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IscA belongs to an ancient family of proteins responsible for iron-sulfur cluster assembly in essential metabolic pathways preserved throughout evolution. We report here the 2.3 A resolution crystal structure of Escherichia coli IscA, a novel fold in which mixed beta-sheets form a compact alpha-beta sandwich domain. In contrast to the highly mobile secondary structural elements within the bacterial Fe-S scaffold protein IscU, a protein which is thought to have a similar function, the great majority of the amino acids that are conserved in IscA homologues are located in elements that constitute a well-ordered fold. However, the 10-residue C-terminal tail segment that contains two invariant cysteines critical for the Fe-S-binding function of a cyanobacterial (Synechocystis PCC) IscA homologue is not ordered in our structure. In addition, the crystal packing reveals a helical assembly that is constructed from two possible tetrameric oligomers of IscA.  相似文献   

A novel, 68 amino acid long flavoprotein called dodecin has been discovered in the proteome of Halobacterium salinarum by inverse structural genomics. The 1.7 A crystal structure of this protein shows a dodecameric, hollow sphere-like arrangement of the protein subunits. Unlike other known flavoproteins, which bind only monomeric flavin cofactors, the structure of the dodecin oligomer comprises six riboflavin dimers. The dimerization of these riboflavins along the re-faces is mediated by aromatic, antiparallel pi staggering of their isoalloxazine moieties. A unique aromatic tetrade is formed by further sandwiching of the riboflavin dimers between the indole groups of two symmetry-related Trp36s. So far, the dodecins represent the smallest known flavoproteins. Based on the structure and the wide spread occurrences in pathogenic and soil eubacteria, a function in flavin storage or protection against radical or oxygenic stress is suggested for the dodecins.  相似文献   

Bacterial flagellins are generally self-assembled into extracellular flagella for cell motility. However, the flagellin homologue p5 is found on the cell surface of Sphingomonas sp. A1 (strain A1) and binds tightly to the alginate polysaccharide. To assimilate alginate, strain A1 forms a mouthlike pit on the cell surface and concentrates the polymer in the pit. p5 is a candidate receptor that recognizes extracellular alginate and controls pit formation. To improve our understanding of the structure and function of p5, we determined the crystal structure of truncated p5 (p5DeltaN53C45) at 2.0 A resolution. This, to our knowledge, is the first structure of flagellin_IN motif-containing flagellin. p5DeltaN53C45 consists of two domains: an alpha-domain rich in alpha-helices that forms the N- and C-terminal regions and a beta-domain rich in beta-strands that constitutes the central region. The alpha-domain is structurally similar to the D1 domain of Salmonella typhimurium flagellin, while the beta-domain is structurally similar to the finger domain of the bacteriophage T4 baseplate protein that is important for intermolecular interactions between baseplate and a long or short tail fiber. Results from the deletion mutant analysis suggest that residues 20-40 and 353-363 are responsible for alginate binding. Truncated N- and C-terminal regions are thought to constitute alpha-helices extending from the alpha-domain. On the basis of the size and surface charge, the cleft in extended alpha-helices is proposed as an alginate binding site of p5. Structural similarity in the beta-domain suggests that the beta-domain is involved in the proper localization and/or orientation of p5 on the cell surface.  相似文献   

E. coli YhbY belongs to a conserved family of hypothetical proteins represented in eubacteria, archaea, and plants (Pfam code UPF0044). Three maize proteins harboring UPF0044-like domains are required for chloroplast group II intron splicing, and bioinformatic data suggest a role for prokaryotic UPF0044 members in translation. The crystal structure of YhbY has been determined. YhbY has a fold similar to that of the C-terminal domain of translation initiation factor 3 (IF3C), which binds to 16S rRNA in the 30S ribosome. Modeling studies indicate that the same surface is highly basic in all members of UPF0044, suggesting a conserved RNA binding surface. Taken together, the evidence suggests that members of UPF0044 constitute a previously unrecognized class of RNA binding domain.  相似文献   

Scavenger receptor cysteine-rich (SRCR) domains are found widely in cell surface molecules and in some secreted proteins, where they are thought to mediate ligand binding. We have determined the crystal structure at 2.0 A resolution of the SRCR domain of Mac-2 binding protein (M2BP), a tumor-associated antigen and matrix protein. The structure reveals a curved six-stranded beta-sheet cradling an alpha-helix. Structure-based sequence alignment demonstrates that the M2BP SRCR domain is a valid template for the entire SRCR protein superfamily. This allows an interpretation of previous mutagenesis data on ligand binding to the lymphocyte receptor CD6.  相似文献   

