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激光扫描共聚焦显微镜荧光探针的选择和应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
激光扫描共聚焦显微镜是检测生物荧光信号的最新技术手段。不仅广泛用于荧光定性、定量测量,还可用于活细胞动态荧光监测、组织细胞断层扫描、三维图象重建、共聚焦图象分析、荧光光漂白恢复、激光显微切割手术等。本文拟就激光扫描共聚焦显微镜常用的检测内容及其相关荧光探针的选择和应用做一简单的介绍。  相似文献   

激光扫描共聚焦显微镜(LSCM)是一种高分辨率的光学成像仪器,它利用“共轭成像”原理,获得的图片质量远超于普通荧光显微镜。LSCM有两组功能不同的针孔,即照明针孔和探测针孔,这是实现“共轭成像”的关键。由于照明针孔的大小和位置一般是固定的,LSCM主要通过调节探测针孔的大小来获得高质量的成像图片。然而,很多使用者对于LSCM中针孔大小与荧光成像质量的关联缺乏了解。因此,本文阐述了针孔在LSCM中的作用原理及其与显微镜分辨率的关系,并通过小鼠脊髓腹侧白质中的免疫荧光成像分析,发现针孔参数优化对提高LSCM荧光成像质量具有显著影响。这一发现将为LSCM成像分析提供重要参考。  相似文献   

近年来,荧光成像技术发展迅速,其成像系统通常为目前最先进的分析检测仪器之一的激光共聚焦显微镜,荧光探针是荧光成像技术的核心之一。作为新兴光学成像技术,荧光成像技术在生命科学领域中应用广泛,可用于蛋白质及金属离子检测,肿瘤疾病的诊断,并为药物新剂型的研究提供了新思路。  相似文献   

活细胞钙动态的共聚焦扫描显微镜检测技术   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
共聚焦激光扫描显微镜(Confocal Laser Scarming Microscope,CLSM)广泛应用于活细胞内钙敏感探针标记的钙水平的动态测量。较之传统的显微镜CLSM在钙成像分析上有着不可比拟的优越性,但也存在一些缺陷,近些年陆续出现了一些针对这些缺陷的改善措施,如比率法、葡聚糖探针及其他一些新技术与共聚焦显微镜的联合应用等,并且出现了诸如双光子显微镜等新型激光共聚焦显微镜。随着共聚焦钙成像技术的不断发展进步,其今后的应用前景将会越越广阔。  相似文献   

传统的观察血管的方法需将组织制成切片,然后通过光学显微镜进行观察。显示的只是血管的某一片段而无法观察到血管的全貌。应用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜,可对活体动物血管进行断层成像,从而再现血管的结构。本方法为对肿瘤等病变组织血管进行研究提供了一种新的检测手段。  相似文献   

激光扫描共聚焦显微镜近年来得到了迅速发展,是近代最先进的细胞生物医学分析仪器之一。通过它可以对观察样品进行无创断层扫描和成像,在生物学和医学研究诊断的各个方面都得到了广泛的应用。本文主要介绍了激光扫描共焦显微镜的基本原理和发展状况,并着重介绍了在共焦荧光显微镜中采用薄荧光层和切片成像特性图来表征成像状态的功能。这种方法一般用于表征共聚焦和多光子显微镜的成像特性,是比较显微镜切片成像条件、成像质量等相关性能的重要依据。  相似文献   

牛磺酸对大鼠脑神经细胞内钙稳态的影响   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
目的和方法 :利用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜和双波长荧光分光光度计 ,分别观察牛磺酸对无血清培养的单个海马神经细胞和分散的新生大鼠脑神经细胞内Ca2 浓度 ([Ca2 ]i)的影响 ,并探讨牛磺酸调节神经细胞内钙稳态的作用机理。结果 :牛磺酸主要通过刺激细胞内钙库释放 ,在一定剂量范围内 (0 .0 2~ 6 .4mmol/L)使神经细胞[Ca2 ]i 轻微升高 ,在 0 .4mmol/L时的升钙作用最大 (升钙百分率为 12 .2 0 %± 1.2 4% )。在测定介质中加入钙离子载体A2 3187(10 μmol/L) ,使神经细胞内的钙离子浓度升高 ,若此时加入牛磺酸 (1.6mmol/L) ,则神经细胞内钙离子的浓度下降。结论 :牛磺酸对细胞内钙离子有双向调节作用 ,牛磺酸可能是通过对钙稳态的调节作用来阻止细胞内钙超载 ,保护神经细胞、并发挥其增强动物学习记忆等方面功能的。  相似文献   

