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Native European crayfish, such as Astacus leptodactylus, are threatened, among other factors, by the crayfish plague agent Aphanomyces astaci, dispersed by invasive North American crayfish. Two of these invaders, Pacifastacus leniusculus and Orconectes limosus, have extended their distribution in the River Danube catchment; the latter was detected for the first time in Romania in 2008. We monitored, at monthly intervals for over 2 yr, occurrence of native A. leptodactylus and invasive O. limosus at 6 sites on the Romanian Danube and checked for the invasive species in 4 of its tributaries. Between January 2009 and March 2011, the relative abundances of O. limosus steadily increased with time, while the native A. leptodactylus dramatically decreased in abundance. O. limosus expanded downstream at a rate of ca. 15 km yr-1; in August 2011, it was already present in the upper 105 km of the Romanian Danube. An agent-specific real-time PCR analyses demonstrated the presence of A. astaci DNA in at least 32% of the analysed invasive (n = 71) and 41% of the native (n = 49) crayfish coexisting in the Danube. Furthermore, A. astaci was also detected in A. leptodactylus captured about 70 km downstream of the O. limosus invasion front (at the time of sampling). Assuming a steady rate of expansion, O. limosus may invade the sensitive Danube delta area in the mid-2060s, even without long-distance dispersal. The crayfish plague agent, however, may reach the delta substantially earlier, through dispersal downstream among populations of native crayfish.  相似文献   

Concentrations of hypophosphite and phosphite oxidizing bacteria were found to be high, relative to bacterial concentrations growing on phosphate, in sediment and soil during winter and summer seasons from 12 common terrestrial and aquatic sites using a most probable number method. The percent of total culturable bacterial concentrations that could use these reduced phosphorus compounds as a sole source of phosphorus were as follows: hypophosphite, 7–100%; phosphite, 10–67%; aminoethylphosphonate, 34–270%. The average MPN/g (±SEM) was as follows: phosphate, 6.19 × 106 (±2.40 × 106); hypophosphite, 2.61 × 106 (±1.35 × 106) phosphite, 1.91 × 106 (±1.02 × 106); aminoethylphosphonate, 3.90 × 106 (± 1.95 × 106). Relatively high concentrations of reduced phosphorus oxidizing bacteria were found in both pristine sites and sites with urban and agricultural disturbance. Concentrations of reduced phosphorus oxidizing bacteria in anoxic sediments and soil were equivalent. Our data indicate that reduced phosphorus oxidizing bacteria are abundant in the environment and provide strong evidence for the importance of bacterial P oxidation in nature.  相似文献   

Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) contamination is a serious threat to public health and the environment, and therefore, there is an urgent need to detect its presence in nature. The use of whole‐cell reporters is an efficient, easy‐to‐use and low‐cost approach to detect and follow contaminants outside specialized laboratories; this is especially important in oil spills that are frequent in marine environments. The aim of this study is the construction of a bioreporter system and its comparison and validation for the specific detection of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in different host bacteria and environmental samples. Our bioreporter system is based on the two component regulatory system TodS–TodT of P. putida DOT‐T1E, and the PtodX promoter fused to the GFP protein as the reporter protein. For the construction of different biosensors, this bioreporter was transferred into three different bacterial strains isolated from three different environments, and their performance was measured. Validation of the biosensors on water samples spiked with petrol, diesel and crude oil on contaminated waters from oil spills and on contaminated soils demonstrated that they can be used in mapping and monitoring some BTEX compounds (specifically benzene, toluene and two xylene isomers). Validation of biosensors is an important issue for the integration of these devices into pollution‐control programmes.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. The presence of extracellular DNA, but not RNA, at μg 1−1 concentrations was demonstrated in seawater, river water and in a series of eutrophic lowland ponds.
2. Extracellular DNA in natural waters invariably comprised two major components: one of high molecular weight (>20 kb) derived from viruses, and another of low molecular weight (1–500 bp) and apparently free in solution. Similar species of DNA molecules were produced within 2 weeks in simple laboratory modules.
3. A purification procedure was developed which separated extracellular DNA from other components of dissolved organic matter, and which also separated viral from soluble DNA. Both types of DNA were purified sufficiently to constitute active templates for enzymes used in DNA manipulation.  相似文献   

