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The evolution of body size in Anolis lizards of the Lesser Antilles Islands has been the subject of intensive, if divisive, study. Early research by Schoener revealed a regularity in the number of Anolis species that coexisted on islands and the difference in body size between coexisting congeners in the Northern Lesser Antilles. This consistent pattern of body size was suggested to be the result of competitive character displacement. Two recent studies critically evaluated this hypothesis by incorporating information about the phylogenetic relationships of insular Anolis. Roughgarden and Pacala suggested that the patterns of body-size differences in the Northern Lesser Antilles could be explained as a cyclical phenomenon that they labeled a taxon cycle. However, Losos supported the character-displacement hypothesis (“size adjustment”). The conflict between these two studies is important because both investigations were based on the same phylogenetic hypothesis. We investigated body-size evolution in Lesser Antilles Anolis to resolve the differences in the conclusions of these studies. Our new analysis supported the taxon-cycle hypothesis but nevertheless failed to reject the character-displacement hypothesis. We argue that this curious scenario is largely a function of the method by which phylogenetic information is incorporated in comparative analyses. Different comparative analyses may lead to dramatic differences in results and ambiguity in the conclusions to be drawn. We suggest that ecologists and evolutionary biologists specifically consider the underlying assumptions and models of character evolution inherent to each of the phylogenetically based analytical methods now available.  相似文献   

Body size is often assumed to represent the outcome of conflicting selection pressures of natural and sexual selection. Marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) populations in the Galápagos exhibit 10-fold differences in body mass between island populations. There is also strong sexual size dimorphism, with males being about twice as heavy as females. To understand the evolutionary processes shaping body size in marine iguanas, we analyzed the selection differentials on body size in two island populations (max. male mass 900 g in Genovesa, 3500 g in Santa Fé). Factors that usually confound any evolutionary analysis of body sizes—predation, interspecific food competition, reproductive role division—are ruled out for marine iguanas. We show that, above hatchlings, mortality rates increased with body size in both sexes to the same extent. This effect was independent of individual age. The largest animals (males) of each island were the first to die once environmental conditions deteriorated (e.g., during El Niños). This sex-biased mortality was the result of sexual size dimorphism, but at the same time caused sexual size dimorphism to fluctuate. Mortality differed between seasons (selection differentials as low as –1.4) and acted on different absolute body sizes between islands. Both males and females did not cease growth when an optimal body size for survival was reached, as demonstrated by the fact that individual adult body size phenotypically increased in each population under favorable environmental conditions beyond naturally selected limits. But why did marine iguanas grow “too large” for survival? Due to lek mating, sexual selection constantly favored large body size in males (selection differentials up to +0.77). Females only need to reach a body size sufficient to produce surviving offspring. Thereafter, large body size of females was less favored by fertility selection than large size in males. Resulting from these different selection pressures on male and female size, sexual size dimorphism was mechanistically caused by the fact that females matured at an earlier age and size than males, whereafter they constantly allocated resources into eggs, which slowed growth. The observed allometric increase in sexual size dimorphism is explained by the fact that the difference between these selective processes becomes larger as energy abundance in the environment increases. Because body size is generally highly heritable, these selective processes are expected to lead to genetic differences in body size between islands. We propose a common-garden experiment to determine the influence of genetic factors and phenotypic reaction norms of final body size.  相似文献   

We experimentally manipulated the strength of selection in the field on red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) to test hypotheses about contrasting selective forces that favor either large or small males in sexually size dimorphic birds. Selander (1972) argued that sexual selection favors larger males, while survival selection eventually stabilizes male size because larger males do not survive as well as smaller males during harsh winters. Searcy (1979a) proposed instead that sexual selection may be self limiting: male size might be stabilized not by overwinter mortality, but by breeding-season sexual selection that favors smaller males. Under conditions of energetic stress, smaller males should be able to display more and thus achieve higher reproductive success. Using feeders that provisioned males or females but not both, we produced conditions that mimicked the extremes of natural conditions. We found experimental support for the hypothesis that when food is abundant, sexual selection favors larger males. But even under conditions of severe energetic stress, smaller males did not gain larger harems, as the self-limiting hypothesis predicted. Larger males were more energetically stressed than smaller males, but in ways that affected their future reproductive output rather than their current reproductive performance. Stressed males that returned had smaller wings and tails than those that did not return; among returning stressed males, relative harem sizes were inversely related to wing and tail length. Thus, male body size may be stabilized not by survival costs during the non-breeding season, nor by energetic costs during the breeding season, but by costs of future reproduction that larger males pay for their increased breeding-season effort.  相似文献   

