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Abstract The upper few millimeters of intertidal sediment supports a varied biomass of microbial consortia and microphytobenthos. Many of these organisms release extracellular polymers into the surrounding sediment matrix that can result in sediment cohesion and the increased stability of the sediment. The relationship between the heterotrophic and autotrophic components of these biofilms is not well understood. A combination of mesocosm and field investigations were used to investigate the relationship between microbial production rate (algae and bacteria), the extracellular carbohydrates, biomass, and stability in conjunction with a variety of environmental factors. An inverse relationship was found between rates of algal production and sediment stability both in the field and in laboratory mesocosms, though the relationship was significant only in the field (P < 0.001). Stability of sediments increased with increasing bacterial production rate (P < 0.001). Positive correlations were found between sediment stability and a range of other variables, including algal biomass (P < 0.001), colloidal-S EPS (P < 0.001), colloidal-S carbohydrate (P < 0.01), colloidal-S EDTA (P < 0.01), and sediment water content (P < 0.001). Using the data acquired, a preliminary model was developed to predict changes in sediment stability. Chlorophyll a, water content, and colloidal-S EPS were found to be the most important predictors of stability in intact cores incubated under laboratory conditions. Differences observed in patterns of the surface (0–2 mm) distribution of colloidal-S carbohydrate and chlorophyll a when expressed on a dry weight or areal basis were attributed to effects of dewatering and concomitant changes in wet bulk density. The polymeric carbohydrate (colloidal-S EPS) component of the biofilms was not found to be a constant fraction of the colloidal-S carbohydrate extract, varying from 16 to 58%, and the percentage of polymer decreased logarithmically as chlorophyll a concentrations increased and the biofilms matured (P < 0.001). Changes in the relationships between these variables over the period of biofilm development and maturation highlight the difficulties in their use to predict sediment stability. Exopolymer concentrations were more closely correlated with algal biomass than with bacterial numbers. Rates of algal carbon fixation were considerably greater than those for bacteria, suggesting that the algae have a much greater potential for exopolymer production. It is suggested that the microphytobenthos secretions make a more important contribution to sediment stability. Received: 12 May 1999; Accepted: 13 October 1999; Online Publication: 24 March 2000  相似文献   

Denitrification in San Francisco Bay Intertidal Sediments   总被引:6,自引:17,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The acetylene block technique was employed to study denitrification in intertidal estuarine sediments. Addition of nitrate to sediment slurries stimulated denitrification. During the dry season, sediment-slurry denitrification rates displayed Michaelis-Menten kinetics, and ambient NO3 + NO2 concentrations (≤26 μM) were below the apparent Km (50 μM) for nitrate. During the rainy season, when ambient NO3 + NO2 concentrations were higher (37 to 89 μM), an accurate estimate of the Km could not be obtained. Endogenous denitrification activity was confined to the upper 3 cm of the sediment column. However, the addition of nitrate to deeper sediments demonstrated immediate N2O production, and potential activity existed at all depths sampled (the deepest was 15 cm). Loss of N2O in the presence of C2H2 was sometimes observed during these short-term sediment incubations. Experiments with sediment slurries and washed cell suspensions of a marine pseudomonad confirmed that this N2O loss was caused by incomplete blockage of N2O reductase by C2H2 at low nitrate concentrations. Areal estimates of denitrification (in the absence of added nitrate) ranged from 0.8 to 1.2 μmol of N2 m−2 h−1 (for undisturbed sediments) to 17 to 280 μmol of N2 m−2 h−1 (for shaken sediment slurries).  相似文献   

[3H]- and δ-[14C]Aminolevulinic acids were incorporated into the chlorophylls of Skeletonema costatum, a marine plankton diatom. In the stationary phase of growth, the tetrapyrrole-based pigments reached steady-state labeling after 10 hours. Under conditions of exponential cell division and chlorophyll accumulation, 3H was rapidly lost from the labeled chlorophylls and was replaced with 14C derived from δ-[4−14C]aminolevulinic acid. The kinetics of isotope dilution suggests recycling of tetrapyrrole precursors and/or two pigment pools, containing both chlorophyll a and chlorophyllide c, one which turns over rapidly (10 hours) and another which turns over more slowly (100 hours). Calculation of turnover times varied from 3 to 10 hours for chlorophyll a and from 7 to 26 hours for chlorophyllide c. The data suggest the dynamics of chlorophyll metabolism in S. costatum and explain the diatom's ability to undergo light-shade adaptation within a generation time.  相似文献   