激光扫描共聚焦显微镜可用于固定样品和活细胞样品的成像,近年来得到了广泛的应用。本文介绍了激光扫描共聚焦显微镜的基本原理及其在活细胞成像中的应用,并以FV10-ASW Viewer4.2软件为例,从扫描速度、分辨率、降噪、光电倍增调节、多参数协同优化、成像质量评估、图像后期处理等多个角度总结了激光扫描共聚焦活细胞成像系统的方法优化和推荐参数设置。本文的工作可以为活细胞实验提供一定参考。  相似文献   

钙荧光探剂的研究及其在生命科学中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
钙荧光探剂测量活细胞胞浆游离Ca2+浓度的方法在钙研究中已成为一种越来越重要的技术。特别是由于新的一代荧光探剂的合成和激光共聚焦显微镜的发展,使其应用更加广泛。由于国内使用这种技术的实验室逐渐增多,本文将系统介绍钙荧光探剂的发展、测量原理和方法、新的常用钙荧光探剂的比较及其在生命科学中的应用。  相似文献   

以培养 8 ~ 10 天的大鼠海马神经元为对象,选择 Calcium Orange AM 和 DAF-FM diacetate 为 Ca2+和一氧化氮 (NO) 的荧光指示剂,建立了基于激光扫描共聚焦显微技术的细胞内 Ca2+和 NO 双标记检测方法 . 此方法对 Ca2+和 NO 进行分步染色,然后应用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜 (LSCM) 的双轨迹 (Two Track) 模式,通过快速切换激光实现对细胞内 Ca2+和 NO 的同时检测 . 实验结果显示,两种染料之间无串扰现象;在 N- 甲基 -D- 天冬氨酸 (NMDA) 刺激下,海马神经元胞内 Ca2+快速升高,随后达到平台期并有波动, NO 则稳定持续升高,这些变化过程与单标记的结果一致;双标记层切序列图像显示细胞内 Ca2+和 NO 都较集中分布于细胞中部,但在细节上两者的分布存在差异 . 此双标记方法能同时检测培养的海马神经元胞内 Ca2+和 NO ,为研究神经元胞内 Ca2+和 NO 的相互调控作用提供了一种新的手段 .  相似文献   

In this protocol we describe the use of Fluorescent Speckle Microscopy (FSM) to capture high-resolution images of actin dynamics in PtK1 cells. A unique advantage of FSM is its ability to capture the movement and turnover kinetics (assembly/disassembly) of the F-actin network within living cells. This technique is particularly useful in deriving quantitative measurements of F-actin dynamics when paired with computer vision software (qFSM). We describe the selection, microinjection and visualization of fluorescent actin probes in living cells. Importantly, similar procedures are applicable to visualizing other macomolecular assemblies. FSM has been demonstrated for microtubules, intermediate filaments, and adhesion complexes. Download video file.(229M, mp4)  相似文献   

SNAP-tag and CLIP-tag protein labeling systems enable the specific, covalent attachment of molecules, including fluorescent dyes, to a protein of interest in live cells. These systems offer a broad selection of fluorescent substrates optimized for a range of imaging instrumentation. Once cloned and expressed, the tagged protein can be used with a variety of substrates for numerous downstream applications without having to clone again. There are two steps to using this system: cloning and expression of the protein of interest as a SNAP-tag fusion, and labeling of the fusion with the SNAP-tag substrate of choice. The SNAP-tag is a small protein based on human O6-alkylguanine-DNA-alkyltransferase (hAGT), a DNA repair protein. SNAP-tag labels are dyes conjugated to guanine or chloropyrimidine leaving groups via a benzyl linker. In the labeling reaction, the substituted benzyl group of the substrate is covalently attached to the SNAP-tag. CLIP-tag is a modified version of SNAP-tag, engineered to react with benzylcytosine rather than benzylguanine derivatives. When used in conjunction with SNAP-tag, CLIP-tag enables the orthogonal and complementary labeling of two proteins simultaneously in the same cells.Download video file.(47M, mov)  相似文献   

For a better understanding of the mode of action of duocarmycin and its analogs, the novel fluorescent duocarmycin derivatives 13 – 15 and 17b – 19b were synthesized, and their bioactivity as well as their cellular uptake investigated using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) in live‐cell imaging experiments.  相似文献   

