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Immunocytochemistry was performed on the nervous system of Helix by the use of an antibody raised against a myotropic neuropeptide, the catch-relaxing peptide (CARP), isolated from Mytilus edulis. In each ganglion of the central nervous system of Helix pomatia, numerous CARP-immunoreactive cell bodies and a dense immunoreactive fiber system could be observed with a dominancy in the cerebral and pedal ganglia. The majority of the immunoreactive neurons are unipolar, although multipolar neurons also occur. In the neuropil areas, CARP-immunoreactive fibers show extensive arborization, which may indicate a central role of CARP. CARP-immunoreactive elements could be observed in each investigated peripheral nerve and peripheral areas, namely in the intestine, heart, aorta, buccal mass, lips, and foot. However, CARP-immunoreactive cell bodies could only be demonstrated in the intestine and the foot musculature. Thin varicose CARP-immunoreactive fibers were observed over both muscle and gland cells in the different peripheral organs, suggesting a peripheral role of CARP. In vivo CARP injection into the body cavity (10-3, 10-4, 10-5 M) altered the general behavioral state of the animals and induced the relaxation of the musculature of the whole body wall indicating that CARP has a significant role in the regulation of muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of FMRFamide-like immunoreactive (FLI) neurons and their morphological characteristics have been investigated in the central nervous system of the snail, Helix pomatia L. Approximately phageal ganglion complex. More than 50% of the FLI neurons were located in the cerebral ganglia. The FLI neurons could be divided into four groups according to size: (i) giant neurons (over 100 m); (ii) large neurons (80–100 m); (iii) medium-sized neurons (40–70 m); (iv) small neurons (12–30 m). They were distributed i) in groups or clusters, typical of small neurons and ii) in solitary form or in groups comprising 2–3 cells, typical of large and giant neurons. Giant and large neurons revealed only limited arborizations in the neuropil, but rich branching towards and in the peripheral nerves. Some of the small neurons had extensive arborizations of varicose fibers in the neuropil. They may therefore play some role in integratory processes. Varicose FLI fibers were visualized in the cell body layer of the different ganglia, and in the neural sheath of both the ganglia and the peripheral nerves. We propose a multifunctional involvement of FLI neurons and FMRFamide-like neuropeptides in the Helix nervous system: (i) a synaptic or modulatory role in axo-axonic interactions in the neuropil; (ii) a direct influence on neuronal cell bodies in the cortical layer, (iii) innervation of different peripheral organs; and (iv) remote neurohormonal control of peripheral events through the neural sheath.  相似文献   

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-like immunoreactive neurons were studied in the central and peripheral nervous system of Helix pomatia by applying immunocytochemistry on whole-mount preparations and serial paraffin sections. GABA-immunoreactive cell bodies were found in the buccal, cerebral and pedal ganglia, but only GABA-immunoreactive fibers were found in the viscero-parietal-pleural ganglion complex. The majority of GABA-immunoreactive cell bodies were located in the pedal ganglia but a few could be found in the buccal ganglia. Varicose GABA-ir fibers could be seen in the neuropil areas and in distinct areas of the cell body layer of the ganglia. The majority of GABA-ir axonal processes run into the connectives and commissures of the ganglia, indicating an important central integrative role of GABA-immunoreactive neurons. GABA may also have a peripheral role, since GABA-immunoreactive fibers could be demonstrated in peripheral nerves and the lips. Glutamate injection did not change the number or distribution of GABA-immunoreactive neurons, but induced GABA immunoreactivity in elements of the connective tissue ensheathing the muscle cells and fibers of the buccal musculature. This shows that GABA may be present in different non-neural tissues as a product of general metabolic pathways.  相似文献   

