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Abstract. In imprinting, homologous chromosomes behave differently during development according to their parental origin. Typically, paternally derived chromosomes are preferentially inactivated or eliminated. Examples of such phenomena include inactivation of the mammalian X chromosome, inactivation or elimination of one haploid chromosome set in male coccids, and elimination of paternal X chromosomes in the fly Sciara . It has generally been thought that the paternal chromosomes bear an imprint leading to their inactivation or elimination. However, alteration of the parental origin of chromosomes, as in the study of parthenogenotes in mammals and coccids, shows that passage of chromosomes through a male germ cell or fertilization is not essential for inactivation or elimination. It appears that neither chromosome set is programmed to resist or undergo inactivation. Instead the two sets differ in relative sensitivity, and the question is whether the maternal set have an imprint for resistance, or the paternal set one for susceptibility. Very early in development of mammals both X chromosomes are active. This makes it simpler to envisage the maternal X bearing an imprint for resistance to inactivation, which persists through the early developmental period. Similar considerations also apply in coccids and Sciara . Thus, imprinting should be regarded as a phenomenon conferred on the maternal chromosomes in the oocyte. This permits simpler models for the mechanism of X-inactivation, and weakens the case for evolution of X-inactivation from an earlier form of inactivation during male gametogenesis. One may speculate whether imprinting affects timing of gene action in development.  相似文献   

Dosage compensation for the mammalian X chromosome involves the silencing of one X chromosome to achieve equal X-linked gene expression between males and females. X chromosome inactivation (XCI) is controlled by a complex set of genetic elements located in a region known as the X chromosome inactivation center, and is regulated by a combination of genomic imprinting, cell lineage-dependent erasure of imprinting, an unidentified mechanism of X chromosome counting, an incompletely understood means of selection of one X chromosome for inactivation and developmentally regulated changes in X chromosome chromatin. A detailed understanding of when and how these components of XCI occur is essential for elucidating the operative mechanisms. A model accounting for early events related to XCI, including observations in uniparental and aneuploid embryos, is presented.  相似文献   

Summary A multivariate Gaussian model for mammalian development is presented with the associated biological and mathematical assumptions. Many biological investigations use the female mammal X chromosome to test hypotheses and to estimate parameters of the developmental system. In particular, Lyon's (1961) hypotheses are used as a basis of the mathematical model. Experimental mouse data and three sets of human experimental data are analyzed using the hypothesized Gaussian model. The estimated biological parameters are consistent with some current biological theories.  相似文献   

Origin and evolution of X chromosome inactivation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evolution of the mammalian sex chromosomes heavily impacts on the expression of X-encoded genes, both in marsupials and placental mammals. The loss of genes from the Y chromosome forced a two-fold upregulation of dose sensitive X-linked homologues. As a corollary, female cells would experience a lethal dose of X-linked genes, if this upregulation was not counteracted by evolution of X chromosome inactivation (XCI) that allows for only one active X chromosome per diploid genome. Marsupials rely on imprinted XCI, which inactivates always the paternally inherited X chromosome. In placental mammals, random XCI (rXCI) is the predominant form, inactivating either the maternal or paternal X. In this review, we discuss recent new insights in the regulation of XCI. Based on these findings, we propose an X inactivation center (Xic), composed of a cis-Xic and trans-Xic that encompass all elements and factors acting to control rXCI either in cis or in trans. We also highlight that XCI may have evolved from a very small nucleation site on the X chromosome in the vicinity of the Sox3 gene. Finally, we discuss the possible evolutionary road maps that resulted in imprinted XCI and rXCI as observed in present day mammals.  相似文献   

Parental influences on X chromosome expression   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

My contribution to this special issue on Vertebrate Sex Chromosomes deals with the theme of X chromosome inactivation and its variations. I will argue that the single active X--characteristic of mammalian X dosage compensation--is unique to mammals, and that the major underlying mechanism(s) must be the same for most of them. The variable features reflect modifications that do not interfere with the basic theme. These variations were acquired during mammalian evolution--to solve special needs for imprinting and locking in the inactive state. Some of the adaptations reinforce the basic theme, and were needed because of species differences in the timing of interacting developmental events. Elucidating the molecular basis for the single active X requires that we distinguish the mechanisms essential for the basic theme from those responsible for its variations.  相似文献   

Using mice that were mosaics for both Xce and phosphoglycerate kinase (Pgk-1) alleles, we present further evidence that the parental source of the X chromosome may affect the probability of that X chromosome remaining active. The reciprocal cross differences in PGK-1 activity described here are intermediate between those published previously for other alleles of Xce.  相似文献   

Genes with male- and testis-enriched expression are under-represented on the Drosophila melanogaster X chromosome. There is also an excess of retrotransposed genes, many of which are expressed in testis, that have “escaped” the X chromosome and moved to the autosomes. It has been proposed that inactivation of the X chromosome during spermatogenesis contributes to these patterns: genes with a beneficial function late in spermatogenesis should be selectively favored to be autosomal in order to avoid inactivation. However, conclusive evidence for X inactivation in the male germline has been lacking. To test for such inactivation, we used a transgenic construct in which expression of a lacZ reporter gene was driven by the promoter sequence of the autosomal, testis-specific ocnus gene. Autosomal insertions of this transgene showed the expected pattern of male- and testis-specific expression. X-linked insertions, in contrast, showed only very low levels of reporter gene expression. Thus, we find that X linkage inhibits the activity of a testis-specific promoter. We obtained the same result using a vector in which the transgene was flanked by chromosomal insulator sequences. These results are consistent with global inactivation of the X chromosome in the male germline and support a selective explanation for X chromosome avoidance of genes with beneficial effects late in spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

