the null model approach to infer assembly processes from observed patterns of species co‐occurrence. In about a third of published studies, the null hypothesis of random assembly cannot be rejected. When this occurs, plant ecologists interpret that the observed random pattern is not environmentally constrained – but probably generated by stochastic processes. The null model approach (using the C‐score and the discrepancy index) was used to test for random assembly under two simulation algorithms. Logistic regression, distance‐based redundancy analysis, and constrained ordination were used to test for environmental determinism (species segregation along environmental gradients or turnover and species aggregation). This article introduces an environmentally determined community of alpine hydrophytes that presents itself as randomly assembled. The pathway through which the random pattern arises in this community is suggested to be as follows: Two simultaneous environmental processes, one leading to species aggregation and the other leading to species segregation, concurrently generate the observed pattern, which results to be neither aggregated nor segregated – but random. A simulation study supports this suggestion. Although apparently simple, the null model approach seems to assume that a single ecological factor prevails or that if several factors decisively influence the community, then they all exert their influence in the same direction, generating either aggregation or segregation. As these assumptions are unlikely to hold in most cases and assembly processes cannot be inferred from random patterns, we would like to propose plant ecologists to investigate specifically the ecological processes responsible for observed random patterns, instead of trying to infer processes from patterns.  相似文献   

Aim To test how far can macroecological hypotheses relating diversity to environmental factors be extrapolated to functional and phylogenetic diversities, i.e. to the extent to which functional traits and evolutionary backgrounds vary among species in a community or region. We use a spatial partitioning of diversity where regional or γ‐diversity is calculated by aggregating information on local communities, local or α‐diversity corresponds to diversity in one locality, and turnover or β‐diversity corresponds to the average turnover between localities and the region. Location France. Methods We used the Rao quadratic entropy decomposition of diversity to calculate local, regional and turnover diversity for each of three diversity facets (taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional) in breeding bird communities of France. Spatial autoregressive models and partial regression analyses were used to analyse the relationships between each diversity facet and environmental gradients (climate and land use). Results Changes in γ‐diversity are driven by changes in both α‐ and β‐diversity. Low levels of human impact generally favour all three facets of regional diversity and heterogeneous landscapes usually harbour higher β‐diversity in the three facets of diversity, although functional and phylogenetic turnover show some relationships in the opposite direction. Spatial and environmental factors explain a large percentage of the variation in the three diversity facets (>60%), and this is especially true for phylogenetic diversity. In all cases, spatial structure plays a preponderant role in explaining diversity gradients, suggesting an important role for dispersal limitations in structuring diversity at different spatial scales. Main conclusions Our results generally support the idea that hypotheses that have previously been applied to taxonomic diversity, both at local and regional scales, can be extended to phylogenetic and functional diversity. Specifically, changes in regional diversity are the result of changes in both local and turnover diversity, some environmental conditions such as human development have a great impact on diversity levels, and heterogeneous landscapes tend to have higher diversity levels. Interestingly, differences between diversity facets could potentially provide further insights into how large‐ and small‐scale ecological processes interact at the onset of macroecological patterns.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton dynamics in a shallow eutrophic lake were investigatedover a 3-year period with respect to environmental forces whichdrive species composition and diversity. Diversity was calculatedon the basis of species as well as on the basis of their functionalproperties (the C-R-S concept). Stratification and water columnmixing had a strong impact on phytoplankton composition. Applicationof a similarity–diversity model revealed that a high diversitywas a transient non-stable state, whereas drastic changes orlong-lasting stable environmental conditions are characterizedby low diversity. This effect was more pronounced when the diversitywas calculated on the basis of the phytoplankton species' functionalproperties. Thus, this functional approach supports the intermediatedisturbance hypothesis from field data.  相似文献   

Previous syntheses on the effects of environmental conditions on the outcome of plant–plant interactions summarize results from pairwise studies. However, the upscaling to the community-level of such studies is problematic because of the existence of multiple species assemblages and species-specific responses to both the environmental conditions and the presence of neighbors. We conducted the first global synthesis of community-level studies from harsh environments, which included data from 71 alpine and 137 dryland communities to: (i) test how important are facilitative interactions as a driver of community structure, (ii) evaluate whether we can predict the frequency of positive plant–plant interactions across differing environmental conditions and habitats, and (iii) assess whether thresholds in the response of plant–plant interactions to environmental gradients exists between “moderate” and “extreme” environments. We also used those community-level studies performed across gradients of at least three points to evaluate how the average environmental conditions, the length of the gradient studied, and the number of points sampled across such gradient affect the form and strength of the facilitation-environmental conditions relationship. Over 25% of the species present were more spatially associated to nurse plants than expected by chance in both alpine and dryland areas, illustrating the high importance of positive plant–plant interactions for the maintenance of plant diversity in these environments. Facilitative interactions were more frequent, and more related to environmental conditions, in alpine than in dryland areas, perhaps because drylands are generally characterized by a larger variety of environmental stress factors and plant functional traits. The frequency of facilitative interactions in alpine communities peaked at 1000 mm of annual rainfall, and globally decreased with elevation. The frequency of positive interactions in dryland communities decreased globally with water scarcity or temperature annual range. Positive facilitation-drought stress relationships are more likely in shorter regional gradients, but these relationships are obscured in regions with a greater species turnover or with complex environmental gradients. By showing the different climatic drivers and behaviors of plant–plant interactions in dryland and alpine areas, our results will improve predictions regarding the effect of facilitation on the assembly of plant communities and their response to changes in environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Awesome or ordinary? Global diversity patterns of oribatid mites   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Diversity of most above-ground organisms increases with decreasing latitude, but the biogeographical and macroecological diversity patterns of below-ground animals have been poorly studied. We investigated the latitudinal diversity gradient in a primarily below-ground living soil taxon, oribatid mites. Furthermore, oribatid mite species richness from islands and mainlainds was tested for correlation with the size of the respective area (island or mainland) to evaluate if their species–area relationships are similar to those of above-ground taxa. The results suggest that for oribatid mites 1) diversity increases from the boreal to the warm temperate region but not further to the tropics, and 2) species–area relationships for islands and mainlands are similar to those of above-ground taxa, but this is mainly caused by very small islands, such as Cocos islands, and very large islands, such as Madagascar. When these islands are excluded the species–area relationship strongly differs from those of typical islands. The results support the view that below-ground animal taxa are generalists that inhabit wide niches. Most small islands have relatively rich oribatid mite faunas, supporting the observation that a large number of species can coexist in a small area (high α-diversity).  相似文献   