The distribution and characterization of dopamine-containing neurons are described in the different ganglia of the central nervous system of Helix on the basis of the distribution of tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive (TH-ir) and dopamine immunoreactive (DA-ir) neurons. Both TH-ir and DA-ir cell bodies of small diameter (10–25 m) can be observed in the buccal, cerebral and pedal ganglia, dominantly on their ventral surface, and concentrated in small groups close to the origin of the peripheral nerves. The viscero-parietal-pleural ganglion complex is free of immunoreactive cell bodies but contains a dense fiber system. The largest number of TH-ir and DA-ir neurons can be detected in the pedal, and cerebral ganglia. The average number of TH-ir and DA-ir neurons significantly differs but all the identifiable groups of TH-ir neurons also show DA-immunoreactivity. Therefore, we consider the TH-ir neurons in those groups as being DA-containing neurons. The amounts of DA in the different ganglia assayed by high performance liquid chromatography correspond to the distribution and number of TH-ir and DA-ir neurons in the different ganglia. The axon processes of the labeled small-diameter neurons send thin proximal branches toward the cell body layer but only rarely surround cell bodics, whereas distally they give off numerous branches in the neuropil and then leave the ganglion through the peripheral nerves. In the cerebral ganglia, the analysis of the TH-ir pathways indicates that the largest groups of labeled neurons send their processes through the peripheral nerves in a topographic order. These results furnish morphological evidence that DA-containing neurons of Helix pomatia have both central and peripheral roles in neuronal regulation.  相似文献   

Summary the occurrence of insulin-related substances in the central nervous system of pulmonates and Aplysia californica was investigated by means of immunocytochemistry and in situ hybridization. Previous experiments have shown that, in Lymnaea stagnalis, the growth hormone-producing neurons in the cerebral ganglia (the so-called light green cells) express at least 5 genes that are related to the vertebrate insulin genes, i.e., they encode prohormones that are composed of a B- and A-chain and a connecting C peptide. These insulin related molecules also have the amino acids essential for their tertiary structure (viz. cysteines) at identical positions to those of the vertebrate insulins. In the investigated basommatophoran and stylommatophoran snails and slugs, neurons reacted with an antiserum raised against the C peptide of one of the molluscan insulin-related peptides. These neurons can be considered to be, based on morphological and endocrinological criteria, homologous to the light green cells of L. stagnalis. In A. californica, all central ganglia contain immunoreactive neurons. The highest number (about 50) was observed in the abdominal ganglion. The present results indicate that insulin-related substances are generally occurring neuropeptides in the central nervous system of molluscs.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of serotonin (5HT)-containing neurons in the central nervous system of the snail Helix pomatia has been determined in whole-mount preparations by use of immunocytochemical and in vivo 5,6-dihydroxy-tryptamine labelling. 5HT-immunoreactive neuronal somata occur in all but the buccal and pleural ganglia. Immunoreactive fibres are present throughout the central nervous system. The 5HT-immunoreactive neuronal somata characteristically appear in groups, located mainly in the cerebral, pedal, visceral and right parietal ganglia. The majority of 5HT-immunoreactive neurons is located in the pedal ganglia. Additionally a dense network of 5HT-immunoreactive varicose fibres is found in the neural sheath of the central nervous system including all the nerves and ganglia. The number and distribution of 5HT-immunoreactive neurons correlates with that demonstrated by 5,6-dihydroxytryptamine labelling method.  相似文献   

Summary VD1 and RPD2 are two giant neuropeptidergic neurons in the central nervous system (CNS) of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis. We wished to determine whether other central neurons in the CNS of L. stagnalis express the VD1/RPD2 gene. To this end, in situ hybridization with the cDNA probe of the VD1/RPD2 gene and immunocytochemistry with antisera specific to VD1 and RPD2 (the 1-antiserum, Mab4H5 and ALMA 6) and to R15 (the 1 and 16-mer antisera) were performed on alternate tissue sections. A VD1/RPD2 neuronal system comprising three classes of neurons (A1–A3) was found. All neurons of the system express the gene. Division into classes is based on immunocytochemical characteristics. Class A1 neurons (VD1 and RPD2) immunoreact with the 1-antiserum, Mab4H5 and ALMA 6. Class A2 neurons (1–5 small and 1–5 medium sized neurons in the visceral and right parietal ganglion, and two clusters of small neurons and 5 medium-sized neurons in the cerebral ganglia) immunoreact with the 1-antiserum and Mab4H5, but not with ALMA 6. Class A3 neurons (3–4 medium-sized neurons and a cluster of 4–5 small neurons located in the pedal ganglion) immunoreact with the 1-antiserum only. All neurons of the system are immunonegative to the R15 antisera. The observations suggest that the neurons of the VD1/RPD2 system produce different sets of neuropeptides. A group of approximately 15 neurons (class B), scattered in the ganglia, immunostained with one or more of the antisera, but did not react with the cDNA probe in in situ hybridization.  相似文献   

