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Rat liver chromatin core particles digested with clostripain yield a structurally well-defined nucleoprotein particle with an octameric core made up of fragmented histone species (designated H'2A, H'2B, H'3 and H'4, respectively) after selective loss of a sequence segment located in the N-terminal region of each core histone. Sequential Edman degradation and carboxypeptidase digestion unambiguously establish that histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 are selectively cleaved at the carboxyl side of Arg 11, Lys 20, Arg 26 and Arg 19 respectively and that the C-terminal sequences remain unaffected. Despite the loss of the highly basic N-terminal regions, including approximately 17% of the total amino acids, the characteristic structural organization of the nucleosome core particle appears to be fully retained in the proteolyzed core particle, as judged by physicochemical and biochemical evidence. Binding of spermidine to native and proteolyzed core particles shows that DNA accessibility differs markedly in both structures. As expected the proteolyzed particle, which has lost all the in vivo acetylation sites, is not enzymatically acetylated, in contrast to the native particle. However, proteolyzed histones act as substrates of the acetyltransferase in the absence of DNA, as a consequence of the occurrence of potential acetylation sites in the core histones thus rendered accessible. The possible role of the histone N-terminal regions on chromatin structure and function is discussed in the light of the present observations with the new core particle obtained by clostripain proteolysis.  相似文献   

Structure of the nucleosome core particle at 8 A resolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The x-ray crystallographic structure of the nucleosome core particle has been determined using 8 A resolution diffraction data. The particle has a mean diameter of 106 A and a maximum thickness of 65 A in the superhelical axis direction. The longest chord through the histone core measures 85 A and is in a non-axial direction. The 1.87 turn superhelix consists of B-DNA with about 78 base pairs or 7.6 helical repeats per superhelical turn. The mean DNA helical repeat contains 10.2 +/- 0.05 base pairs and spans 35 A, slightly more than standard B-DNA. The superhelix varies several Angstroms in radius and pitch, and has three distinct domains of curvature (with radii of curvature of 60, 45 and 51 A). These regions are separated by localized sharper bends +/- 10 and +/- 40 base pairs from the center of the particle, resulting in an overall radius of curvature about 43 A. Compression of superhelical DNA grooves on the inner surface and expansion on the outer surface can be seen throughout the DNA electron density. This density has been fit with a double helical ribbon model providing groove width estimates of 12 +/- 1 A inside vs. 19 +/- 1 A outside for the major groove, and 8 +/- 1 A inside vs. 13 +/- 1 A outside for the minor groove. The histone core is primarily contained within the bounds defined by the superhelical DNA, contacting the DNA where the phosphate backbone faces in toward the core. Possible extensions of density between the gyres have been located, but these are below the significance level of the electron density map. In cross-section, a tripartite organization of the histone octamer is apparent, with the tetramer occupying the central region and the dimers at the extremes. Several extensions of histone density are present which form contacts between nucleosomes in the crystal, perhaps representing flexible or "tail" histone regions. The radius of gyration of the histone portion of the electron density is calculated to be 30.4 A (in reasonable agreement with solution scattering values), and the histone core volume in the map is 93% of its theoretical volume.  相似文献   

Low-angle neutron scattering from chromatin subunit particles.   总被引:10,自引:12,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Monomer chromatin particles containing 140 base pairs of DNA and eight histone molecules have been studied by neutron scattering. From measurements in various H2O/D2O mixtures, radii of gyration and the average scattering density of the particle were determined. The radius of gyration under conditions when scattering from the DNA dominates is 50A, and when scattering from the protein dominates, 30A. Consequently the core of the particle is largely occupied by the histones while the outer shell consists of DNA together with some of the histone.  相似文献   

Spherical high density lipoprotein (sHDL), a key player in reverse cholesterol transport and the most abundant form of HDL, is associated with cardiovascular diseases. Small angle neutron scattering with contrast variation was used to determine the solution structure of protein and lipid components of reconstituted sHDL. Apolipoprotein A1, the major protein of sHDL, forms a hollow structure that cradles a central compact lipid core. Three apoA1 chains are arranged within the low resolution structure of the protein component as one of three possible global architectures: (i) a helical dimer with a hairpin (HdHp), (ii) three hairpins (3Hp), or (iii) an integrated trimer (iT) in which the three apoA1 monomers mutually associate over a portion of the sHDL surface. Cross-linking and mass spectrometry analyses help to discriminate among the three molecular models and are most consistent with the HdHp overall architecture of apoA1 within sHDL.  相似文献   

