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To define the structures within the insulin receptor (IR) that are required for high affinity ligand binding, we have used IR fragments consisting of four amino-terminal domains (L1, cysteine-rich, L2, first fibronectin type III domain) fused to sequences encoded by exon 10 (including the carboxyl terminus of the alpha-subunit). The fragments contained one or both cysteine residues (amino acids 524 and 682) that form disulfides between alpha-subunits in native IR. A dimeric fragment designated IR593.CT (amino acids 1-593 and 704-719) bound (125)I-insulin with high affinity comparable to detergent-solubilized wild type IR and mIR.Fn0/Ex10 (amino acids 1-601 and 650-719) and greater than that of dimeric mIR.Fn0 (amino acids 1-601 and 704-719) and monomeric IR473.CT (amino acids 1-473 and 704-719). However, neither IR593.CT nor mIR.Fn0 exhibited negative cooperativity (a feature characteristic of the native insulin receptor and mIR.Fn0/Ex10), as shown by failure of unlabeled insulin to accelerate dissociation of bound (125)I-insulin. Anti-receptor monoclonal antibodies that recognize epitopes in the first fibronectin type III domain (amino acids 471-593) and inhibit insulin binding to wild type IR inhibited insulin binding to mIR.Fn0/Ex10 but not IR593.CT or mIR.Fn0. We conclude the following: 1) precise positioning of the carboxyl-terminal sequence can be a critical determinant of binding affinity; 2) dimerization via the first fibronectin domain alone can contribute to high affinity ligand binding; and 3) the second dimerization domain encoded by exon 10 is required for ligand cooperativity and modulation by antibodies.  相似文献   

Huang H  Deng X  He X  Yang W  Li G  Shi Y  Shi L  Mei L  Gao J  Zhou N 《Cellular signalling》2011,23(9):1455-1465
Neuropeptides of the adipokinetic hormone (AKH) family play important roles in insect hemolymph sugar homeostasis, larval lipolysis and storage-fat mobilization. Our previous studies have shown that the adipokinetic hormone receptor (AKHR), a Gs-coupled receptor, induces intracellular cAMP accumulation, calcium mobilization and ERK1/2 phosphorylation upon agonist stimulation. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms that regulate the internalization and desensitization of AKHR remain largely unknown. In the current study we made a construct to express AKHR fused with enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) at its C-terminal end to further characterize AKHR internalization. In stable AKHR-EGFP-expressing HEK-293 cells, AKHR-EGFP was mainly localized at the plasma membrane and was rapidly internalized in a dose- and time-dependent manner via the clathrin-coated pit pathway upon agonist stimulation, and internalized receptors were slowly recovered to the cell surface after the removal of AKH peptides. The results derived from RNA interference and arrestin translocation demonstrated that G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 and 5 (GRK2/5) and β-arrestin2 were involved in receptor phosphorylation and internalization. Furthermore, experiments using deletion and site-directed mutagenesis strategies identified the three residues (Thr356, Ser359 and Thr362) responsible for GRK-mediated phosphorylation and internalization and the C-terminal domain from residue-322 to residue-342 responsible for receptor export from ER. This is the first detailed investigation of the internalization and trafficking of insect G protein-coupled receptors.  相似文献   

Hydrogels with integrin binding activity were created from associating proteins with embedded RGD sequences. These proteins are a modified AC(10)Bcys triblock design composed of acidic A and basic B leucine zipper associating domains flanking a new soluble disordered coil block that contains nine repeats of AGAGAGPEG and three copies of the RGD integrin binding sequence. As with the original AC(10)Bcys design without the embedded RGD sequences, these proteins self-assemble into stable hydrogels at concentrations above approximately 50 mg/mL in a range of solution pH and temperature conditions. The mechanism for hydrogel assembly is the intermolecular association of A and B helical domains into bundles which act as cross-links connected by the soluble central disordered coil domains. The secondary structure of the proteins and the mechanical properties of the hydrogels they form are not adversely affected by the presence of the RGD sequences. The RGD sequences embedded in the disordered coil region support the adhesion, spreading, and polarization of human fibroblast cells on protein coated surfaces. Confocal microscopy studies demonstrated the presence of focal adhesion complexes and organized actin stress fibers in these cells. In contrast, fibroblasts seeded onto surfaces coated with the original AC(10)Bcys protein remained rounded and did not form focal adhesions, indicating that bioactivity is conferred by the presence of the embedded RGD sequences. Such hydrogel-forming bioactive proteins have potential for cell and tissue culture applications.  相似文献   

