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Summary A locally isolated oleaginous yeastRhodotorula glutinis IIP-30 was grown on vegetable oils obtained from coconut, ground nut and til. The fatty acid composition of yeast oil was quite similar to that of the substrate oil in case of ground nut and til, while it was different with coconut oil. Utilization of C12 and C14 fatty acids of coconut oil to yield higher proportions of C181 and C182 fatty acids was observed.  相似文献   

Summary Rhodotorula glutinis is known to produce fat when cultivated under nitrogen-limiting conditions. Economically, molasses is an ideal substrate, however, due to the presence of nitrogen in molasses, the lipid yield obtained is much lower than that obtained from glucose or sucrose. Higher yields were obtained using molasses in a fed batch fermentation supplemented with glucose or sucrose during the lipid accumulation phase. The fatty acids profile of the lipids thus produced, using a very simple and economical medium, was similar to that obtained from glucose and sucrose.  相似文献   

Maximum lipid production (66% w/w dry wt) inRhodotorula glutinis IIP-30 utilizing glucose in a fed-batch fermentation under N-limiting conditions at 30°C, was at pH 4. At pH 3, 5 and 6, the lipid contents were 12%, 48% and 44%, respectively. There was only a small change in the fatty acid profile over the pH range examined, although the ergosterol content decreased by a third as the pH increased.  相似文献   

The heterobasidiomycetous yeastRhodotorula glutinis was able to grow in medium containing a high concentration of LiCl. This character ofR. glutinis was presumed to be attributable to its ability to incorporate [14C]-adenine and [14C]-leucine into nucleic acids and proteins, respectively, in the presence of LiCl. Intracellular levels of Li+ and Cl ions, production and accumulation of glycerol as an osmoregulator, and respiration in the LiCl-stressed condition were almost the same in the tolerant yeastR. glutinis and the sensitive yeastRhodosporidium sphaerocarpum.  相似文献   

The electrochemical gradient of protons, , was estimated in the obligatory aerobic yeastRhodotorula glutinis in the pH0 range from 3 to 8.5. The membrane potential, , was measured by steady-state distribution of the hydrophobic ions, tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP+) for negative above pH0 4.5, and thiocyanate (SCN) for positive below pH0 4.5. The chemical gradient of H+ was determined by measuring the chemical shift of intracellular Pi by31P-NMR at given pH0 values. The values of pHi increased almost linearly from 7.3 at pH0 3 to 7.8 at pH0 8.5. In the physiological pH0 range from 3.5 to 6, was fairly constant at values between 17–18 KJ mol–1, gradually decreasing at pH0 above 6. In deenergized cells, the intracellular pHi decreased to values as low as 6, regardless of whether the cell suspension was buffered at pH0 4.5 or 7.5. There was no membrane potential detectable in deenergized cells.  相似文献   

Rhodotorula glutinis degraded variously14C-labelled synthetic lignins in the presence of 0.1% glucose as co-substrate. Side chain-labelled DHP was degraded the most. While this yeastutilized vanillate and forulate for growth, sinapate/syringate were poorly or not degraded. Gallate, protocatechuate and acetate also supported growth. [carboxy-14C]Syringate was rapidly converted to14CO2 by the yeast only in presence of glucose while [carboxy-14C]vanillate did not require any additional cosubstrate for mineralization. Ring-labelled vanillyl alcohol was also dagraded proving that the yeast could rapidly metabolize guaiacyl structures while syringyl structures required the presence of additional energy sources.
Résumé Rhodotorula glutinis dégrade des lignines synthétiques marquées au14C de manière variée, en présence de 0.1% de glucose comme co-substrat. La DHP marquée sur la chaîne latérale est dégradée le plus. Alors que cette levure utilise le vanillate et le férulate pour sa croissance, le sinapate et le syringate sont peu ou prou dégradables. Le gallate, le protocatéchuate et l'acétate supportent également la croissance. Le syringate marqué au14C dans sa fonctioncarboxyle estrapidement convert en14CO2 par le levure mais exclusivement en présence de glucose, tandis que le vanillate marqué au14C dans sa fonction carboxyle ne requiert aucun co-substrat additionel pour sa minéralisation. L'alcool vanillique marqué dans son cycle, est également dégradé démonstrant ainsi que la levure peut métaboliser rapidement des structures guaiacyliques tandis que les structures syringiques requièrent la présence de sources auxiliaires d'énergie.

