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The content of radionuclides 90Sr and 137Cs in higher aquatic plants of water objects within Chernobyl NPP exclusion zone has been analysed. Biodiversity of phytocenose was studied and species-indicators of radioactive contamination were revealed. The seasonal dynamics of radionuclide content in macrophytes was studied and the role of main aquatic plant clumps in processes of 137Cs and 90Sr distribution in abiotic component of biohydrocenose was demonstrated.  相似文献   

The results of the researches of spices-specificity, accumulation dynamics and distribution of 90Sr, of 137Cs and of transuranic elements in fish of the Chernobyl NPP exclusion zone are analysed. The data of estimations of absorbed doze rate from incorporated radionuclides for pray fish and predatory species are given. For the fish from the lake of the left-bank floodplain of the Pripyat River the increase of 90Sr specific activity is registered which is presumably connected with the dynamics of the physical-chemical forms of the radionuclide in soils and their wash out in water bodies from the catchment basin. Now about 90% of internal dose rate of fish from closed aquatic ecosystems within the Chernobyl NPP exclusion zone is caused by 90Sr incorporation.  相似文献   

The regularities of 137Cs distribution and accumulation in organs and tissues of sheep on a farm located in the Chernobyl accidental zone were experimentally estimated. The distribution pattern of 137Cs concentration in organs and tissues is found to depend on the duration of the radionuclide uptake with the ration. During the first 24 h the highest 137Cs concentration is reported in the parenchymal organs; starting from day 30 muscular tissue and kidneys rank first, whereas in the other organs and tissues 137Cs concentration is 1.5-2 times lower. By 137Cs content and accumulation rate the study organs are arranged in a declining order as follows: muscles > > skin > liver > kidneys > heart > spleen. The mathematical models were devised describing the dynamics of increasing with time in 137Cs concentration in muscles, liver and skin. The methodology is suggested for the prediction of levels of 137Cs contamination of the muscular tissue of sheep. The time periods were regulated for sheep feeding with 137Cs contaminated fodder that ensure the production of mutton the radionuclide concentration in which meets the sanitary-hygienic standards.  相似文献   

The results of the studies devoted to the distribution of radionuclides 90Sr, 137Cs, 238Pu, 239 + 240Pu and 241Am in 1998-2003 in main components of Glubokoe Lake and Dalekoe-1 Lake located within Krasnensky flood lands of the Pripyat River (inner exclusion zone of the Chernobyl NPP) were analysed. The data about the radionuclide content in bottom sediments, in water, in seston, in macrozoobenthos (including bivalvia molluscs), in gasteropods molluscs, in higher aquatic plants and in fish are presented.  相似文献   

The paper summarizes the results from radioecological studies of a number of water basins located on the East-Urals Radioactive Trace (EURT), as exemplified by the lakes Large Ighish, Small Ighish and Shablish which are included in the medium-distance and remote zone of the EURT. The lake Misyash which is situated in the opposite direction from the release vector and has been only contaminated due to global fallouts has been used as a control water basin. The current species composition of the high aquatic plants and species-specific concentration of 90Sr and 137Cs in them was studied, also, the radionuclide accumulation and discrimination coefficients were estimated.  相似文献   

Data on the current radioecological status of lake Bolshoi Igish in the Middle Ural are presented in the paper. The lake is situated on the central axis of the East-Urals radioactive trace which was formed as a result of the 1957 nuclear accident at the Mayak Production Association. The distribution of 90Sr and 137Cs in the major components of the water basin is shown. Seasonal dynamics of the specific activity of radionuclides in water and in bottom deposits has been investigated. The current community of the higher water plant species has been studied. The paper discusses the concentration of 90Sr and 137Cs in the macrophyts of lake Bolshoi Igish depending on their species.  相似文献   

The paper presents data on the current radioecological situation at Lake Maly Igish located on the axial part of the East-Urals radioactive trace formed after the 1957 accident at the Mayak PA. The chemical composition of the water and bottom deposits, as well as the distribution of 90Sr, 137Cs, and of the microelements in the main components of the water reservoir were studied. The current species composition of higher aquatic plants and of the species-specific concentration of 90Sr and of 137Cs was identified.  相似文献   

