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Thirty-six sour (Prunus cerasus L.), sweet (P. avium L.), and ground cherry (P. fruticosa Pall.) selections were evaluated for seven enzyme systems and principal coordinate analysis was used to examine isozyme divergence among these cherry species. The enzyme systems studied were phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI), isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH), phosphoglucomutase (PGM), 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6-PGD), leucine aminopeptidase (LAP), shikimate dehydrogenase (SKDH), and malate dehydrogenase (MDH). The first principal coordinate, which accounted for 41% of the total variation, separated the diploid sweet cherry selections from the sour, ground, and sour x ground cherry tetraploids. An additional 86 selections were evaluated for up to six of the enzyme systems to determine the polymorphisms at the enzyme loci and the level of heterozygosity between the diploid sweet cherry and the tetraploid species and interspecific hybrids. 6-PGD was the most polymorphic enzyme exhibiting 16 patterns. The tetraploid cherry species were more heterozygous than the diploid sweet cherry with an average heterozygosity of 78% compared to 19% for the diploids.  相似文献   

Summary The inheritance of chloroplast (cp) DNA was examined in F1 hybrid progenies of two Populus deltoides intraspecific controlled crosses and three P. deltoides × P. nigra and two P. deltoides × P. maximowiczii interspecific controlled crosses by restriction fragment analysis. Southern blots of restriction digests of parental and progeny DNAs were hybridized to cloned cpDNA fragments of Petunia hybrida. Sixteen enzymes and five heterologous cpDNA probes were used to screen restriction fragment polymorphisms among the parents. The mode of cpDNA inheritance was demonstrated in progenies of P. deltoides × P. nigra crosses with 26 restriction fragment polymorphisms of cpDNA differentiating P. deltoides from P. nigra, as revealed by 12 enzyme-probe combinations, and in progenies of P. deltoides × P. maximowiczii crosses with 12 restriction fragment polymorphisms separating P. deltoides from P. maximowiczii, as revealed by 7 restriction enzyme-probe combinations. In all cases, F1 offspring of P. deltoides × P. nigra and P. deltoides × P. maximowiczii crosses had cpDNA restriction fragments of only their maternal P. deltoides parent. The results clearly demonstrated uniparental-maternal inheritance of the chloroplast genome in interspecific hybrids of P. deltoides with P. nigra and P. maximowiczii. Intraspecific P. deltoides hybrids also had the same cpDNA restriction fragments as their maternal parent. Maternal inheritance of the chloroplast genome in Populus is in agreement with what has been observed for most other angiosperms.  相似文献   

Restriction site mapping of chloroplast DNA from 31 species representing 26 genera of theRanunculaceae was performed using eleven restriction endonucleases. The chloroplast genome varies in length from approximately 152 to 160 kb. Length variants are frequent in theRanunculaceae and range from usually less than 300 bp to rarely 1.5 kb. The inverted repeat is extended into the large single copy (LSC) region by 4–4.5 kb inAnemone, Clematis, Clematopsis, Hepatica, Knowltonia, andPulsatilla. Several inversions are present in the LSC-region of the cpDNA in all these genera and inAdonis. The frequency of restriction site mutations varies within the chloroplast genome in theRanunculaceae between 4 and 32 mutations per kilobase, and is lowest in the inverted repeat and the regions containing the ATPase-genes and the genespsaA, psaB, psbA, rpoB, andrbcL. A total of 547 phylogenetically informative restriction sites was utilized in cladistic analyses of the family using Wagner, Dollo, and weighted parsimony. These three parsimony analyses result in different tree topologies. Four, six, and one equally most parsimonious trees were obtained with Wagner, Dollo, and weighted parsimony, respectively. The amount of support for the monophyletic groups was evaluated using bootstrapping and decay analysis. All three parsimony methods suggest thatHydrastis is the sister group to the remainder of theRanunculaceae, and that theAnemone-Clematis group, which shares several derived cpDNA rearrangements, is monophyletic. Only a few of the traditional groups in theRanunculaceae are supported by cpDNA restriction side data. Only Dollo parsimony provides support for the hypothesis thatThalictroideae andRanunculoideae are monophyletic.  相似文献   

