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通过2009年10月至2010年7月监测高黎贡山大塘的3群东部白眉长臂猿的鸣叫行为,收集了10个月(200d)的数据,发现东部白眉长臂猿的鸣叫行为主要发生在黎明后4h内;平均每次鸣叫持续14min59s,不同群体间鸣叫持续时间不同。天气情况影响东部白眉长臂猿的鸣叫开始时间(相对黎明)和持续时间,在雨天鸣叫相对黎明开始时间较晚,持续时间也较长。东部白眉长臂猿鸣叫频率在10月和11月明显高于其他月份,可能与食物(果实)的丰富度有关。根据研究结果,建议对东部白眉长臂猿的调查最好集中在10月或11月;每天监测时间至少持续至黎明后4h,以覆盖长臂猿90%以上的鸣叫;如果出现下雨天气,应适当延长调查时间。  相似文献   

Results of a 10 month study of the mongoose lemur (Eulemur mongoz) at Anjamena are presented. The activity pattern is documented in detail for both wet and dry seasons based on observations conducted over the entire 24 h period. E. mongoz was found to be cathemeral throughout the year but exhibited shifts towards more diurnal activity in the wet season and more nocturnal activity in the dry season. The cathemeral activity pattern in the mongoose lemur appears to be coordinated with sunrise, sunset, and day length and modulated by an inhibitory effect of low nocturnal light intensity in the forest during the wet season, resulting in mainly diurnal activity. Temperature and rainfall may also influence the activity pattern. Few advantages to food-related behavior appear to derive from this activity pattern, although resource accessibility may be enhanced by nocturnal behavior in the dry season, leading to reduction in interspecific competition. Cathemerality may also represent a behavioral thermoregulatory mechanism allowing the mongoose lemur to conserve energy by being active during the cool nights of the dry season. In addition, nocturnal behavior in the dry season probably allows avoidance of predation by raptors at the time of year when least protection is afforded by vegetation.  相似文献   

Gibbons are characterized by their species-specific calls, or songs. There are few studies of songs of Hainan gibbon (Nomascus hainanus). To study the sound spectrum characteristics and test for intergroup differences in Hainan gibbon song, we studied the singing behavior of Hainan gibbons in Bawangling National Nature Reserve, Hainan Province, China, intermittently from August 2002 to February 2013, collecting 184 recordings. Our results show that: 1) Hainan gibbon song bouts occur mainly 0–4 h after dawn. 2) The songs of adult males living in groups are composed mainly of one to three short notes and one to five long notes, while solitary adult male songs consist only of long frequency modulated notes and no short or single notes. 3) The song chorus is dominated by adult males, while females add a great call. Males do not have a great call, unlike those in other gibbon species. There are no female solos. 4) The sound spectrum frequency is similar in adult males living in two different groups, but the duration of the first long note differed significantly between the groups. The sonic frequencies of male and female songs are lower than those of other gibbons: no more than 2 kHz. Hainan gibbon sound structure is simple, although females participate in the chorus, reflecting their primitive status among gibbon species.  相似文献   

Kloss gibbons (Hylobates klossii) are endemic to the Mentawai Islands in Indonesia and are one of only two gibbon species in which mated pairs do not sing duets. This is the first long-term study of the factors influencing the singing activity of Kloss gibbons within a northern Siberut Island population and follows two previous studies in central Siberut nearly 30 years ago. We collected data on the presence/absence of male and female singing within the study area on 198 days and within a focal group on 47 days. Rainfall during the time period in which they normally sing inhibits singing in both males and females. Our study supports the hypothesis that male and female songs function in intrasexual resource defence, as singing is associated with singing by same-sex neighbours, and same-sex choruses are more likely to occur after one or more days of silence (from that sex), suggesting there is pressure for individuals to communicate with same-sex neighbours regularly. Singing was not coordinated within a mated pair, suggesting that vocal coordination of the pair has been lost with the loss of the duet and that Kloss gibbon songs do not convey information to neighbours about the strength of the pair bond. On days when males sang predawn, females were more likely to sing after dawn and earlier in the morning. Additionally, the number of groups singing in female choruses was positively associated with the number of males that had sung in the predawn male chorus. We suggest that female songs have an intersexual territory defence as well as an intrasexual function.  相似文献   