The results of research of horizontal migration of 137Cs with soils water erosion are presented. It was found that quantitative parameters of 137Cs migration depended on radioactive pollution of cultivated soil layer, volume of water erosion of soils and character of usage of sloping lands. Activity of 137Cs in lower parts of slopes was 37-295 kBq/m2 higher than in the middle and apex parts of slopes. Increase in 137Cs activity varied from 10 to 18 percent in accumulation zone as compared to outwash zone with soil losses 5.0 t/ha and from 17 to 35 percent with soil losses 5.1-10.0 t/ha and from 30 to 127 percent with soil losses 10. 1-20.0 t/ha.  相似文献   

The range of researches was made on 137Cs and 90Sr distribution regularities in pine tree plantations depending on different edaphic conditions. It is shown that total radionuclide amount in the forest litter depends on its thickness and is thought to be 10 to 70% for 137Cs and 20 to 60% for 90Sr. When soil fertility come increases from trophotop "A" to "C", 137Cs and 90Sr transfer factors for wood reduce. Soil humidity increase for each grade of trophic net results in increase of 137Cs transfer factors to wood and decrease for 90Sr. Total activity of 37Cs and 90Sr in pine wood plantation depends on plantation productivity and radionuclide transfer factors depending on different plantation conditions. In the most prevailing edaphotops pine wood accumulates 1-3% of 137Cs and 6-11% of 90Sr from total activity of radionuclides in biogeocenosis.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is presented for radionuclide migration in a non-running fresh-water reservoir that takes into account removal of microimpurities from water as a result of both molecular and ion exchange sorption at the bottom sediments water interface and detritus formation. The model was tested for sensitivity to precisely estimate experimental parameters. The test showed that the model is universal. Prediction was made of reduction in water of 137Cs and 90Sr contents and distribution of these radionuclides in the water body affected by the accident at the "Mayak" chemical plant.  相似文献   

The objects of researches are the soil and wild vegetation in the region of the radioactive waste storage situation. In result of monitoring it was recognized 137Cs unlike 90Sr did not spread out of storage territory in spite of trench destruction and migration of radionuclides with surface and ground waters. The forms of 137Cs, 90Sr and natural radionuclide 226Ra in soils and coefficients of 90Sr accumulation for the different kinds of plants growing at the territory of storage and 50-m zone around it were researched. The low specific activities of mobile forms of 90Sr were recognized for samples of soils selected from lowland by the terrace. The considerable differences were found for specific activities of radionuclides for different soil layers. Essential irregularity of soil surface and vegetation contamination at the test points disposed at a short distances from each other also was found. The interpretation of obtained results is presented.  相似文献   

The radioecological research of Irtysh-river and Ob-river was held. The content of 137Cs in Irtysh water was compounded 0.62-1.23 Bq/m3, in Ob-- 0.24-0.27 Bq/m3, and the one of 90Sr in Irtysh-- 10-20 Bq/m3, and in Ob-- 5-10 Bq/m3, that is much lower than the permissible sanitary-hygienic norms for the population. The 137Cs stores density on Irtysh-river input lease was compounded 2.7 kBq/m2, is almost in 11 times slashed downstream and is peer 245 kBq/m2 before the Irtysh-river lockin. The 90Sr stores density also was slashed in surveyed leases with 212 down to 106 Bq/m2. Two variants of integrated stores of 137Cs and of 90Sr in flood of the Irtysh-river was held. The balance calculation of annual radionuclides sinks confirms the dominant amount of 137Cs and of 90Sr in downstream Ob-river leases acts now on the Ob's sleeve, instead of from the Irtysh-river as it was supposed earlier. The 137Cs medial annual inflow from the Ob's sleeve almost is in 2 times, and the 90Sr inflow is in 2.3 times more, than are acts from Irtysh-river sleeve.  相似文献   