Forest management modified the original structure of most European forests, and in the most extreme cases, genuinely natural and semi-natural forests were turned into plantations through clear felling and replanting, often using non-native species. We compared the bird community structure of native oak woods of northern Italy with that of their anthropogenic counter-parts: black locust and sweet chestnut woods. The three stand types were compared in terms of vegetation structure, bird species richness, diversity and abundance of foraging guilds. We analysed both the overwintering and the breeding community, to assess whether management had specific seasonal effects on bird diversity. Forestry-imposed disturbances affected bird diversity more consistently in winter than in breeding time: bird species richness and diversity were significantly greater in oak and chestnut stands, which were the preferred habitat for bark foragers and foliage gleaners. In the breeding period, bird diversity of black locust woodlands increased, and inter-stand differences were not significant. At this time of year, understorey gleaners were more abundant in black locust stands (where shrubs were denser). In winter, species richness, diversity and the abundance of several guilds were positively correlated with stand age, whereas in the breeding period canopy gleaners preferred younger woodlots. Despite the lack of inter-stand differences in breeding bird diversity, young-managed woods benefited generalist birds that need no particular conservation efforts. Conversely, priority species for forest conservation such as specialised bark foragers positively selected native and mature stands throughout the year. We suggest that detailed year-round studies on diversity and community composition could sharpen the precision with which it is possible to prescribe conservation measures in forested areas.  相似文献   


An understanding of the diversity spatial organization in plant communities provides essential information for management and conservation planning. In this study we investigated, using a multi-species approach, how plant–plant interactions determine the local structure and composition of diversity in a set of Mediterranean plant communities, ranging from semi-arid to subalpine habitats. Specifically, we evaluated the spatial pattern of diversity (i.e., diversity aggregation or segregation) in the local neighborhood of perennial plant species using the ISAR (individual species–area relationship) method. We also assessed the local pattern of beta-diversity (i.e., the spatial heterogeneity in species composition among local assemblages), including the contribution of species turnover (i.e., species replacement) and nestedness (i.e., differences in species richness) to the overall local beta-diversity. Our results showed that local diversity segregation decreased in the less productive plant communities. Also, we found that graminoids largely acted as diversity segregators, while forbs showed more diverse neighborhoods than expected in less productive study sites. Interestingly, not all shrub and dwarf shrub species aggregated diversity in their surroundings. Finally, an increase in nestedness was associated with less segregated diversity patterns in the local neighborhood of shrub species, underlining their role in creating diversity islands in less productive environmental conditions. Our results provide further insights into the effect of plant–plant interactions in shaping the structure and composition of diversity in Mediterranean plant communities, and highlight the species and groups of species that management and conservation strategies should focus on in order to prevent a loss of biodiversity.


Many seemingly plausible mathematical models of small-scale ecological interactions predict the self-organisation of dynamic, coherent and large scale spatial patterns (e.g. spirals). If true, such patterns would have important ecological and evolutionary consequences. For the most part, however, empirical studies have not corroborated their existence, suggesting erroneous dynamics in the models, shortcomings in empirical methodology, or both. Arguments for categorically dismissing self-organized patterns have been based on their assumed sensitivity to symmetry-breaking stochastic noise. However, many plausible mechanisms for generating patterns are robust to noise, and consequently broken symmetry is insufficient grounds for dismissing these self-organized patterns.  相似文献   

Variations in species richness and diversity at a local scale are affected by a number of complex and interacting variables, including both natural environmental factors and human-made changes to the local environment. Here we identified the most important determinants of woody species richness and diversity at different growth stages (i.e. adult, sapling and seedling) in a bamboo–deciduous forest in northeast Thailand. A total of 20 environmental and human disturbance variables were used to determine the variation in species richness and diversity. In total, we identified 125 adult, 111 sapling (within fifty 20 × 20-m plots) and 89 seedling species (within one hundred and twenty 1 × 1-m subplots). Overall results from stepwise multiple regression analyses showed that environmental variables were by far the most important in explaining the variation in species richness and diversity. Forest structure (i.e. number of bamboo clumps and canopy cover) was important in determining the adult species richness and diversity (R 2 = 0.48, 0.30, respectively), while topography (i.e. elevation) and human disturbance (i.e. number of tree stumps) were important in determining the sapling species richness and diversity (R 2 = 0.55, 0.39, respectively). Seedling species richness and diversity were negatively related to soil phosphorus. Based on our results, we suggest that the presence of bamboos should be incorporated in management strategies for maintaining woody species richness and diversity in these forest ecosystems. Specifically, if bamboos cover the forest floor at high densities, it may be necessary to actively control these species for successful tree establishment.  相似文献   

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