Although sexual selection is widely accepted as a primary functional cause of sexual size dimorphism in birds and mammals, results from some comparative studies have cast doubt on this conclusion. Chief among these contradictory results is the widespread association between body size and size dimorphism—large species tend to be more dimorphic than small species. This correlation is not directly predicted by the normal sexual selection scenario, and many hypotheses have been advanced to explain it. This paper reviews these hypotheses and evaluates them using data for the New World blackbirds (Icterinae). In this avian subfamily, (1) body size correlates with the intensity of sexual selection (as measured by mean harem size), and (2) size does not correlate with dimorphism if the effects of mating system are removed. Similar results are obtained when controlling for the confounding influence of phylogeny. Further, body size and mating system are associated with nesting dispersion. These results strongly argue that sexual dimorphism is a product of sexual selection in this subfamily, and suggest that either: (1) large body size itself, or the ecology of large species, promotes the development of coloniality and a polygynous mating system; or (2) polygyny and/or coloniality lead to the evolution of large size in both males and females. None of the other hypotheses examined predict an association between size and mating system, and all predict that size will correlate with dimorphism after the effects of mating system are removed. Thus, none of the other hypotheses seem applicable in this case. These results are compared to those obtained for other avian and mammalian taxa. Difficulties of analysis present in previous studies are discussed. I argue that it is inappropriate to assume that associations between a trait and body size or phylogeny are evidence of nonadaptive evolutionary “constraints.”  相似文献   

The origin of sexual size dimorphisms (SSD) has long been a central topic in evolutionary biology. However, there is little agreement as to which factors are most important in driving the evolution of SSD, and several hypotheses concerning SSD evolution have never been tested empirically. Emydid turtles include species with both male and female-biased SSD, and some emydids exhibit among the most extreme SSD in tetrapods. Here, we use a comparative phylogenetic approach in emydids to analyze the origins of SSD and test several hypotheses for the evolution of SSD, some for the first time. We test the Fairbairn–Preziosi hypothesis for the origin of Rensch's rule, and support it in lineages with male-biased SSD but not those with female-biased SSD. We also find support for the secondary ecological dimorphism hypothesis, which proposes that selection for ecological divergence between sexes exaggerates preexisting SSD. Finally, we find only equivocal support for the Bolnick–Doebeli hypothesis, which relates intersexual ecological divergence to interspecific ecological divergence. Our results also illustrate how global analyses of SSD may mislead in groups in which the factors that drive the evolution of SSD vary among clades.  相似文献   

We artificially selected for body size in Drosophila melanogaster to test Lande's quantitative genetic model for the evolution of sexual size dimorphism. Thorax width was used as an estimator of body size. Selection was maintained for 21 generations in both directions on males only, females only, or both sexes simultaneously. The correlated response of sexual size dimorphism in each selection regime was compared to the response predicted by four variants of the model, each of which differed only in assumptions about input parameters. Body size responded well to selection, but the correlated response of sexual size dimorphism was weaker than that predicted by any of the variants. Dimorphism decreased in most selection lines, contrary to the model predictions. We suggest that selection on body size acts primarily on growth trajectories. Changes in dimorphism are caused by the fact that male and female growth trajectories are not parallel and termination of growth at different points along the curves results in dimorphism levels that are difficult to predict without detailed knowledge of growth parameters. This may also explain many of the inconsistent results in dimorphism changes seen in earlier selection experiments.  相似文献   

The Gulf of California harbors about 15% of the total California sea lion ( Zalophus californianus californianus ) population. We studied pup morphometrics from eight Gulf of California rookeries during the 1996 and 1997 reproductive seasons to describe sex differences in body size and body condition indices. Newborn pup body size was not different from previous reports. Male pups were heavier and larger than female pups in terms of all linear dimensions. Morphometric relationships, however, showed that males were 3%-4% denser, and that after removing the effects of length, they were about 2% heavier than females. Sculp depth adjusted for length was 12% larger in female than in male pups. Our data provide further evidence that male otariid pups may allocate a larger fraction of milk energy to muscular and skeletal growth compared to female pups.  相似文献   