In the course of laboratory experiment, parameters of 90Sr and 137Cs excretion were estimated in individuals of bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus, captured at one of the most contaminated sites of the Chernobyl zone. The animals were kept under laboratory conditions using "clean" feed during 50 days. The similar investigation was carried out with laboratory mice Mus musculus (Big Blue line) during a longer period (184 days). The measurements of 90Sr content in the animals' body were in vivo carried out, using a specially designed beta-spectrometer with appropriate software, and 137Cs one--by the gamma-spectrometer. During the experiment, the animals had lost less 0.4% of activity due to physical decay of radionuclides. The organism was depurated mainly through biological excretion. In accordance with parameters of one-component exponential decay equation, 99.3% of 137Cs initial content in vole was excreted with half-life period of 2.18 days, and mice--4.4 days (99%). 90Sr excretion had longer half-life period: 11.7 days (56%) in voles, and 49.9 days (87%) in laboratory mice. The rest radionuclides amount of given model was considered as non-excreted from the organism during the observation period. It was determined on the example of voles that 90Sr and 137Cs loss in males was faster than in females, and among females more intensive excretion was in lactating females. 137Cs excretion from the body of bank vole is mainly with urine (74.7%), whereas 90Sr one--with feces and urine in approximately equal amounts. Due to the birth of babies and consequent feeding female lose appreciably less amount of radionuclides body burden than at daily loss with urine and feces.  相似文献   

The spatial distributions of leaf expansion rate, cell division rate and cell size was examined under contrasting soil water conditions, evaporative demands and temperatures in a series of experiments carried out in either constant or naturally fluctuating conditions. They were examined in the epidermis and all leaf tissues. (1) Meristem temperature affected relative elongation rate by a constant ratio at all positions in the leaf. If expressed per unit thermal time, the distribution of relative expansion rate was independent of temperature and was similar in all experiments with low evaporative demand and no water deficit. This provides a reference distribution, characteristic of the studied genotype, to which any distribution in stressed plants can be compared. (2) Evaporative demand and soil water deficit affected independently the distribution of relative elongation rate and had near-additive effects. For a given stress, a nearly constant difference was observed, at all positions of the leaf, between the relative elongation rates of stressed plants and those of control plants. This caused a reduction in the length of the zone with tissue elongation. (3) Methods for calculating cell division rate in the epidermis and in all leaf tissues are proposed and discussed. In control plants, the zone with cell division was 30 mm and 60 mm long in the epidermis and in whole tissues, respectively. Both this length and relative division rate were reduced by soil water deficit. The size of epidermal and of mesophyll cells was nearly unaffected in the leaf zone with both cell division and tissue expansion, suggesting that water deficit affects tissue expansion rate and cell division rate to the same extent. Conversely, cell size of epidermis and mesophyll were reduced by water deficit in mature parts of the leaf.  相似文献   

Radioactive contamination of small birds (484 individuals, 44 species) was investigated in the Chernobyl zone (Ukraine) in 2003-2005. Values variation of 90Sr and of 137Cs activity concentration reached 3-4 orders of magnitude even in one site, and maximum values amounted to hundreds Bq/g at the central plots of the zone. The biggest contamination is appropriate to birds in breeding season and to settled species, whilst migrants are the "cleanest". Change of contamination within a year reflects seasonal and short-term changes in birds diet and in behaviour. During breeding season females have higher activity concentration of 90Sr, while on 137Cs accumulation sexual differences are absent. In other seasons radioactive contamination of male and female does not differ if they live in similar conditions and have similar migratory behavior. Young birds during fledging and just after, as a rule, have higher levels of 90Sr contamination than adults, and actually do not differ on 137Cs accumulation. On a set of own and published data, it was assumed, that in small birds the half-life period of 137Cs extraction amounts to 1-2 days, and 90Sr- 5-10 days, and dynamic equilibrium of the radionuclides turnover in organism is reached over 4-7 and 17-34 days, respectively, after the birds arrival on the contaminated site. Among 44 studied species, those who search invertebrates in soil top layer or forest litter (thrushes). have noticeably higher accumulation of 90Sr and of 137Cs. Specific differences of radionuclides accumulation for the rest birds were not revealed due to small sample sizes of the species.  相似文献   