The structure of the chromatin core particle in solution.   总被引:25,自引:15,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
The shape and size of the nucleosomal core particle from chromatin has been examined by analysis of neutron and X-ray scattering data from dilute solutions. Calculations of scattering for many different models have been made and only one model was able to account for both the X-ray and neutron profiles. This model is an oblate structure with height about 50A and diameter 110A. The DNA is mainly confined to two annuli located at the top and bottom respectively of the core particle positioned on the outside of a compact protein core which has a height of about 40A and diameter about 73A.  相似文献   

The molecular details of how chromatin factors and enzymes interact with the nucleosome are critical to understanding fundamental genetic processes including cell division and gene regulation. A structural understanding of such processes has been hindered by the difficulty in producing diffraction-quality crystals of chromatin proteins in complex with the nucleosome. We describe here the steps used to grow crystals of the 300-kDa RCC1 chromatin factor/nucleosome core particle complex that diffract to 2.9-Å resolution. These steps include both pre- and postcrystallization strategies potentially useful to other complexes. We screened multiple variant RCC1/nucleosome core particle complexes assembled using different RCC1 homologs and deletion variants, and nucleosomes containing nucleosomal DNA with different sequences and lengths, as well as histone deletion variants. We found that using RCC1 from different species produced different crystal forms of the RCC1/nucleosome complex consistent with key crystal packing interactions mediated by RCC1. Optimization of postcrystallization soaks to dehydrate the crystals dramatically improved the diffraction quality of the RCC1/nucleosome crystal from 5.0- to 2.9-Å resolution.  相似文献   

Small angle neutron scattering studies of chromatin subunits in solution   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Neutron scattering studies have been performed on dilute solutions of the fundamental subunit of chromatin, the nucleosome. The subunits contain approximately 195 base paris (bp) of DNA and histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4. Measurements of the small angle scattering curves in various H2O/D2O solvents allow the contrast dependence of the radius of gyration of the subunits to be examined and give the mean scattering density of the particle. Further application of contrast variation to the higher angle scatter curves allows the contributions from the shape and internal structure of the subunits to be analyzed separately. From these results, we are able to propose a spherically averaged structure with most of the histones closely packed into a core of radius 3.2 nm surrounded by a loosely packed DNA-rich shell of 2.0 nm thickness resulting in a particle of 5.2 nm average radius. Model calculations for ellipsoids show that the outer shape of the subunit must have an axial ratio between 0.5 and 1.4 but is probably best described by more spherical particle. These results are correlated with the diffraction from chromatin films to provide an explanation for some of the diffraction rings.  相似文献   

We have examined the susceptibilities of the histones within the HeLa chromatin core particle to covalent modification by a diol-epoxide derivative of the carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon benzo(a)-pyrene. Core-particle histones exhibit substantial variation in their relative susceptibilities to modification, depending upon the ionic strength of the environment. In contrast, the relative susceptibilities of either purified histones or histones in urea-denatured core particles are insensitive to changes in ionic strength. The variations in the pattern of modification of core particle histones occur primarily at ionic strengths at which the histones remain associated with core-particle DNA (0 to 0.6 M NaCl). Non-histone proteins influence the ionic strength-dependent variations in histone modification. The results imply that the ionic strength of the environment affects the conformation of the core particle and that the nucleoprotein has a flexible structure.  相似文献   