The human lipid kinase family controls cell proliferation, differentiation, and tumorigenesis and includes diacylglycerol kinases, sphingosine kinases, and ceramide kinases. YegS is an Escherichia coli protein with significant sequence homology to the catalytic domain of the human lipid kinases. We have solved the crystal structure of YegS and shown that it is a lipid kinase with phosphatidylglycerol kinase activity. The crystal structure reveals a two-domain protein with significant structural similarity to a family of NAD kinases. The active site is located in the interdomain cleft formed by four conserved sequence motifs. Surprisingly, the structure reveals a novel metal binding site composed of residues conserved in most lipid kinases.  相似文献   

Kumar S  Padhan N  Alam N  Gourinath S 《Proteins》2007,68(4):990-998
Calcium plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of amoebiasis, a major disease caused by Entamoeba histolytica. Several EF-hand containing calcium-binding proteins (CaBPs) have been identified from E. histolytica. Even though these proteins have very high sequence similarity, they bind to different target proteins in a Ca2+ dependent manner, leading to different functional pathways (Yadava et al., Mol Biochem Parasito 1997;84:69-82; Chakrabarty et al., J Biol Chem 2004;279:12898-12908) The crystal structure of the Entamoeba histolytica calcium binding protein-1 (EhCaBP1) has been determined at 2.4 A resolution. The crystals were grown using MPD as precipitant and they belong to P6(3) space group with unit cell parameters of a = 95.25 A, b = 95.25 A, c = 64.99 A. Only two out of the four expected EF hand motifs could be modeled into the electron density map and the final model refined to R factor of 25.6% and Free_R of 28%. Unlike CaM, the first two EF hand motifs in EhCaBP1 are connected by a long helix and form a dumbbell shaped structure. Owing to domain swapping oligomerization three EhCaBP1 molecules interact in a head to tail manner to form a triangular trimer. This arrangement allows the EF-hand motif of one molecule to interact with that of an adjacent molecule to form a two EF-hand domain similar to that seen in the N-terminal domain of the NMR structure of CaBP1, calmodulin and troponin C. The oligomeric state of EhCaBP1 results in reduced flexibility between domains and may be responsible for the more limited set of targets recognized by EhCaBP1.  相似文献   

Banana lectin (Banlec) is a dimeric plant lectin from the jacalin-related lectin family. Banlec belongs to a subgroup of this family that binds to glucose/mannose, but is unique in recognizing internal alpha1,3 linkages as well as beta1,3 linkages at the reducing termini. Here we present the crystal structures of Banlec alone and with laminaribiose (LAM) (Glcbeta1, 3Glc) and Xyl-beta1,3-Man-alpha-O-Methyl. The structure of Banlec has a beta-prism-I fold, similar to other family members, but differs from them in its mode of sugar binding. The reducing unit of the sugar is inserted into the binding site causing the second saccharide unit to be placed in the opposite orientation compared with the other ligand-bound structures of family members. More importantly, our structures reveal the presence of a second sugar binding site that has not been previously reported in the literature. The residues involved in the second site are common to other lectins in this family, potentially signaling a new group of mannose-specific jacalin-related lectins (mJRL) with two sugar binding sites.  相似文献   

The leadzyme is a small RNA motif that catalyzes a site-specific, Pb2+-dependent cleavage reaction. As such, it is an example of a metal-dependent RNA enzyme. Here we describe the X-ray crystallographic structure of the leadzyme, which reveals two independent molecules per asymmetric unit. Both molecules feature an internal loop in which a bulged purine base stack twists away from the helical stem. This kinks the backbone, rendering the phosphodiester bond susceptible to cleavage. The independent molecules have different conformations: one leadzyme copy coordinates Mg2+, whereas the other binds only Ba2+ or Pb2+. In the active site of the latter molecule, a single Ba2+ ion coordinates the 2'-OH nucleophile, and appears to mimic the binding of catalytic lead. These observations allow a bond cleavage reaction to be modeled, which reveals the minimal structural features necessary for catalysis by this small ribozyme.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a chimeric Fab' fragment of a monoclonal antibody is presented. The Fab' comprises the murine light chain and heavy chain variable domains of the carcinoma-binding antibody B72.3 fused to the constant domain of human kappa, and the first constant domain and hinge domain of human gamma 4, respectively. A model for the Fab' has been determined by molecular replacement and refined to a resolution of 3.1 A with an R-factor of 17.6%. The additional residues that distinguish a Fab' from a Fab fragment are seen to be disordered in the crystals. The H3 hypervariable loop is short and adopts a sharp hairpin turn in a conformation that results from an interaction between the lysine side-chain of H93 and the main-chain carbonyl group of H96. The remaining hypervariable loops display conformations similar to those predicted from the canonical structures approach, although loop H2 is apparently displaced by a salt-bridge formed between H55 Asp and the neighbouring H73 Lys. These and other features of the structure likely to be important in grafting the hypervariable loops to an otherwise human framework are discussed.  相似文献   