The patterns of accumulation of caesium-137 from water by the tissues and organs of the freshwater teleost, the brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) are described. Estimates of the biological half-times and steady-state concentrations are derived, using a simple exponential equation. In all tissues and organs examined, other than muscle, the rate processes of the trout fall between those of the plaice and the ray. It is concluded that most of the caesium accumulated by the brown trout from water enters other than by the gut, probably through the gills, but as with plaice and ray, the main source of the caesium, possibly 90%, must come from the food. Despite differences in the levels of accumulation, the ratios of the tissue to blood steady state concentrations are very similar in all three species. The steady state caesium concentration of the blood appears to be directly related to the red blood cell count of the fish.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton of reservoir R-11 was investigated at vegetative seasons of 2007 and 2008. R-11 is a locking reservoir in the cascade of Mayak PA reservoirs. The specific activity in water of R-11 ranged from 0.9 to 1.8 kBq/dm for 90Sr and from 0.98 to 3.97 kBq/dm3 for 137Cs; in bottom sediments it ranged from 20 to 400 kBq/kg for 90Sr and from 0.35 to 220 kBq/kg for 137Cs. Concentration of SO4- exceeded the maximum permissible concentration for fishing reservoirs in 5-7 times. The content of 90Sr in the phytoplankton has made 400 kBq/kg (for dry weight), and 137Cs--2.20 kBq/kg (for dry weight). The absorbed dose of irradiation for the phytoplankton calculated under the content of 137Cs and 90Sr in water and in phytoplankton (the external irradiation from activity of bottom sediments was not considered) has made 901 mGy per year. Altogether the phytoplankton of reservoir R-11 included 107 species. Such species of Cyanobacteriae as Oscillatoria agardhii Gom. was the dominant in phytoplanktonic community. Another Cyanobacteriae, Lyngbya limnetica Lemm. and Aphanizomenonflos-aquae (L.) Ralfs. acted the most important part in a complex of species-subdominants. According to quantitative development of the phytoplankton the reservoir R-11 can be classified as P-mezosaprobe waters.  相似文献   

Radionuclide (137Cs and 90Sr) content in soil, plants, terrestrial vertebrates and invertebrates has been studied in Kalmyk ASSR, Turkmenian SSR, and Great Gobi Reserve (Mongolia). The content of radionuclides accumulated by wild animals in arid zone biogeocenoses and the patterns of radionuclide migration along food chains have been estimated. 90Sr was found to be involved in biological cycles with participation of soil and terrestrial organisms 3-23 times more intensively than 137Cs.  相似文献   

The diffusive transport of 137Cs, 90Sr, and 60Co in the clay of a radioactive waste disposal site at PINSTECH was studied to assess the safety of the underlying permeable zone against the release of these radionuclides from buried waste containers in the clay. Diffusion coefficients of these radionuclides were estimated by reservoir to sediment diffusion method via their stable counterparts in a laboratory experiment. A curve-fitting procedure was applied on the measured concentration-time profiles of the reservoir using the one-dimensional solute transport equation with a nonlinear least squares technique. Distribution coefficients were determined in laboratory batch experiments. Diffusive transport simulations were performed with the estimated values of diffusion coefficients and distribution coefficients using the one-dimensional solute transport equation describing Fickian diffusion, equilibrium adsorption, and radioactive decay. The transport simulation results showed that 137Cs, 90Sr, and 60Co will transport distances of 4.33, 3.77, and 1.51 meters, respectively, in the clay before their activity concentrations will drop to clearance levels set by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), below which the waste is treated as non-radioactive. This showed that concentrations more than clearance levels will not be able to transport to the permeable zone at a minimum depth of seven meters from the ground surface if the waste containers are disposed in a trench below which a clay layer with a thickness of 4.33 meters or more exists.  相似文献   

The research findings summarized in the paper include data on the radioecological conditions in two lakes (Large Ighish and Small Ighish) located on the East Urals Radioactive Trace. The focus of the study was on the chemical composition of water and bottom sediments, as well as on the specific features of 90Sr and of 137Cs distribution and the forms in which they occur in silts. Coefficients of radionuclide accumulation in the bottom deposits of the lakes of interest were estimated. A conclusion was drawn about the dependences influencing radionuclide distribution by layers of the lake bottom sediments.  相似文献   

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