Diatom biofilms growing at the surface of the intertidal mudflat of Marennes Oléron, France, were incubated for 48 h in the laboratory under simulated conditions of high- and low tide (immersed and emersed in seawater) and day and night (illuminated or dark conditions). The biofilms were subsequently sampled using the cryolander technique, without disturbing the structure. The samples were kept in liquid nitrogen until they were transferred to the cooled stage of a field-emission cryo-scanning electron microscope, which was used to study the structural relationships between the sediment particles, the diatoms and the different types of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) produced by these organisms. The diatoms were most abundant at the sediment surface when incubated in the light under emersed conditions. In the dark or when immersed, the diatoms migrated into the sediment. In the light, the diatoms were coated with EPS, while this was not the case when incubated in the dark. When immersed, the sediment surface appeared smooth as the result of the deposition of mud. Under emersed conditions, the coarser silt grains were prominently present. These grains were wrapped with organic matter and bound together through threads of EPS. This was the case both in light and in dark incubated sediment. It is proposed that this latter type of EPS contributes to the increased erosion threshold of intertidal mudflats colonized by biofilms of diatoms.  相似文献   

Coastal zones act as a sink for riverine and atmospheric nitrogen inputs and thereby buffer the open ocean from the effects of anthropogenic activity. Recently, microbial activity in sandy permeable sediments has been identified as a dominant source of N-loss in coastal zones, namely through denitrification. Some of the highest coastal denitrification rates measured so far occur within the intertidal permeable sediments of the eutrophied Wadden Sea. Still, denitrification alone can often account for only half of the substantial nitrate (NO3 ) consumption. Therefore, to investigate alternative NO3 sinks such as dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA), intracellular nitrate storage by eukaryotes and isotope equilibration effects we carried out 15NO3 amendment experiments. By considering all of these sinks in combination, we could quantify the fate of the 15NO3 added to the sediment. Denitrification was the dominant nitrate sink (50–75%), while DNRA, which recycles N to the environment accounted for 10–20% of NO3 consumption. Intriguingly, we also observed that between 20 and 40% of 15NO3 added to the incubations entered an intracellular pool of NO3 and was subsequently respired when nitrate became limiting. Eukaryotes were responsible for a large proportion of intracellular nitrate storage, and it could be shown through inhibition experiments that at least a third of the stored nitrate was subsequently also respired by eukaryotes. The environmental significance of the intracellular nitrate pool was confirmed by in situ measurements which revealed that intracellular storage can accumulate nitrate at concentrations six fold higher than the surrounding porewater. This intracellular pool is so far not considered when modeling N-loss from intertidal permeable sediments; however it can act as a reservoir for nitrate during low tide. Consequently, nitrate respiration supported by intracellular nitrate storage can add an additional 20% to previous nitrate reduction estimates in intertidal sediments, further increasing their contribution to N-loss.  相似文献   

Glycoside derivatives of 4-methylumbelliferone (MUF) were used to characterize the polysaccharidase enzyme systems present in sediments from an intertidal mud flat. The formation of highly fluorescent MUF on hydrolysis of the various glycosides was determined at low substrate concentrations (<1 muM) and with short incubation periods (>5 min). The hydrolysis of MUF-beta-d-glucose in sediments from depth intervals of 0 to 2 cm was insensitive to the presence of oxygen, dissolved sulfide, and iron; magnesium and calcium were stimulatory, however. A pronounced temperature optimum was observed at 40 degrees C, a salinity optimum at 30 per thousand, and a pH optimum at 8.5. Rates of hydrolysis were completely inhibited by the addition of mercuric chloride and sodium azide, but only partially inhibited by toluene and the specific beta-glucosidase inhibitor delta-1,5-gluconolactone. The response to delta-1,5-gluconolactone suggested that about 50% of the observed hydrolysis of MUF-beta-d-glucoside was due to exo- and endoglucanases. A wide variety of hydrolytic activities was observed, with at least some nonspecificity occurring in the case of MUF-beta-d-fucoside. Depth profiles indicated maximal activity in surface sediments with a rapid decline below 2 cm. MUF-glycosides provided a convenlent tool for initial analyses of the dynamics and controls of polymer hydrolysis in marine sediments.  相似文献   

