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T Ohnuki  T Katoh  T Imanaka    S Aiba 《Journal of bacteriology》1985,161(3):1010-1016
Two tetracycline resistance genes of Streptomyces rimosus, an oxytetracycline producer, were cloned in Streptomyces griseus by using pOA15 as a vector plasmid. Expression of the cloned genes, designated as tetA and tetB was inducible in S. griseus as well as in the donor strain. The tetracycline resistance directed by tetA and tetB was characterized by examining the uptake of tetracycline and in vitro polyphenylalanine synthesis by the sensitive host and transformants with the resultant hybrid plasmids. Polyphenylalanine synthesis with crude ribosomes and the S150 fraction from S. griseus carrying the tetA plasmid was resistant to tetracycline, and, by a cross-test of ribosomes and S150 fraction coming from both the sensitive host and the resistant transformant, the resistance directed by tetA was revealed to reside mainly in crude ribosomes and slightly in the S150 fraction. However, the resistance in the crude ribosomes disappeared when they were washed with 1 M ammonium chloride. These results suggest that tetA specified the tetracycline resistance of the machinery for protein synthesis not through ribosomal subunits, but via an unidentified cytoplasmic factor. In contrast, S. griseus carrying the tetB plasmid accumulated less intracellular tetracycline than did the host, and the protein synthesis by reconstituting the ribosomes and S150 fraction was sensitive to the drug. Therefore, it is conceivable that tetB coded a tetracycline resistance determinant responsible for the reduced accumulation of tetracycline.  相似文献   

Isocitrate dehydrogenase is a key enzyme in carbon metabolism. In this study we demonstrated that SCO7000 of Streptomyces coelicolor M-145 codes for the isocitrate dehydrogenase. Recombinant enzyme expressed in Escherichia coli had a specific activity of 25.3 μmoles/mg/min using NADP+ and Mn2+ as a cofactor, 40-times higher than that obtained in cell-free extract. Pure IDH showed a single band with an apparent Mr of 84 KDa in SDS-PAGE, which was also recognized as His-tag protein in the Western blot. Unexpectedly, in ND-PAGE conditions showed a predominant band of ~168 KDa that corresponded to the dimeric form of ScIDH. Also, zymogram assay and analytical gel filtration reveal that dimer was the active form. Kinetic parameters were 1.38, 0.11, and 0.109?mM for isocitrate, NADP, and Mn2+, respectively. ATP, ADP, AMP, and their mixtures were the main ScIDH activity inhibitors. Zn2+, Mg2+, Ca2+, and Cu+ had inhibitory effect on enzyme activity.  相似文献   

A cosmid gene library was constructed in Escherichia coli from genomic DNA isolated from the ruminal anaerobe Fibrobacter succinogenes AR1. Clones were screened on carboxymethyl cellulose, and 8 colonies that produced large clearing zones and 25 colonies that produced small clearing zones were identified. Southern blot hybridization revealed the existence of at least three separate genes encoding cellulase activity. pRC093, which is representative of cosmid clones that produce large clearing zones, was subcloned in pGem-1, and the resulting hybrid pRCEH directed synthesis of endoglucanase activity localized on a 2.1-kb EcoRI-HindIII insert. Activity was expressed from this fragment when it was cloned in both orientations in pGem-1 and pGem-2, indicating that F. succinogenes promoters functioned successfully in E. coli. A high level of endoglucanase activity was detected on acid-swollen cellulose, ball-milled cellulose, and carboxymethyl cellulose; and a moderate level was detected on filter paper, Avicel, lichenan, and xylan. Most activity (80%) was localized in the periplasm of E. coli, with low but significant levels (16%) being detected in the extracellular medium. The periplasmic endoglucanase had an estimated molecular weight of 46,500, had an optimum temperature of 39 degrees C, and exhibited activity over a broad pH range, with a maximum at pH 5.0.  相似文献   

