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Dialysates of human leukocyte lysates containing transfer factor (TFd) stimulated human mononuclear cells (MNL) to produce lymphocyte activating factor (LAF). Both unfractionated and adherent MNL cultures were stimulated by TFd to produce a factor which was mitogenic for murine thymocytes and had the biochemical characteristics of LAF as determined by Bio-Gel P-100, DEAE cellulose, and hydroxylapatite chromatography. Fractionation of TFd on Sephadex G-25 showed that the specific transfer factor activity of converting in vivo skin tests was present in the major uv-absorbing peak, whereas the substance(s) that induced LAF activity was present in a number of the other fractions. Therefore, the capacity of TFd to induce monocytes to produce LAF is not a measure of classical transfer factor activity. However, this effect of TFd may instead participate in the nonspecific immunoenhancing effects of TFd.  相似文献   

Gel filtration chromatography with Sepharose agarose gel has been widely applied in the purification of enzymes because of its capability to separate macromolecules according to molecular size. Although a wide range of pH and salt concentrations have been suggested for its use, we have found that the selectivity, or efficiency, of separation is strongly affected by the pH and salt concentrations actually used. Separation is best at neutral pH with low salt concentrations. Increasing the molarity of the buffer or salt content (such as ammonium sulfate) in the protein sample will either broaden protein peaks resulting in poor separation or displace the peaks to a position of much lower apparent hydrodynamic volume. Rabbit plasma monoamine oxidase (MAO), a protein of 150,000 MW, when combined with 1.3 m (NH4)2SO4 at pH 5.4, was found to be retained in Sepharose 6B column until the very end and elute with ammonium sulfate molecules. This behavior was attributed to severe morphological changes on the gel surface at acidic pH leading to a loss of selectivity. Evidence for this interpretation is provided by parallel experiments with Sephadex columns under identical conditions which excludes the possibility of dissociation of MAO into subunits and by scanning electron microscopy which demonstrates the change of surface morphology of the gel. The necesslty of a careful selection of optimum conditions for Sepharose gel chromatographic separation is therefore suggested.  相似文献   

Commercial preparations of ampholytes (AM), which consist of mixtures of large numbers of polyamino-polycarboxylic acids of molecular weight less than 1000 and whose chemical composition is otherwise not specified by the manufacturer, were found to induce blastogenesis in spleen cell cultures from various strains of mice. The blastogenic response of the spleen cells to the ampholytes was 2 to 12 times greater than that of the unstimulated cultures, and peak stimulatory activity occurred 2–4 days after stimulation. Preparations consisting of either acidic, neutral, or alkaline ampholytes were all found to be mitogenic, although the alkaline ampholytes generally induced the highest stimulation and were active over the widest concentration range (0.08–80 μg per culture). Studies using spleen cells from nu/nu mice, CBA/N mice, organ distribution studies, and the use of cytotoxic antisera and complement for the depletion of thymus-derived (T) cells or bone marrow-derived (B) cells suggested that ampholytes are mitogenic for murine B cells. These cells arise early in ontogeny, because the ampholytes were found to be as mitogenic for spleen cells from newborn as for adult mice. Further, in concordance with the characteristics of other B-cell mitogens, injection of mice with ampholytes induced polyclonal antibody synthesis. The possibility that blastogenic stimulation was due to a contaminant was ruled out by demonstrating that anti-lipid A-treated, ultrafiltered, and isoelectric-focused ampholytes retained stimulatory activity. The results of these investigations suggest that commercial ampholyte preparations contain an undetermined number of low molecular weight (< 1000) acidic, neutral, and alkaline polyamino-polycarboxylic acids which are specific mitogens for a primitive population of murine B cells.  相似文献   