Soltis DE  Soltis PS  Ranker TA  Ness BD 《Genetics》1989,121(4):819-826
Few studies of cpDNA have provided evolutionary and/or phylogenetic information at the intraspecific level. We analyzed restriction site variation using 19 endonucleases in 37 populations representing both diploid (2n = 14) and autotetraploid (2n = 28) Tolmiea menziesii. Seven restriction site mutations and five length mutations were observed. Although diploid and tetraploid Tolmiea have been intensively studied using nuclear markers, cpDNA variation provided additional evolutionary insights not revealed previously. The chloroplast genomes of diploid and tetraploid Tolmiea are as distinct as those of many pairs of congeneric species of angiosperms. Based on outgroup comparisons, the primitive chloroplast genome is present in tetraploid rather than diploid Tolmiea. These findings suggest that either: (1) diploid and tetraploid Tolmiea may have diverged since the origin of the autotetraploid, (2) the original diploid donor of the cytoplasm present in the tetraploid subsequently became extinct, or (3) the diploid was actually derived from the tetraploid via polyhaploidy. cpDNA variation also revealed that despite their close geographic proximity, diploid and tetraploid Tolmiea do not experience cytoplasmic gene flow. Last, three cytoplasmically distinct groups of diploid populations exist, two of which occupy distinct geographic areas. These findings demonstrate that, at least in some plant species, restriction fragment analysis of cpDNA can provide important evolutionary and phylogenetic information at low taxonomic levels.  相似文献   

Inheritance of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) was examined in F1 progenies derived from three crosses and three corresponding reciprocal crosses betweenStellaria porsildii andS. longifolia. Chloroplast DNA restriction fragments were analyzed using methods of nonradioactive digoxigenin-11-dUTP labeling and chemiluminescent detection with Lumi-Phos 530. Distinct interspecific restriction fragment polymorphisms were identified and used to demonstrate the mode of cpDNA inheritance. Mode of cpDNA inheritance differed among crosses. Two crosses in whichS. porsildii, SP2920-21, was the maternal parent exhibited three different types of plastids, maternal, paternal and biparental, among the F1 hybrids, suggesting a biparental cpDNA inheritance and plastid sorting-out inStellaria.  相似文献   

陈涛  王小蓉  罗华  王春涛  张家志  罗明敏 《遗传》2012,(11):1491-1499
中国樱桃(Cerasus pseudocerasus Lindl.)是我国古老的具有较高经济价值的栽培果树之一,个别性状突出的野生中国樱桃是对现有栽培品种进行遗传改良的重要资源。四川野生中国樱桃资源丰富,为了明确该地区野生中国樱桃群体的遗传多样性和遗传结构,文章对9个野生中国樱桃群体(其中7个分布四川,2个来自陕西和贵州)共145个个体的叶绿体基因间隔区trnQ-rps16序列进行了测定和分析。结果表明:9个群体145个个体的trnQ-rps16序列比对后共检测到13个多态位点,占位点总数的1.87%,其中3处碱基替换,10处插入/缺失。9个群体总的遗传多样性水平较低(h=0.562,π=0.00184),相对于其他地区的2个群体(h=0.733;π=0.00243),四川的7个群体表现出更低的遗传多样性水平(h=0.544;π=0.00203),且群体间的遗传多样性水平存在较大差异(h=0-0.708;π=0-0.00298),其中北川桃龙群体最高(h=0.708,π=0.00298),而峨眉群体最低(h=0.000,π=0.000)。群体内低的遗传多样性可能与群体的边缘性所产生的奠基者效应以及近期群体收缩和随机遗传漂变造成的瓶颈效应导致群体内遗传多样性丢失有关。此外,9个群体遗传分化水平较低,平均FST为0.21573。分析认为主要是由于野生中国樱桃较强的种子传播能力增加了群体间的基因流动而导致遗传分化不明显,也可能与野生中国樱桃较长的世代周期有关。针对上述研究结果,建议在资源保护中采取减少群体数目而加大群体内的个体数量的保护策略。  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA variation in pearl millet and related species   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Clegg MT  Rawson JR  Thomas K 《Genetics》1984,106(3):449-461
The evolution of specific regions of the chloroplast genome was studied in five grass species in the genus Pennisetum, including pearl millet, and one species from a related genus (Cenchrus). Three different regions of the chloroplast DNA were investigated. The first region included a 12-kilobase pair (kbp) EcoRI fragment containing the 23S, 16S and 5S ribosomal RNA genes, which is part of a larger duplicated region of reverse orientation. The second region was contained in a 21-kbp Sa/I fragment, which spans the short single-copy sequence separating the two reverse repeat structures and which overlaps the duplicated copies of the 12-kbp Eco RI fragment. The third region was a 6-kbp EcoRI fragment located in the large single-copy region of the chloroplast genome. Together these regions account for slightly less than 25% of the chloroplast genome. Each of these DNA fragments was cloned and used as hybridization probes to determine the distribution of homologous DNA fragments generated by various restriction endonuclease digests.—A survey of 12 geographically diverse collections of pearl millet showed no indication of chloroplast DNA sequence polymorphism, despite moderate levels of nuclear-encoded enzyme polymorphism. Interspecific and intergeneric differences were found for restriction endonuclease sites in both the small and the large single-copy regions of the chloroplast genome. The reverse repeat structure showed identical restriction site distributions in all materials surveyed. These results suggest that the reverse repeat region is differentially conserved during the evolution of the chloroplast genome.  相似文献   