A genomic library of Streptomyces sp. KB210-8SY, prepared in the plasmid vector pACYC184, was screened to obtain the gene encoding sarcosine oxidase with probes based on the amino acid sequence of the protein. A plasmid pSOXS13, which was isolated from a clone identified by hybridization with the probes, contained a 8.4-kb insert of Streptomyces DNA. When the 2.0-kb MIuI/EcoRV DNA fragment of pSOXS13 was inserted into the Streptomyces vector pIJ680 and introduced into S. lividans, the transformants produced 100-fold more sarcosine oxidase intracellularly than KB210-8SY. The nucleotides of the 1.7-kb fragment containing the sarcosine oxidase gene were sequenced. An open reading frame encoded a mature sarcosine oxidase consisting of 388 amino acids, with a calculated molecular mass of 42,107 daltons.  相似文献   

Human tissue factor pathway inhibitor-2 (TFPI-2) is a matrix-associated Kunitz-type serine proteinase inhibitor that is secreted by all cells of the vasculature, and presumably plays a role in the regulation of plasmin-mediated matrix remodeling. In this report, we describe the cloning and expression of a full-length cDNA for bovine TFPI-2 that exhibits 72% sequence identity with that of human TFPI-2. Following a 22 residue signal peptide, the mature protein contains 212 amino acids with 18 cysteines, three putative N-glycosylation sites, and one putative O-glycosylation site. The deduced sequence of mature bovine TFPI-2 revealed a short acidic amino-terminal region, three tandem Kunitz-type domains, and a carboxy-terminal tail highly enriched in basic amino acids. Recombinant bovine TFPI-2 was expressed in HEK 293 cells and resolved into two isoforms, designated as alpha-TFPI-2 (M(r) 33 kDa) and beta-TFPI-2 (M(r) 31 kDa), which presumably represent differentially glycosylated forms of the inhibitor. Similar to human TFPI-2, both bovine TFPI-2 isoforms exhibited strong inhibitory activity towards trypsin and plasmin, and weak inhibitory activity towards the factor VIIa-tissue factor complex.  相似文献   

Genes encoding extracellular beta-lactamases (EC of Gram-positive Streptomyces badius, Streptomyces cacaoi and Streptomyces fradiae have been cloned into Streptomyces lividans. The beta-lactamase gene of S. badius was initially isolated on a 7 kb BamHI fragment and further located on a 1300 bp DNA segment. An 11 kb BamHI fragment was isolated encompassing the S. cacaoi beta-lactamase gene, which was subcloned to a 1250 bp DNA fragment. The beta-lactamase gene of S. fradiae was cloned on an 8 kb BamHI fragment and mapped to a 4 kb DNA segment. Each of the three BamHI fragments encompassing the beta-lactamase genes hybridized to a BamHI fragment of the corresponding size in chromosomal DNA from the respective strain used for cloning. The activities of the three beta-lactamases were predominantly found to be extracellular in the S. lividans recombinants. The S. badius and S. cacaoi beta-lactamases exhibited a 10-100-times lower activity in S. lividans, whereas the S. fradiae beta-lactamase showed an approximately 10-fold higher activity in the cloned state, compared with the activities found in the original strains.  相似文献   

Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) produces several intra and extracellular enzymes with deoxyribonuclease activities. The examined N-terminal amino acid sequence of one of extracellular DNAases (TVTSVNVNGLL) and database search on S. coelicolor genome showed a significant homology to the putative secreted exodeoxyribonuclease. The corresponding gene (exoSc) was amplified, cloned, expressed in Escherichia coli, purified to homogeneity and characterized. Exonuclease recExoSc degraded chromosomal, linear dsDNA with 3'-overhang ends, linear ssDNA and did not digest linear dsDNA with blunt ends, supercoiled plasmid ds nor ssDNA. The substrate specificity of recExoSc was in the order of dsDNA>ssDNA>3'-dAMP. The purified recExoSc was not a metalloprotein and exhibited neither phosphodiesterase nor RNase activity. It acted as 3'-phosphomonoesterase only at 3'-dAMP as a substrate. The optimal temperature for its activity was 57 degrees C in Tris-HCl buffer at optimal pH=7.5 for either ssDNA or dsDNA substrates. It required a divalent cation (Mg(2+), Co(2+), Ca(2+)) and its activity was strongly inhibited in the presence of Zn(2+), Hg(2+), chelating agents or iodoacetate.  相似文献   