The minor lymphocyte stimulating (Mls) locus codes for lymphocyte activating determinants (LADs) on murine B lymphocytes, but not T lymphocytes. This observation was strengthened by a series of techniques which allow deletion and addition of T and B cells. These included the use of cytotoxic antisera such as anti-Thy 1.2, anti-MTLA, anti-MBLA, and complement, and the use of a goat anti-μ antisera, and finally the use of a fluorescence activated cell sorter (FACS).The studies in this report document the organ distribution and the ontogenetic appearance of the surface LADs on the surface of B lymphocytes from DBA/2N (H-2d, Mlsa) and CBA/J (H-2k, Mlsd) mice. Adult-like ability to stimulate H-2 identical BALB/c (H-2d, Mlsb) and C3H/He (H-2k, Mlsc) responder cells appeared at about 4–5 weeks of age. Inability of neonatal cells to induce an Mls-defined MLC was found not to be due to a low frequency of B lymphocytes or to the presence of suppressor cells, but due to the absence of the Mls-coded LADs on their surface. These data support the concept that the Mls-coded LADs are present on adult B lymphocytes and are specific markers of B-cell differentiation, which is preceded by membrane IgM and the δ homologue of human IgD, Ia, and the receptor for the third component of complement.  相似文献   

The production of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) and lymphotoxin (LT) by cultured leukocytes from patients with Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS) and normal controls was studied. The presence of these lymphokines in leukocyte culture supernatants usually correlated directly with the dose of stimulant used. Doses of nonspecific mitogens and specific antigens, which produced maximal in vitro lymphocyte transformation, stimulated maximal production of these mediators. When the incorporation of tritiated thymidine by stimulated leukocyte cultures from patients with Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS) was deficient, they usually produced less MIF and lymphotoxin than normal. However, when their in vitro lymphoproliferative responses were normal, the lymphotoxin activity in supernatants of WAS leukocyte cultures was normal.  相似文献   

The T-lymphocytes resident in the spleens of thymectomized, lethally irradiated mice that had been reconstituted with syngeneic bone marrow (TXB) were characterized. Both recently reconstituted N-TXB, (approximately 3 weeks after bone marrow injection) and aged (>6 months after reconstitution) A-TXB animals were studied. The T-lymphocytes from spleens of recently reconstituted N-TXB donors did not respond to PHA but did react significantly to Concanavalin A (Con A). The lack of PHA sensitivity was not due to dilution of reactive cells by other cell types. Removal of adherent cells, likewise, did not restore N-TXB spleen cell PHA responsiveness. N-TXB splenic T-cells were cortisone resistant. N-TXB spleen cells by themselves did not cause a graft vs host response. However, N-TXB spleen cells amplified the graft vs host response of normal lymph node cells but not N-TXB lymph node cells. Addition of cyclic GMP enhanced [3H]thymidine uptake of N-TXB spleen cells caused by Con A. N-TXB spleen cells were exclusively spleen seeking. The Con A reactive cell within N-TXB spleens was demonstrated to be of donor origin. Fetal liver as well as syngeneic bone marrow contained cells capable of reconstituting the Con A response. Spleen cells from aged. (>6 months) A-TXB were found to be PHA sensitive. Competitive inhibition assays measuring θ expression in A-TXB spleen cells indicate a significant increase in the θ positive lymphocyte population occurred with time. The data indicate that considerable reconstitution of θ positive cells had occurred in A-TXB donors. The results also suggest that the T-lymphocyte population of the TXB spleen may be a unique subpopulation of T-lymphocytes that resides exclusively in spleen and bone marrow.  相似文献   

The types of mouse parthenogenones obtained in a medium modified with respect to Ca2+ and/or Mg2+ ions were investigated in “spontaneously” activating eggs after culturing cumulus masses in vitro for 5 hr. The second meiotic division was affected in eggs cultured in medium lacking Ca2+ and Mg2+ or Ca2+ alone, resulting in suppression of second polar body extrusion in a high proportion of cases, giving rise to two pronuclear eggs or eggs that underwent immediate cleavage. Extrusion of the second polar body occurred normally when the cumulus mass was cultured in complete medium and, in a high proportion of eggs, when Mg2+ alone was lacking in the medium. The results are discussed with reference to the second meiotic division. The method provides an efficient way for obtaining a large number of different types of parthenogenetic embryos.  相似文献   