东黑冠长臂猿鸣叫特征及气象因子对鸣叫的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸣叫是长臂猿非常典型的一个特征,并且受到生物因素和非生物因素(如气象因子) 的影响。为了解东黑冠长臂猿的鸣叫特征以及气象因子对鸣叫的影响,2008 年8 月至2009 年10 月,采用全事件记录法对栖息在广西邦亮自然保护区3 个东黑冠长臂猿野生群体的鸣叫行为进行观察。结果表明东黑冠长臂猿倾向于在早晨鸣叫,有91.4% 的鸣叫发生在日出前0.5 h 至日出后3 h 之间,其中53.1% 的鸣叫发生在日出后1 h 内。平均每个群体的鸣叫频次为69.7% ,一个群体平均每天鸣叫1.24 次,鸣叫的平均持续时间为18.3 min。一次二重唱中,雌性平均激动鸣叫4.4 次。长臂猿鸣叫的起始时间在光照强度的影响下差异显著,阴天和雾天鸣叫的起始时间延后,且雾天最迟;降雨致使长臂猿体能的损失和光照强度减弱,从而引起鸣叫起始时间的延后和持续时间缩短;温度对长臂猿鸣叫的影响并不显著。  相似文献   

Hardly any behavioral data are available for the silvery gibbon (Hylobates moloch), an endangered primate that is endemic to the island of Java, Indonesia. We studied the singing behavior of the easternmost population of this species in the Dieng mountains, central Java, in 1998-1999. We aimed to document the timing of singing, quantify the amount of singing by the respective sexes, and explore the role of bioacoustics in density estimation. A total of 122 song bouts in at least 12 groups were monitored. No duet songs were heard. Most of the song bouts (91.5%) were female solo song bouts or female scream bouts. In contrast to an earlier study on the westernmost population of silvery gibbons, during which few if any male songs were heard, at least 8.5% of the song bouts in our study were male solo song bouts. They were significantly longer in duration than the female songs. All male song bouts uttered before dawn (0520 hr) were produced in a chorus fashion, with at least three individuals participating. Choruses occurred about once every 8.5 days, and lasted longer and occurred earlier than female solo song bouts. Most male songs (60%) started between 0355-0440 hr, when it was still dark. All female songs, in contrast, started after 0500 hr, and female singing activity peaked around 0600. Regular male singing, male chorusing, and regular predawn singing have not previously been reported for silvery gibbons. Similarly separated periods of male and female solo songs and the absence of duetting have been observed in Kloss's gibbons (H. klossii) on the Mentawai Islands, and may represent synapomorphies shared by both species. The pronounced individual-specific song characteristics of silvery gibbons allow accurate mapping of groups. The density of gibbons at our study site was established to be 1.9-3.7 groups/km2, corresponding to 6.7-13.1 individuals/km2. We reassess the suitability of gibbon songs as a means of estimating the density and size of gibbon populations, and discuss the proximate causes for the absence of duetting in silvery gibbons.  相似文献   


This article explores the link between music and the construction of identity among a group of middle-class Thai-Chinese in contemporary Bangkok. Based on fieldwork conducted there, the article describes the nature, function, and activities of singing clubs that cater to middle-class Thai-Chinese singing Mandarin Chinese popular songs. Riding on the economic boom in Thailand in the early 1990s, these singing clubs have drastically increased in number since early 1994. Informed by the notion that identity is a social construct within specific historical moments, this essay focuses on a particular type of singing activity and calls attention to the importance of music as a way to understand the complex issues of overseas Chinese identity. Through an analysis of performance context, musical behavior, and music, I explore issues of “Chineseness,” and the nature of diasporic Chinese culture, against the sociopolitical climate in contemporary Thai society. I argue that identity politics are integral to understanding music and performance because the choice to participate in any type of performance is often motivated by and embedded in ethnic consciousness and group identity. This case study enhances understanding of the processes of identity formation and the multifaceted dimensions of Chinese music in a changing global context.  相似文献   

Testosterone (T) induces singing behavior and mediates changes in the sizes and neuroanatomical characteristics of brain regions controlling singing behavior (song control regions, SCRs) in songbirds. These effects may require the enzymatic conversion of T into androgenic and estrogenic metabolites by brain tissues and can be modulated by factors such as season and social context. Testosterone administration to adult male House Finches, Carpodacus mexicanus, in the spring increases the size of their SCRs. Here, we used males of this species to investigate effects of T and T metabolism on brain morphology and singing behavior in the fall. Birds received Silastic capsules containing androgens, estrogens, and/or inhibitors of androgenic action or estrogen synthesis to determine effects of these hormones on song rates and SCR volumes. We also manipulated the social environment by changing the number of birds in visual contact with each other. Testosterone treatment stimulated singing behavior in finches held in small, visually isolated groups and exposed to song playbacks. However, administration of T or T metabolites did not increase SCR sizes. The data suggest that photoperiodic condition and social context may modulate the effects of steroids on SCRs and singing behavior.  相似文献   

