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S Hemmerich  D Sijpkens  I Pecht 《Biochemistry》1991,30(6):1523-1532
Type I Fc epsilon receptor (Fc epsilon RI) mediated Ca2+ uptake and secretion of rat serosal mast cells have been shown to be inhibited by disodium 1,3-bis [(2'-carboxylatochromon-5'-yl) oxy]-2-hydroxypropane (disodium cromoglycate, DSCG), which is widely employed in the treatment of allergic asthma [Foreman et al. (1977) Br. J. Pharmacol. 59, 473P-474P; Cox (1967) Nature (London) 216, 1328-1329]. This drug was also found to modify the protein phosphorylation pattern of these mast cells. [Theoharides et al. (1980) Science 207, 80-82]. We have isolated by affinity chromatography on a water-insoluble cromoglycate-carrying matrix a cytosolic enzyme recently identified as a nucleoside 5'-diphosphate kinase. In order to examine a possible intracellular activity of the drug, a cell-permeant cromoglycate derivative, 1,3-bis [[2'-[[(acetoxymethyl)oxy]carbonyl]chromon-5'- yl]oxy]-2-hydroxypropane [bis(acetoxymethyl) cromoglycate, CG/AM], has been synthesized, and its uptake and effect on the Fc epsilon RI-mediated exocytosis of mast cells was investigated. A tritium-labeled CG/AM derivative, used as radioactive tracer, was found to permeate mucosal mast cells of the rat line RBL-2H3 and accumulate intracellularly up to 40-fold its extracellular concentration following hydrolysis by cytoplasmic hydrolases. A CG/AM dose dependent inhibition of the Fc epsilon RI-induced mediator secretion was observed in RBL-2H3 cells loaded with this compound (I50 approximately 40 microM extracellular CG/AM). A similar dose-dependent inhibition was observed for both the Fc epsilon RI-mediated transient rise in the concentration of cytosolic free Ca2+ ions [( Ca2+]i) and the net Ca2+ influx, as monitored by the fluorescent indicator Quin2 and the radioactive tracer 45Ca2+, respectively. These results clearly show that cell-permeant cromoglycate inhibits the Fc epsilon RI-mediated Ca2+ influx into the cell and further underscore the dominant role of this process in the coupling of stimulus to secretion in RBL cells. Furthermore, with the identification of nucleoside 5'-diphosphate kinase as a potential intracellular target for CG activity, distinct mechanisms of action may be inferred for cell-permeant and nonpermeant forms of CG.  相似文献   