Being intimately involved in cholesterol transport and lipid metabolism human low density lipoprotein (LDL) plays a prominent role in atherogenesis and cardiovascular diseases. The receptor-mediated cellular uptake of LDL is triggered by apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB-100), which represents the single protein moiety of LDL. Due to the size and hydrophobic nature of apoB-100, its structure is not well characterized. Here we present a low resolution structure of solubilized apoB-100. We have used small angle neutron scattering in combination with advanced shape reconstruction algorithms to generate a three-dimensional model of lipid-free apoB-100. Our model clearly reveals that apoB-100 is composed of distinct domains connected by flexible regions. The apoB-100 molecule adopts a curved shape with a central cavity. In comparison to LDL-associated apoB-100, the lipid-free protein is expanded, whereas according to spectroscopic data the secondary structure is widely preserved. Finally, the low resolution model was used as a template to reconstruct a hypothetical domain organization of apoB-100 on LDL, including information derived from a secondary structure prediction.  相似文献   

Proteins that translocate across cell membranes need to overcome a significant hydrophobic barrier. This is usually accomplished via specialized protein complexes, which provide a polar transmembrane pore. Exceptions to this include bacterial toxins, which insert into and cross the lipid bilayer itself. We are studying the mechanism by which large antibacterial proteins enter Escherichia coli via specific outer membrane proteins. Here we describe the use of neutron scattering to investigate the interaction of colicin N with its outer membrane receptor protein OmpF. The positions of lipids, colicin N, and OmpF were separately resolved within complex structures by the use of selective deuteration. Neutron reflectivity showed, in real time, that OmpF mediates the insertion of colicin N into lipid monolayers. This data were complemented by Brewster Angle Microscopy images, which showed a lateral association of OmpF in the presence of colicin N. Small angle neutron scattering experiments then defined the three-dimensional structure of the colicin N-OmpF complex. This revealed that colicin N unfolds and binds to the OmpF-lipid interface. The implications of this unfolding step for colicin translocation across membranes are discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II) (cis-DDP) binding to chromatin in chicken erythrocyte nuclei and the nucleosomal core particle is investigated. The cis-DDP modifications alter DNA-protein interactions associated with the higher order structure of chromatin to significantly inhibit the rate of micrococcal nuclease digestion and alter the digestion profile. However, cis-DDP modification of core particle has little effect on the digestion rate and the relative distribution of DNA fragments produced by microccocal nuclease digestion. Analysis of the monomer DNA fragments derived from the digestion of modified nuclei suggests that cis-DDP binding does not significantly disrupt the DNA structure within the core particle, with its major influence being on the internucleosomal DNA. Together these findings suggest that cis-DDP may preferentially bind to the internucleosomal region and/or that the formation of the intrastrand cross-link involving adjacent guanines exhibits a preference for the linker region. Sucrose gradient profiles of the modified nucleoprotein complexes further confirm that the digestion profile for micrococcal nuclease is altered by cis-DDP binding and that the greatest changes occur at the initial stages of digestion. The covalent cross-links within bulk chromatin fix a sub-population of subnucleosomal and nucleosomal products, which are released only after reversal by NaCN treatment. Coupled with our previous findings, it appears that this cis-DDP mediated cross-linking network is primarily associated with protein-protein crosslinks of the low mobility group (LMG) proteins.  相似文献   

Comparative explicit solvent molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been performed on a complete nucleosome core particle with and without N-terminal histone tails for more than 20 ns. Main purpose of the simulations was to study the dynamics of mobile elements such as histone N-terminal tails and how packing and DNA-bending influences the fine structure and dynamics of DNA. Except for the tails, histone and DNA molecules stayed on average close to the crystallographic start structure supporting the quality of the current force field approach. Despite the packing strain, no increase of transitions to noncanonical nucleic acid backbone conformations compared to regular B-DNA was observed. The pattern of kinks and bends along the DNA remained close to the experiment overall. In addition to the local dynamics, the simulations allowed the analysis of the superhelical mobility indicating a limited relative mobility of DNA segments separated by one superhelical turn (mean relative displacement of approximately +/-0.2 nm, mainly along the superhelical axis). An even higher rigidity was found for relative motions (distance fluctuations) of segments separated by half a superhelical turn (approximately +/-0.1 nm). The N-terminal tails underwent dramatic conformational rearrangements on the nanosecond time scale toward partially and transiently wrapped states around the DNA. Many of the histone tail changes corresponded to coupled association and folding events from fully solvent-exposed states toward complexes with the major and minor grooves of DNA. The simulations indicate that the rapid conformational changes of the tails can modulate the DNA accessibility within a few nanoseconds.  相似文献   

