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Immune mechanisms in insects   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Understanding immune evasion by parasites in their insect vectors requires some understanding of the insect immune system. Until fairly recently, technical difficulties in handling cells and plasma hampered laboratory investigations into insect immunology, but modern techniques combined with a sound knowledge of insect physiology are now permitting rapid advances. Rather than discussing the many controversies, this review aims to point out current areas of research into cellular and 'humoral' mechanisms that might be followed up by parasitologists.  相似文献   

Insect endoparasitoids are able to circumvent the defense reactions of their habitual hosts. In a hymenopteran wasp species, virus-like particles, found on the egg surface are responsible for the protection against the encapsulation reaction of the host caterpillar. Some of the particle proteins are structurally and probably functionally related to host protein(s). Biological properties of some of the host proteins suggest that they might be involved in the insect defense reaction.  相似文献   

The transmission of vector-borne parasites is complex, yet to a large extent this complexity can be unravelled through the insights gained from simple mathematical models of the transmission system. The principle is simple because the key question is merely "what is the rate of increase in numbers of hosts affected?" Clearly, if this rate of increase is greater than unity then the infection can spread, while if it is less than unity it will decline. Ronald Ross in 1911 was the first to formulate this idea for malarial(1) and malaria transmission has since attracted most attention from modellers of parasitic diseases(2-4). But although it is implicitly recognized that nothing- not even parasitic transmission - can increase indefinitely, the importance of some degree of density-dependence in regulating the system tends to be neglected (see Box 1). In this article, Klaus Dietz explores some classical ideas of modelling parasitic disease transmission, emphasizing not only the importance of density dependence but also the importance of knowing exactly where such effects operate in the system.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, it is well established that there are many intricate interactions between the immune system and the nervous system, and vice versa. Regarding insects, until now little has been known about the link between these two systems. Here, we present behavioural evidence indicating a link between the immune system and the nervous system in insects. We show that otherwise non-infected honeybees whose immune systems are challenged by a non-pathogenic immunogenic elicitor lipopolysaccharide (LPS) have reduced abilities to associate an odour with sugar reward in a classical conditioning paradigm. The cost of an immune response therefore not only affects survival of the host, as previously shown, but also everyday behaviour and memory formation.  相似文献   

Serological responses of insects   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

Vector saliva and its role in parasite transmission   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Vertical transmission of nucleopolyhedrovirus in insects.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A review of the literature on transmission studies of nucleopolyhedroviruses showed that low levels of viral infection were common among studies of pupae of insects but rarer in adults. Virus could be transmitted from parent to progeny and could be found in caterpillars reared from surface-decontaminated eggs. Persistent low levels of infection were observed in many of the studies considered. These could contribute to the persistence of virus in low-density populations, but the dominant source of virus among generations is probably through environmental contamination.  相似文献   

The Mls locus was originally defined to have four alleles; three controlled products that were detectable in primary mixed leukocyte reactions (MLR), whereas one, b, was described as being null. Recently, other investigators postulated that the Mls locus is nonpolymorphic, being composed of the b null allele and of a singly expressed allele previously thought to be the a and d alleles. We previously reported that products controlled by Mls aand Mls dwere antigenically distinct and therefore are not controlled by the same allele, and the product of Mls bon cells of three different strains was easily detectable by Mls aand Mls dresponding cells. Thus the b allele is not null. In the present report evidence is presented which indicates that both Mls band Mls cencoded products were undetectable by MLR when in the presence of Mls aor Mls d. This was demonstrated by (a) the inability of Mls a/Mls cand Mls a/Mls bF1 cells to stimulate Mls aresponding cells and Mls d/Mls cand Mls d/Mls bcells to stimulate Mls dcells; (b) the positive response of Mls a/Mls band Mls d/Mls bF1-hybrid cells to Mls b-encoded products; and (c) the reactivity of Mls a/Mls cand Mls d/Mls cF1 hybrid cells to Mls c-encoded determinants.  相似文献   

In the past few years the knowledge of insect defense mechanisms against pathogenic microorganisms and parasites has significantly increased on both the molecular and the organismic level. These investigations have led to new concepts of immune protection also relevant for mammals with the identification of the Toll receptor family as an eminent example. This review provides a brief overview of insect strategies to on the one hand defeat bacterial pathogens while on the other hand cooperating with symbiotic bacteria beneficial for the insects.  相似文献   

Gut microbiota and parasite transmission by insect vectors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the gut of some insect vectors, parasites ingested with the bloodmeal decrease in number before coming into contact with host tissues. Many factors could be responsible for this reduction in parasite number but the potentially important role of the large communities of naturally occurring microorganisms that exist alongside the newly ingested parasites in the vector midgut has been largely overlooked. Some previous reports exist of the inhibition of parasite development by vector gut microbiota and of the killing of Trypanosoma cruzi and Plasmodium spp. by prodigiosin produced by bacteria. Based on this evidence, we believe that the microbiota present in the midgut of vector insects could have important roles as determinants of parasite survival and development in insect vector hosts and, therefore, contribute to the modulation of vector competence for many important diseases.  相似文献   

Immune responses in Anopheles gambiae   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Transmission of human malaria requires a successful development of Plasmodium parasites in anopheline mosquitoes. Insects have developed efficient immune responses to oppose microbial and eukaryotic invaders. The completion of the sequencing of the Anopheles genome provides a wealth of information on putative immune genes that are homologous to components of the Drosophila and mammalian immune systems. In this review, we will summarize our present knowledge of immune responses in the mosquito Anopheles gambiae and attempt a comparative analysis of insect immune systems.  相似文献   

The role of salivary vasodilators in bloodfeeding and parasite transmission   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper, Donald Champagne reviews the salivary vasodilators, points to effects of similar compounds that may be shared by the insect substances, and discusses the potential significance of these effects with regard to parasite transmission.  相似文献   

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