Phenanthrene-degrading bacteria were isolated from a 1-m2 intertidal sediment site in Boston Harbor. Samples were taken six times over 2 years. A total of 432 bacteria were isolated and characterized by biochemical testing. When clustered on the basis of phenotypic characteristics, the isolates could be separated into 68 groups at a similarity level of approximately 70%. Several groups (a total of 200 isolates) corresponded to well-characterized species belonging the genera Vibrio and Pseudomonas. Only 51 of the 437 isolates (<11.7% of the total) hybridized to a DNA probe that encodes the upper pathway of naphthalene and phenanthrene degradation in Pseudomonas putida NCIB 9816. A cluster analysis indicated that the species composition of the phenanthrene-degrading community changed significantly from sampling date to sampling date. At one sampling time, 12 6-mm-diameter core subsamples were taken within the 1-m2 site to determine the spatial variability of the degrading communities. An analysis of molecular variance, performed with the phenotypic characteristics, indicated that only 6% of the variation occurred among the 12 subsamples, suggesting that the subsamples were almost identical in composition. We concluded that the communities of phenanthrene-degrading bacteria in the sediments are very diverse, that the community structure undergoes significant change with time but does not vary significantly on a spatial scale of centimeters, and that the predominant genes that encode phenanthrene degradation in the communities are not well-characterized.  相似文献   

The activity of and potential substrates for methane-producing bacteria and sulfate-reducing bacteria were examined in marsh, estuary, and beach intertidal sediments. Slow rates of methane production were detected in all sediments, although rates of sulfate reduction were 100- to 1,000-fold higher. After sulfate was depleted in sediments, the rates of methane production sharply increased. The addition of methylamine stimulated methanogenesis in the presence of sulfate, and [14C]methylamine was rapidly converted to 14CH4 and 14CO2 in freshly collected marsh sediment. Acetate, hydrogen, or methionine additions did not stimulate methanogenesis. [methyl-14C]methionine and [2-14C]acetate were converted to 14CO2 and not to 14CH4 in fresh sediment. No reduction of 14CO2 to 14CH4 occurred in fresh sediment. Molybdate, an inhibitor of sulfate reduction, inhibited [2-14C]acetate metabolism by 98.5%. Fluoracetate, an inhibitor of acetate metabolism, inhibited sulfate reduction by 61%. These results suggest that acetate is a major electron donor for sulfate reduction in marine sediments. In the presence of high concentrations of sulfate, methane may be derived from novel substrates such as methylamine.  相似文献   

Glucose uptake was monitored on a seasonal basis, using [6-3H]glucose and undisturbed cores collected from an intertidal mud flat. The fate of glucose carbon, including the formation of CO2 and biomass, was assayed by using undisturbed cores and [U-14C]glucose; the production of short-chain fatty acids was monitored with [U-14C]glucose and sediment slurries. Rate constants for glucose uptake varied temporally, with temperature accounting for much of the variability; turnover times ranged from about 2 to 10 min. Rate constants decreased with increasing sediment depth and in the following order for several common monosaccharides: glucose>galactose>mannose~fucose. Time course analyses of 14CO2 production provided evidence of significant isotopic dilution; although pore water glucose turnover times were on the order of minutes, 14CO2 did not plateau until after approximately 6 h of incubation. At this time a maximum of about 40% of the added radioglucose had been respired. The extent of respiration varied as a function of sediment depth and season, with the highest values below the surface (4 to 7 cm) and in summer and fall. Incorporation of radiolabelled glucose into biomass also varied seasonally, but the greatest extent of incorporation (about 40%) was observed in the fall and for the 0- to 1-cm depth interval. The production of short-chain fatty acid end products was largely limited to acetate, which accounted for only a small percentage of the added radiolabel. Other organic acids, pyruvate in particular, were observed in pore water and were due to artifacts in the heat-kill procedure used to terminate incubations. An accurate assessment of the distribution and importance of short-chain fatty acids as end products required the use of an enzymatic technique coupled with high-pressure liquid chromatography to verify qualitative identities.  相似文献   

