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We cloned seven microsatellite loci from house wrens (Troglodytes aedon) using a biotin enrichment protocol. Starting with fragments generated using DOP–PCR, fragments containing microsatellite motifs AC and AAC were captured using biotinylated probes and streptavidin coated magnetic particles. Captured fragments were cloned into plasmids; prior to sequencing, the plasmids were screened for microsatellites using a simple PCR approach. Five of the loci showed variation in a sample of nine individuals.  相似文献   

Female birds are hypothesized to mate outside the pairbond to secure alleles that enhance the fitness potential of their offspring. To test this, researchers typically compare fitness-related attributes of extra-pair (EP) and within-pair (WP) half-siblings. Often neglected, however, is the possibility that females may provide EP offspring with certain non-genetic advantages. For example, in species in which eggs hatch asynchronously, females may place EP offspring amongst earlier-laid eggs in the clutch. Because they tend to hatch first, chicks from earlier-laid eggs are often larger and more developed than their nestmates and thus have a competitive advantage. We tested for an association between offspring paternity and position in the laying/hatching sequence in a Wyoming population of the house wren Troglodytes aedon . Eggs in this population always hatch asynchronously, usually in the order laid, over 24–48 h, setting up a stair-step-like size hierarchy within broods early in the nestling stage. This suggested that we could thus use a chick's mass relative to that of its nestmates as an index of the chick's position in the laying sequence. We first confirmed this, showing that position in the laying sequence explains 70% of the variance in chick size relative to nestmates. We then compared masses of EP and WP offspring shortly after hatching in 27 broods with mixed paternity. On average, EP offspring weighed 14% more than their WP counterparts, a highly significant difference. Our results therefore suggest that EP offspring are more likely than WP offspring to occur in earlier-laid eggs, thus gaining a size-based competitive advantage. We recommend that, when comparing EP and WP half-siblings in species in which eggs hatch asynchronously, researchers test for this potential maternally derived effect on offspring performance.  相似文献   

The terminal investment hypothesis predicts that individuals should invest more in their present reproduction if they are less likely to survive to future reproductive events. Infections, which reduce viability, may be used by individuals as a cue of a diminishing residual reproductive value and could therefore theoretically trigger an intensification of breeding effort. We tested this hypothesis in a natural population of house sparrows (Passer domesticus). We manipulated the immune system of breeding females by injecting them with a vaccine against the Paramyxo virus, the agent of Newcastle disease. Females were captured and treated immediately after completion of their first clutch either with the vaccine (NDV) or with phosphate buffered saline (PBS). The entire clutch was subsequently removed. We also screened Mhc class I genes of females to assess possible genotype-by-immune treatment interactions on reproductive investment. Our results indicate that vaccinated females were more likely to lay replacement clutches and that the difference in number of eggs between first and replacement clutches was greater for NDV females than for controls. In addition, chick size, both in terms of tarsus length and body mass, was affected by immune activation but in interaction with nestling age and female body mass, respectively. Mhc genotype-by-immune treatment interactions were never significant; however, allelic diversity was positively correlated with nestling survival. These results show that immune system activation is potentially used as a cue of reduced survival prospect and appears to induce a costly terminal investment behavior, and Mhc diversity might be under selection in a natural population of house sparrows.  相似文献   

House wrens are typically socially monogamous, but frequently engage in extra-pair matings leading to multisired broods. Because females do not appear to acquire direct material benefits from their extra-pair mates, we tested the hypothesis that female house wrens derive indirect genetic benefits, such as enhanced immunocompetence (cutaneous immune activity, humoral immunity, and plasma bactericidal activity) and condition (size and haematoserological traits) for their offspring, by mating polyandrously. We predicted that extra-pair young (EPY) should show greater immune responsiveness and better body condition than their within-pair maternal half-siblings (WPY). Contrary to our prediction, WPY had higher cutaneous immune activity than their EPY brood-mates in two of three years, and EPY and WPY did not differ in measures of innate and humoral immunity. WPY also had higher albumin to γ-globulin ratios than EPY; however, they were not in better condition based on other measures. EPY had consistently longer tarsi (a measure of long-bone size) than their WPY half-siblings, suggesting that females engage in extra-pair copulations with larger males. The benefits of large structural size in the study population is unknown, but based on evidence from other passerines, we suggest that structural size may be an important fitness-related trait in house wrens. We conclude that our results are not consistent with the hypothesis that females gain immune-related benefits for their offspring by engaging in extra-pair matings. Further study of the fitness consequences of differences in tarsus length is needed to determine whether females acquire size-related benefits for their offspring from extra-pair mates.  相似文献   