Cross-linking the high affinity IgE receptor, Fc epsilon R1, with multivalent antigen induces inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate [Ins(1,4,5)P3]-dependent release of intracellular Ca2+ stores, Ca2+ influx, and secretion of inflammatory mediators from RBL-2H3 mast cells. Here, fluorescence ratio imaging microscopy was used to characterize the antigen-induced Ca2+ responses of single fura-2-loaded RBL-2H3 cells in the presence and absence of extracellular Ca2+ (Ca2+o). As antigen concentration increases toward the optimum for secretion, more cells show a Ca2+ spike or an abrupt increase in [Ca2+]i and the lag time to onset of the response decreases both in the presence and the absence of Ca2+o. When Ca2+o is absent, fewer cells respond to low antigen and the lag times to response are longer than those measured in the presence of Ca2+o, indicating that Ca2+o contributes to Ca2+ stores release. Ins(1,4,5)P3 production is not impaired by the removal of Ca2+o, suggesting that extracellular Ca2+ influences Ca2+ stores release via an effect on the Ins(1,4,5)P3 receptor. Stimulation with low concentrations of antigen can lead, only in the presence of Ca2+o, to a small, gradual increase in [Ca2+]i before the abrupt spike response that indicates store release. We propose that this small, initial [Ca2+]i increase is due to receptor-activated Ca2+ influx that precedes and may facilitate Ca2+ stores release. A mechanism for capacitative Ca2+ entry also exists in RBL-2H3 cells. Our data suggest that a previously undescribed response to Fc epsilon R1 cross-linking, inhibition of Ca2+ stores refilling, may be involved in activating capacitative Ca2+ entry in antigen-stimulated RBL-2H3 cells, thus providing the elevated [Ca2+]i required for optimal secretion. The existence of both capacitative entry and Ca2+ influx that can precede Ca2+ release from intracellular stores suggests that at least two mechanisms of stimulated Ca2+ influx are present in RBL-2H3 cells.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which agonist-evoked cytosolic Ca2+ signals are terminated has been investigated. We measured the Ca2+ concentration inside the endoplasmic reticulum store of pancreatic acinar cells and monitored the cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration by whole-cell patch-clamp recording of the Ca2+-sensitive currents. When the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration was clamped at the resting level by a high concentration of a selective Ca2+ buffer, acetylcholine evoked the usual depletion of intracellular Ca2+ stores, but without increasing the Ca2+-sensitive currents. Removal of acetylcholine allowed thapsigargin-sensitive Ca2+ reuptake into the stores, and this process stopped when the stores had been loaded to the pre-stimulation level. The apparent rate of Ca2+ reuptake decreased steeply with an increase in the Ca2+ concentration in the store lumen and it is this negative feedback on the Ca2+ pump that controls the Ca2+ store content. In the absence of a cytoplasmic Ca2+ clamp, acetylcholine removal resulted in a rapid return of the elevated cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration to the pre-stimulation resting level, which was attained long before the endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ store had been completely refilled. We conclude that control of Ca2+ reuptake by the Ca2+ concentration inside the intracellular store allows precise Ca2+ signal termination without interfering with store refilling.  相似文献   

Variations of Ca2+ influx (evaluated by the initial rate of 45Ca2+ uptake) and cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i, measured with fura-2) were investigated in human erythrocytes. When external Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]o) rose from 1 to 2 mM, the initial rate of Ca2+ influx nearly doubled whereas [Ca2+]i increased only by 15%. Nicardipine dose-dependently decreased both initial rate of Ca2+ influx and [Ca2+]i (up to 53 and 18%. respectively at 10(-6) M). The less marked changes in [Ca2+]i than in Ca2+ influx indicate a partial adjustment of the Ca2+ extruding-pump activity to of Ca2+ influx. In vivo administration of nicardipine reduced [Ca2+]i only when its initial value exceeded 80 nM and prevented the rise in [Ca2+]i induced by the increase in [Ca2+]o. Our results indicate that nicardipine may reduce Ca2+ influx in human erythrocytes and participate in the control of [Ca2+]i when elevated.  相似文献   

The mechanism of Ca2+ influx stimulated by arginine vasopressin (AVP) was studied in cultured rat smooth muscle cells. AVP stimulated 45Ca2+ influx even in the presence of nifedipine, a Ca2+ antagonist that inhibits voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel. NaF, a GTP-binding protein activator, mimicked the AVP-stimulated 45Ca2+ influx. The 45Ca2+ influx stimulated by a combination of AVP and NaF was not additive. The affinity of AVP receptor was decreased by guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate). Pertussis toxin failed to affect the AVP-stimulated 45Ca2+ influx. AVP did not stimulate cAMP production, but increased inositol trisphosphate generation. Both AVP-stimulated 45Ca2+ influx and inositol trisphosphate generation were inhibited by neomycin, a phospholipase C inhibitor, in a dose-dependent manner, and the patterns of both inhibitions were similar. These results suggest that, in rat smooth muscle cells, AVP-stimulated Ca2+ influx is mediated exclusively through phosphoinositide hydrolysis.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated a role for nitric oxide (NO) in mediating the elevation of the free cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](cyt)) in plants using Nicotiana plumbaginifolia cells expressing the Ca(2+) reporter apoaequorin. Hyperosmotic stress induced a fast increase of [Ca(2+)](cyt) which was strongly reduced by pretreating cell suspensions with the NO scavenger carboxy PTIO, indicating that NO mediates [Ca(2+)](cyt) changes in plant cells challenged by abiotic stress. Accordingly, treatment of transgenic N. plumbaginifolia cells with the NO donor diethylamine NONOate was followed by a transient increase of [Ca(2+)](cyt) sensitive to plasma membrane Ca(2+) channel inhibitors and antagonist of cyclic ADP ribose. We provided evidence that NO might activate plasma membrane Ca(2+) channels by inducing a rapid and transient plasma membrane depolarization. Furthermore, NO-induced elevation of [Ca(2+)](cyt) was suppressed by the kinase inhibitor staurosporine, suggesting that NO enhances [Ca(2+)](cyt) by promoting phosphorylation-dependent events. This result was further supported by the demonstration that the NO donor induced the activation of a 42-kDa protein kinase which belongs to SnRK2 families and corresponds to Nicotiana tabacum osmotic-stress-activated protein kinase (NtOSAK). Interestingly, NtOSAK was activated in response to hyperosmotic stress through a NO-dependent process, supporting the hypothesis that NO also promotes protein kinase activation during physiological processes.  相似文献   