This study provides evidence for interactive singing, or countersinging, in the dawn song of a male Mueller's gibbon. Tape-recorded answering calls from a simulated neighbor were initiated at the subject's baseline rate (every 18 sec), then successively at every 14 sec, 10 sec, 18 sec, 22 sec, and 26 sec. Two types of evidence for interactive singing were considered. First, the subject's initiation rate significantly increased when the initiation rate of the simulated neighbor increased (but did not decrease when the simulated neighbor's rate decreased). Second, the subject's rate of interruption of the simulated neighbor's vocalizations remained at the same low level regardless of the initiation rate of the simulated neighbor; these interruption rates were, in all cases, significantly lower than would have been expected by chance if interactive singing were not occurring. Evolutional value of interactive singing is considered in relation to demonstration of individual fitness and achievement of clear communication between neighboring groups.  相似文献   

Adult male and female coordinated singing occur in diverse animal taxa. Adult male–female social bond advertising and strengthening have been proposed as two important functional hypotheses of coordinated singing. Here we studied these two functions in four groups of cao vit gibbon (Nomascus nasutus), a small ape that lives in polygynous family groups and adult members coordinated their sex-specific songs to produce complex duets or trios (three members sing together), using 6-year field behavioral data. In this study, we used the number of successful great call sequences per bout or per minute, and latency period from start of the adult male call to the first successful great call sequence to represent singing intensity. We used the proportion of proximity, behavioral synchronization, and grooming between adult male and female to represent bond strength. We used linear mixed-effects model to investigate the correlation between singing intensity and adult male–female social bond strength. We found a negative correlation between all three bond strength indicators and female latency period (N = 209), and a positive correlation between the number of successful great call sequences per bout (N = 253) and per minute (N = 254) and proximity. We used paired Wilcoxon signed-rank test to investigate if adult gibbons increase bond strength after singing. We found proximity (hourly level: N = 45; daily level: N = 54), behavioral synchronization (hourly level: N = 57; daily level: N = 49), and grooming (daily level: N = 34) in most of the groups did not increase significantly after singing in an hourly or daily level. Together, these results indicate that cao vit gibbon coordinated singing serves primarily in adult male–female social bond advertising and distinct singing intensity indicators advertise different information on adult male–female social bond strength.  相似文献   

There have never been any documented studies on the vocal or non-vocal behaviour of wild or captive Hainan black gibbons, which are highly endangered in the wild (Hainan Island, China), and very scarce in captivity. The singing behaviour of the only pair of captive Hainan black gibbons outside Southeast Asia was observed, recorded and analyzed in detail. This adult pair produced duets only, with the organizational features of their duets found here to be similar to that in two other concolor gibbon sub-species; however, the acoustical features were very different from any other concolor gibbon pair studied previously. Some functional and evolutionary implications of the singing behaviour of the Hainan black gibbon are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Aim  To determine if changes in the key bioclimatic parameters associated with rainfall seasonality can be quantified from fossil sequences and to distinguish them from changes in the total annual rainfall.
Location  Lake Masoko, southern Tanzania (9°20' S, 33°45' E, 840 m a.s.l.).
Methods  Fossil pollen was extracted from a long and well-dated sedimentary sequence spanning the period 45,000–4400 cal. yr bp . The modern habitat, geographical distribution and climatic range (mean annual rainfall and temperature, and length of the dry season) of selected East African plants were used to infer past rainfall attributes for the most characteristic fossil pollen taxa identified from the sediments of Lake Masoko.
Results  In the Masoko pollen sequence it has been possible to identify changes in the length/severity of the dry season during the last 45,000 cal. yr bp , which are interpreted to reflect shifts in the mean position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) over the southern tropics. We suggest that this bioclimatic parameter has been the main driver of the vegetation dynamics in this area. The major inferred change occurred at the Younger Dryas–Holocene transition c . 11,800 cal. yr bp , when semi-deciduous forest disappeared, being replaced in the lake catchment by woodland, which persists to the present day in spite of locally high rainfall.
Main conclusions  In tropical regions under the influence of the ITCZ, the position and strength of which determine the distribution of rainfall through the year, more attention must be paid to the impact of the length and intensity of the dry season on the modern and past distribution and dynamics of the vegetation. This climatic parameter is as important as the total annual amount of rainfall, and probably one of the most relevant in lowland areas.  相似文献   