Palmé AE 《Molecular ecology》2002,11(9):1769-1779
To unravel the postglacial migration history of hazel, Corylus avellana, the genetic variation at two types of chloroplast DNA markers, polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and microsatellites, was assessed in 26 natural hazel populations distributed across the range of C. avellana. In addition a sequence of 2468 base pairs, which contains the matK gene, was analysed in seven individuals. Very little variation was detected overall [hT:PCR-RFLP= 0.091, hT:microsatellite= 0.423, pi (nucleotide diversity) = 0.00093] but the microsatellite markers, which have the highest levels of variation, show a clear geographical structure that divides Europe into two areas: (i) Italy and the Balkans, on one hand and (ii) the rest of Europe, on the other hand. These data exclude Italy and the Balkans as possible origins of the postglacial recolonization but cannot unambiguously show which other area is the origin, since the genetic data does not indicate the direction of spread. If we take the pollen record into account, the most likely scenario would be an expansion from southwestern France into most of Europe except Italy and the Balkans, and then a local expansion in the latter area. The two main haplotypes identified with both PCR-RFLP and sequencing, A and B, were found not only in C. avellana but also in other European Corylus species and cultivars. Haplotype A, which is dominating all investigated natural populations of C. avellana, is also found in the European tree hazel (C. colurna) and haplotype B, which is rare in C. avellana, has been identified in the filbert (C. maxima) and C. avellana cultivars. This pattern seems to indicate a history of past hybridization among the European Corylus species and cultivars.  相似文献   

The chloroplastic atpB-rbcL spacer and the first 53 codons of the rbcL coding sequence was sequenced for 40 apple cultivars and 15 wild species. This chloroplast DNA region is 904 base pairs long, and only five mutations sites were found among the tested samples. Although the cpDNA variation was low, some parentages are proposed based on the maternal inheritance of plastid DNA: the male and female parents are specified, or else suggested, for Worcester, Discovery, Starking, Starkrimson, Kidd's Orange Red, Priscilla, and Gloster, as well as for the putative wild origin for Malus x domestica.  相似文献   

Summary Six grasses, Hordeum sativum, Dactylis glomerata, Festuca arundinacea, F. pratensis, F. rubra and Lolium multiflorum were subjected to chloroplast DNA analysis based on restriction endonuclease digestion fragments and end labeling with 35S nucleotides. This method is compared with others in general use. The results indicate that Lolium multiflorum is closely affiliated with Festuca pratensis and F. arundinacea; in fact much closer than F. rubra is to any of them.  相似文献   

 Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) restriction site diversity was assessed by 21 enzyme/probe combinations in 30 accessions of six Lens species, including the recently recognized L. lamottei and L. tomentosus. A total of 118 fragments were scored and 26 restriction site mutations were identified. The cpDNA restriction pattern supports circumscribing L. lamottei and L. tomentosus as independent species. The value of the data for reconstructing phylogeny in the genus is discussed. The cpDNA of all 13 accessions of the lentil’s wild progenitor, L. culinaris subsp. orientalis, differed from that of the single lentil cultivars used in this study. This diversity indicates that other populations of this subspecies from Turkey and Syria examined by Mayer and Soltis (1994) are potentially the founder members of lentil. Examination of L. lamottei×L. nigricans hybrids between accessions having different restriction patterns showed paternal plastid inheritance in L. nigricans. Received: 2 July 1996 / Accepted: 19 July 1996  相似文献   