The silent X chromosome in mammalian females is a classic example of facultative heterochromatin, the term highlighting the compacted and inactive nature of the chromosome. However, it is now clear that the heterochromatin of the inactive X is not homogeneous--as indeed, not all genes on the inactive X are silenced. We summarize known features and events of X inactivation in different mouse and human model systems, and highlight the heterogeneity of chromatin along the inactive X. Characterizing this heterogeneity is likely to provide insight into the cis-acting sequences involved in X chromosome inactivation.  相似文献   

X chromosome inactivation mosaicism in the mouse   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A cytologically detectable mosaicism resulting from X-chromosome inactivation occurring in mice heterozygous for Cattanach's translocation has been used to examine the time of X chromosome inactivation, and the sizes of primordial precursor pools for lung, thymus, spleen, fascia, and melanocytes. The extent of covariance in mosaic composition among tissues within individuals suggests that, if X inactivation occurs randomly, it must occur after determination of embryoblast cells, at some time immediately before or after implantation, and that it must occur before divergence of mesoderm from ectoderm. The extent of independent variance among the various tissues is such as to suggest that none of them arise from primordial precursor pools smaller than 20 to 30 cells.  相似文献   

Most females have random X-chromosome inactivation (XCI), defined as an equal likelihood for inactivation of the maternally- or paternally-derived X chromosome in each cell. Several X-linked disorders have been associated with a higher prevalence of non-random XCI patterns, but previous studies on XCI patterns in Aicardi syndrome were limited by small numbers and older methodologies, and have yielded conflicting results. We studied XCI patterns in DNA extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes of 35 girls with typical Aicardi syndrome (AIC) from 0.25 to 16.42 years of age, using the human androgen receptor assay. Data on 33 informative samples showed non-random XCI in 11 (33%), defined as a >80:20% skewed ratio of one versus the other X chromosome being active. In six (18%) of these, there was a >95:5% extremely skewed ratio of one versus the other X chromosome being active. XCI patterns on maternal samples were not excessively skewed. The prevalence of non-random XCI in Aicardi syndrome is significantly different from that in the general population (p < 0.0001) and provides additional support for the hypothesis that Aicardi syndrome is an X-linked disorder. We also investigated the correlation between X-inactivation patterns and clinical severity and found that non-random XCI is associated with a high neurological composite severity score. Conversely, a statistically significant association was found between random XCI and the skeletal composite score. Correlations between X-inactivation patterns and individual features were made and we found a significant association between vertebral anomalies and random XCI.  相似文献   

The conflict theory of genomic imprinting predicts that imprinted genes are growth enhancing when paternally expressed and growth suppressing when maternally expressed. The expression pattern of autosomal imprinted genes generally fits these predictions. However, the conflict theory cannot easily account for the pattern of X-linked imprinting in humans and mice. This has led us to propose a novel hypothesis that X-linked imprinting has evolved to control sex specific gene expression in early embryos. The hypothesis links paternal X-imprinting (i.e. paternal copy silencing) to random X-inactivation and the retention of Y-linked copies, and links maternal X-imprinting to escape from random X-inactivation and the loss of Y-linked copies.The hypothesis offers a good explanation of the existing data on X-imprinted genes.  相似文献   

Sexual antagonism and the evolution of X chromosome inactivation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In most female mammals, one of the two X chromosomes is inactivated early in embryogenesis. Expression of most genes on this chromosome is shut down, and the inactive state is maintained throughout life in all somatic cells. It is generally believed that X-inactivation evolved as a means of achieving equal gene expression in males and females (dosage compensation). Following degeneration of genes on the Y chromosome, gene expression on X chromosomes in males and females is upregulated. This results in closer to optimal gene expression in males, but deleterious overexpression in females. In response, selection is proposed to favor inactivation of one of the X chromosomes in females, restoring optimal gene expression. Here, we make a first attempt at shedding light on this intricate process from a population genetic perspective, elucidating the sexually antagonistic selective forces involved. We derive conditions for the process to work and analyze evolutionary stability of the system. The implications of our results are discussed in the light of empirical findings and a recently proposed alternative hypothesis for the evolution of X-inactivation.  相似文献   

New and Xisting regulatory mechanisms of X chromosome inactivation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Equalization of X linked gene expression is necessary in mammalian cells due to the presence of two X chromosomes in females and one in males. To achieve this, all female cells inactivate one of the two X chromosomes during development. This process, termed X chromosome inactivation (XCI), is a quintessential epigenetic phenomenon and involves a complex interplay between noncoding RNAs and protein factors. Progress in this area of study has consequently resulted in new approaches to study epigenetics and regulatory RNA function. Here we will discuss recent developments in the field that have advanced our understanding of XCI and its regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

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