T L Ung  C Cao  J Lu  K Ozato  T E Dever 《The EMBO journal》2001,20(14):3728-3737
The protein kinase PKR (dsRNA-dependent protein kinase) phosphorylates the eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF2alpha to downregulate protein synthesis in virus-infected cells. Two double-stranded RNA binding domains (dsRBDs) in the N-terminal half of PKR are thought to bind the activator double-stranded RNA, mediate dimerization of the protein and target PKR to the ribosome. To investigate further the importance of dimerization for PKR activity, fusion proteins were generated linking the PKR kinase domain to heterologous dimerization domains. Whereas the isolated PKR kinase domain (KD) was non-functional in vivo, expression of a glutathione S-transferase-KD fusion, or co-expression of KD fusions containing the heterodimerization domains of the Xlim-1 and Ldb1 proteins, restored PKR activity in yeast cells. Finally, coumermycin-mediated dimerization of a GyrB-KD fusion protein increased eIF2alpha phosphorylation and inhibited reporter gene translation in mammalian cells. These results demonstrate the critical importance of dimerization for PKR activity in vivo, and suggest that a primary function of double-stranded RNA binding to the dsRBDs of native PKR is to promote dimerization and activation of the kinase domain.  相似文献   

Cen B  Yu Q  Guo J  Wu Y  Ling K  Cheng Z  Ma L  Pei G 《Journal of neurochemistry》2001,76(6):1887-1894
beta-Arrestins regulate opioid receptor-mediated signal transduction and play an important role in opiate-induced analgesia and tolerance/dependence. This study was carried out to measure the direct interaction between beta-arrestins and opioid receptor. Immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated that beta-arrestin 1 physically interacts with delta opioid receptor (DOR) co-expressed in human embryonic kidney 293 cells in an agonist-enhanced manner and truncation of the carboxyl terminus of DOR partially impairs the interaction. In vitro data from glutathione-S-transferase pull-down assay showed that the carboxyl terminus (CT) and the third intracellular loop (I3L) of DOR are both capable of and either domain is sufficient for binding to beta-arrestin 1 and 2. Surface plasmon resonance determination further revealed that binding of CT and I3L of DOR to beta-arrestin is additive, suggesting these two domains bind at distinctly different sites on beta-arrestin without considerable spatial hindrance. This study demonstrated for the first time the direct binding of beta-arrestins to the two distinct domains, the carboxyl terminus and the third intracellular loop, of DOR.  相似文献   

PACT is a 35-kDa human protein that can directly bind and activate the latent protein kinase, PKR. Here we report that PKR activation by PACT causes cellular apoptosis in addition to PKR autophosphorylation and translation inhibition. We analyzed the structure-function relationship of PACT by measuring its ability to bind and activate PKR in vitro and in vivo. Our studies revealed that among three domains of PACT, the presence of either domain 1 or domain 2 was sufficient for high-affinity binding of PACT to PKR. On the other hand, domain 3, consisting of 66 residues, was absolutely required for PKR activation in vitro and in vivo. When fused to maltose-binding protein, domain 3 was also sufficient for efficiently activating PKR in vitro. However, it bound poorly to PKR at the physiological salt concentration and consequently could not activate it properly in vivo. As anticipated, activation of PKR by domain 3 in vivo could be restored by attaching it to a heterologous PKR-binding domain. These results demonstrated that the structure of PACT is modular: it is composed of a distinct PKR-activation domain and two mutually redundant PKR-interacting domains.  相似文献   

The transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) superfamily member, Xenopus nodal-related 3 (Xnr3), induces neural tissues through inhibition of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs). We recently identified an inhibitory mechanism in which the pro-region of Xenopus tropicalis nodal-related 3 (Xtnr3) physically interacts with BMP ligands. Here, we show that disulfide-linked heterodimerization does not contribute to BMP inhibition by Xtnr3 and that the Xtnr3 mature region, overexpression of which can induce the same phenotype as full-length Xtnr3, does not inhibit BMP signaling. Furthermore, we find that the BMP-inhibitory domains of Xtnr3 are separately located in the N- and C-terminal regions of the pro-region. These results indicate the pro-region of Nodal-related 3 is both necessary and sufficient for its BMP inhibition.  相似文献   