Parvalbumin-immunoreactive material was detected in the central nervous system of the snail, Helix pomatia. Each ganglion investigated contained parvalbumin-immunoreactive neurons. The molecular weight of Helix parvalbumin-immunoreactive material as determined by Western blots is about 40 kilodaltons. 45Ca2+ overlays showed that this protein binds Ca2+. In contrast to vertebrates, in Helix neurons parvalbuminlike material was not colocalized with the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).  相似文献   

Immunocytochemistry and Western blotting techniques demonstrated that the nervous system and foot of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis are rich sources of tubulin, which can be extracted and assembled in vitro in the presence of taxol. Various broad-spectrum antibodies raised against -tubulin and -tubulin yielded qualitatively similar results. One monoclonal antibody to trypanosome -tubulin, however, labelled -tubulin more strongly on both probed sections and Western blots. Cytochemistry and immunoblotting revealed that tyrosinated tubulin constitutes a large proportion of total -tubulin in locomotor cilia of the foot and in axons of the nervous system. Detyrosinated tubulin also appeared to be abundant in the foot cilia but only a very faint band of detyrosinated tubulin was found on protein blots extracted from the central ganglia, and staining was barely detectable in central ganglia or peripheral nerves. Similarly, acetylated tubulin appeared to be abundant in foot cilia, but Western blotting indicated only low levels of acetylated tubulin in the nervous system. Immunocytochemistry indicated that, while most neurons possessed little or no acetylated tubulin, a small number of axons contained significant amounts of this isoform. Thus, while a large amount of tubulin was expected in the nervous system and locomotor cilia of L. stagnalis, the observed distribution of isoforms was unanticipated. Specifically, neurons of other organisms have generally been reported to contain substantial amounts of both detyrosinated -tubulin and acetylated -tubulin. Our results indicate that such findings cannot be generalized across all species. L. stagnalis, with its well studied nervous system and unusual distribution of tubulin isoforms, may prove to be particularly useful for studying the roles of tubulin isoforms in microtubule function and cell activity.  相似文献   

By using an antiserum raised against a crustacean #-pigment-dispersing hormone (PDH), the distribution and chemical neuroanatomy of PDH-like immunoreactive neurons was investigated in the central nervous system of the gastropod snails, Helix pomatia and Lymnaea stagnalis. The number of immunoreactive cells in the Helix central nervous system was found to be large (700-900), whereas in Lymnaea, only a limited number (50-60) of neurons showed immunoreactivity. The immunostained neurons in Helix were characterized by rich arborizations in all central ganglia and revealed massive innervation of all peripheral nerves and the neural (connective tissue) sheath around the ganglia and peripheral nerve trunks. A small number of Helix nerve cell bodies in the viscero-parietal ganglion complex were also found to be innervated by PDH-like immunoreactive processes. Hence, a complex central and peripheral regulatory role, including neurohormonal actions, is suggested for a PDH-like substance in Helix, whereas the sites of action may be more limited in Lymnaea.  相似文献   

The osphradium of molluscs is assumed to be a sensory organ. The present investigation in Lymnaea stagnalis has established two ultrastructurally different types of dendrites in the sensory epithelium. Cells immunoreactive to leucine-enkephalin and FMRFamide send processes to the sensory epithelium. These neurons of the osphradial ganglion are thus considered to be part of the sensory system, as are methionine-enkephalin-immunoreactive cells in the mantle wall in the vicinity of the osphradium. The complexity of the osphradial ganglion is further demonstrated by serotonin-immunoreactive neurons innervating the muscular coat around the osphradial canal and methionine-enkephalin-immunoreactive cells sending projections to the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Morphological changes induced by capsaicin were studied in the serotonergic metacerebral giant neurons of the cerebral ganglia of Helix pomatia under in vitro conditions. Capsaicin at a concentration of 10-4 M caused characteristic structural alterations in the giant serotonergic neurons but did not significantly influence serotonin immunoreactivity in the neurons. At the lightmicroscopic level, the most conspiciuous structural alterations were swelling of the cell bodies, which contained a swollen pale nucleus. Under the electron microscope, the nuclei,mitochondria and the cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum were swollen in the capsaicin-affected metacerebral giant neurons. Electron-microscopic cytochemical techniques for calcium demonstration revealed electron-dense deposits in the swollen mitochondria and in the cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum, suggesting an increased Ca2+ influx. The serotonergic metacerebral giant neurons could be labelled by cobalt (1 mM) in the presence of capsaicin (10-4 M) suggesting that capsaicin opens the cation chanels of the capsaicin-sensitive neuronal membrane. The morphological and cytochemical alterations induced by capsaicin in the serotonergic metacerebral giant neurons of Helix pomatia closely resemble those induced in sensory neurons of mammalian dorsal root ganglion.This work was supported by OTKA grants No.: 2477, T016861, T017127 and ETT 587/93  相似文献   

