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Class I alcohol dehydrogenases (ADH1s) are the rate-limiting enzymes for ethanol and vitamin A (retinol) metabolism in the liver. Because previous studies have shown that human ADH1 enzymes may participate in bile acid metabolism, we investigated whether the bile acid-activated nuclear receptor farnesoid X receptor (FXR) regulates ADH1 genes. In human hepatocytes, both the endogenous FXR ligand chenodeoxycholic acid and synthetic FXR-specific agonist GW4064 increased ADH1 mRNA, protein, and activity. Moreover, overexpression of a constitutively active form of FXR induced ADH1A and ADH1B expression, whereas silencing of FXR abolished the effects of FXR agonists on ADH1 expression and activity. Transient transfection studies and electrophoretic mobility shift assays revealed functional FXR response elements in the ADH1A and ADH1B proximal promoters, thus indicating that both genes are direct targets of FXR. These findings provide the first evidence for direct connection of bile acid signaling and alcohol metabolism.  相似文献   

Bile acid malabsorption, which in patients leads to excessive fecal bile acid excretion and diarrhea, is characterized by a vicious cycle in which the feedback regulation of bile acid synthesis is interrupted, resulting in additional bile acid production. Feedback regulation of bile acid synthesis is under the control of an endocrine pathway wherein activation of the nuclear bile acid receptor, farnesoid X receptor (FXR), induces enteric expression of the hormone, fibroblast growth factor 15 (FGF15). In liver, FGF15 acts together with FXR-mediated expression of small heterodimer partner to repress bile acid synthesis. Here, we show that the FXR-FGF15 pathway is disrupted in mice lacking apical ileal bile acid transporter, a model of bile acid malabsorption. Treatment of Asbt-/- mice with either a synthetic FXR agonist or FGF15 downregulates hepatic cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase mRNA levels, decreases bile acid pool size, and reduces fecal bile acid excretion. These findings suggest that FXR agonists or FGF15 could be used therapeutically to interrupt the cycle of excessive bile acid production in patients with bile acid malabsorption.  相似文献   

The astrocytes prepared by 1 week secondary culture after 1 month primary culture of rat brain cells (M/W cells) synthesized and secreted apolipoprotein E (apoE) and cholesterol more than the astrocytes prepared by conventional 1 week primary and 1 week secondary culture (W/W cells) (Ueno, S., J. Ito, Y. Nagayasu, T. Furukawa, and S. Yokoyama. 2002. An acidic fibroblast growth factor-like factor secreted into the brain cell culture medium upregulates apoE synthesis, HDL secretion and cholesterol metabolism in rat astrocytes. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1589: 261-272). M/W cells also highly expressed fibroblast growth factor-1 (FGF-1) mRNA. FGF-1 was identified in the cell lysate of both cell types, but M/W cells released more of it into the medium. Immunostaining of FGF-1 and apoE revealed that both localized in the cells that produce glial fibrillary acidic protein. The conditioned media of M/W cells and FGF-1 stimulated W/W cells to release apoE and cholesterol to generate more HDL. Pretreatment with a goat anti-FGF-1 antibody or heparin depleted the stimulatory activity of M/W cell-conditioned medium. The presence of the anti-FGF-1 antibody in the medium suppressed apoE secretion by M/W cells. Differential inhibition of signaling pathways suggested that FGF-1 stimulates apoE synthesis via the phosphoinositide 3-OH kinase for PI3K/Akt pathway. Thus, astrocytes release FGF-1, which promotes apoE-HDL production by an autocrine mechanism. These results are consistent with our in vivo observation that astrocytes produce FGF-1 before the increase of apoE in the postinjury lesion of the mouse brain (Tada, T., J. Ito, M. Asai, and S. Yokoyama. 2004. Fibroblast growth factor 1 is produced prior to apolipoprotein E in the astrocytes after cryo-injury of mouse brain. Neurochem. Int. 45: 23-30).  相似文献   