Chemoautotrophy has been little studied in typical coastal marine sediments, but may be an important component of carbon recycling as intense anaerobic mineralization processes in these sediments lead to accumulation of high amounts of reduced compounds, such as sulfides and ammonium. We studied chemoautotrophy by measuring dark-fixation of 13C-bicarbonate into phospholipid derived fatty acid (PLFA) biomarkers at two coastal sediment sites with contrasting sulfur chemistry in the Eastern Scheldt estuary, the Netherlands. At one site where free sulfide accumulated in the pore water right to the top of the sediment, PLFA labeling was restricted to compounds typically found in sulfur and ammonium oxidizing bacteria. At the other site, with no detectable free sulfide in the pore water, a very different PLFA labeling pattern was found with high amounts of label in branched i- and a-PLFA besides the typical compounds for sulfur and ammonium oxidizing bacteria. This suggests that other types of chemoautotrophic bacteria were also active, most likely Deltaproteobacteria related to sulfate reducers. Maximum rates of chemoautotrophy were detected in first 1 to 2 centimeters of both sediments and chemosynthetic biomass production was high ranging from 3 to 36 mmol C m−2 d−1. Average dark carbon fixation to sediment oxygen uptake ratios were 0.22±0.07 mol C (mol O2)−1, which is in the range of the maximum growth yields reported for sulfur oxidizing bacteria indicating highly efficient growth. Chemoautotrophic biomass production was similar to carbon mineralization rates in the top of the free sulfide site, suggesting that chemoautotrophic bacteria could play a crucial role in the microbial food web and labeling in eukaryotic poly-unsaturated PLFA was indeed detectable. Our study shows that dark carbon fixation by chemoautotrophic bacteria is a major process in the carbon cycle of coastal sediments, and should therefore receive more attention in future studies on sediment biogeochemistry and microbial ecology.  相似文献   

The relationship between chlorophyll a and fractionation of sediment phosphorus, inorganic phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (IPB), and organic phosphate-mineralizing bacteria (OPB) was evaluated in a large Chinese shallow eutrophic lake (Lake Taihu) and its embayment (Wuli Bay). At the three study sites, the increase of chlorophyll a concentrations in April paralleled those of the iron bound phosphate accounting for major portion of sediment inorganic phosphate, and in June significantly higher OPB and IPB numbers (especially OPB) in sediment were main contributors to the peaks of chlorophyll a concentration. Even though IPB peaked from February to June, it should serve as an unimportant P source due to the irrelevancy with chlorophyll a and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP). By contrast, at the other site in the embayment, the calcium-bound phosphate was predominant and solid, which was difficult to be released, and neither IPB nor OPB were detectable in the sediment, indicating weak potential for phosphorus release from the sediment, which was reflected in the small seasonal variation in SRP concentration in water column. Hence, the extents to which the three general mechanisms behind phosphate release from sediment (desorption of iron bound phosphate, solubilization by IPB and enzymatic hydrolysis by OPB) operated were different depending on seasons and sites in Lake Taihu, they may jointly drive phosphate release and accelerate the eutrophication processes.  相似文献   

福建敖江口表层沉积硅藻空间分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨福建敖江口表层沉积硅藻空间分布特征,2019年7月对敖江口进行表层沉积硅藻的采样调查,并研究了硅藻与环境因子的关系。结果表明,从13个站点共检出硅藻114种,隶属于39属。硅藻丰度具有从河口向外海先减少后增加的变化特征。聚类分析表明,主要硅藻属种可划分为淡水种组合带和半咸水-咸水种组合带。典型对应分析(CCA)表明,表层海水温度和盐度是影响硅藻分布的主要环境变量。河口区盐度相对较低,主要分布淡水种双面曲壳藻、优美曲壳藻和颗粒沟链藻;外海区北部盐度相对较高,主要分布咸水种流水双菱藻;外海区南部盐度相对较低,主要分布淡水种优美曲壳藻和颗粒沟链藻;滩涂的沉积物较粗,主要分布优美曲壳藻。此外,河口区和外海区南部可能存在一定的水体污染。  相似文献   