白眉长臂猿鸣叫的时间特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
滇西白眉长臂猿(Hylobateshoolock)鸣叫主要发生在上午,最早开始于黎明时分,最晚则在下午16:30以后。平均开始时间为09:05,SD=1095min(N=70,范围07:12~16:30),持续时间为197min,SD=934min(N=55,R=4~50)。多数鸣叫发生在07:00~10:00之间(80%)。不同季节鸣叫发生时间有显著差异,可能与黎明时间(光亮度)不同有关,但持续时间无差异。同一季节异地间鸣叫持续时间差异显著。气候、猿群密度、栖息地状态对鸣叫有一定影响,但未见明显相关性。与黑长臂猿的种间比较表明,白眉长臂猿的鸣叫声在时间分布上有较大的散开度,持续时间也较长,二者有显著差异。  相似文献   

高海拔栖息地中灵长类动物的行为适应一直以来都是灵长类研究中的重点内容,同物种在不同栖息地的行为差异也成为近年的热点问题。西黑冠长臂猿(Nomascus concolor)是我国国家一级重点保护野生动物,也是我国长臂猿科动物中种群数量最大的物种,滇中哀牢山、无量山是该物种的集中分布区。哀牢山和无量山的西黑冠长臂猿栖息地存在显著差异,且其社会组织不同。本研究首次报道了在哀牢山高海拔栖息地中一个一夫一妻长臂猿群体的活动时间分配和食性季节性变化。2014—2015年,采用3 min间隔瞬时扫描法记录了长臂猿的行为和食性,468 h的行为数据结果表明,移动行为比例最高38.1%,其次是休息行为36.4%,取食行为23.3%,最少为鸣叫行为1.9%和其他行为1.3%。3 784次取食行为可辨识食物类型,总体上叶类食物占41.1%,其次是果实类食物33.3%,花类食物21.0%,附生植物3.9%,其他食物0.6%。长臂猿的时间分配和食性在雨季和旱季均具有显著差异,在低温旱季,长臂猿增加休息时间,减少移动时间,提高叶类和花类食物的取食比例;在高温雨季,长臂猿增加移动时间,减少休息时间和取食时间,取食更...  相似文献   

Play behavior is prevalent among most mammalian young, particularly primates. Though several hypotheses address the function of play, researchers have documented information on the potential costs of play and of environmental effects on the occurrence of primate play less well during long-term field studies. I examine seasonal changes in play behavior of immature squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) across 4 age classes: infants, young juveniles, mid-juveniles, and late juveniles. I observed individuals during 12 mo in Eastern Brazilian Amazonia, an area characterized by highly seasonal rainfall. Play was strongly tied to seasonality, food availability, and changes in diet. The percentage of time spent playing was reduced in the dry season, a period characterized by low fruit availability and an increase in time spent foraging for prey. I suggest that the decrease in play behavior in the dry season is related both to a higher need for energy conservation and to increased time expended in foraging activities.  相似文献   

I made observations of a central California population of Wilson''s Warbler, Cardellina pusilla, after July 1 over 10 breeding seasons. I sighted males in definitive prebasic molt from July 4 (in 2007) to September 1 (in 1999). Most territorial males molted on their breeding territories, and individual molt lasted up to 46 days. Following prebasic molt, territorial males engaged in subdued “post‐molt singing,” which lasted about 7 days in some males, and which I first heard on August 13 (in 2004) and last heard on September 6 (in 1999). I sighted no female in definitive prebasic molt, or in fresh basic plumage, during the study. Of 13 females sighted ≥ July 21, 11 were in late breeding season uniparental brood care, and I could not rule out late brood care for the other two. Most, and possibly all, females not engaged in late season uniparental brood care apparently vacated their breeding territories before July 21. This departure was much earlier than for resident males, the last of which I sighted on September 10 (in 1999). Early‐departing females presumably underwent prebasic molt after July 21 at locations not known. Remaining late‐nesting females must have molted much later than resident males and likely later than early‐departing females, and at locations unknown. I last sighted two uniparental brood‐tending females, still in worn plumage, on August 26 and 29, respectively. Two unique findings of this study are a male/female difference in location of prebasic molt, and a likely dichotomy of prebasic molt timing between females leaving their breeding territories early and those remaining in uniparental brood care. Another finding, post‐molt singing in most and possible all territorial males, is a largely unrecognized behavior, but one previously reported in several passerine species. Post‐molt singing may reliably indicate completion of prebasic molt.  相似文献   