Detection of methanogens and methanotrophs in natural environments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The role of methane as a greenhouse gas and the contribution of bacteria to the production (methanogenesis) and destruction (methane oxidation) of methane is described. Using experimental approaches based on DNA sequences identifying either methanogen-specific or methanotroph-specific gene sequences methods were developed to broaden the detection and identification of methane metabolizing bacteria in natural environments. These methods were focused on blanket bog peat but are suitable for other environments. In addition to group specific 16S rRNA DNA sequences, specific functional gene probes based on methane coenzyme reductase sequences for methanogens and methane monooxygenase sequences for methanotrophs, were developed. These sequences were used in PCR-based protocols to detect and amplify specific gene sequences from the total DNA isolated from transverse sections of blanket bog peat. This permitted the analysis of the vertical distribution of methanogen and methanotroph populations, discrimination between different sub-sets of these populations, and the identification of novel organisms not previously detected by culture-based methods.  相似文献   

Direct isolation of nucleic acids from the environment may be useful in several respects, including the estimation of total biomass, detection of specific organisms and genes, estimations of species diversity, and cloning applications. We have developed a method that facilitates the concentration of microorganisms from aquatic samples and the extraction of their nucleic acids. Natural water samples of 350 to greater than 1,000 ml are concentrated on a single cylindrical filter membrane (type SVGS01015; Millipore Corp., Bedford, Mass.), and cell lysis and proteolysis are carried out within the filter housing. Crude, high-molecular-weight nucleic acid solutions are then drawn off the filter. These solutions can be immediately analyzed, concentrated, or purified, depending on the intended application. The method is simple, rapid, and economical and provides high-molecular-weight chromosomal DNA, plasmid DNA, and speciated RNAs which comigrate with 5S, 16S, and 23S rRNAs. The methods presented here should prove useful in studying both the ecology and the phylogeny of microbes that resist classical culture methods.  相似文献   

Both magnetic collection and "race track" purification techniques were highly effective for selective enrichment of magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) from complex communities, as suggested by amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis combined with sequence analysis of 16S rRNA genes. Using these purification methods, the occurrence and diversity of MTB in microcosms from various marine and freshwater environments were assayed by using a combined microscopic, molecular, and cultivation approach. Most microcosms were dominated by magnetotactic cocci. Consistently, the majority of retrieved 16S RNA sequences were affiliated with a distinct cluster in the Alphaproteobacteria. Within this lineage the levels of sequence divergence were <1 to 11%, indicating genus-level diversity between magnetotactic cocci from various microcosms, as well as between MTB from different stages of succession of the same microcosms. The community composition in microscosms underwent drastic succession during incubation, and significant heterogeneities were observed between microcosms from the same environmental sources. A novel magnetotactic rod (MHB-1) was detected in a sediment sample from a lake in northern Germany by fluorescence in situ hybridization. MHB-1 falls into the Nitrospira phylum, displaying 91% 16S rRNA sequence similarity to "Magnetobacterium bavaricum." In extensive cultivation attempts, we failed to isolate MHB-1, as well as most other MTB present in our samples. However, although magnetotactic spirilla were not frequently observed in the enrichments, 10 novel isolates of the genus Magnetospirillum which had not routinely been isolated in pure culture before were obtained.  相似文献   

A method for the concentration and detection of gene sequences in the dissolved DNA from freshwater and marine environments has been developed. The limit of detection in the dot blot format was 167 fg/ml (100 ml sample) for exogenous herpes simplex thymidine kinase (TK) gene that was added to artificial seawater or river water. This procedure has been used to determine the longevity and monitor progressive changes in molecular weight of a plasmid containing the TK gene added to eutrophic estuarine water. The onset of plasmid degradation as determined by change in molecular weight was rapid (within 5 min). Intact plasmid was detected for at least 4 hours and sequences hybridizable to the TK gene probe were present for up to 24 hours.  相似文献   

