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A new species and a new variety are described: Stenandrium harlingii from prov. Morona-Santiago and S. harlingii var. angustifolia from Morona-Santiago. The new taxa are described, illustrated, and compared with their closest relatives. Four new Colombian combinations are also made: Stenandrium andrei, S. arnoldii, S. fosbergii and S. nephoica .  相似文献   

Four new Ecuadorian species ofHabracanthus,H. asplundii from Pichincha,H. laxus andH. lugonis from Tungurahua, andH. luteynii from Napo, are described, illustrated, and compared with their closest relatives.  相似文献   

As presently known, the genusSiphonoglossa can be divided into two “subgenera,” one of which is here divided into two sections,Pentaloba andSiphonoglossa. Two new species are described from a locality in Durango, Mexico :S. durangensis in sect.Siphonoglossa andS. linearifolia in sect.Pentaloba. Three other species are transferred intoSiphonoglossa:S. canbyi from northeastern Mexico;S. buchii from Haiti and the Dominican Republic andS. incerta from southern Baja California, Mexico.  相似文献   

Vicki M. Baum 《Brittonia》1982,34(4):424-434
Six new species ofOdontonema are described:Odontonema album, O. amicorum, O. breedlovei, O. laxum, O. mortonii andO. speciosum. In addition two new combinations are proposed forOdontonema,O. glaberrimum andO. nitidum var.album, and nine species are transferred fromOdontonema to other acanthaceous genera, namelyAnisacanthus ramosissimus, Buceragenia foliaceo-bracteata, Pseuderanthemum cuspidatum, P. hookerianum, P. interruptum, P. paniculatum, P. stenostachyum, Stenostephanus longistaminus andStreblacanthus dubiosus.  相似文献   

Two new Alismatidae,Echinodorus eglandulosus andZannichellia andina, are described, illustrated, and compared to their nearest relatives.  相似文献   

A survey of bracteal (extrafloral) nectaries in species of Aphelandra (Acanthaceae) reveals substantial diversity. Each bracteal nectary is an aggregate of individual glands that vary in number, size, and structure among species. Glands contain three cell layers: a palisade-like secretory cell layer, a one-to-many-celled intermediate layer with thickened cell walls, and a foot layer. Members of the A. pulcherrima complex have one of two distinct gland types: relatively small glands with a single-celled intermediate layer or larger glands that have a multicellular intermediate layer. Nectaries composed of small glands are patches of many (>50) glands, whereas those composed of large glands are patches of < 10 glands. Four outgroup species have bracteal nectaries of numerous small glands with pluricellular intermediate layers. Glands of all three types are initiated as single enlarged protodermal cells, and all undergo similar early periclinal divisions; the large-gland type shows greater subsequent enlargement with many more anticlinal divisions. The bracteal nectar glands are interpreted to be homologous with simpler glandular trichomes, and mark a monophyletic lineage within Aphelandra. Comparisons with outgroup species show that both nectary types in the A. pulcherrima complex have diverged from an ancestral condition of numerous small glands with pluricellular intermediate layers. Use of the ontogenetic criterion to polarize gland type within the A. pulcherrima complex would yield erroneous results because evolution has apparently involved a developmental truncation with loss of cell divisions in the intermediate layer of small glands. Comparable nectar glands in more distant taxa are interpreted as remarkable cases of convergent evolution, perhaps from similar trichome precursors.  相似文献   

Five new species of ferns are described: Alsophila esmeraldensis, Blechnum rheophyt-icum, Cyathea amazonica, C. hemiepiphytica , and C. palaciosii . Two new combinations are made: Cyathea bipinnata and Pecluma pastazensis .  相似文献   

As a result of field work in Peru and Bolivia 1982–83, and herbarium studies, 21 new taxa are described and two new combinations are made in Calceolaria. The following species are described as new: C. sclerophylla, C. arbuscula , and C. crassa of sect. Sa–licifoliae; C. rupestris of sect. Revolutae; C. micans, C. laevis, C. rariflora , and C. concava of sect. Teucriifoliae; C. bullata and C. neglecta of sect. Parvifoliae; C. amoena and C. ramosa of sect. Polyclada; C. pilosa, C. incana, C. hirsuta , and C. cordifolia of sect. Urticopsis; C. cumbemayensis of sect. Lobatae; and C. caespitosa of sect. Scapiflorae. Three new subspecies are described: C. deflexa R. & P. ssp. cuneata and C. salicifolia R. & P. ssp. nigricans of sect. Salicifoliae , and C. hispida Benth. ssp. acaulis of sect. Lobatae. Two new combinations are proposed: C. melissifolia Benth. ssp. pseudoscabra (Edwin) Molau of sect. Teucriifoliae , and C. llamaensis (Edwin) Molau of sect. Anacyrta. The taxon Revolutae is raised to the sectional level, and the sections Polyclada and Parvifoliae are emendated. Chromosome numbers are reported for C. sclerophylla (2n = 36), C. micans (2n = 72), C. laevis (2n = 72), C. melissifolia ssp. pseudoscabra (2n = 36), C. neglecta (2n = 36), C. cumbemayensis (2n = 36), and C. hispida ssp. acaulis (2n = 36).  相似文献   