T Nomura  A Ishihama 《The EMBO journal》1988,7(11):3539-3545
The leuX gene of Escherichia coli codes for a suppressor tRNA and forms a single gene operon containing its own promoter and Q-independent terminator. An analysis of the in vitro processing of leuX precursor revealed that the processing of the 5' end took place in a single-step reaction catalysed by RNase P while the 3' processing involved two successive reactions. The endonucleolytic cleavage activity of the 3' precursor sequence was found to copurify with RNase P. Heat inactivation of thermosensitive RNase P from two independent E. coli mutants abolished the cleavage activity of both the 5' and 3' ends. These results altogether suggest that RNase P carries the activity of 3' end cleavage as well as that of 5' processing. In the presence of Mg2+ alone, the leuX precursor was found to be self-cleaved at a site approximately 13 nt inside from the 5' end of mature tRNA. The self-cleaved precursor tRNA was no longer processed by the 3' endonuclease, suggesting that the 3' endonuclease recognizes a specific conformation of the precursor tRNA for action.  相似文献   

Interferon-stimulated gene 56 (ISG56) family members play important roles in blocking viral replication and regulating cellular functions, however, their underlying molecular mechanisms are largely unclear. Here, we present the crystal structure of ISG54, an ISG56 family protein with a novel RNA-binding structure. The structure shows that ISG54 monomers have 9 tetratricopeptide repeat-like motifs and associate to form domain-swapped dimers. The C-terminal part folds into a super-helical structure and has an extensively positively-charged nucleotide-binding channel on its inner surface. EMSA results show that ISG54 binds specifically to some RNAs, such as adenylate uridylate (AU)-rich RNAs, with or without 5′ triphosphorylation. Mutagenesis and functional studies show that this RNA-binding ability is important to its antiviral activity. Our results suggest a new mechanism underlying the antiviral activity of this interferon-inducible gene 56 family member.  相似文献   

The helicase superfamily 2 (SF2) proteins are involved in essentially every step in DNA and RNA metabolism. The radD (yejH) gene, which belongs to SF2, plays an important role in DNA repair. The RadD protein includes all seven conserved SF2 motifs and has shown ATPase activity. Here, we first reported the structure of RadD from Escherichia coli containing two RecA-like domains, a zinc finger motif, and a C-terminal domain. Based on the structure of RadD and other SF2 proteins, we then built a model of the RedD-ATP complex.  相似文献   

To date two classes of shikimate dehydrogenases have been identified and characterized, YdiB and AroE. YdiB is a bifunctional enzyme that catalyzes the reversible reductions of dehydroquinate to quinate and dehydroshikimate to shikimate in the presence of either NADH or NADPH. In contrast, AroE catalyzes the reversible reduction of dehydroshikimate to shikimate in the presence of NADPH. Here we report the crystal structure and biochemical characterization of HI0607, a novel class of shikimate dehydrogenase annotated as shikimate dehydrogenase-like. The kinetic properties of HI0607 are remarkably different from those of AroE and YdiB. In comparison with YdiB, HI0607 catalyzes the oxidation of shikimate but not quinate. The turnover rate for the oxidation of shikimate is approximately 1000-fold lower compared with that of AroE. Phylogenetic analysis reveals three independent clusters representing three classes of shikimate dehydrogenases, namely AroE, YdiB, and this newly characterized shikimate dehydrogenase-like protein. In addition, mutagenesis studies of two invariant residues, Asp-103 and Lys-67, indicate that they are important catalytic groups that may function as a catalytic pair in the shikimate dehydrogenase reaction. This is the first study that describes the crystal structure as well as mutagenesis and mechanistic analysis of this new class of shikimate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

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