Cholelithiasis is a multifactorial process, and several mechanisms have been postulated. A decreased expression of the ileal apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter (ASBT) and of the cytosolic ileal lipid binding protein (ILBP) was recently described in female non-obese patients. The role of the recently identified organic solute transporters alpha and beta (OSTalpha, OSTbeta) in gallstone pathogenesis remains unclear. Therefore, we performed analysis of OSTalpha-OSTbeta in gallstone patients according to body weight. Ileal mucosal biopsies were collected during routine colonoscopy from female gallstone carriers (n = 19) and controls (n = 34). OSTalpha-OSTbeta mRNA expression was measured using the LightCycler sequence detection system; protein was analyzed by immunohistochemistry and Western blot. The mRNA expression of OSTalpha-OSTbeta was significantly reduced (OSTalpha: 3.3-fold, P = 0.006; OSTbeta: 2.6-fold, P = 0.03) in normal-weight but not overweight gallstone carriers compared with controls. OSTalpha-OSTbeta protein levels also showed a reduction by 40-67%. The expression of OSTalpha-OSTbeta correlated positively with ASBT (r = 0.65, 0.58, respectively), ILBP (r = 0.77, 0.67), and the farnesoid X receptor (r = 0.58, 0.50). Fibroblast growth factor-19 showed a 2.8-fold reduction (P = 0.06), and liver receptor homolog-1 showed a 2-fold reduction (P = 0.04) in non-obese patients. In conclusion, an impaired function of all three ileal bile acid transporters may lead to low ileal bile acid reabsorption and an altered bile acid pool composition and therefore may contribute to the formation of gallstones in non-obese patients.  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在克隆棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera c-Jun氨基末端激酶(c-Jun N-terminal kinase, JNK)基因,并对其进行序列和表达模式分析,探讨该基因在棉铃虫生长发育及响应UV胁迫方面的作用。【方法】利用RT-PCR与RACE技术克隆棉铃虫JNK基因,并利用生物信息学方法对其编码的氨基酸序列进行分析;采用实时荧光定量PCR技术检测其在棉铃虫不同发育阶段(卵、1-6龄幼虫、蛹、雌雄成虫)、成虫不同组织(去除触角和复眼的头、胸、腹、触角、复眼、足、翅、中肠、卵巢)中及雌成虫在UV-A照射不同时间(0, 30, 60, 90, 120和150 min)下的相对表达量变化。【结果】克隆获得一个棉铃虫JNK基因并命名为HaJNK(GenBank登录号:MH719009),其cDNA序列全长为2 431 bp,开放阅读框(ORF)长1 191 bp,编码396个氨基酸,编码蛋白质的相对分子量为45.01 kD,等电点为6.35,无跨膜结构,无信号肽。系统进化分析显示,棉铃虫HaJNK与其他昆虫JNK具有很高的同源性。发育阶段表达分析表明,HaJNK在棉铃虫卵期表达量最高;组织特异性分析显示该基因在成虫复眼、胸部及卵巢部位特异性表达。UV-A照射能诱导棉铃虫雌成虫体内HaJNK的表达,随着照射时间的延长,其表达量呈现先升高后降低的趋势,在照射60 min时表达量达到峰值。【结论】HaJNK在棉铃虫不同龄期、成虫不同组织和UV-A照射不同时间的雌成虫中差异表达,提示其在响应UV-A胁迫的分子机制中具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Under normal physiologic conditions, the glutathione S-transferase P1 (GSTP1) protein exists intracellularly as a dimer in reversible equilibrium with its monomeric subunits. In the latter form, GSTP1 binds to the mitogen-activated protein kinase, JNK, and inhibits JNK downstream signaling. In tumor cells, which frequently are characterized by constitutively high GSTP1 expression, GSTP1 undergoes phosphorylation by epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) at tyrosine residues 3, 7, and 198. Here we report on the effect of this EGFR-dependent GSTP1 tyrosine phosphorylation on the interaction of GSTP1 with JNK, on the regulation of JNK downstream signaling by GSTP1, and on tumor cell survival. Using in vitro and in vivo growing human brain tumors, we show that tyrosine phosphorylation shifts the GSTP1 dimer-monomer equilibrium to the monomeric state and facilitates the formation of the GSTP1-JNK complex, in which JNK is functionally inhibited. Targeted mutagenesis and functional analysis demonstrated that the increased GSTP1 binding to JNK results from phosphorylation of the GSTP1 C-terminal Tyr-198 by EGFR and is associated with a >2.5-fold decrease in JNK downstream signaling and a significant suppression of both spontaneous and drug-induced apoptosis in the tumor cells. The findings define a novel mechanism of regulatory control of JNK signaling that is mediated by the EGFR/GSTP1 cross-talk and provides a survival advantage for tumors with activated EGFR and high GSTP1 expression. The results lay the foundation for a novel strategy of dual EGFR/GSTP1 for treating EGFR+ve, GSTP1 expressing GBMs.  相似文献   