1. Effects of Ca2+ agonist and antagonists on cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration [( Ca2+]i)were studied using quin2. 2. Nicardipine (NIC), diltiazem (DIL) and verapamil (VER) had no effect on the rise in [Ca2+]i evoked by carbachol. Methoxamine-elevated [Ca2+]i was inhibited by VER but not by NIC and DIL. 3. All Ca2+ antagonists tested produced a decline of [Ca2+]i elevated by isoproterenol to the resting level. 4. The addition of 30 mM K+ gradually elevated [Ca2+]i in normal and Ca2+-free media, but it did not increase 45Ca2+ uptake into cells. BAY K 8644 did not increase [Ca2+]i. 5. We suggest that voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels are lacking and that at least 2 distinct receptor-operated Ca2+ channels exist in rat parotid cells.  相似文献   

A rise in cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration is used as a key activation signal in virtually all animal cells, where it triggers a range of responses including neurotransmitter release, muscle contraction, and cell growth and proliferation [1]. During intracellular Ca(2+) signaling, mitochondria rapidly take up significant amounts of Ca(2+) from the cytosol, and this stimulates energy production, alters the spatial and temporal profile of the intracellular Ca(2+) signal, and triggers cell death [2-10]. Mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake occurs via a ruthenium-red-sensitive uniporter channel found in the inner membrane [11]. In spite of its critical importance, little is known about how the uniporter is regulated. Here, we report that the mitochondrial Ca(2+) uniporter is gated by cytosolic Ca(2+). Ca(2+) uptake into mitochondria is a Ca(2+)-activated process with a requirement for functional calmodulin. However, cytosolic Ca(2+) subsequently inactivates the uniporter, preventing further Ca(2+) uptake. The uptake pathway and the inactivation process have relatively low Ca(2+) affinities of approximately 10-20 microM. However, numerous mitochondria are within 20-100 nm of the endoplasmic reticulum, thereby enabling rapid and efficient transmission of Ca(2+) release into adjacent mitochondria by InsP(3) receptors on the endoplasmic reticulum. Hence, biphasic control of mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake by Ca(2+) provides a novel basis for complex physiological patterns of intracellular Ca(2+) signaling.  相似文献   

