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《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):245-256

Plagiochila britannica is described as a new species. It differs from P. porelloides and P. asplenioides in many characters, especially its often more narrowly oval leaves with a more variable, often truncate to bilobed apex and larger cells, its wider antical stem cells and its diploid chromosome number. Differences from P. arctica var intermedia include its more variable leaf apex, generally more dentate leaves often with longer teeth, the greater maximum size of its leaf cells and its wider antical stem cells. Male and female inflorescences and sporophytes are known in P. britannica, which favours base-rich substrata and has been found in Wales, N. England, Scotland and N. Ireland. A key to the nine species of Plagiochila in the British Isles is included.  相似文献   

Abstract:Lepraria atlantica is described as new from acidic rocks in the British Isles; it contains porphyrilic acid, cf. rangiformic acid or rarely cf. roccellic acid, and atranorin. It differs from L. cacuminum in the diffuse, powdery thallus. It is morphologically similar to L. jackii, but differs in the possession of porphyrilic acid.  相似文献   

Abstract. We investigated the seasonal prevalence of reproductive activities and of the development of brooded propagules in an intertidal sea anemone, Anthopleura sp., on the rocky shore of Mutsu Bay, in northern Japan. A monthly examination of anemones, by dissection and histological techniques, revealed no sign of gonad development, but did reveal that they produce and internally brood propagules throughout the year. Release of propagules was observed in the field. This anemone population appears to be entirely asexual and agametic, and may persist solely through clonal propagation.  相似文献   

The results of a revision of the Sciaridae (Diptera: Nematocera) from the British Isles are presented, carried out as a preliminary to the preparation of a new Handbook for the identification of the British and Irish fauna of this family. A total fauna of 263 species is confirmed, including many species new to the British Isles: 111 new to Great Britain and 32 new to Ireland. Epidapus ( Pseudoaptanogyna ) echinatum Mohrig & Kozánek, 1992 , hitherto known only from North Korea, is newly recorded from Europe. Six species are described as new to science: Bradysia austera Menzel & Heller sp. nov. , Bradysia ismayi Menzel sp. nov. , Bradysia nigrispina Menzel sp. nov. , Corynoptera flavosignata Menzel & Heller sp. nov. , Corynoptera uncata Menzel & Smith sp. nov. and Epidapus subgracilis Menzel & Mohrig sp. nov . The following new synonymies are proposed: Leptosciarella nigrosetosa (Freeman, 1990) =  Leptosciarella truncatula Mohrig & Menzel, 1997 ; Sciara nursei Freeman, 1983 =  Sciara ulrichi Menzel & Mohrig, 1998. Many misidentifications in the previous literature are corrected. Details of the collection data and location of specimens examined are provided under each species. The localities from which Sciaridae were collected in the British Isles are documented by modern county and grid references and the habitat indicated where known, to assist in assessing the ecological requirements of each species.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 146 , 1–147.  相似文献   

A taxometric analysis of 153 colonies of the agamospermous Limonium binervosum aggregate in the British Isles has revealed an ordered hierarchy of variation. A taxonomic treatment of the group describes five new species, redefines four others and describes other infraspecific variants as subspecies or varieties. Each species is morphologically distinct and has a defined geographic range. There are four widespread and morphologically variable species and five geographically restricted species (four monotypic). Limonium recurvum , previously described as a microspecies endemic to a small area of the Dorset Coast, has been widened to include all triploid (2 n = 27) L. binervosum agg. variants found also in W and N Ireland, SW Scotland and Cumbria. All other taxa are tetraploid, usually with 2 n = 35.  相似文献   

Abstract. Cnidarians have extracellular matrix, or mesoglea, situated between an outer epidermis and an inner gastrodermis. In this article, we describe the ultrastructure of the mesoglea of polyps of Nematostella vectensis during development and regeneration. The column wall of recently metamorphosed polyps had basal laminae composed of a meshwork of thin filaments underlying each epithelium and a network of unstriated thick (20–25 nm in diameter) and thin fibrils (~5 nm) decorated with particulate matter. In juvenile polyps with eight tentacles, the system of thick fibrils was concentrated near the gastrodermis. In the column wall and mesenteries of the adult there were bundles of thick fibrils that ran parallel to the myonemes. In regenerating polyps 2 days after transection, the network of thin fibrils and particulate material as well as the basal lamina largely disappeared in the healing part of the oral, but not aboral, half. In the regenerating portion of the aboral half 1 and 2 days after transection, the bundles of thick fibrils were smaller and less organized, and the basal laminae were thicker than in the column wall of untransected polyps. In both regenerating halves, the general organization of the mesoglea of normal polyps was reattained by 5 days after transection. At all stages the mesoglea contained cellular processes that may belong to amebocytes; nucleated amebocytes with a range of shapes were present in the mesoglea of the column wall and mesenteries of adult polyps. Certain features of the mesoglea of members of N. vectensis and Hydra are similar, especially the ultrastructure of the basal laminae, but the fibrillar systems of these two model cnidarians are different. Temporal and spatial differences in the composition of the mesoglea of N. vectensis point to different roles for its components during development and regeneration.  相似文献   