Striking increases in fruit size distinguish cultivated descendants from small-fruited wild progenitors for fleshy fruited species such as Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) and Prunus spp. (peach, cherry, plum, and apricot). The first fruit weight gene identified as a result of domestication and selection was the tomato FW2.2 gene. Members of the FW2.2 gene family in corn (Zea mays) have been named CNR (Cell Number Regulator) and two of them exert their effect on organ size by modulating cell number. Due to the critical roles of FW2.2/CNR genes in regulating cell number and organ size, this family provides an excellent source of candidates for fruit size genes in other domesticated species, such as those found in the Prunus genus. A total of 23 FW2.2/CNR family members were identified in the peach genome, spanning the eight Prunus chromosomes. Two of these CNRs were located within confidence intervals of major quantitative trait loci (QTL) previously discovered on linkage groups 2 and 6 in sweet cherry (Prunus avium), named PavCNR12 and PavCNR20, respectively. An analysis of haplotype, sequence, segregation and association with fruit size strongly supports a role of PavCNR12 in the sweet cherry linkage group 2 fruit size QTL, and this QTL is also likely present in sour cherry (P. cerasus). The finding that the increase in fleshy fruit size in both tomato and cherry associated with domestication may be due to changes in members of a common ancestral gene family supports the notion that similar phenotypic changes exhibited by independently domesticated taxa may have a common genetic basis.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA variation was studied within and among five Plantago species. We determined polymorphism by surveying 86% of the chloroplast genome using 9 or 11 restriction enzymes for intra or interspecific variation, respectively. All five species were polymorphic for both site and length mutations. The outcrossing P. lanceolata has six chloroplast haplotypes of which some were found in the Netherlands as well as in the United States. The highly selfing P. major had five haplotypes and Dutch and United States populations were differentiated from each other in cpDNA. Plantago species are highly differentiated from each other. Of 252 restriction-sites, 52% were variable among species. Most of this variation was localized in part of the large single copy region. We derived a molecular phylogeny of the five species from restriction-site variability using PAUP 3.0. P. coronopus and P. maritima form a group as do P. major and P. media. P. lanceolata is more distantly related to the other four species. In a consensus tree both P. major haplotypes and both P. media haplotypes were connected to one node.  相似文献   

  • We investigate chloroplast DNA variation in a hyperdiverse community of tropical rainforest trees in French Guiana, focusing on patterns of intraspecific and interspecific variation. We test whether a species genetic diversity is higher when it has congeners in the community with which it can exchange genes and if shared haplotypes are more frequent in genetically diverse species, as expected in the presence of introgression.
  • We sampled a total of 1,681 individual trees from 472 species corresponding to 198 genera and sequenced them at a noncoding chloroplast DNA fragment.
  • Polymorphism was more frequent in species that have congeneric species in the study site than in those without congeners (30% vs. 12%). Moreover, more chloroplast haplotypes were shared with congeners in polymorphic species than in monomorphic ones (44% vs. 28%).
  • Despite large heterogeneities caused by genus‐specific behaviors in patterns of hybridization, these results suggest that the higher polymorphism in the presence of congeners is caused by local introgression rather than by incomplete lineage sorting. Our findings suggest that introgression has the potential to drive intraspecific genetic diversity in species‐rich tropical forests.

The chloroplast genomes of 44 accessions ofSecale were surveyed for restriction site polymorphisms. The accessions were chosen to represent the geographic as well as taxonomic range of the genus. Using 12 restriction enzymes a total of 348 sites were detected. Twenty-nine mutation sites were phylogenetically informative and used in a cladistic analysis. Further, a 0.1 kb insertion separatedSecale from the outgroup species. Only the annual speciesS. sylvestre was distinct from the rest of the taxa. Cultivated rye together with both wild annual and wild perennial accessions were mixed among each other. Sequence divergence (p) among taxa ofSecale was low, varying from 0.000 to 0.005, suggesting a rather recent origin of the genus.  相似文献   

Recognition of genetic structure of populations and the ability to identify vulnerable populations is useful for the formation of conservation management strategies for plants. Eucalyptus grandis is a tall forest tree that has a major area of occurrence in subtropical eastern Australia, with smaller populations located in the east coast tropics. Many widespread forest species exhibit population differentiation that corresponds to geographic regions. However, Eucalyptus grandis appears to be an exception based on isozyme and morphological data. This is intriguing given a large discontinuity between northern populations and those in the southern part of the species range. In this study, the distribution of a maternally inherited chloroplast locus was examined because it was more likely to reveal genetic structure due to the slower evolution of the chloroplast genome and limited dispersal of seed in eucalypts. As expected, the G ST for chloroplast DNA was higher than that for nuclear DNA but indicated low population differentiation for a forest tree species. Phylogeographic analysis indicated that the 15 populations grouped into three broad geographical regions; however, overall population structure was weak suggesting that the large geographical disjunction in the distribution of E. grandis may be relatively recent. A paradigm for conservation management of E. grandis based on chloroplast DNA haplotype distribution would take into account the low differentiation among populations.  相似文献   

