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Digitized fluorescence microscopy in conjunction with automated image segmentation is a promising approach for screening clinical specimens quickly and reliably. This paper describes the hardware and software of a prototype image-based cytometer that can identify fluorescent objects, discriminate true objects from artifacts and divide overlapping pairs of objects. The use of this image cytometer is discussed for: (1) the measurement of the DNA ploidy distribution of isolated mature rat liver nuclei labeled with 4',6-diamidine-2-phenylindole; (2) the comparison of the DNA ploidy distributions of the same samples measured by image cytometry (ICM) and flow cytometry (FCM); and (3) the quantification of chlamydial infection by double labeling cells with antichlamydiae antibody and Hoechst 33258 for nuclear DNA analysis. Ploidy distributions measured by the automated image cytometer compared favorably to those obtained by FCM. All pairs of overlapping nuclei were automatically detected by an additional computer algorithm, and those pairs that were clearly more than one nucleus by visual inspection were correctly divided. The irregular morphology of the chlamydiae-infected cells meant that 26% of them were not correctly identified in the fluorescein-stained images (as judged by manual inspection), but all cells were nevertheless detected correctly from the images of the Hoechst-stained samples. Automated fluorescence ICM yielded results similar to those obtained with FCM and had the additional benefit of maintaining cell and tissue architecture while preserving the opportunity for subsequent manual inspection of the specimen.  相似文献   

Conserved DNA sequences in chlamydial plasmids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two 7.4-kb plasmids from Chlamydia psittaci have been cloned and characterized. These plasmids are quite distinct from the 6.2-kb C. psittaci and the C. trachomatis plasmids when compared by restriction endonuclease analysis. The plasmids show considerable cross-hybridization, with only a small region highly conserved and identified as a 4 X 22-bp tandemly repeated region. This sequence is identical in the two size categories of C. psittaci plasmids and differs from C. trachomatis plasmids by only 2 bp in the 22-bp motif. AT-rich clusters 5' to the repeat region which are present in C. trachomatis and Escherichia coli plasmids were absent from both classes of C. psittaci plasmids. Extensive regions are less highly conserved but show a sufficient degree of cross-hybridization to suggest that the plasmids are homologous.  相似文献   

It is shown possible to obtain erythrocyte diagnosticum for detection of chlamydial antigen, whose cell basis consists of a formalinized suspension of ram erythrocytes, sensibilized with hyperimmune antichlamydial sera by means of the amydol. High sensitivity and specificity of the diagnosticum, absolute correlation with the data obtained in the complex examination of patients with the urogenital tract pathology of the chlamydial etiology by other methods were determined in the course of investigation in the indirect hemagglutination test with diagnosticums of scrape specimens from these patients.  相似文献   

To validate the immune protective efficacy of pORF5 DNA vaccine and to analyze potential mechanisms related to this protection. In this study, pORF5 DNA vaccine was constructed and evaluated for its protective immunity in a mouse model of genital chlamydial infection. Groups of BALB/c mice were immunized intranasally with pORF5 DNA vaccine. Humoral and cell mediated immune responses were evaluated. The clearance ability of chlamydial challenge from the genital tract and the chlamy- dia-induced upper genital tract gross pathology and histopathological characterization were also de- tected. The results showed that the total and the IgG2a anti-pORF5 antibody levels in serum were sig- nificantly elevated after pcDNA3.1-pORF5 vaccination, as were the total antibody and IgA levels in vaginal fluids. pcDNA3.1-pORF5 induced a significantly high level of Th1 response as measured by robust gamma interferon (IFN-γ). Minimal IL-4 was produced by immune T cells in response to the re-stimulation with pORF5 protein or the inactive elementary body in vitro. pcDNA3.1-pORF5-vacci- nated mice displayed significantly reduced bacterial shedding upon a chlamydial challenge and an accelerated resolution of infection. 100% of pcDNA3.1-pORF5 vaccinated mice successfully resolved the infection by day 24. pcDNA3.1-pORF5-immunized mice also exhibited protection against patho- logical consequences of chlamydial infection. The stimulated index was significantly higher than that of mice immunized with pcDNA3.1 and PBS (P<0.05). Together, these results demonstrated that immu- nization with pORF5 DNA vaccine is a promising approach for eliciting a protective immunity against a genital chlamydial challenge.  相似文献   