Summary Polyclonal antibodies directed against squid opsin were used in immunocytochemical and immunoblot experiments to identify a rhodopsin-like protein in photosensitive neurons of Aplysia. Aldehyde-fixed abdominal and cerebral ganglia were embedded in paraffin for peroxidase anti-peroxidase analysis or used whole for immunofluorescence studies. Ganglia were embedded in Lowicryl K4M for electron-microscope immunocytochemistry. In both the cerebral and abdominal ganglia, light-microscope immunocytochemical results showed reaction product deposited around the neuronal cell periphery corresponding in position to the lipochondria. In the abdominal ganglion, the giant cell R2, located in the right rostral quarter, and neurons in the right caudal quarter were consistently labeled with anti-opsin. Electron-microscopic studies demonstrated ferritin-labeling of the lipochondria in R2 and other immunoreactive neurons. Immunoblot analysis of R2 and cerebral neuron extracts was used to identify two prominent immunoreactive protein bands at 85000 and 67500 molecular weight.  相似文献   

Summary The morphology, axonal arborization and ultrastructure of synaptic connections of the V21 giant neuron in the visceral ganglion of the snail Helix pomatia has been investigated following intracellular labelling with horseradish peroxidase. The V21 neuron establishes several afferent and efferent axo-axonic connections, mainly along the first half of the primary axon. Collaterals of 200–300 m length originate from the primary axon, which shows further arborization, and both afferent and efferent synaptic contacts are formed on these fine axon profiles. Afferent and efferent contacts of the cell occur within very short distances of a few micrometers. On the basis of ultrastructure and vesicle and granule content, several afferent terminals can be distinguished on V21 labelled axon profiles. The majority of these afferent terminals resembles peptidergic-(neurosecretory)-like terminals. This finding supports the possible transmitter role of neuropeptides in the central nervous system of gastropods. Our results are consistent with and provide morphological evidence for recent electrophysiological observations suggesting that, in addition to integrating input, the V21 neuron functions as an interneuron in Helix central nervous system.  相似文献   

The disturbance of plasma membrane carbohydrates and of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) ligands in relation to cytoskeletal transformations of haemocytes has been investigated after chronic exposure of pond snails (Lymnaea stagnalis) to the peroxidizing toxicant fomesafen. Neither of the two lectins used (concanavalin A and wheat germ agglutinin) showed any binding modification after incubation of the snails in the presence of the toxicant. However, after exposure of the snails to fomesafen, a clear and persistent reduction in LPS labelling of haemocytes occurred. The actin cytoskeleton of the same cells also appeared to be sensitive to the toxicant. The reduction in LPS-binding sites was related to actin staining, leading to the hypothesis that LPS ligands and actin could be similarly modulated by the toxicant. Damaged cells showed non-adherent membrane portions with reduced filopodial extrusions, exhibiting a smooth surface free of microvilli. These changes could lower the spreading and adhesion of the cells and could therefore account for the loss in their phagocytic capabilities.  相似文献   

Summary Monolayers of blood cells (amoebocytes) and sections of connective tissue and of amoebocyte pellets of the freshwater pulmonate gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis were stained immunocytochemically with antisera to snail agglutinin/opsonin. The presence of this substance was demonstrated light microscopically both in the cytoplasm and on the cell membrane of amoebocytes. This suggests that amoebocytes synthesize agglutinin/opsonin, and bear it at their surface as receptors for foreign materials.  相似文献   

The peripheral processes of the mechanoafferents that, when stimulated, initiate the much-studied tail withdrawal reflex of Aplysia californica have not been characterized. We show that immunofluorescence staining for class III -tubulin highlights neurons and reveals nerve tracts and fine neuronal processes in Aplysia tissue. Coupled with transmission and scanning electron microscopy, class III -tubulin immunofluorescence is consistent with the possibility that mechanoafferents in the receptive field of pleural ganglion mechanosensory neurons penetrate the tail epidermis and terminate as ciliated endings. This view is reinforced by comparisons among neuronal processes in several mechanosensory epidermal regions and in a chemosensory epidermis.  相似文献   

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