Embryonic cells transiently express an embryonic muscarinic system during morphogenesis. Stimulation of the embryonic muscarinic receptor results in biphasic intracellular Ca2+ mobilization: an initial "peak" due to Ca2+ release from intracellular stores is followed by a sustained "plateau" of enhanced cytoplasmic Ca2+ due to influx of extracellular Ca2+. In the present investigation, we characterized the Ca2+ influx by measuring the cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration [Ca2+]i using the Ca2+ indicator fura-2: 1. The increase of [Ca2+]i during the plateau depended linearly on the logarithm of the extracellular calcium concentration whereas the initial peak was almost independent from extracellular calcium. 2. The organic Ca2+ entry blockers verapamil, gallopamil, nifedipine, nitrendipine and the inorganic blockers Mn2+, Mg2+ and La3+ were without effect on both phases of Ca2+ mobilization. Only Ni2+ at concentrations above 1 mM was able to reduce the influx without affecting the intracellular Ca2+ release. 3. Substitution of extracellular Na+ by guanidine+, choline+ or tris+ and membrane depolarisation by increasing the extracellular K+ concentration had no effect on either phase of Ca2+ mobilization. We conclude that a non-voltage dependent, receptor-operated influx mechanism, probably a "second messenger operated Ca2+ channel", is responsible for the Ca2+ influx after stimulation of the embryonic muscarinic receptor.  相似文献   

The role of intracellular Ca2+ pools in oscillations of the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]c) triggered by Ca2+ influx was investigated in mouse pancreatic B-cells. [Ca2+]c oscillations occurring spontaneously during glucose stimulation or repetitively induced by pulses of high K+ (in the presence of diazoxide) were characterized by a descending phase in two components. A rapid decrease in [Ca2+]c coincided with closure of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels and was followed by a slower phase independent of Ca2+ influx. Blocking the SERCA pump with thapsigargin or cyclopiazonic acid accelerated the rising phase of [Ca2+]c oscillations and increased their amplitude, which suggests that the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) rapidly takes up Ca2+. It also suppressed the slow [Ca2+]c recovery phase, which indicates that this phase corresponds to the slow release of Ca2+ that was taken up by the ER during the upstroke of the [Ca2+]c transient. Glucose promoted the buffering capacity of the ER and amplified the slow [Ca2+]c recovery phase. The slow phase induced by high K+ pulses was not affected by modulators of Ca2+- or inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-induced Ca2+ release, did not involve a depolarization-induced Ca2+ release, and was also observed at the end of a rapid rise in [Ca2+]c triggered from caged Ca2+. It is attributed to passive leakage of Ca2+ from the ER. We suggest that the ER displays oscillations of the Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]ER) concomitant and parallel to [Ca2+]c. The observation that thapsigargin depolarizes the membrane of B-cells supports the proposal that the degree of Ca2+ filling of the ER modulates the membrane potential. Therefore, [Ca2+]ER oscillations occurring during glucose stimulation are likely to influence the bursting behavior of B-cells and eventually [Ca2+]c oscillations.  相似文献   

Stimulation of fura-2-loaded human neutrophils with formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP) or ionomycin elevated the cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration, [Ca2+], to a maintained elevated level. Activation of protein kinase C (C-kinase) with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, 4 beta-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate or dioctanoylglycerol caused decreases in [Ca2+]i from this level. 4 alpha-Phorbol didecanoate, which does not activate C-kinase, had no effect. These results confirm previous reports that C-kinase activation decreases neutrophil [Ca2+]i by stimulating removal of Ca2+ from the cytosol. Further experiments showed that activation of C-kinase attenuated the component of the FMLP-stimulated [Ca2+]i rise that was dependent on external Ca2+. C-kinase activation also inhibited FMLP-stimulated entry of the quenching cation, Mn2+, used as an indicator of bivalent-cation entry. In contrast, C-kinase activation caused only a partial inhibition of FMLP-stimulated release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores. 4 alpha-Phorbol didecanoate was ineffective in inhibiting Ca2+ entry, Mn2+ entry and intracellular Ca2+ release. Addition of FMLP also stimulated a decrease in the ionomycin-elevated [Ca2+]i, and this effect was blocked by staurosporine, a protein kinase inhibitor. These results show that, in addition to stimulating Ca2+ efflux, C-kinase activation in neutrophils inhibits FMLP-stimulated entry of bivalent cations, and partially inhibits intracellular release of Ca2+. Further, FMLP itself can modulate [Ca2+]i by activation of C-kinase.  相似文献   