A kinetic analysis was made of batch cultures of an industrially important yeastRhodotorula gracilis, using a nitrogen-limited medium. The exponential phase of growth lasted 15 h, followed by a linear phase up to 36 h. The generation time was 2.8 h (15–36 h of fermentation) which corresponded to a μ of 0.248/h. The lipid synthesis was partially growth-associated with the linear growth phase (15–36 h) and the early stationary phase (36–60 h). The rate of linear growth was estimated as 0.267 g cell per L per h and the rate for lipid synthesis over the period of 15–60 h was 0.17 g lipid per L per h. More than 50% of the total supplied nitrogen was assimilated by the organism and the rest remained in the medium. Sugar assimilation was nearly 100% by the end of 60-h fermentation. At 0 h the intracellular protein was 3.3% and it significantly increased to 11.7% by the end of 12 h. Morphological and physiological characteristics were also found to change during different stages of growth.  相似文献   

雍子涵  张栩  谭天伟 《生物工程学报》2015,31(10):1484-1491
为了探究纤维素水解液中常见的发酵抑制物糠醛对粘红酵母Rhodotorula glutinis生长与油脂积累的影响,对比了不同的糠醛浓度(0.1、0.4、0.6、1.5 g/L)下粘红酵母的生物量和油脂积累情况,并探究了1.0 g/L的糠醛对粘红酵母不同碳源(葡萄糖和木糖)利用的影响。研究表明,当糠醛浓度达1.5 g/L时,粘红酵母的延迟期延长至96 h,残糖高达17.7 g/L,生物量最高6.6 g/L,仅为正常积累量的47%,油脂含量也减少了约50%;以木糖为碳源时,糠醛对粘红酵母的抑制程度小于葡萄糖为碳源时的情况;在糠醛存在的逆境中,粘红酵母倾向于生成更多的18碳脂肪酸或18碳不饱和脂肪酸。  相似文献   

Bioemulsifier production by Bacillus stearothermophilus VR-8 isolate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bacillus stearothermophilus produced an extracellular bioemulsifier during growth in a medium containing 4% crude oil. Over the temperature range of 45° to 70°C, maximum recovery (0·6 g 1-1) occurred at 50°C. The emulsifier had its greatest activity on benzene, among the hydrocarbons tested. Acetone precipitated, dialysed emulsifier contained 46% protein, 16% carbohydrate and 10% lipid. The emulsification activity was stable over a broad range of temperature (50–80°C), pH (2–8) and salt concentration (5% NaCl, 5% CaCl2 and 1% MgCl2). Thus, this emulsifier was found to be better than liposan (showing emulsifying activity between pH 2–5 and stable up to 70°C) in terms of pH and temperature stability. Additionally, it was also salt tolerant, suggesting its potential use in crude oil tank clean-up and enhanced oil recovery.  相似文献   

目的用斯达油脂酵母(Lipomyces starkeyi)作为发酵菌株,以纯木糖溶液为油脂发酵原料,对L.starkeyi利用木糖积累油脂进行系统研究。方法 L.starkeyi于斜面培养基中活化后,接种于YPD液体培养基,于30℃、200 r/min摇床培养。在摇瓶中培养一段时间后,测定发酵液细胞浓度,离心发酵液收集细胞。将离心后得到的菌体加入木糖溶液重悬,并转接于含50 mL木糖溶液的250 mL摇瓶中进行发酵生产。结果相比一阶段法,两阶段发酵方法可以在更短的时间内达到较高的油脂含量,油脂含量能够达到细胞自身干重的60%以上。实验发现高菌龄酵母产油速度更快;并且初始木糖浓度高达120 g/L时,酵母细胞仍然能够高效合成油脂。结论 L.starkeyi能够有效利用木糖进行发酵产生油脂,是以木质纤维素为原料生产微生物油脂的优良菌种。  相似文献   

Out of 45 actinomycetes isolated from garden soil, pond water and air; fifteen showed good emulsification activity. Streptomyces sp. S22 isolated from garden soil produced maximum bioemulsifier with 0.5% (v/v) sunflower oil during stationary phase at 37 degrees C, pH 6 and 250 rev/min. Emulsification activity was maximum (320 EU/ml) with sunflower oil as substrate. Partially purified bioemulsifier from Streptomyces sp. S22 was a peptidoglycolipid containing lipid (51.25%), protein (30%), non-reducing sugar (17.75%) and reducing sugar (1%). The yield of partially purified bioemulsifier was 1.6 g/l and reduced the surface tension of water by 23.09 mN/m. The bioemulsifier produced by Streptomyces sp. S22 was stable at room temperature for seven days.  相似文献   