Acetaminophen, a widely prescribed analgesic that causes fulminant hepatic necrosis in overdosed humans, produced varying degrees of hepatotoxixity in mice, rats, hamsters, guinea pigs and rabbits. The severity of hepatic injury paralleled the rate of activation of acetaminophen by hepatic microsomal enzymes to a potent arylating agent. The severity of hepatic damage in various species also correlated directly with the rate of hepatic glutathione depletion after acetaminophen. These findings support the hypothesis that the electrophilic arylating agent formed from acetaminophen invibo is preferentially detoxified by conjugation with glutathione and that arylation of hepatic macromolecules occurs only when glutathione availability is exceeded. Since N-hydroxylation of another N-acetylarylamine (2-acetylaminofluorene) occurs to a much greater extent in the species that are susceptible to acetaminophen-induced hepatic necrosis, the data also are consistent with the hypothesis that the toxic metabolite of acetaminophen results from N-hydroxylation.  相似文献   

Studies have been conducted to determine the effects of DMSO and freezing on the electrophoretic distribution of peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Sodium [51Cr]chromate was used to label the cells, and the distributions of cell number and cell-associated radioactivity were determined. Cells treated with DMSO had a narrower distribution of electrophoretic mobilities when compared with those not treated. DMSO-treated cells also demonstrated a more homogeneous distribution of radioactivity relative to the cell distribution than did the nontreated cells. The freezing of DMSO-treated cells did not result in any additional alteration of electrophoretic pattern compared to DMSO treatment alone. Analysis by linear categorization techniques indicated that the DMSO-treated and nontreated cells were completely distinguished by their electrophoretic behavior.  相似文献   

Peritoneal macrophages from untreated nude mice were nonspecifically cytotoxic to tumor cells in vitro and were more responsive to chemotactic stimuli than macrophages from normal mice or from phenotypically normal littermates of nude mice. Tumoricidal and chemotactic responses of activated macrophages from nude mice were quantitatively comparable to responses of macrophages from BCG-infected normal mice. Peritoneal macrophages from germ-free nude mice, however, were not tumoricidal in vitro. These observations suggest that environmental stimuli, rather than thymic deficiency per se, induced activated macrophages in nude mice.  相似文献   

Gill epithelia from adult and juvenile Aplysia were examined by conventional thin section and freeze-fracture methods. Freeze-fracture replicas of adult gill epithelium revealed septate and gap junctions, which served as membrane markers for the epithelial cells. In these same cell membranes, non-junctional rhombic arrays of intramembranous particles were observed on prominent ridges on the membrane P fracture face of some epithelial cells. In thin sections of adult epithelium, nerve terminals were observed abutting the lateral plasma membranes near the basal lamina of some epithelial cells. Correlative areas of plasma membrane in freeze-fracture replicas showed a close association between rhombic particle arrays and abutting nerve terminals. In thin sections of juvenile Aplysia, nerve terminals abutting the epithelial cells were not recognizable, and rhombic arrays were not observed in freeze-fracture replicas. This suggested that a developmental association existed between the appearance of rhombic arrays in adult epithelia and their innervation. It is not known with certainty if, in invertebrates, rhombic arrays are an essential structural entity of all innervated cell membranes; however, in the cells thus far studied, there appears to be an associative condition. In the case of the gill epithelium of Aplysia, rhombic arrays are located in the same vicinity as the abutting nerve terminals. Similar arrays of intramembranous particles have been observed in myoneural postjunctional complexes of other invertebrates and have been interpreted to be the morphological expression of neurotransmitter receptors. An analogous explanation is put forth, namely that rhombic arrays may represent the structural correlates of neurotransmitter receptors and/or ionic channels in innervated membranes of invertebrates.  相似文献   