CD36作为重要的清道夫受体密切参与了巨噬细胞对氧化低密度脂蛋白的摄取作用,为了进一步研究CD36的功能,本文利用慢病毒介导的shRNA干扰技术,构建了CD36基因沉默巨噬细胞(J774A.1)株,并以此为模型分析了CD36在caveolin-1蛋白表达过程中的作用。首先,针对CD36基因序列设计合成5条shRNA片段,并构建得到pLKO.1-CD36-shRNA慢病毒干扰载体,测序鉴定后与psiCHECK-Ⅱ-CD36载体共转染入293T细胞中,筛选出有效的CD36-shRNA。将慢病毒干扰载体与病毒包装质粒共转染入293T细胞,包装得到慢病毒颗粒,之后感染J774A.1细胞,经嘌呤霉素筛选后得到CD36基因沉默稳转细胞株。Western blotting及激光共聚焦检测结果表明CD36基因沉默效率达90%,并且伴随着CD36的基因沉默,与之结合的DiI-oxLDL也随之大幅降低,证明构建成功具有良好生物学活性的CD36基因沉默细胞株。最后,抑制剂处理及oxLDL给药刺激实验结果表明,CD36的基因沉默能够显著降低JNK及ERK的磷酸化水平,进而抑制了caveolin-1的蛋白表达,表明CD36能够经由JNK及EKR信号传导调节caveolin-1的蛋白表达。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Acidic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-1) has been identified as a potent mitogen for vascular cells, inducing formation of mature blood vessels in vitro and in vivo and represents one of the most promising approaches for the treatment of ischemic cardiovascular diseases by gene therapy. Nevertheless, and most probably due to the few experimental models able to address the issue, no study has described the therapeutic effects of FGF-1 gene transfer in subjects with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) exhibiting a clinically relevant cardiovascular pathology. METHODS: In order to assess the potency of FGF-1 gene transfer for therapeutic angiogenesis in ischemic skeletal muscles displaying decreased gene expression levels and sustained impaired formation of collateral vessels and arterioles, we developed a model of PAD in hamsters with a background of hypercholesterolemia. Hamsters fed a cholesterol-rich diet and subjected to hindlimb ischemia exhibit a sustained impaired angiogenic response, as evidenced by decreased angiographic score and histological quantification of arterioles in the ischemic muscles. RESULTS: In this model, we demonstrate that NV1FGF (a human FGF-1 expression plasmid), given intramuscularly 14 days after induction of hindlimb ischemia, promoted the formation of both collateral vessels and arterioles 14 days after treatment (i.e. 28 days post-ischemia). CONCLUSIONS: Our data provide evidence that NV1FGF can reverse the cholesterol-induced impairment of revascularization in a hamster model of hindlimb ischemia by promoting the growth of both collateral vessels and arterioles in ischemic muscles exhibiting significantly decreased levels of gene expression compared with control muscles. Therefore, this study underscores the relevance of NV1FGF gene therapy to overcome perfusion defects in patients with PAD.  相似文献   