All gibbon species (Family: Hylobatidae) are considered threatened with extinction and recognized on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species. Because gibbons are one of the most threatened families of primates, monitoring their status is now critically important. Long-term monitoring programs applying occupancy approaches, in addition to assessing occurrence probability, improves understanding of other population parameters such as site extinction or colonization probabilities, which elucidate temporal and spatial changes and are therefore important for guiding conservation efforts. In this study, we used multiple season occupancy models to monitor occurrence, extinction, and colonization probabilities for northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbon Nomascus annamensis in three adjacent protected areas in the Central Annamites mountain range, Vietnam. We collected data at 30 listening posts in 2012, 2014, and 2016 using the auditory point count method. Occurrence probabilities were highest in 2012 (0.74, confidence interval [CI]: 0.56–0.87) but slightly lower in 2014 (0.66, CI: 0.51–0.79) and 2016 (0.67, CI: 0.49–0.81). Extinction probabilities during the 2012–2014 and 2014–2016 intervals were 0.26 (0.14–0.44) and 0.25 (0.12–0.44), respectively. Colonization probabilities during 2012–2014 were 0.44 (0.19–0.73) and between 2014 and 2016 was 0.51 (0.26–0.75). Although local site extinctions have occurred, high recolonization probability helped to replenish the unoccupied sites and kept the occurrence probability stable. Long-term monitoring programs which use occurrence probability alone might not fully reveal the true dynamics of gibbon populations. We strongly recommend including multiple season occupancy models to monitor occurrence, extinction, and colonization probabilities in long-term gibbon monitoring programs.  相似文献   

We used data on loud duetted and solo songs collected from one habituated polygynous group of black‐crested gibbons (Nomascus concolor jingdongensis) on Mt. Wuliang, Yunnan, to test several hypotheses about the functions of these songs. The major functions proposed for loud gibbon songs include resource defense, mate defense, pairbonding, group cohesion and mate attraction. Duet bouts are generally initiated by adult males, who select the highest trees near to ridges or on steep slopes as singing trees. Such trees facilitate voice transmission and inter‐group communication. Singing trees tended to be located near important food patches and sleeping sites, which supports the resource defense hypothesis. The adult male and two adult females always sang interactively, alternating male phrases with the females' stereotyped great calls, to produce the duets, and females rarely produced great calls if they were more than 30 m from the male. The two females usually produced great calls synchronously during the duet, especially when they were close together. These features support both the mate defense and pairbonding hypotheses. The number of great calls and their degree of synchrony transmit information about spatial relationships and possibly pairbond strength to members to neighboring groups and floating animals. During or after the duet bouts, the adult females and juvenile moved toward to the adult male; and group members maintained a close spatial relationship, which supports the group cohesion hypothesis. Other incidents observed suggest a mate competition role for duets. The adult male always sang when the females started duetting with the subadult male. The subadult male sang solo bouts, but they were not more frequent or longer than bouts initiated by the adult male. Although mate attraction is the likely function of subadult solos, it was not convincingly demonstrated. In conclusion, all hypotheses concerning the function of singing are supported by at least some of the data, and none can be excluded. Am. J. Primatol. 71:539–547, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

I used optimality modelling to compare two of the most plausible and general explanations for the dawn and dusk peaks in bird song output. Kacelnik's explanation is that foraging is inefficient in poor light, but that social interactions are less affected, making singing more worthwhile than foraging. McNamara et al.'s explanation is based on stochasticity in foraging success and overnight energy requirements; it has been extensively analysed with stochastic dynamic programming models. Both explanations are now incorporated into this sort of model. I used various functions to link success of foraging and singing to time of day, but assumed that above some light level there is no further effect. Kacelnik's explanation has as strong an effect as stochasticity in generating dawn and dusk choruses. It also predicts short pauses in the singing output just after the dawn chorus and before the dusk chorus. The former arises because birds delay foraging when it will become more profitable later, until foraging success reaches a plateau, when the energetic debt accumulated makes them forage. The principle of this see-saw double switch in behaviours may apply to other explanations for the dawn chorus, and to other shifts in behaviour when conditions change gradually. The model predicts that from day to day cloud cover determines when a dawn chorus starts, but that overnight temperature and wind strength have more effect on chorus intensity and duration. I discuss what sort of observational and experimental data on singing routines would better test this model. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

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