Anti-hapten antibody production was elicited by the immunization of hapten-isologous carrier conjugate (PAB-MGG) in mice. Spleen and lymph node cells taken from these primed mice could demonstrate their helper activity for anti-DNP antibody production when transferred intravenously into 600R X-irradiated recipient mice along with DNP-primed B cells and the double hapten conjugated carrier, DNP-MGG-PAB. Isologous carrier (MGG)-primed cells could not demonstrate this helper activity. Accordingly, helper cells reactive for a haptenic group are considered to develop by the immunization of hapten-isologous carrier conjugate. Hapten-reactive helper activity was also induced by the immunization of other hapten-isologous carrier conjugates, e.g., MAB-MGG, PABS-MGG or PAB-MSA. These hapten-reactive helper cells were T lymphocytes, as the helper activity of PAB-MGG-primed cells was completely abolished by in vivo ATS-treatment. Helper activity of PAB-MGG-primed cells for DNP-primed B cells was also demonstrated through the double hapten conjugated heterologous carrier DNP-HGG-PAB to be the same as with DNP-MGG-PAB, but weakly through DNP-KLH-PAB. As HGG but not KLH resembles MGG in composition, almost all hapten-reactive helper T cells can be considered to recognize not only haptenic groups but also physicochemical properties of the hapten-conjugated carrier site. However, these helper T cells could discriminate structural differences among related haptenic groups, because PAB-MGG-primed cells clearly responded to DNP-MGG-PAB to demonstrate their helper activity for DNP-primed B cells, but responded only weakly to DNP-MGG-PABS or DNP-MGG-MAB. When the specificity restrictions of T and B cells to the same haptenic group were compared by responsiveness measured after the antigenic stimulation (B cell function by anti-hapten antibody production and T cell function by helper activity), differences were noted, as PAB-MGG-primed T cells could respond not only to DNP-MGG-PAB but also fairly well to DNP-MGG-MAB to demonstrate their helper activity, but PAB-MGG-primed B cells responded to only PAB-MGG. Thus, hapten specificity appears to be much more restricted for B cells than T cells. The difference of this responsivity between B cells and helper T cells was thought to derive from the specificity difference of B cell and helper T cell receptors rather than from any sensitivity differences of the experimental procedure. The differences in the specificity restrictions of receptors of B and helper T cells were discussed in the light of hapten-specificity.  相似文献   

During Days 4 to 7 in ovo, beating of embryonic chick hearts becomes progressively more sensitive to inhibition by tetrodotoxin, an inhibitor of fast Na+ channels, and progressively less sensitive to inhibition by D600, an inhibitor of slow Ca2+/Na+ channels. The developmental change in tetrodotoxin sensitivity is not retained in heart cells cultured in monolayer. In contrast, the developmental change in D600 sensitivity is retained. Veratridine-stimulated 22Na+ influx mediated by fast Na+ channels is inhibited by tetrodotoxin (Ki = 1.6 nM) in cells prepared from either 3-day or 12-day embryos. These results suggest that young embryonic hearts contain physiologically inactive Na+ channels. 22Na+ influx mediated by slow Ca2+/Na+ channels is inhibited by D600 with a Ki of 40 nM for cells from 3-day hearts and 8 μM for cells from 12-day hearts. Beating of heart cells in aggregate cultures is also inhibited by D600. Aggregates which have reactivated after inhibition by tetrodotoxin are 10-fold more sensitive to inhibition by D600 than untreated controls. The results suggest that the primary developmental event is a change in slow Ca2+/Na+ channels which reduces their sensitivity to D600 and diminishes their ability to support beating without the activity of the fast Na+ channel.  相似文献   

The two major species of slow reacting substance (SRS) contain either a glutathionyl or cysteinyl-glycyl side chain. Incubation of these SRS's with undiluted or diluted (usually 1:10 or 1:50) human plasma at 37°C resulted in marked losses of smooth muscle contracting activity due primarily to conversion of their oligopeptide side chains to cysteine.  相似文献   

Inhibition of mixed lymphocyte cultures (MLC) by macrophages and by supernatants of short term cultured macrophages was assessed by incorporation of 3H-thymidine (TdRH3) and also by blast cell counts and by determination of cellmediated lympholysis. Peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) induced by thioglycollate, at concentrations >10%, inhibited all three parameters of MLC. Lower concentrations of PEC, and supernatants from cultured PEC, inhibited TdRH3 incorporation, but had no significant effect on blast cell counts or on generation of cytotoxic effector cells. Inhibition by the supernatants could be reversed by dialysis or by use of low specific activity TdRH3. These data indicate that macrophages can inhibit proliferative responses in MLC, but that this must be carefully distinguished from selective inhibition of TdRH3 incorporation.  相似文献   