To validate the immune protective efficacy of pORF5 DNA vaccine and to analyze potential mechanisms related to this protection. In this study, pORF5 DNA vaccine was constructed and evaluated for its protective immunity in a mouse model of genital chlamydial infection. Groups of BALB/c mice were immunized intranasally with pORF5 DNA vaccine. Humoral and cell mediated immune responses were evaluated. The clearance ability of chlamydial challenge from the genital tract and the chlamydia-induced upper genital tract gross pathology and histopathological characterization were also detected. The results showed that the total and the IgG2a anti-pORF5 antibody levels in serum were significantly elevated after pcDNA3.1-pORF5 vaccination, as were the total antibody and IgA levels in vaginal fluids. pcDNA3.1-pORF5 induced a significantly high level of Th1 response as measured by robust gamma interferon (IFN-γ). Minimal IL-4 was produced by immune T cells in response to the re-stimulation with pORF5 protein or the inactive elementary body in vitro. pcDNA3.1-pORF5-vaccinated mice displayed significantly reduced bacterial shedding upon a chlamydial challenge and an accelerated resolution of infection. 100% of pcDNA3.1-pORF5 vaccinated mice successfully resolved the infection by day 24. pcDNA3.1-pORF5-immunized mice also exhibited protection against pathological consequences of chlamydial infection. The stimulated index was significantly higher than that of mice immunized with pcDNA3.1 and PBS (P<0.05). Together, these results demonstrated that immunization with pORF5 DNA vaccine is a promising approach for eliciting a protective immunity against a genital chlamydial challenge.  相似文献   

This protocol describes a new and rapid isothermal reaction process designed to amplify and detect a specific DNA sequence in purified DNA extracted from cultured cells. The protocol uses a DNA nanomachine that comprises two molecular switches that function in concert to isothermally amplify and detect a DNA target. First, a molecular beacon detection switch is 'activated' only if a DNA target sequence is present. A DNA primer and DNA polymerase are used to lock the beacon in an activated conformation. Second, an amplification and signal-transduction switch is initiated following successful activation. A nicking endonuclease and the DNA polymerase are used to replicate the DNA target. Both switches operate simultaneously at 40 °C in a single reaction to rapidly generate multiple copies of the DNA target in a cyclic polymerization reaction. This protocol enables femtomole amounts of a DNA target to be reproducibly amplified and detected in <40 min. We demonstrate the successful use of this protocol in assays containing synthetic DNA components and purified DNA extracted from biological samples.  相似文献   

AFLP-Based detection of DNA methylation   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
By using the isoschizomersHpa II andMsp I which display differential sensitivity to cytosine methylation, a modified amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique has been developed to investigate DNA methylation profiles in eukaryotic organims. Genomic DNA was digested with a mixture ofEcoR I and one of the isoschizomers, and ligated to oligonucleotide adapters. After two rounds of selective PCR amplification, followed by DNA separation on a Long Ranger gel electrophoresis, a subset of restriction fragments can be displayed on an X-ray film. Comparison of AFLP banding patterns betweenHpa II andMsp I revealed the extent of DNA methylation. The technique has been successfully applied in this study to investigate DNA methylation profiles of apple (Malus domestica cv. Gala) genomic DNA extracted from leaves of field-grown adult trees andin vitro-grown shoot cultures. The results showed that up to 25 percent of AFLP bands were derived from methylated sequences, and among those, a few bands unique to either adult trees orin vitro shoots were observed. These results demonstrated that this protocol is effective in identifying methylated DNA profiles. Both first authors have contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Chlamydiaceae are obligate intracellular bacteria that do not synthesise detectable peptidoglycan although they possess an almost complete arsenal of genes encoding peptidoglycan biosynthetic activities. In this paper, the murF gene from Chlamydia trachomatis was shown to be capable of complementing a conditional Escherichia coli mutant impaired in UDP-MurNAc-tripeptide:D-Ala-D-Ala ligase activity. Recombinant MurF from C. trachomatis was overproduced and purified from E. coli. It exhibited ATP-dependent UDP-MurNAc-X-γ-D-Glu-meso-A(2)pm:D-Ala-D-Ala ligase activity in vitro. No significant difference of kinetic parameters was seen when X was L-Ala, L-Ser or Gly. The L-Lys-containing UDP-MurNAc-tripeptide was a poorer substrate as compared to the meso-A(2)pm-containing one. Based on the respective substrate specificities of the chlamydial MurC, MurE, MurF and Ddl enzymes, a sequence L-Ala/L-Ser/Gly-γ-D-Glu-meso-A(2)pm-D-Ala-D-Ala is expected for the chlamydial pentapeptide stem, with Gly at position 1 being less likely.  相似文献   

The chlamydial developmental cycle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Purification and properties of a chlamydial hemagglutinogen   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Demonstration of chlamydial endotoxin-like activity   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

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