Described, figured, and discussed are the new speciesDisciphania dioscoreoides Barneby from Amazonian Ecuador and Peru, andD. tricaudata Barneby, sympatric with it in Ecuador. Both are referred toDisciphania sect.Taubertia (K. Schumann) Barneby.  相似文献   

Aphanactis is redelimited to contain only the Andrean species with reduced limbs on the ray corollas and peduncles that elongate at or after anthesis. Four species are described as new, A. antisanensis, A. barclayae, A. boliviana, and A. ollgaardii. Two species previously described in Aphanactis, A. macdonaldii and A. ligulata, are transferred to Selloa.  相似文献   

Alan Meerow 《Brittonia》1984,36(1):18-25
Eucharis plicata andPamianthe parviflora are described from Peru and Ecuador respectively. Additionally, questions are raised concerning the separation of the generaPamianthe Stapf andParamongaia Velarde.  相似文献   

An improved method of sample preparation and simultaneous HPLC separation was developed that allowed the separation of 2,4-dihydroxy-1,4-benzoxazine-3(4H)-one (DIBOA), 2,4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-1,4-benzoxazine-3(4H)-one (DIMBOA), 2-hydroxy-1,4-benzoxazine-3(2H)-one (HBOA), 2-hydroxy-7-methoxy-1,4-benzoxazine-3(2H)-one (HMBOA) and their corresponding glucosides as well as the benzoxazolinones BOA and MBOA. The amount and distribution of these compounds was determined in the roots of Aphelandra squarrosa and A. fuscopunctata plants. There is a significant difference in the amount and distribution of this substance class in the two species analyzed. The results are discussed in relation to their function as defence compounds and allelochemicals.  相似文献   

The opening of a canopy gap at Los Tuxtlas rainforest has an impact on populations of the understory herb Aphelandra aurantiaca: the ratio of recruited seedlings per reproductive individual is 1:17 in mature forest vs. gaps. Predation occurring before seed dispersal seems a plausible explanation for this observed difference. In a field experiment, in which insecticide was applied to plants growing in gaps and mature forest, we evaluated the extent to which herbivore damage to flowers, fruits, and seeds reduces the number of seeds available for seedling establishment. Under natural conditions, ∼30% of the flowers and >70% of the capsules of A. aurantiaca showed herbivore damage, but its impact changed depending on the type of forest habitat. Flower and fruit herbivores caused more damage in closed forest than in gaps, and this difference was even bigger under the insecticide treatment. Insecticide effectiveness varied depending on the type of forest patch. The highest herbivore impact on seeds was found in the mature forest without insecticide treatment, where most seeds were destroyed. The percentages of seed damage reported here show that predispersal predation is limiting seedling recruitment, especially in mature forest. Other possible explanations might be differences in insect composition, densities, and behavior between gaps and mature forest.  相似文献   

Heiser  Charles 《Economic botany》1978,32(3):222-236
Economic Botany - The totora (also known as matara and merme),Scirpus californicus, is widely used in Ecuador and Peru for a number of purposes. Floats made from it are still found at L.ake San...  相似文献   

Two new species ofGalipea are described and illustrated:Galipea maxima, which is known from the wet forests of Ecuador, and Peru, andGalipea ramiflora, from Bolivia and Peru. Their main diagnostic features are pointed out, and a brief discussion on the relationships of the new taxa to other species ofGalipea is provided.  相似文献   

A new genus, Wuacanthus Y.F. Deng, N.H. Xia & H. Peng (Acanthaceae), is described from the Hengduan Mountains, China. Wuacanthus is based on Wuacanthus microdontus (W.W.Sm.) Y.F. Deng, N.H. Xia & H. Peng, originally published in Justicia and then moved to Mananthes. The new genus is characterized by its shrub habit, strongly 2-lipped corolla, the 2-lobed upper lip, 3-lobed lower lip, 2 stamens, bithecous anthers, parallel thecae with two spurs at the base, 2 ovules in each locule, and the 4-seeded capsule. Phylogenetic analyses show that the new genus belongs to the Pseuderanthemum lineage in tribe Justicieae. Wuacanthus is closely related to Pseuderanthemum but differs from the latter by its shorter corolla tube and two minute spurs at the base of each anther-theca. W. microdontus is assessed with the status EN B2ab (iii) based on the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.  相似文献   

Current research by the junior author on the Acanthaceae treatment for the Flora of Ecuador has resulted in the recognition of a new generic record and an undescribed species from Ecuador. Carlowrightia ecuadoriana from prov. Guayas, is described, illustrated and compared with its closest relatives in Mexico and the adjacent United States.  相似文献   

Skrjabinodon dixoni n. sp. from the large intestine of Uracentron flaviceps (Squamata: Iguanidae) from Peru is described and illustrated. It is also reported in the same host from Ecuador. Skrjabinodon dixoni n. sp. differs from other species assigned to Skrjabinodon by morphology of tail filament and number of tail filament spines.  相似文献   

A new species of Acanthaceae (Ruellia saülensis) is described and illustrated from French Guiana, and three new combinations (Justicia potarensis, J. flaviflora, andJ. tobagensis) and one new name (Justicia coppenamensis) are proposed. The new species is compared to its closest relative (Ruellia rubra), and a justification of the transfers is provided.  相似文献   

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