The sequencing of the genome of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) identified seven putative adenine/adenosine deaminases and adenosine deaminase-like proteins, none of which have been biochemically characterized. This report describes recombinant expression, purification and characterization of SCO4901 which had been annotated in data bases as a putative adenosine deaminase. The purified putative adenosine deaminase gives a subunit Mr=48,400 on denaturing gel electrophoresis and an oligomer molecular weight of approximately 182,000 by comparative gel filtration. These values are consistent with the active enzyme being composed of four subunits with identical molecular weights. The turnover rate of adenosine is 11.5 s?1 at 30 °C. Since adenine is deaminated ~103 slower by the enzyme when compared to that of adenosine, these data strongly show that the purified enzyme is an adenosine deaminase (ADA) and not an adenine deaminase (ADE). Other adenine nucleosides/nucleotides, including 9-β-D-arabinofuranosyl-adenine (ara-A), 5'-AMP, 5'-ADP and 5'-ATP, are not substrates for the enzyme. Coformycin and 2'-deoxycoformycin are potent competitive inhibitors of the enzyme with inhibition constants of 0.25 and 3.4 nM, respectively. Amino acid sequence alignment of ScADA with ADAs from other organisms reveals that eight of the nine highly conserved catalytic site residues in other ADAs are also conserved in ScADA. The only non-conserved residue is Asn317, which replaces Asp296 in the murine enzyme. Based on these data, it is suggested here that ADA and ADE proteins are divergently related enzymes that have evolved from a common α/β barrel scaffold to catalyze the deamination of different substrates, using a similar catalytic mechanism.  相似文献   

Clones representing two distinct barley catalase genes, Cat1 and Cat2, were found in a cDNA library prepared from seedling polysomal mRNA. Both clones were sequenced, and their deduced amino acid sequences were found to have high homology with maize and rice catalase genes. Cat1 had a 91% deduced amino acid sequence identity to CAT-1 of maize and 92% to CAT B of rice. Cat2 had 72 and 79% amino acid sequence identities to maize CAT-2 and-3 and 89% to CAT A of rice. Barley, maize or rice isozymes could be divided into two distinct groups by amino acid homologies, with one group homologous to the mitochondria-associated CAT-3 of maize and the other homologous to the maize peroxisomal/glyoxysomal CAT-1. Both barley CATs contained possible peroxisomal targeting signals, but neither had favorable mitochondrial targeting sequences. Cat1 mRNA occurred in whole endosperms (aleurones plus starchy endosperm), in isolated aleurones and in developing seeds, but Cat2 mRNA was virtually absent. Both mRNAs displayed different developmental expression patterns in scutella of germinating seeds. Cat2 mRNA predominated in etiolated seedling shoots and leaf blades. Barley genomic DNA contained two genes for Cat1 and one gene for Cat2. The Cat2 gene was mapped to the long arm of chromosome 4, 2.9 cM in telomeric orientation from the mlo locus conferring resistance to the powdery mildew fungus (Erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei).  相似文献   

The enzyme 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate (MECDP) synthase catalyzes the conversion of 4-diphosphocytidyl-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2-phosphate (CDP-ME2P) to MECDP, a highly unusual cyclodiphosphate-containing intermediate on the mevalonate-independent pathway to isopentenyl diphosphate and dimethylallyl diphosphate. We now report two x-ray crystal structures of MECDP synthase refined to 2.8-A resolution. The first structure contains a bound Mn(2+) cation, and the second structure contains CMP, MECDP, and Mn(2+). The protein adopts a homotrimeric quaternary structure built around a central hydrophobic cavity and three externally facing active sites. Each of these active sites is located between two adjacent monomers. A tetrahedrally arranged transition metal binding site, potentially occupied by Mn(2+), sits at the base of the active site cleft. A phosphate oxygen of MECDP and the side chains of Asp(8), His(10), and His(42) occupy the metal ion coordination sphere. These structures reveal for the first time the structural determinants underlying substrate, product, and Mn(2+) recognition and the likely catalytic mechanism accompanying the biosynthesis of the cyclodiphosphate-containing isoprenoid precursor, MECDP.  相似文献   