Chronic exposure to magnetic fields (MFs) has a diverse range of effects on biological systems but definitive molecular mechanisms of the interaction remain largely unknown. One of the most frequently reported effects of MF exposure is an elevated concentration of intracellular Ca2+ through disputed pathways. Other prominent effects include increased oxidative stress and upregulation of neural markers through EGFR activation in stem cells. Further characterization of cascades triggered by MF exposure is hindered by the phenotype diversity of biological models used in the literature. In an attempt to reveal more mechanistic data in this field, we combined the most commonly used biological model and MF parameters with the most commonly reported effects of MFs.Based on clues from the pathways previously defined as sensitive to MFs (EGFR and Zn2+-binding enzymes), the roles of different types of channels (voltage gated Ca2+ channels, NMDA receptors, TRP channels) were inquired in the effects of 50 Hz MFs on bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. We report that, an influx of Zn2+ accompanies MF-induced Ca2+ intake, which is only attenuated by the broad-range inhibitor of TRP channels and store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE), 2-Aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (2-APB) among other blockers (memantine, nifedipine, ethosuximide and gabapentin). Interestingly, cation influx completely disappears when intracellular Zn2+ is chelated. Our results rule out voltage gated Ca2+ channels as a gateway to MF-induced Ca2+ intake and suggest Zn2+-related channels as a new focus in the field.  相似文献   

Mast cell activation involves cross-linking of IgE receptors followed by phosphorylation of the non-receptor tyrosine kinase Syk. This results in activation of the plasma membrane-bound enzyme phospholipase Cgamma1, which hydrolyzes the minor membrane phospholipid phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate to generate diacylglycerol and inositol trisphosphate. Inositol trisphosphate raises cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration by releasing Ca2+ from intracellular stores. This Ca2+ release phase is accompanied by sustained Ca2+ influx through store-operated Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ (CRAC) channels. Here, we find that engagement of IgE receptors activates Syk, and this leads to Ca2+ release from stores followed by Ca2+ influx. The Ca2+ influx phase then sustains Syk activity. The Ca2+ influx pathway activated by these receptors was identified as the CRAC channel, because pharmacological block of the channels with either a low concentration of Gd3+ or exposure to the novel CRAC channel blocker 3-fluoropyridine-4-carboxylic acid (2',5'-dimethoxybiphenyl-4-yl)amide or RNA interference knockdown of Orai1, which encodes the CRAC channel pore, all prevented the increase in Syk activity triggered by Ca2+ entry. CRAC channels and Syk are spatially close together, because increasing cytoplasmic Ca2+ buffering with the fast Ca2+ chelator 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid tetrakis failed to prevent activation of Syk by Ca2+ entry. Our results reveal a positive feedback step in mast cell activation where receptor-triggered Syk activation and subsequent Ca2+ release opens CRAC channels, and the ensuing local Ca2+ entry then maintains Syk activity. Ca2+ entry through CRAC channels therefore provides a means whereby the Ca2+ and tyrosine kinase signaling pathways can interact with one another.  相似文献   

To elucidate possible functions of elevation of endogenous diacylglycerol induced by thyrotropin-releasing hormone in pituitary cells, we have studied the actions of two synthetic diacylglycerols, sn-1-oleoyl-2-acetylglycerol (OAG) and sn-1,2-dioctanoylglycerol (DiC8), on cytosolic free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) in GH4C1 cells. OAG induced an immediate increase in [Ca2+]i which gradually reached a peak that was twice the basal level after the first min; [Ca2+]i then returned to remain at basal level after 3 min. The increase in [Ca2+]i was dependent on the concentration of OAG added with two apparent potencies; half-maximal actions on [Ca2+]i were observed at 70 nM and greater than 20 microM. The increase in [Ca2+]i induced by OAG was blocked completely by chelating extracellular calcium, or by pretreatment with calcium channel blockers. The phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate, which itself induces a rise in [Ca2+]i in these cells that is similar in time course, magnitude, and drug sensitivity to that of OAG, blocked completely the actions of subsequent exposure to OAG. Analogous results were obtained using DiC8, although DiC8 induced a transient inhibition to 75% of basal levels of [Ca2+]i after the initial increase in [Ca2+]i, and DiC8 was less potent than OAG. These data indicated that diacylglycerols induce influx of extracellular calcium in these cells, possibly by activation of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels. Furthermore, diacylglycerols and phorbol esters appear to utilize a common pathway in eliciting these actions on [Ca2+]i, possibly involving activation of a protein kinase C. These actions of diacylglycerol provide a pathway by which thyrotropin-releasing hormone may act to enhance calcium channel activity.  相似文献   