Summary Growth rate and lipid production rate of an unsaturated fatty acid mutant (Ufa25), derived from the oleaginous yeastApiotrichum curvatum, in wheypermeate supplemented with rapeseed oil (as unsaturated fatty acid source), was comparable with wild type. The quality of the lipids produced by Ufa25 approached cocoa butter. Production of 1 kg lipid by Ufa25 will need about 6.3 kg lactose from whey and 0.5 kg rapeseed oil.  相似文献   

Several wild strains and mutants of Rhodotorula spp. were screened for growth, carotenoid production and the proportion of -carotene produced in sugarcane molasses. A better producer, Rhodotorula glutinis mutant 32, was optimized for carotenoid production with respect to total reducing sugar (TRS) concentration and pH. In shake flasks, when molasses was used as the sole nutrient medium with 40 g l−1 TRS, at pH 6, the carotenoid yield was 14 mg l−1 and -carotene accounted for 70% of the total carotenoids. In a 14-l stirred tank fermenter, a 20% increase in torulene content was observed in plain molasses medium. However, by addition of yeast extract, this effect was reversed and a 31% increase in -carotene content was observed. Dissolved oxygen (DO) stat fed-batch cultivation of mutant 32 in plain molasses medium yielded 71 and 185 mg l−1 total carotenoids in double- and triple-strength medium, respectively. When supplemented with yeast extract, the yields were 97 and 183 mg l−1 total carotenoid with a 30% increase in -carotene and a simultaneous 40% decrease in torulene proportion. Higher cell mass was also achieved by double- and triple-strength fed-batch fermentation. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2001) 26, 327–332. Received 18 September 2000/ Accepted in revised form 02 March 2001  相似文献   

A mixed culture of oleaginous yeast Rhodotorula glutinis and microalga Chlorella vulgaris was performed to enhance lipid production from industrial wastes. These included effluent from seafood processing plant and molasses from sugar cane plant. In the mixed culture, the yeast grew faster and the lipid production was higher than that in the pure cultures. This could be because microalga acted as an oxygen generator for yeast, while yeast provided CO(2) to microalga and both carried out the production of lipids. The optimal conditions for lipid production by the mixed culture were as follows: ratio of yeast to microalga at 1:1; initial pH at 5.0; molasses concentration at 1%; shaking speed at 200 rpm; and light intensity at 5.0 klux under 16:8 hours light and dark cycles. Under these conditions, the highest biomass of 4.63±0.15 g/L and lipid production of 2.88±0.16 g/L were obtained after five days of cultivation. In addition, the plant oil-like fatty acid composition of yeast and microalgal lipids suggested their high potential for use as biodiesel feedstock.  相似文献   

Optimizing production of extracellular lipase fromRhodotorula glutinis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Production of extracellular lipase byRhodotorula glutinis was substantially enhanced when the type and concentration of carbon and nitrogen source, the initial pH of culture medium and the growth temperature were consecutively optimized. Lipase activity as high as 30.4 U/ml of culture medium was obtained at optimum conditions, comparing favourably with most of the activities reported for other lipase hyperproducing microorganisms. The enzyme was optimally active at pH 7.5 and 35°C and had, at optimum pH, half-lives of 45 and 11.8 min at 45 and 55°C respectively. The high activity and kinetic characteristics of the enzyme make this process worthy of further investigation.  相似文献   

乙酸是木质纤维素在水解过程中的主要副产物,高浓度的乙酸严重影响产油微生物的生长和油脂合成。本文研究了粘红酵母对乙酸的耐受性及其利用乙酸合成微生物油脂的能力。结果表明,在初始葡萄糖、木糖浓度分别为6 g/L和44 g/L的混合糖培养基中,乙酸浓度低于10 g/L时,不会对菌体生长产生抑制作用,油脂合成还得到了促进。当乙酸添加量为10 g/L时,生物量、油脂产量、油脂含量较对照组分别提高了21.5%、171.2%和121.6%。进一步研究表明,粘红酵母具备利用乙酸合成油脂的能力,当以乙酸为唯一碳源,浓度为25 g/L时,油脂产量达到3.20 g/L,油脂质量得率为13%。微生物油脂成分分析表明,粘红酵母以乙酸为底物制得的油脂可以作为制备生物柴油的油脂原料,其主要成分为棕榈酸、硬脂酸、油酸、亚油酸和亚麻酸,其中饱和脂肪酸和不饱和脂肪酸含量分别为40.9%和59.1%。由于粘红酵母具有利用乙酸合成微生物油脂的能力,在以木质纤维素水解液为原料生产微生物油脂的脱毒过程中,一定浓度的乙酸可以不必脱除。  相似文献   

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