The degree to which females allocate resources between current reproduction, future fecundity and survival is a central theme in life history theory. We investigated two hypotheses proposed to explain patterns of reproductive investment, terminal investment and senescence, by examining the effects of maternal traits (age and maternal mass) on annual fecundity in female northern brown bandicoots, Isoodon macrourus (Marsupialia: Peramelidae). We found that annual fecundity in females declined in their final year of reproduction, indicating reproductive senescence. Maternal mass significantly influenced the rate of senescence and, in turn, a female's lifetime reproductive output. Mass had little effect on fecundity in 1st and 2nd year females, but a positive relationship with fecundity in 3rd year females. This meant that heavy, 3rd year females did not suffer the decline in fecundity shown in light 3rd year females. For 1st year females, mass and leg length increased between their first and second reproductive seasons, indicating a temporary shift, from the allocation of resources to reproduction, to increasing condition or structural size post their first breeding event. There were no net changes to body mass in subsequent years. We suggest that this year of post‐reproductive growth has important consequences for senescent effects on reproduction. Overall, results provided support for the effects of senescence on annual fecundity. Our findings were not consistent with the terminal investment hypothesis; reproductive output did not increase in females' final reproductive season despite a rapid decline in survival. However, this notion cannot be entirely dismissed; other measures of reproductive performance not examined here (e.g. offspring mass) may have provided an indication that females did increase their effort at the end of their lifespan. This study highlights the difficulty of measuring reproductive costs and the importance of understanding the combined effects of specific characteristics of an individual when interpreting reproductive strategies in iteroparous organisms.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that facultative maternal investment in the rare sex should be favoured by natural selection when breeders experience predictable variation in adult sex ratios (ASRs). We found significant spatial and predictable interannual changes in local ASRs within a natural population of the common lizard where the mean ASR is female-biased, thus validating the key assumptions of adaptive sex ratio models. We tested for facultative maternal investment in the rare sex during and after an experimental perturbation of the ASR by creating populations with female-biased or male-biased ASR. Mothers did not adjust their clutch sex ratio during or after the ASR perturbation, but produced sons with a higher body condition in male-biased populations. However, this differential sex allocation did not result in growth or survival differences in offspring. Our results thus contradict the predictions of adaptive models and challenge the idea that facultative investment in the rare sex might be a mechanism regulating the population sex ratio.  相似文献   

Optimal allocation of parental resources is an important life history trait. However, it has been rarely investigated empirically. We tested aspects of optimal allocation theory in a digger wasp, the European beewolf. Investment allocation theory assumes (1) a trade‐off between investment per offspring and offspring number and (2) a convex relationship between investment per offspring and fitness returns. From mis relationship an optimum amount of investment per offspring can be derived and parents are predicted to provide each offspring with this optimum amount of investment. We used the number of bees in a brood cell as a measure of parental investment. Offspring fitness was quantified as both survival until emergence and success as adults. There is evidence for a trade‐off between current and future reproduction, suggesting that the first assumption is met. In contradiction to the second assumption, one mortality factor, parasitism, increased proportionally with the number of bees in a brood cell. However, overall mortality until emergence significantly decreased with the number of bees in a brood cell as assumed by the theory. The determination of the optimum amount of investment per offspring is complicated because the sexes possibly differ in their relationship between amount of investment and fitness. Individual males received considerably fewer bees (2.2 ± 0.8) than females (3.8 ± 0.5). Two independent estimates of the investment specific survival suggested that sons with two bees had the highest fitness returns per single bee and, consistent with the prediction, most sons were provisioned with two bees. For daughters, four bees is probably the optimum amount and most daughters were provisioned with this number. In both sexes the variation of investment per offspring was less than expected by a Poisson distribution with the same mean. These findings support the view that parental investment is allocated in a way that optimizes the trade‐off between offspring number and investment per offspring. However, variation contradicting the hypothesis still occurred. This might be explained either by adaptive variation in the amount of investment per offspring, constraints in the adjustment of the optimum amount of investment, or problems in measuring parental investment.  相似文献   