I Pecht  E Ortega  T M Jovin 《Biochemistry》1991,30(14):3450-3458
The rotational motions of the type I receptor for the Fc epsilon domains (Fc epsilon RI) present on mast cells were investigated by measuring the phosphorescence emission and anisotropy decay kinetics of erythrosin (Er) covalently bound to several Fc epsilon RI-specific macromolecular ligands. The latter consisted of three murine monoclonal antibodies (IgG class) raised against the Fc epsilon RI of rat mast cells (RBL-2H3 line), their Fab fragments, and a murine monoclonal IgE. Different anisotropy decay patterns were observed for the three monovalent Er-Fab fragments bound to the Fc epsilon RI, reflecting the rotational motion of the Fe epsilon RI reported by each specific macromolecular probe bound to its particular epitope. Internal motions of the tethered Er-labeled ligands may also contribute to the observed anisotropy decay, particularly in the case of cell-bound IgE. The results corroborate an earlier study with rat Er-IgE in which the Fc epsilon RI-IgE complex was shown to be mobile throughout the temperature range examined (5-37 degrees C). The anisotropy decays of the three Er-labeled, Fc epsilon RI-specific intact mAbs bound to cells also differed markedly. Whereas the decay curves of one mAb (H10) were characterized by temperature-dependent positive amplitudes and rather short rotational correlation times, the decay of a second mAb (J17) showed complex qualitative variations with temperature, and in the case of the third antibody (F4), there was no apparent decay of anisotropy over the time and temperature ranges examined.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Changes in the cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration, [Ca2+]i, have been proposed to mediate the regulation of the secretion of pituitary hormones by hypothalamic peptides. Using an intracellularly trapped fluorescent Ca2+ probe, quin2, [Ca2+]i was monitored in GH3 cells. Somatostatin lowers [Ca2+]i in a dose dependent manner from a prestimulatory level of 120 +/- 4 nM (SEM, n = 13) to 78 +/- 9 nM (n = 5) at 10(-7)M; the effect is half maximal at 2 X 10(-9) M somatostatin. The decrease in [Ca2+]i occurs rapidly after somatostatin addition and a lowered steady state [Ca2+]i is maintained for several minutes. Somatostatin does not inhibit the rapid rise in [Ca2+]i elicited by thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) and can still cause a decrease in [Ca2+]i in the presence of TRH (10(-7)M). Concomitantly with its action on [Ca2+]i somatostatin causes hyperpolarization of GH3 cells assessed with the fluorescent probe bis-oxonol. The lowering of [Ca2+]i by somatostatin is however not only due to reduced Ca2+ influx through voltage dependent Ca2+ channels, since it persists in the presence of the channel blocker verapamil. These results suggest that somatostatin may exert its inhibitory action on pituitary hormone secretion by decreasing [Ca2+]i.  相似文献   