Jiang P  Campbell ID 《Biochemistry》2008,47(42):11055-11061
Filamin, a large modular protein composed mainly of many immunoglobulin-like domains, is a potent cross-linker of actin filaments. The region containing immunoglobulin type modules 19-21 makes up the binding site for the cytoplasmic tails of the integrin adhesion receptors. Here we investigate the stability of the Ig-like filamin domains using NMR studies over a range of pH and temperature. We show that the 21st Ig-like module (FLNa21) is partly unfolded even under physiological conditions and when attached to FLNa20. It is, however, appreciably stabilized upon binding to integrins. FLNa21 is noticeably less stable than neighboring homologous modules, such as FLNa19 and FLNa17. This variability in stability could be related to the known sensitivity of filamin to cell-mediated mechanical forces.  相似文献   

ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters have a functional unit formed by two transmembrane domains and two nucleotide binding domains (NBDs). ATP-bound NBDs dimerize in a head-to-tail arrangement, with two nucleotides sandwiched at the dimer interface. Both NBDs contribute residues to each of the two nucleotide-binding sites (NBSs) in the dimer. In previous studies, we showed that the prototypical NBD MJ0796 from Methanocaldococcus jannaschii forms ATP-bound dimers that dissociate completely following hydrolysis of one of the two bound ATP molecules. Since hydrolysis of ATP at one NBS is sufficient to drive dimer dissociation, it is unclear why all ABC proteins contain two NBSs. Here, we used luminescence resonance energy transfer (LRET) to study ATP-induced formation of NBD homodimers containing two NBSs competent for ATP binding, and NBD heterodimers with one active NBS and one binding-defective NBS. The results showed that binding of two ATP molecules is necessary for NBD dimerization. We conclude that ATP hydrolysis at one nucleotide-binding site drives NBD dissociation, but two binding sites are required to form the ATP-sandwich NBD dimer necessary for hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Duneau JP  Vegh AP  Sturgis JN 《Biochemistry》2007,46(7):2010-2019
Bitopic membrane proteins offer an opportunity for studying transmembrane domain interactions without the structural complexity inherent to multitopic integral membrane proteins. To date, only homomeric associations have been extensively studied quantitatively. Here we propose to assess the thermodynamics of heteromeric associations, which opens the way to investigating specificity and selectivity. A very interesting system of biological relevance with single transmembrane domains possibly involved in interactions with different partners is the EGFR receptor family. The four members, all tyrosine kinase receptors, are involved in an interaction network that potentially leads to a complete set of homo- and heterodimers, ideally suited to such a study. Furthermore, the transmembrane domains of these receptors have been previously implicated in their function in the past by mutations in the transmembrane domain leading to constitutive activation. We demonstrate, using a fluorescence-based measurement of interaction energies, a hierarchy of transmembrane domain interactions ranging from a noninteractive pair to strong dimerization. We propose a structural model based on the crystal structure of the EGFR dimer, to show how the dimeric structure favors these interactions. The correlation we observe between transmembrane domain and whole receptor interaction hierarchies opens a new perspective, suggesting a role for transmembrane receptor domains in the modulation of receptor signaling.  相似文献   

To study the kinetics and equilibrium of poliovirus binding to the poliovirus receptor, we used surface plasmon resonance to examine the interaction of a soluble form of the receptor with poliovirus. Soluble receptor purified from mammalian cells is able to bind poliovirus, neutralize viral infectivity, and induce structural changes in the virus particle. Binding studies revealed that there are two binding sites for the receptor on the poliovirus type 1 capsid, with affinity constants at 20 degrees C of K(D)(1) = 0.67 microm and K(D)(2) = 0.11 microm. The relative abundance of the two binding sites varies with temperature. At 20 degrees C, the K(D)(2) site constitutes approximately 46% of the total binding sites on the sensor chip, and its relative abundance decreased with decreasing temperature such that at 5 degrees C, the relative abundance of the K(D)(2) site is only 12% of the total binding sites. Absolute levels of the K(D)(1) site remained relatively constant at all temperatures tested. The two binding sites may correspond to docking sites for domain 1 of the receptor on the viral capsid, as predicted by a model of the poliovirus-receptor complex. Alternatively, the binding sites may be a consequence of structural breathing, or could result from receptor-induced conformational changes in the virus.  相似文献   