The modality of chloroplast inheritance in orchids has been investigated only in a few species due to the difficulties associated with the analysis of large progeny numbers from experimental crosses. To test chloroplast DNA inheritance in the orchid Anacamptis palustris, we took advantage of the presence of a highly variable minisatellite repeat located in the tRNA(LEU) intron in the chloroplast genome. Seed progeny obtained from experimental crosses between parental individuals carrying different chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) minisatellite repeat numbers were analyzed using a single-seed polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocol. All examined seeds displayed the maternal cpDNA haplotypes, indicating that cpDNA inheritance is strictly maternal in this Mediterranean orchid species. No evidence for paternal leakage was found. This finding concurs with results obtained from PCR amplifications of pollen massulae that exclude the presence of chloroplast DNA in the pollen tetrads.  相似文献   

QTL analysis of flower and fruit traits in sour cherry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The map locations and effects of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were estimated for eight flower and fruit traits in sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) using a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) genetic linkage map constructed from a double pseudo-testcross. The mapping population consisted of 86 progeny from the cross between two sour cherry cultivars, Rheinische Schattenmorelle (RS)×Erdi Botermo (EB). The genetic linkage maps for RS and EB were 398.2 cM and 222.2 cM, respectively, with an average interval length of 9.8 cM. The RS/EB linkage map that was generated with shared segregating markers consisted of 17 linkage groups covering 272.9 cM with an average interval length of 4.8 cM. Eleven putatively significant QTLs (LOD >2.4) were detected for six characters (bloom time, ripening time, % pistil death, % pollen germination, fruit weight, and soluble solids concentration). The percentage of phenotypic variation explained by a single QTL ranged from 12.9% to 25.9%. Of the QTLs identified for the traits in which the two parents differed significantly, 50% had allelic effects opposite to those predicted from the parental phenotype. Three QTLs affecting flower traits (bloom time, % pistil death, and % pollen germination) mapped to a single linkage group, EB 1. The RFLP closest to the bloom time QTL on EB 1 was detected by a sweet cherry cDNA clone pS141 whose partial amino acid sequence was 81% identical to that of a Japanese pear stylar RNase. Received: 4 March 1999 / Accepted: 27 August 1999  相似文献   

A basic knowledge on linkage disequilibrium (LD) is necessary in order to determine resolution of association studies. We investigated the extent and patterns of LD in a self-incompatible species (Prunus avium L.), in 3 groups (wild cherry, sweet cherry landraces and sweet cherry modern varieties), using a set of 35 microsatellite markers and the gametophytic self-incompatibility locus. Since population structure might create spurious LD, we thus used the information provided by a structure analysis published in a previous study to perform the LD analysis. In the current study, we detected a greater LD extent in sweet cherry than in wild cherry, which is plausibly due to the bottleneck associated with domestication and breeding. Higher LD values in sweet cherry sub-groups may be explained by smaller sample sizes. We also showed that the remaining structure in the groups of sweet cherry, in particular landraces, is responsible for a part of the LD extent. Intra-group relatedness may also account for extensive LD in two sub-groups. These results demonstrate, if ever necessary, the importance of controlling the genetic structure and relatedness when estimating LD. Moreover, LD decays very rapidly with genetic linkage distance in both wild and sweet cherries, which seems promising for future association studies.  相似文献   

Genetic linkage map in sour cherry using RFLP markers   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) linkage maps of two tetraploid sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L., 2n=4x=32) cultivars, Rheinische Schattenmorelle (RS) and Erdi Botermo (EB), were constructed from 86 progeny from the cross RS×EB. The RS linkage map consists of 126 single-dose restriction fragment (SDRF, Wu et al. 1992) markers assigned to 19 linkage groups covering 461.6 cM. The EB linkage map has 95 SDRF markers assigned to 16 linkage groups covering 279.2 cM. Fifty three markers mapped in both parents were used as bridges between both maps and 13 sets of homologous linkage groups were identified. Homoeologous relationships among the sour cherry linkage groups could not be determined because only 15 probes identified duplicate loci. Fifty nine of the markers on the linkage maps were detected with probes used in other Prunus genetic linkage maps. Four of the sour cherry linkage groups may be homologous with four of the eight genetic linkage groups identified in peach and almond. Twenty one fragments expected to segregate in a 1 : 1 ratio segregated in a 2 : 1 ratio. Three of these fragments were used in the final map construction because they all mapped to the same linkage group. Six fragments exhibited segregation consistent with the expectations of intergenomic pairing and/or recombination. Received: 1 April 1998 / Accepted: 9 June 1998  相似文献   

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