The immunotoxic environmental pollutant tri-n-butyltin (TBT) kills thymocytes by apoptosis through a mechanism that requires an increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration. The addition of TBT (EC50 = 2 microM) to fura-2-loaded rat thymocytes resulted in a rapid and sustained increase in the cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) to greater than 1 microM. In nominally Ca(2+)-free medium, TBT slightly but consistently increased thymocyte [Ca2+]i by about 0.11 microM. The subsequent restoration of CaCl2 to the medium resulted in a sustained overshoot in [Ca2+]i; similarly, the addition of MnCl2 produced a rapid decrease in the intracellular fura-2 fluorescence in thymocytes exposed to TBT. The rates of Ca2+ and Mn2+ entry stimulated by TBT were essentially identical to the rates stimulated by 2,5-di-(tert.-butyl)-1,4-benzohydroquinone (tBuBHQ), which has previously been shown to empty the agonist-sensitive endoplasmic reticular Ca2+ store and to stimulate subsequent Ca2+ influx by a capacitative mechanism. The addition of excess [ethylenebis(oxyethylenenitrilo)]tetraacetic acid to thymocytes produced a rapid return to basal [Ca2+]i after tBuBHQ treatment but a similar rapid return to basal [Ca2+]i was not observed after TBT treatment. In addition, TBT produced a marked inhibition of both Ca2+ efflux from the cells and the plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase activity. Also, TBT treatment resulted in a rapid decrease in thymocyte ATP level. Taken together, our results show that TBT increases [Ca2+]i in thymocytes by the combination of intracellular Ca2+ mobilization, stimulation of Ca2+ entry, and inhibition of the Ca2+ efflux process. Furthermore, the ability of TBT to apparently mobilize the tBuBHQ-sensitive intracellular Ca2+ store followed by Ca2+ and Mn2+ entry suggests that the TBT-induced [Ca2+]i increase involves a capacitative type of Ca2+ entry.  相似文献   

Evidence has accrued during the past two decades that mitochondrial Ca2+ plays an important role in the regulation of numerous cell functions such as energy metabolism. This implies that mitochondrial Ca2+ transport systems might be able to relay the changes of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]c) into mitochondrial matrix for regulating biochemical activities. To substantiate this idea, measurements of intramitochondrial free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]m) become essential. In this article, we review the results from recent studies attempting to measure [Ca2+]m in living cells. In addition, the significance of each study is discussed.  相似文献   

Kinetics of ligand binding to the type 1 Fc epsilon receptor on mast cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rates of association and dissociation of several specific monovalent ligands to and from the type I Fc epsilon receptor (Fc epsilon RI) were measured on live mucosal type mast cells of the rat line RBL-2H3. The ligands employed were a monoclonal murine IgE and Fab fragments prepared from three different, Fc epsilon RI-specific monoclonal IgG class antibodies. These monoclonals (designated H10, J17, and F4) were shown previously to trigger mediator secretion by RBL-2H3 mast cells upon binding to and dimerization of the Fc epsilon RI. Analysis of the kinetics shows that the minimal mechanism to which all data can be fitted involves two consecutive steps: namely, ligand binding to a low-affinity state of the receptor, followed by a conformational transition into a second, higher affinity state h of the receptor-ligand complex. These results resolve the recently noted discrepancy between the affinity of IgE binding to the Fc epsilon RI as determined by means of binding equilibrium measurements [Ortega et al. (1988) EMBO J. 7, 4101] and the respective parameter derived from the ratio of the rate constant of rat IgE dissociation and the initial rate of rat IgE association [Wank et al. (1983) Biochemistry 22, 954]. The probability of undergoing the conformational transition differs for the four different Fc epsilon RI-ligand complexes: while binding of Fab-H10 and IgE favors the h state, binding of Fab-J17 and Fab-F4 preferentially maintains the low-affinity 1 state (at 25 degrees C). The temperature dependence of the ligand interaction kinetics with the Fc epsilon RI shows that the activation barrier for ligand association is determined by positive enthalpic and entropic contributions. The activation barrier of the 1----h transition, however, has negative enthalpic contributions counteracted by a decrease in activation entropy. The h----1 transition encounters a barrier that is predominantly entropic and similar for all ligands employed, thus suggesting that the Fc epsilon RI undergoes a similar conformational transition upon binding any of the ligands.  相似文献   

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