Numerous biochemical pathways influence the synthesis and release of anterior pituitary hormones. Releasing factors extracted from the hypothalamus and prostaglandins (PGs) appear to alter a common biochemical activity, adenyl cyclase, in pituitary cells. Luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LRH), prostaglandin (PGE1), 7 oxa-13-prostynoic acid and cycloheximide were tested for individual and interacting effects on the in vitro release of FSH, LH and prolactin from hemipituitaries of 15 day old female rats. LRH (10 ng/ml) consistently released both LH and FSH in all in vitro experiments and inhibited prolactin release in 1 of 2 experiments. Lower concentrations (5 and 1 ng/ml) also stimulated LH and FSH release but did not influence prolactin release. Concurrent depletion of stored LH and FSH in the gland was observed. PGE1 in a 6.5 hour incubation increased the storage of LH within the gland in the absence of LRH. In a 1.5 hour incubation in the presence of LRH, storage of LH was also increased. PGE1 had no effect on LH and FSH release; however, in 1 of 2 experiments it stimulated prolactin release in the absence of LRH. Prostynoic acid stimulated LH and FSH release but did not synergize with LRH action in the same tissue. Cycloheximide did not affect LH release during the first 30 minutes of incubation; however, the release during the subsequent 1 hour was significantly inhibited. Similar tissue also exposed to cycloheximide was still responsive to LRH during the latter 1 hour incubation period. Cycloheximide had no effect on prolactin storage and release from the same tissue.  相似文献   

The apposition acone eye of Labidura is relatively small—550–600 facets—with a thick corneal lens and shallow retina. The retinula cell columns are each formed of six peripheral cells plus two central cells, a partially fused rhabdom, and dense pigment in two or three cell types. Upon adaptation from light to dark, the most striking photomechanical response is a proximal broadening of the cone cells, which results in a 38-fold increase in cross-sectional area of the aperture. While longitudinal rhabdom movement is small, microvillar diameters swell in response to light and contract in the dark. Irregularities of facet pattern and shape, and in ommatidial alignment were found, particularly towards eye margins. Three types of interommatidial sense organs on the eye surface are described, one of which has not been previously reported. An argument is presented to explain how the field of view and sensitivity are both apparently decreased in the acone eye by exposure to light.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP dependent regulation of mitosis in human lymphoid cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Intracellular levels of cyclic AMP (cAMP), cAMP-dependent phosphodiesterase activity, and adenylate cyclase activity are examined in an established line of human lymphoid cells synchronized by either excess thymidine or by colcemid treatment. cAMP levels and adenylate cyclase activities during the two G periods are high when compared with the values in M. cAMP-dependent phosphodiesterase activity, which is low during early G 2, is shown to increase during G 2 and reach a maximum activity during M. Agents such as dibutyryl cAMP, 1-methyl-3-isobutyl xanthine, noradrenaline, and isopropyl noradrenaline, which increase the levels of intracellular cAMP were examined to determine their effects on mitosis and on DNA synthesis. In thymidine-synchronized cells the onset of mitosis is prevented by increasing or maintaining high levels of cAMP during G 2. The specificity of inhibition of DNA synthesis or mitosis by dibutyryl cAMP is a function of the time, during the cell cycle, when the analogue is added. The elevation of cAMP by methyl xanthine results in a more general inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis and mitosis. Although both catecholamine hormones inhibit mitosis, isopropylnoradrenaline also inhibits DNA synthesis while noradrenaline treatment does not result in such inhibition.  相似文献   

Lymph node morphology, in vitro lymphocyte transformation, and inhibition of macrophage migration were studied at varying intervals after sensitization for Jones-Mote hypersensitivity (JMH) with ovalbumin (OA) in Freund's incomplete adjuvant (FIA). The effect of cyclophosphamide (CY, 300 mg/kg), given 3 days before sensitization with OA in FIA, was also studied in an attempt to clarify further its role in increasing the intensity of skin reactions and its effect on the passive transfer of skin reactivity described in the preceding paper. There were increased numbers of large pyroninophilic cells in paracortical areas of draining lymph nodes and increased in vitro DNA synthesis, by lymph node cells, in animals treated with CY 3 days before sensitization with OA in FIA. There was no inhibition of macrophage migration of PEC from animals sensitized with OA in FIA, whether or not these guinea pigs had been treated with CY before sensitization.  相似文献   

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