Trends in the analysis of trace metals in natural waters are mainly based on the development of sample treatment methods to isolate and pre-concentrate the metal from the matrix in a simpler extract for further instrumental analysis. However, direct analysis is often possible using more accessible techniques such as spectrophotometry. In this case a proper ligand is required to form a complex that absorbs radiation in the ultraviolet–visible (UV–Vis) spectrum. In this sense, the hydrazone derivative, di-2-pyridylketone benzoylhydrazone (dPKBH), forms complexes with copper (Cu) and vanadium (V) that absorb light at 370 and 395 nm, respectively. Although spectrophotometric methods are considered as time- and reagent-consuming, this work focused on its miniaturization by reducing the volume of sample as well as time and cost of analysis. In both methods, a micro-amount of sample is placed into a microplate reader with a capacity for 96 samples, which can be analyzed in times ranging from 5 to 10 min. The proposed methods have been optimized using a Box–Behnken design of experiments. For Cu determination, concentration of phosphate buffer solution at pH 8.33, masking agents (ammonium fluoride and sodium citrate), and dPKBH were optimized. For V analysis, sample (pH 4.5) was obtained using acetic acid/sodium acetate buffer, and masking agents were ammonium fluoride and 1,2-cyclohexanediaminetetraacetic acid. Under optimal conditions, both methods were applied to the analysis of certified reference materials TMDA-62 (lake water), LGC-6016 (estuarine water), and LGC-6019 (river water). In all cases, results proved the accuracy of the method.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1, An apparatus has been described that is suitable for potentiometric measurement of carbon dioxide flux in photosynthesizing shoots of submerged aquatic macrophytes 2. The procedure, based on methods described by Tailing (1973) for measurement of phytoplankton photosynthesis, relies upon the continuous pH-statting of the solution surrounding the tissues. The pH of the solution is monitored by electrodes from a pH meter which is linked to an auto-titrator. The rise in pH during photosynthesis is then compensated tor by controlled, small titrant additions of CO2-ennched solution (titrant water). This replaces the CO2 removed by the tissues without affecting the total alkalinity of the solution. If the concentration of CO2 in the titrant water, and the volume of titrant added arc known precisely, the CO2 flux can be calculated. 3. Total alkalinity, total CO2 and free-CO2 acidity of the bathing solutions and titrant waters are estimated by Gran titrations and the pH: tilre-volume data pairs are analysed by computer to provide rapid data feed-back. A modification to Tailing's equation for calculation of F1functions has been necessary for accurate calibration of the CO2enriched tilrant water. 4. The photosynthesis cuvette, which is surrounded by a water-jacket, is approximately I dm3 in capacity and has six compartments for the shoots. An impeller at the base of the cuvette rapidly mixes and cycles the bathing solution and flushes it over the tissues. 5. Information on temperature, light flux density, oxygen concentration. pH and titre-volume is continuously recorded into a data-logger and is fed into a computer which is programmed for data analyses. 6. Results from a typical experiment show the system to be sound and the method has considerable potential, especially in the study of aquatic plant photosynthesis in natural waters.  相似文献   

Abstract Gene transfer among microorganisms has been well demonstrated in laboratory microcosms and in situ, under non-limiting nutrient conditions. The literature contains conflicting opinions, however, as to whether such processes could occur in the absence of nutrients. This review summarises the evidence for the occurrence of gene transfer by conjugation, transformation and transduction among non-growing bacteria in nutrient depleted environments. Conjugation by selftransmissible, or by non-selftransmissible but mobilisable, plasmids has been shown to occur among environmental isolates of Escherichia coli, Enterobacter cloacae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and marine Vibrio strains. Transduction and transformation have been demonstrated in isolates of P. aeruginosa and marine Vibrio strains, respectively. It is possible that the mechanisms of these processes may be different in non-growing cells in nutrient depleted conditions, compared to those occurring in cells growing in rich media.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of the reversible phosphorylation of proteins has been discovered in Y. pestis cells. Eight proteins with a molecular weight of 30-80 kilodaltons have been found capable of phosphorylation. The intensity of phosphorylation has been found to be influenced by the temperature of cultivation and the composition of the incubation medium. This newly found phenomenon of the chemical modification of proteins is supposed to play a certain role in the organization of rapid responses of the cell to changes in the environment.  相似文献   

Botté  Audrey  Zaidi  Mariem  Guery  Joëlle  Fichet  Denis  Leignel  Vincent 《Aquatic Ecology》2022,56(3):751-773
Aquatic Ecology - Aluminium (Al) is a common chemical element released into the aquatic environment from the Earth’s crust and many anthropogenic activities. It may be present in various...  相似文献   

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