Songbirds with recently (i.e., early Holocene) founded populations are suitable models for studying incipient differentiation in oceanic islands. On such systems each colonization event represents a different evolutionary episode that can be studied by addressing sets of diverging phenotypic and genetic traits. We investigate the process of early differentiation in the spectacled warbler (Sylvia conspicillata) in 14 populations separated by sea barriers from three Atlantic archipelagos and from continental regions spanning from tropical to temperate latitudes. Our approach involved the study of sexual acoustic signals, morphology, and genetic data. Mitochondrial DNA did not provide clear population structure. However, microsatellites analyses consistently identified two genetic groups, albeit without correspondence to subspecies classification and little correspondence to geography. Coalescent analyses showed significant evidence for gene flow between the two genetic groups. Discriminant analyses could not correctly assign morphological or acoustic traits to source populations. Therefore, although theory predicting that in isolated populations genetic, morphological, or acoustic traits can lead to radiation, we have strikingly failed to document differentiation on these attributes in a resident passerine throughout three oceanic archipelagos.  相似文献   

蝘蜓头、体大小的两性异形和雌体繁殖   总被引:26,自引:4,他引:26  
计翔  杜卫国 《动物学研究》2000,21(5):349-354
报道了蜓 (Sphenomorphusindicus)头、体大小的两性异形和雌性繁殖。性成熟雌体大于雄体。雄性成体头长大于雌性成体 ,但头宽与雌性成体无显著差异。初生幼仔的头长和头宽无两性差异。雄性幼体头长和头宽大于雌性幼体。设置SVL恒定时 ,雄性幼体和雄性成体的头长和头宽无显著差异 ,雌性幼体的头长和头宽大于雌性成体。初生幼仔具有相对较大的头部。产仔雌体的最小SVL为 6 7 7mm ,大于此SVL的雌体均年产单窝仔。平均窝仔数、窝仔重和幼仔重分别为 7 2 ( 3~ 11)、 3 34( 1 30~ 5 19)和 0 48( 0 36~ 0 5 8)g。用卵黄沉积卵巢卵和输卵管计数的窝仔数比用幼仔计数的窝仔数多约 1 0个后代。幼仔体重与雌体SVL无关。相对窝仔重与雌体SVL边缘性地呈正相关。窝仔数、窝仔重与雌体SVL呈正相关 ,幼仔体重与窝仔数呈负相关。窝仔数与雌体状态无关。  相似文献   

Mating in social insects has generally been studied in relation to reproductive allocation and relatedness. Despite the tremendous morphological diversity in social insects, little is known about how individual morphology affects mating success. We examined the correlation of male size and shape with mating success in the western harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex occidentalis. Larger males had significantly higher mating success in two independent collections of males at mating aggregations. We also detected significant linear and nonlinear selection on aspects of male shape that were consistent across years. These shape components are independent of size, suggesting that male mating success is a complex function of size and shape. Successful males had elongate thoraxes and short mandibles relative to males collected at random at the lek. Overall, mated males also had longer postpetioles relative to body size, but there was also evidence of nonlinear selection on relative postpetiole length in both years. We found no evidence of assortative mating based on size or multivariate shape measures in either year, but in one year we found weak assortative mating based on some univariate traits.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is often attributed to sexual selection, particularly when males are the larger sex. However, sexual selection favoring large males is common even in taxa where females are the larger sex, and is therefore not a sufficient explanation of patterns of SSD. As part of a more extensive study of the evolution of SSD in water striders (Heteroptera, Gerridae), we examine patterns of sexual selection and SSD in 12 populations of Aquarius remigis. We calculate univariate and multivariate selection gradients from samples of mating and single males, for two sexually dimorphic traits (total length and profemoral width) and two sexually monomorphic traits (mesofemoral length and wing form). The multivariate analyses reveal strong selection favoring larger males, in spite of the female-biased SSD for this trait, and weaker selection favoring aptery and reduced mesofemoral length. Selection is weakest on the most dimorphic trait, profemoral width, and is stabilizing rather than directional. The pattern of sexual selection on morphological traits is therefore not concordant with the pattern of SSD. The univariate selection gradients reveal little net selection (direct + indirect) on any of the traits, and suggest that evolution away from the plesiomorphic pattern of SSD is constrained by antagonistic patterns of selection acting on this suite of positively correlated morphological traits. We hypothesize that SSD in A. remigis is not in equilibrium, a hypothesis that is consistent with both theoretical models of the evolution of SSD and our previous studies of allometry for SSD. A negative interpopulation correlation between the intensity of sexual selection and the operational sex ratio supports the hypothesis that, as in several other water strider species, sexual selection in A. remigis occurs through generalized female reluctance rather than active female choice. The implications of this for patterns of sexual selection are discussed.  相似文献   