Rates of degradation of radiolabeled hydrocarbons and incidence of bacterial plasmid DNA were investigated in sediment samples collected from the Campeche Bank, Gulf of Mexico, site of an offshore oil field containing several petroleum platforms. Overall rates of mineralization of [14C]hexadecane and [14C]phenanthrene measured for sediments were negligible; <1% of the substrate was converted to CO2 in all cases. Low mineralization rates are ascribed to nutrient limitations and to lack of adaptation by microbial communities to hydrocarbon contaminants. Plasmid frequency data for sediment bacteria similarly showed no correlation with proximity to the oil field, but, instead, showed correlation with water column depth at each sampling site. Significant differences between sites were observed for proportion of isolates carrying single or multiple plasmids and mean number of plasmids per isolate, each of which increased as a function of depth.  相似文献   

Dijkman  N.  Kaftan  D.  Trtílek  M.  Nedbal  L. 《Photosynthetica》1999,37(2):249-254
A modification of the double-modulation fluorometer is described that allows measuring very dilute phytoplankton samples. The high sensitivity is achieved by increasing the sample volume and by collecting the fluorescence from the large volume by an integrating sphere. The sensitivity of the instrument increased approximately proportionally to the volume of the sample. A further improvement of the sensitivity was achieved by replacing the PIN photodiode of the earlier versions by a photomultiplier. The instrument was used to measure fluorescence induction, F0 and Fm parameters, and QA -reoxidation kinetics at concentrations at and below 100 pM chlorophyll. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Competition for sulfate and ethanol among Desulfobacter, Desulfobulbus, and Desulfovibrio species isolated from estuarine sediments was studied in energy-limited chemostats. Desulfovibrio baculatus was the most successful competitor for limiting amounts of sulfate and ethanol, followed by Desulfobulbus propionicus. The success of Desulfovibrio baculatus was dependent on the availability of sufficient iron. Of the three species studied, Desulfobacter postgatei was the least successful competitor for limiting amounts of sulfate. Although stimulating the growth of Desulfobacter postgatei, addition of Ca-saturated illite particles to culture media did not affect the outcome of competition for sulfate. Thus, under sulfate limitation acetate accumulated. This phenomenon was briefly discussed in relation to the flow of electrons during anaerobic mineralization in marine and estuarine sulfate-limited sediments.  相似文献   

The role of disturbance in structuring natural microbial communities has been largely unexplored. Disturbance associated with invertebrate ingestion can reduce bacterial biomass and alter metabolic activities and compositions of bacterial assemblages in marine sediments. The primary objectives of the research presented here were to test whether ingestion by a taxonomically diverse group of deposit feeders constituted a disturbance, and to determine the mechanisms by which bacterial assemblages recover following deposit-feeder ingestion. To test the question of disturbance, we compared fresh egesta vs surficial sediments with respect to bacterial assemblage structure. In emersed intertidal sediments, microbial recovery could be due to regrowth of bacterial populations surviving gut passage or to immigration from adjacent sediments. To differentiate between these modes of recolonization we used field manipulative experiments to exclude migration by isolating freshly extruded fecal coils of three deposit-feeding species from surrounding sediments. We then followed the quantitative and qualitative recovery in egesta and sediments through time using epifluorescence microscopy and PCR-DGGE analysis of 16S rDNA. Our findings indicate that (1) the degree and nature of the disturbance to bacterial assemblages from deposit feeding varies among invertebrate taxa, (2) recovery was significant but incomplete over 3 h, and (3) recolonization of biotically disturbed sediments is dominated by immigration.This revised version was published online in November 2004 with corrections to Volume 48.  相似文献   

Stable isotope probing of magnetic-bead-captured rRNA (Mag-SIP) indicated clear differences in in situ organic substrate utilization by major microbial groups between the more oxidized (0 to 2 cm) and sulfate-reducing (2 to 5 cm) horizons of marine intertidal sediment. We also showed that cyanobacteria and diatoms may survive by glucose utilization under dark anoxic conditions.  相似文献   

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