The role of the matricellular protein SPARC (secreted protein, acidic and rich in cysteine) in modulation of vascular cell proliferation is believed to be mediated, in part, by its ability to regulate the activity of certain growth factors through direct binding. In this study, we demonstrate that SPARC does not bind to basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF/FGF-2) or interfere with complex formation between FGF-2 and its high-affinity FGF receptor-1 (FGFR1), yet both native SPARC and a peptide derived from the C-terminal high-affinity Ca(2+)-binding region of protein significantly inhibit ligand-induced autophosphorylation of FGFR1 (>80%), activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) (>75%), and DNA synthesis in human microvascular endothelial cells (HMVEC) stimulated by FGF-2 (>80%). We also report that in the presence of FGF-2, a factor which otherwise stimulates myoblast proliferation and the repression of terminal differentiation, both native SPARC and the Ca(2+)-binding SPARC peptide significantly promote (>60%) the differentiation of the MM14 murine myoblast cell line that expresses FGFR1 almost exclusively. Moreover, using heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG)-deficient myeloid cells and porcine aortic endothelial cells (PAECs) expressing chimeric FGFR1, we show that antagonism of FGFR1-mediated DNA synthesis and MAPK activation by SPARC does not require the presence of cell-surface, low-affinity FGF-2 receptors, but can be mediated by an intracellular mechanism that is independent of an interaction with the extracellular ligand-binding domain of FGFR1. We also report that the inhibitory effect of SPARC on DNA synthesis and MAPK activation in endothelial cells is mediated in part (>50%) by activation of protein kinase A (PKA), a known regulator of Raf-MAPK pathway. SPARC thus modulates the mitogenic effect of FGF-2 downstream from FGFR1 by selective regulation of the MAPK signaling cascade.  相似文献   

A combination of the interrelated metabolic risk factors obesity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and hypertension, often described as the "metabolic syndrome," is known to increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase (SCD) activity has been implicated in the metabolic syndrome, but detailed studies of the beneficial metabolic effects of SCD deficiency have been limited. Here, we show that absence of the Scd1 gene product reduces plasma triglycerides and reduces weight gain in severely hyperlipidemic low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR)-deficient mice challenged with a Western diet. Absence of SCD1 also increases insulin sensitivity, as measured by intraperitoneal glucose and insulin tolerance testing. SCD1 deficiency dramatically reduces hepatic lipid accumulation while causing more modest reductions in plasma apolipoproteins, suggesting that in conditions of sustained hyperlipidemia, SCD1 functions primarily to mediate lipid stores. In addition, absence of SCD1 partially ameliorates the undesirable hypertriglyceridemic effect of antiatherogenic liver X receptor agonists. Our results demonstrate that constitutive reduction of SCD activity improves the metabolic phenotype of LDLR-deficient mice on a Western diet.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) plays an important role in mediating the invasion and angiogenic process of malignant gliomas. This study was undertaken to determine if an isoflavone metabolite, irisolidone, inhibits MMP-9 expression in human astroglioma cells. Irisolidone was found to inhibit the secretion and protein expression of MMP-9 induced by PMA in U87 MG glioma cells, accompanied by the inhibition of MMP-9 mRNA expression and promoter activity. Further mechanistic studies revealed that irisolidone inhibits the binding of NF-κB and AP-1 to the MMP-9 promoter and suppresses the PMA-induced phosphorylation of ERK and JNK, which are upstream signaling molecules in MMP-9 expression. The Matrigel-invasion assay showed that irisolidone suppresses the in vitro invasiveness of glioma cells. Therefore, the strong inhibition of MMP-9 expression by irisolidone might be a potential therapeutic modality for controlling the growth and invasiveness of gliomas.  相似文献   

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