How are ecologically diverse organisms added to local assemblages to create the community structure we see today? In general, within a given region or community, a given trait (character state) may either evolve in situ or be added through dispersal after having evolved elsewhere. Here, we develop simple metrics to quantify the relative importance of these processes and then apply them to a case study in Middle American treefrogs. We examined two ecologically important characters (larval habitat and body size) among 39 communities, using phylogenetic and ecological information from 278 species both inside and outside the region. For each character, variation among communities reflects complex patterns of evolution and dispersal. Our results support several general hypotheses about community assembly, which may apply to many other systems: (1) elevation can play an important role in creating patterns of community structure within a region, (2) contrary to expectations, species can invade communities in which species with similar ecological traits are already present, (3) dispersal events tend to occur between areas with similar climatic regimes, and (4) the first lineage to invade a region diversifies the most ecologically, whereas later invasions show limited change.  相似文献   

Patterns of overwinter mortality in the sexually dimorphic red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) were examined to test the predictions of the sexual-selection hypothesis that male size is limited by directional selection favoring small males and that female size is maintained by stabilizing selection wherein extreme phenotypes experience higher mortality. Museum specimens collected from Ontario over a 95-yr period were used to compare the sizes of males and females collected in fall and spring. In a separate field study, body sizes of returning and nonreturning male and female red-winged blackbirds were compared over a 6-yr period. Overall, there was no evidence of higher overwinter mortality among larger males. Among adult (ASY) males, large individuals appeared to have higher survival than small individuals, although among subadult (SY) males, large size may have been disadvantageous. Weak evidence of stabilizing selection on female body size was found. Among adults, sexual size dimorphism seemed more pronounced after winter than before winter. Our results do not support the hypothesis that body size in male red-winged blackbirds is limited by selective mortality outside the breeding season. It is possible that size selection occurs earlier in life, when males are still in the nest. Our results suggest that caution should be exercised when interpreting interspecific evidence showing higher adult male than female mortality in sexually dimorphic species. Such patterns could arise as a cost to males of sexual selection and yet provide no insight into how natural selection opposes sexual selection for increased male size.  相似文献   

Female-biased sexual size dimorphism is uncommon among vertebrates and traditionally has been attributed to asymmetric selective pressures favoring large fecund females (the fecundity-advantage hypothesis) and/or small mobile males (the small-male advantage hypothesis). I use a phylogenetically based comparative method to address these hypotheses for the evolution and maintenance of sexual size dimorphism among populations of three closely related lizard species (Phrynosoma douglasi, P. ditmarsi, and P. hernandezi). With independent contrasts I estimate evolutionary correlations among female body size, male body size, and sexual size dimorphism (SSD) to determine whether males have become small, females have become large, or both sexes have diverged concurrently in body size during the evolutionary Xhistory of this group. Population differences in degree of SSD are inversely correlated with average male body size, but are not correlated with average female body size. Thus, variation in SSD among populations has occurred predominantly through changes in male size, suggesting that selective pressures on small males may affect degree of SSD in this group. I explore three possible evolutionary mechanisms by which the mean male body size in a population could evolve: changes in size at maturity, changes in the variance of male body sizes, and changes in skewness of male body size distributions. Comparative analyses indicate that population differentiation in male body size is achieved by changes in male size at maturity, without changes in the variance or skewness of male and female size distributions. This study demonstrates the potential of comparative methods at lower taxonomic levels (among populations and closely related species) for studying microevolutionary processes that underlie population differentiation.  相似文献   

There is little evidence from nature that divergent natural selection is crucial to speciation. However, divergent selection is implicated if traits conferring adaptation to alternative environments also form the basis of reproductive isolation. We tested the importance of body size differences to premating isolation between two sympatric sticklebacks. The species differ greatly in size, and several lines of evidence indicate that this difference is an adaptation to alternative foraging habitats. Strong assortative mating was evident in laboratory trials, but a few hybridization events occurred. Probability of interspecific mating was strongly correlated with body size: interspecific spawning occurred only between the largest individuals of the smaller species and the smallest individuals of the larger species. Probability of spawning between similar-sized individuals from different species was comparable to spawning rates within species. Disruption of mating between individuals from different species can be traced to increased levels of male aggression and decreased levels of male courtship as size differences increased between paired individuals. Interspecific mate preferences in sympatric sticklebacks appears to be dominated by body size, implicating natural selection in the origin of species.  相似文献   

We investigate the association between female reproductive investment, absolute size, and sexual size dimorphism in spiders to test the predictions of the fecundity-advantage hypothesis. The relationships between absolute size and sexual size dimorphism and aspects of female reproductive output are examined in comparative analyses using phylogenetically independent contrasts. We provide support for the idea that allometry for sexual dimorphism is the result of variation in female size more so than male size. Regression analyses suggest selection for increased fecundity in females. We argue that fecundity selection provides the only general explanation for the evolution of sexual size dimorphism in spiders.  相似文献   

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