Abstract. The starlet sea anemone, Nematostella vectensis Stephenson 1935, is a burrowing, estuarine species that has become a model organism for fundamental studies of cnidarian and metazoan development. During early oogenesis, oocytes appear in the basal region of the gastrodermis in the reproductive mesenteries and gradually bulge into the adjacent connective tissue space (mesoglea) where the majority of oocyte growth and vitellogenesis occurs. However, oocytes do not physically contact the cellular and amorphous matrix of the mesogleal compartment due to a thin, intervening basal lamina. Oocytes retain limited contact with the basal gastrodermal epithelium via groups of ultrastructurally modified gastrodermal cells called trophocytes. Trophocytes are monociliated accessory cells of somatic origin that collectively form a structure called the trophonema, a unique accessory cell/oocyte association not observed outside the Cnidaria. The trophonema consists of 50–60 trophocytes that maintain contact with <1% of the oocyte surface and forms a circular, bowel‐shaped depression on the luminal surface of the gastrodermis as they sink into the mesoglea with the oocyte. The oocyte remains highly polarized throughout oogenesis with the germinal vesicle positioned near the trophonema and presumably representing the future animal pole of the embryo. Contact between the trophonema and the oocyte is restricted to cell junctions connecting peripheral trophocytes and narrow extensions from the oocyte. Previous studies suggest that the trophonema plays a role in transport of extracellular digestive products from the gastrovascular cavity to the oocyte, and the ultrastructural features described in this study are consistent with that view. Vitellogenesis is described for the first time in a sea anemone. Yolk synthesis involves both autosynthetic and heterosynthetic processes including the biosynthetic activity of the Golgi complex and the uptake of extraoocytic yolk precursors via endocytosis, respectively.  相似文献   

A U Larkman 《Tissue & cell》1984,16(3):393-404
The appearance and arrangement of the mitochondria during all stages of oocyte growth in the sea anemone Actinia fragacea (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) have been examined by electron microscopy. In small oocytes, the mitochondria are generally squat, with a dense matrix and numerous cristae, although a proportion may show an unusual arrangement of prismatic cristae. During early oogenesis, the mitochondria tend to be arranged in aggregates rather than randomly scattered, and may be associated with nuage material. With the onset of vitellogenesis, a large mitochondrial aggregate forms next to the nucleus. During early vitellogenesis this aggregate enlarges and comes to resemble the mitochondrial clouds found in some amphibian oocytes. Within the cloud, many mitochondria appear to be highly elongate and irregular in shape. The cloud begins to fragment and disperse midway through vitellogenesis at about the time when cortical granules appear. In fully grown oocytes, some mitochondria may have a much less dense matrix and fewer cristae than the remainder, which may be related to their state of activity.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):76-79

Arctoa anderssonii Wich. is described as a species new to the British Isles with an account of its habitat on Ben Hope, a mountain in Sutherland, north-west Scotland. The differences between this species and Arctoa fulvella and A. hyperborea are specified.  相似文献   

The conspicuous macroscopic stage of the freshwater red alga Thorea ramosissima has been re-discovered in the River Thames after a lapse of almost 140 years. In the 1840s it was reported only from Walton-on-Thames, but is now known from 13 localities along a 133 km stretch between Oxford and Teddington. It is transient, often remaining undetected at known localities in subsequent years. All British records are assessed, especially 19th century collections from the Thames. The ecology and the morphology of the macroscopic stage are discussed.  相似文献   

Actinoporus elongatus is a widely distributed, tropical, intertidal anemone from the Indo-Pacific and Caribbean regions. Its recorded occurrences are disjunct and its feeding and reproductive ecology have not previously been described in detail. A population of this sand-dwelling species was studied for one year at Shelly Bay, Queensland, Australia. Individuals were found to be randomly distributed within the study site at a density of 42 anemones per hectare. No immigration, juvenile recruitment or mortality was observed. Histological analysis indicated a protracted period of gamete maturity during the summer months, and that the sex ratio was 1:1. A. elongatus is an opportunistic feeder with two distinct feeding methods — actinopharyngeal eversion and a newly described trapdoor response. Ciliary currents on the tentacular crown and oral disk were used mainly for cleaning and sand removal.Department of Zoology, James Cook University of North QueenslandDepartment of Marine Biology, James Cook University of North QueenslandDepartment of Marine Biology, James Cook University of North Queensland  相似文献   

The giant Caribbean sea anemone, Condylactis gigantea, is an ecologically important member of the benthic community. It provides habitat for many species, including symbiotic cleaner shrimps, and is recognized by reef fishes as a cleaning station cue. Numbers of C. gigantea in Florida have recently declined, possibly due to deteriorating environmental conditions and increasing harvest pressure. A previous research finding indicating that C. gigantea spawns in the late spring has been questioned by fishers for the aquarium trade industry. We therefore examined specimens of C. gigantea collected monthly from October 2011 to September 2012 in the Florida Keys to characterize the reproductive cycle, also measuring several physical and chemical parameters of concurrently collected water samples. We ascertained that the anemone is gonochoric and has a 1:1 sex ratio. Within and between individuals, at the same time and place, spermatogenesis was synchronous, whereas oocyte development was asynchronous. Low‐level spawning occurred between October and April with a peak in May, in good agreement with earlier research. Water quality at both sites showed no discernible change over the study period. Conservation efforts directed at population management could benefit this anemone.  相似文献   

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