The small angle neutron scattering radii of gyration of 185 base pair subunits have been determined in H2O and D2O These values suggest that the outer diameter is 120 to 150Å. The results are not consistent with models in which all of the DNA is in an external shell. The neutron scattering profiles are in good agreement with a model based upon freeze etching electron microscopy (4) having two concentric coils of DNA with 80Åand 150Åexternal diameters.  相似文献   

The B820 subunit is an integral pigment-membrane protein complex and can be obtained by both dissociation of the core light-harvesting complex (LH1) in photosynthetic bacteria and reconstitution from its component parts in the presence of n-octyl beta-D-glucopyranoside (OG). Intrinsic size of the B820 subunit from Rhodospirillum rubrum LH1 complex was measured by small-angle neutron scattering in perdeuterated OG solution and evaluated by Guinier analysis. Both the B820 subunits prepared by dissociation of LH1 and reconstitution from apopolypeptides and pigments were shown to have a molecular weight of 11,400 +/- 500 and radius of gyration of 11.0 +/- 1.0 A, corresponding to a heterodimer consisting of one pair of alphabeta-polypeptides and two bacteriochlorophyll a molecules. Molecular weights of micelles formed by OG alone in solutions were determined in a range from 30,000 to 50,000 over concentrations of 1-5% (w/v), and thus are much larger than that of the B820 subunit. Similar measurement on the pigment-depleted apopolypeptides revealed highly heterogeneous behavior in the OG solutions, indicating that aggregates with various sizes were formed. The result provides evidence that bacteriochlorophyll a molecules play a crucial role in stabilizing and maintaining the B820 subunits in the dimeric state in solution. Further measurements on individual alpha- and beta-polypeptides exhibited a marked difference in aggregation property between the two polypeptides. The alpha-polypeptides appear to be uniformly dissolved in OG solution in a monomeric form, whereas the beta-polypeptides favor a self-associated form and tend to form large aggregates even in the presence of detergent. The difference in aggregation tendency was discussed in relation to the different behavior between alpha- and beta-polypeptides in reconstitution with bacteriochlorophyll a molecules.  相似文献   

Ethidium bromide intercalation into DNA of nuclease digested erythrocyte chromatin and core particle, was followed at low ionic strength by fluorescence measurements, equilibrium dialysis using 14C labelled dye, circular dichroism and electron microscopy. High affinity binding sites in the chromatin are no more present in the core particle, i.e. when the linker is removed. In the case of core particle, a cooperative process occurs, accompanied by a partial stripping of the DNA from the core histone. Finally two populations of core particles can be detected by electron microscopy as far as their binding properties are concerned.  相似文献   

A model is presented for the interaction between G proteins and G protein-coupled receptors. The model is based on the fact that this interaction shows little specificity and thus conserved parts of the G proteins have to interact with conserved parts of the receptors. These parts are a conserved negative residue in the G protein, a fully conserved arginine in the receptor and a series of residues that are not conserved but always hydrophobic like the hydrophobic side of the C-terminal helix of the G protein and the hydrophobic side of a helix in the C-terminal domain of the receptor. Other, mainly cytosolic, factors determine the specificity and regulation of this interaction. The relation between binding and activation will be shown. A large body of experimental evidence supports this model. Despite the fact that the model does not provide atomic resolution, it can be used to explain some experimental data that would otherwise seem inexplicable, and it suggests experiments for its falsification or verification.  相似文献   

Zhao H  Zhang Y  Zhang SB  Jiang C  He QY  Li MQ  Qian RL 《Cell research》1999,9(4):255-260
The structure of the nuclosome core particle of chromatin in chicken erythrocytes has been examined by using AFM.The 146 bp of DNA wrapped twice around the core histone octamer are clearly visualized.Both the ends of entry/exit of linker DNA are also demonstrated.The dimension of the nucleosome core particles is - 1-4 nm in height and - 13-22 nm in width.In addition,superbeads (width of - 48-57 nm,height of - 2-3 nm )are occasionally revealed,two turns of DNA around the core particles are also detected.  相似文献   

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