1. Maternal carotenoids in the egg yolk have been hypothesized to promote maturation of the immune system and protect against free radical damages. Depending on availability, mothers may thus influence offspring quality by depositing variable amounts of carotenoids into the eggs. Sex allocation theory predicts that in good quality environments, females should invest into offspring of the sex that will provide larger fitness return, generally males. 2. In a field experiment we tested whether female great tits bias their investment towards males when carotenoid availability is increased, and whether male offspring of carotenoid-supplemented mothers show higher body condition. We partially cross-fostered hatchlings to disentangle maternal effects from post-hatching effects, and manipulated hen flea Ceratophyllus gallinae infestation to investigate the relationship between carotenoid availability and resistance to ectoparasites. 3. As predicted, we found that carotenoid-supplemented mothers produced males that were heavier than their sisters at hatching, while the reverse was true for control mothers. This suggests that carotenoid availability during egg production affects male and female hatchlings differentially, possibly via a differential allocation to male and female eggs. 4. A main effect of maternal supplementation became visible 14 days after hatching when nestlings hatched from eggs laid by carotenoid-supplemented mothers had gained significantly more mass than control nestlings. Independently of the carotenoid treatment, fleas impaired mass gain of nestlings during the first 9 days in large broods only and reduced tarsus length of male nestlings at an age of 14 days, suggesting a cost to mount a defence against parasites. 5. Overall, our results suggest that pre-laying availability of carotenoids affects nestling condition in a sex-specific way with potentially longer-lasting effects on offspring fitness.  相似文献   

Kim  Jong-yoon 《Behavioral ecology》1999,10(5):552-556
Fisher's (1930) prediction of equal investment for each sexin a panmictic population is influenced by a number of ecologicalfactors, among which resource availability plays a major role,particularly when the population exists under changing resource availability.Rosenheim et al. proposed a multifaceted parental investment modelbased on the underlying assumption that individual females determine theirsex investment according to resource availability and oocyte availabilityto maximize reproductive success. The model predicts that greater availabilityof resources used for provisions will lead to (1) an increasein the proportion of females produced (when the female is thelarger sex) and (2) an increase in the amount of provisionsper offspring and thus an increase in offspring size. I testedthese predictions by a controlled experiment using a leaf-cutterbee, Megachile apicalis. I presented two levels of food resourcesto the nesting females, which were allowed to forage and nestin cages. The experimental results supported these parentalinvestment model's predictions.  相似文献   

Maternal investment in offspring immunity via egg quality may be an adaptive evolutionary strategy shaped by natural selection. We investigated how maternal investment in eggs can influence offspring immunity by conducting two experiments. First, we manipulated foraging performance of the mothers before egg laying by attaching a small weight to their back feathers. During the nestling period, we investigated offspring total antibody production at the age of 7 days and after antibody challenge, and conducted a partial cross-fostering design to separate the effects of the experiment and rearing-related variation on offspring immunity. In a separate experiment, partial cross-fostering with antibody challenging without female pied flycatcher manipulation was conducted for another set of nests. Total antibody levels at the age of 7 days were reduced in nestlings of the experimental female pied flycatchers when compared with the set of unmanipulated nests. Maternal investment in the eggs may affect some aspects of offspring immunity during the early nestling period and this investment is costly. However, antibody response to a set of novel antigens (sheep red blood cells) at the end of the nestling period was not affected by the female pied flycatchers treatment. Instead our results suggest that general antibody responsiveness is mainly determined by the rearing environment and total antibody levels before the injection.  相似文献   

We tested the differential maternal allocation hypothesis ina population of house sparrows. We experimentally altered theattractiveness of males by treating them with implants filledwith crystalline testosterone (T) or left empty (C). We subsequentlymonitored maternal investment as a function of male hormonaltreatment and the size of the black patch of feathers on thethroat (i.e., the badge), a sexually selected trait. The differentialallocation hypothesis predicts that females should adjust theirinvestment with respect to the benefits they receive by matingwith an attractive male. Given that both circulating levelsof T and badge size are condition-dependent traits, we expectedthat females mated with T males and/or with large-badged malesshould invest more into current reproduction. Contrary to thisprediction, we found no evidence that suggested differentialmaternal allocation in this population of house sparrows. Femaleinvestment in yolk T, yolk mass, clutch size, chick brooding,and feeding was not affected by male hormonal treatment or bymale badge size. As expected, T males invested less into chickbrooding and feeding. More surprisingly, females did not compensatethe reduced paternal contribution to chick feeding. As a consequence,the breeding success of T pairs was largely reduced comparedwith that of C pairs. The absence of differential allocationin a system in which it could have an adaptive role raises thequestion about the possible constraints or overriding factorsoperating on patterns of reproductive investment in this species.  相似文献   

In sexually reproducing species, resources may theoretically be distributed with bias to the production of male or female offspring in response to the condition of the mother, commonly recognized as sex allocation. Using a recently characterized sex‐specific molecular marker, we tested for maternal sex allocation (i.e. maternal primary sex ratio bias and sex‐specific offspring investment) in captive laboratory‐bred western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) at early stages of offspring development. We found no statistical evidence to support sex allocation in G. affinis, based on maternal condition. In addition, we found little evidence for correlations between maternal condition and investment in the condition (mass) of individual offspring (of one sex or the other), although we did find that larger mothers tended to have higher fecundity.  相似文献   