The molecular cloning and fine-structure analysis of the homoprotocatechuate (hpc) catabolic pathway genes of Escherichia coli C are described. The genes were located in two operons, hpcBCDEF and hpcGH, that were very closely linked. A regulatory gene, hpcR, involved in the expression of both operons was also identified. Various subclones isolated in the study were useful in the production of chemical intermediates of the pathway. The availability of one such compound facilitated the discovery of a previously unrecognized isomerase involved in the catabolic sequence.  相似文献   

The chloroplast ATP synthase (ATPase) utilizes the energy of a transmembrane electrochemical proton gradient to drive the synthesis of ATP from ADP and phosphate. The chloroplast ATPase α and β subunits are the essential components of multisubunit protein complex. In this paper, the full-length cDNA and genomic DNA of ATPase α (designated as GbatpA) and β (designated as GbatpB) subunit genes were isolated from Ginkgo biloba. The GbatpA and GbatpB genes were both intronless. The coding regions of GbatpA and GbatpB were 1530 bp and 1497 bp long, respectively, and their deduced amino acid sequences showed high degrees of identity to those of other plant ATPase α and β proteins, respectively. The expression analysis by RT-PCR revealed that GbatpA and GbatpB both expressed in tissue-specific manners in G. biloba and might involve in leaf development. The recombinant GbATPB protein was successfully expressed in E. coli strain using pET28a vector with ATPase activity as three times high as the control, and the results showed that the molecular weight of the recombinant protein was about 54 kDa, a size that was in agreement with that predicted by bioinformatics analysis. This study provides useful information for further studying on overall structure, function and regulation of the chloroplast ATPase in G. biloba, the so-called “living fossil” plant as one of the oldest gymnosperm species. These authors contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

With the rapid generation of genetic information from the Streptomyces coelicolor genome project, deciphering the relevant gene products is critical for understanding the genetics of this model streptomycete. A putative malate synthase gene (aceB) from S. coelicolor A3(2) was identified by homology-based analysis, cloned by polymerase chain reaction, and fully sequenced on both strands. The putative malate synthase from S. coelicolor has an amino acid identity of 77% with the malate synthase of S. clavuligerus, and possesses an open reading frame which codes for a protein of 540 amino acids. In order to establish the identity of this gene, the putative aceB clones were subcloned into the expression vector pET24a, and heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3). Soluble cell-free extracts containing the recombinant putative malate synthase exhibited a specific activity of 1623 (nmol.mg-1.min-1), which is an increment of 92-fold compared to the non-recombinant control. Thus, the gene product was confirmed to be a malate synthase. Interestingly, the specific activity of S. coelicolor malate synthase was found to be almost 8-fold higher than the specific activity of S. clavuligerus malate synthase under similar expression conditions. Furthermore, the genomic organisation of the three Streptomyces aceB genes cloned thus far is different from that of other bacterial malate synthases, and warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

A cosmid gene library was constructed in Escherichia coli from genomic DNA isolated from the ruminal anaerobe Fibrobacter succinogenes AR1. Clones were screened on carboxymethyl cellulose, and 8 colonies that produced large clearing zones and 25 colonies that produced small clearing zones were identified. Southern blot hybridization revealed the existence of at least three separate genes encoding cellulase activity. pRC093, which is representative of cosmid clones that produce large clearing zones, was subcloned in pGem-1, and the resulting hybrid pRCEH directed synthesis of endoglucanase activity localized on a 2.1-kb EcoRI-HindIII insert. Activity was expressed from this fragment when it was cloned in both orientations in pGem-1 and pGem-2, indicating that F. succinogenes promoters functioned successfully in E. coli. A high level of endoglucanase activity was detected on acid-swollen cellulose, ball-milled cellulose, and carboxymethyl cellulose; and a moderate level was detected on filter paper, Avicel, lichenan, and xylan. Most activity (80%) was localized in the periplasm of E. coli, with low but significant levels (16%) being detected in the extracellular medium. The periplasmic endoglucanase had an estimated molecular weight of 46,500, had an optimum temperature of 39 degrees C, and exhibited activity over a broad pH range, with a maximum at pH 5.0.  相似文献   

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