Streptococcal pyrogenic enterotoxin C (Spe-C) is a superantigen virulence factor produced by Streptococcus pyogenes that activates T-cells polyclonally. The biologically active form of Spe-C is thought to be a homodimer containing an essential zinc coordination site on each subunit, consisting of the residues His(167), His(201), and Asp(203). Crystallographic data suggested that receptor specificity is dependent on contacts between the zinc coordination site of Spe-C and the beta-chain of the major histocompatibility complex type II (MHCII) molecule. Our results indicate that only a minor fraction of dimer is present at T-cell stimulatory concentrations of Spe-C following mutation of the unpaired side chain of cysteine at residue 27 to serine. Mutations of amino acid residues His(167), His(201), or Asp(203) had only minor effects on protein stability but resulted in greatly diminished MHCII binding, as measured by surface plasmon resonance with isolated receptor/ligand pairs and flow cytometry with MHCII-expressing cells. However, with the exception of the mutants D203A and D203N, mutation of the zinc-binding site of Spe-C did not significantly impact T-cell activation. The mutation Y76A, located in a polar pocket conserved among most superantigens, resulted in significant loss of T-cell stimulation, although no effect was observed on the overall binding to human MHCII molecules, perhaps because of the masking of this lower affinity interaction by the dominant zinc-dependent binding. To a lesser extent, mutations of side chains found in a second conserved MHCII alpha-chain-binding site consisting of a hydrophobic surface loop decreased T-cell stimulation. Our results demonstrate that dimerization and zinc coordination are not essential for biological activity of Spe-C and suggest the contribution of an alternative MHCII binding mode to T-cell activation.  相似文献   

The basal body is a microtubule-organizing center responsible for organizing the cilium, a structure important for cell locomotion and sensing of the surrounding environment. A widely conserved basal body component is the Ca(2+)-binding protein centrin. Analyses of centrin function suggest a role in basal body assembly and stability; however, its molecular mechanisms remain unclear. Here we describe a mutagenic strategy to study the function and essential nature of the various structural features of Cen1 in the ciliate Tetrahymena. We find that the two domains of Cen1 are both essential, and examination of strains containing mutant CEN1 alleles indicates that there are two predominant basal body phenotypes: misorientation of newly assembled basal bodies and stability defects. The results also show that the two domains of Cen1 are able to bind Ca(2+) and that perturbation of Ca(2+) binding affects Cen1 function. In all, the data suggest that the two domains of Cen1 have distinct functions.  相似文献   

The bombesin receptor subtypes have distinct G protein specificities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We used an in situ reconstitution assay to examine the receptor coupling to purified G protein alpha subunits by the bombesin receptor family, including gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRP-R), neuromedin B receptor (NMB-R), and bombesin receptor subtype 3 (BRS-3). Cells expressing GRP-R or NMB-R catalyzed the activation of squid retinal Galphaq and mouse Galphaq but not bovine retinal Galphat or bovine brain Galphai/o. The GRP-R- and NMB-R-catalyzed activations of Galphaq were dependent upon and enhanced by different betagamma dimers in the same rank order as follows: bovine brain betagamma > beta1gamma2 > beta1gamma1. Despite these qualitative similarities, GRP-R and NMB-R had distinct kinetic properties in receptor-G protein coupling. GRP-R had higher affinities for bovine brain betagamma, beta1gamma1, and beta1gamma2 and squid retinal Galphaq. In addition, GRP-R showed higher catalytic activity on squid Galphaq. Like GRP-R and NMB-R, BRS-3 did not catalyze GTPgammaS binding to Galphai/o or Galphat. However, BRS-3 showed little, if any, coupling with squid Galphaq but clearly activated mouse Galphaq. GRP-R and NMB-R catalyzed GTPgammaS binding to both squid and mouse Galphaq, with GRP-R activating squid Galphaq more effectively, and NMB-R also showed slight preference for squid Galphaq. These studies reveal that the structurally similar bombesin receptor subtypes, in particular BRS-3, possess distinct coupling preferences among members of the Galphaq family.  相似文献   

We investigated structural requirements for dimerisation and ligand binding of insulin/IGF receptors. Soluble receptor fragments consisting of N-terminal domains (L1/CYS/L2, L1/CYS/L2/F0) or fibronectin domains (F0/F1/F2, F1/F2) were expressed in CHO cells. Fragments containing F0 or F1 domains were secreted as disulphide-linked dimers, and those consisting of L1/CYS/L2 domains as monomers. None of these proteins bound ligand. However, when a peptide of 16 amino acids from the alpha-subunit C-terminus was fused to the C-terminus of L1/CYS/L2, the monomeric insulin and IGF receptor constructs bound their respective ligands with affinity only 10-fold lower than native receptors.  相似文献   

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