Male Mastophora cornigera exit egg sacs as adults, which allowed us to determine spiderling sex ratios and patterns of maternal investment in this species. We collected 15 egg sacs produced by seven mothers, which yielded 1945 emergent spiderlings which were sexed, 1850 of which were weighed. Two emergent broods were significantly male and female biased and were unaffected by pre-emergence mortality. The weights of male and female spiderlings differed in eight broods, with males and females being heavier in four cases each. Five of these broods were derived from multiple egg sac sets produced by one mother, and in each case, the total mean male and female spiderling weights for all broods in a set were biased in the same direction as the biased brood(s) within that set. Mean emergent spiderling weight was independent of brood size and sex ratio for both males and females. Despite such independence, sex allocation in M. cornigera can favor sons, daughters, or both equally, and by numbers, by weight, or both at once. The proximate mechanisms and adaptive significance of such variability is unknown. We also review evidence for gender-biased allocations in arachnid offspring and suggested mechanisms for their applicability to M. cornigera.  相似文献   

The reproductive history of 207 female Barbary macaques, living in a large outdoor enclosure in Southwest Germany, was studied during an 11-year period. The results yielded a significant relationship between female age and fecundity, with fertility rates lower than expected among young and old females. Analysis of the reproductive history of individual females revealed a significant decline in fertility from prime age (7–12 years) to mid age (13–19 years), and from mid age to old age (20–25 years). The proportion of long interbirth intervals increased steadily among aging females. Infant survival was not significantly related to maternal age, but offspring of old females showed the highest survivorship. Behavioral observations revealed that old mothers weaned their offspring significantly later than younger mothers, suggesting that prolongation of interbirth intervals is due not only to deteriorating physical condition but also to increased maternal investment, as life history theory predicts. Reproduction ceased during the middle of the third decade of life. Final cessation of estrous cycling invariably occurred 3 or 4 years after the birth of the last offspring, but a postreproductive life span of 5 years appears to be common in this population. Available data suggest that reproductive senescence and menopause are more common among nonhuman primates than widely believed and that both traits are part of an adaptive life history strategy.  相似文献   

The terminal investment hypothesis (Williams [1966] Adaptation and Natural Selection; Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press) holds that reproductive effort should increase over time in iteroparous species in which reproductive value declines with age. Attempts to model this hypothesis and test it in various species have produced mixed results. Clutton-Brock ([ 1984] Am. Nat. 123:212-229) argued that simply testing for changes in propagule size with age fails to recognize that the costs of producing offspring of a given size may increase over the lifespan, hence absence of a positive correlation does not defeat the hypothesis. However, this interpretation is weakened by evidence of sequential increases in propagule size independent of age, as such changes reveal a capacity to increase absolute investment over time. Humans and chimpanzees meet the preconditions of the terminal investment hypothesis. Surveying the obstetrics literature, we show that the majority of published studies indicate that parity has a positive effect on birth weight, but age has no effect. Analyzing 436 captive chimpanzee births, we document a positive influence of parity and a negative influence of age. We therefore conclude that, though it is yet to be replaced by a more compelling alternative, the terminal investment hypothesis is not supported in these two species, as absence of a positive effect of age on birth weight cannot be interpreted in a manner congruent with the hypothesis.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that mothers in good conditionshould bias their brood sex ratio in response to the differentialbenefits obtained from increased maternal expenditure in sonsand daughters. Although there is well-documented variationof offspring sex ratios in several bird species according tomaternal condition, the assumption that maternal condition has different fitness consequences for male and for female offspringremains unclear. The blue-footed booby (Sula nebouxii) is asexually size-dimorphic seabird, with females approximately31% heavier than males. It has been reported that the sex ratiois male biased in years with poor feeding conditions, whichsuggests that either females adjust their sex ratio in accordancewith their condition or that they suffer differential brood mortality before their sex can be determined. In this studyI tested whether the condition of mothers affected their daughters'fitness more than their sons' fitness. I manipulated maternalinvestment by trimming the flight feathers and thereby handicappingfemales during the chick-rearing period. Adult females in thehandicapped group had a poorer physical condition at end ofchick growth, as measured by mass and by the residuals of masson wing length compared to control birds. Female chicks wereaffected by the handicapping experiment, showing a lower massand shorter wing length (reduced approximately 8% in both measures)than controls. However, this effect was not found in male chicks.Hatching sex ratios were also related to female body conditionat hatching. The brood sex ratio of females in poor conditionwas male biased but was female biased for females in good condition.Overall, these results suggest that the variation in the sexratio in blue-footed boobies is an adaptive response to thedisadvantage daughters face from being reared under poor conditions.  相似文献   

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