基于共价结合原理,以CdTe量子点和介孔二氧化硅为基础,设计和制备了DNA-CdTe/介孔二氧化硅荧光探针.CdTe量子点具有较强的荧光性能,所用DNA适体链是Ramos细胞的识别序列,所以此探针可特异性识别Ramos细胞,并用于激光共聚焦显微镜对Ramos细胞的荧光成像.本工作为肿瘤细胞的早期诊断提供了一定的理论依据.  相似文献   

肿瘤细胞的标记及其活体荧光成像   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)作为标记基因转入人类肺癌细胞系(ASTC-a-1),经800 mg/L G418筛选,获得5株高表达细胞系.利用流式细胞仪对GFP表达的稳定性进行了初步研究,结果表明本实验中有些细胞株间GFP表达稳定性有显著差异(P<0.01).将稳定表达的细胞系(3#)植入裸鼠皮下,成瘤后用氩离子激光器产生的488 nm蓝光经扩束后直接激发,瘤体部位发出强烈的绿色荧光.用530 nm长通滤色片滤除激发光,数码相机记录荧光的分布情况.实验尝试利用激光作为激发光源,检测GFP标记的肿瘤细胞在裸鼠中的定位,期望建立一种新的肿瘤早期检测技术并改进肿瘤转移研究的手段,实验取得了阶段性进展.  相似文献   

与传统的荧光染料相比,量子点作为一种新型的无机荧光纳米材料,具有激发光谱宽而连续、发射光谱窄而对称、光稳定性好、荧光寿命长、量子产率高和生物毒性小等优点,被广泛地应用于生命科学的许多领域,其在细胞标记(固定细胞和离体活细胞)和活体示踪成像领域具有独特的应用优势.它突破了传统的有机荧光染料在荧光性能及生物毒性等方面的不可克服的缺陷.它的应用,极大地推动了生命体系高灵敏、原位、实时、动态示踪成像研究的发展.该文综述了量子点的荧光性质及其在细胞标记(固定细胞和离体活细胞)和活体实时动态示踪成像中的应用,并对其在荧光原位杂交,流式细胞术,实时荧光定量pcr等方面的应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

Fluorescent microscope imaging technologies have developed at a rapid pace in recent years. High-throughput 2D fluorescent imaging platforms are now in wide use and are being applied on a proteome wide scale. Multiple fluorophore 3D imaging of live cells is being used to give detailed localization and subcellular structure information. Further, 2D and 3D video microscopy are giving important insights into the dynamics of protein localization and transport. In parallel with these developments, significant research has gone into developing new methodologies for quantifying and extracting meaning from the imaging data. Here we outline and give entry points to the literature on approaches to quantification such as segmentation, tracking, automated classification and data visualization. Particular attention is paid to the distinction between and application of concrete quantification measures such as number of objects in a cell, and abstract measures such as texture.  相似文献   

The combined use of a fluorescent glucose (2NBDG) and a fluorescent glycine (NBD-Gly) was tried for the detection of viable cells of significant foodborne pathogenic strains in addition to several Escherichia coli strains and coliforms. Thirty-five out of 41 strains showed marked uptake of 2NBDG but 6 strains were not able to take in 2NBDG. Five out of these 6 strains showed NBD-Gly uptake.  相似文献   

Real-time visualization of collagen is important in studies on tissue formation and remodeling in the research fields of developmental biology and tissue engineering. Our group has previously reported on a fluorescent probe for the specific imaging of collagen in live tissue in situ, consisting of the native collagen binding protein CNA35 labeled with fluorescent dye Oregon Green 488 (CNA35-OG488). The CNA35-OG488 probe has become widely used for collagen imaging. To allow for the use of CNA35-based probes in a broader range of applications, we here present a toolbox of six genetically-encoded collagen probes which are fusions of CNA35 to fluorescent proteins that span the visible spectrum: mTurquoise2, EGFP, mAmetrine, LSSmOrange, tdTomato and mCherry. While CNA35-OG488 requires a chemical conjugation step for labeling with the fluorescent dye, these protein-based probes can be easily produced in high yields by expression in E. coli and purified in one step using Ni2+-affinity chromatography. The probes all bind specifically to collagen, both in vitro and in porcine pericardial tissue. Some first applications of the probes are shown in multicolor imaging of engineered tissue and two-photon imaging of collagen in human skin. The fully-genetic encoding of the new probes makes them easily accessible to all scientists interested in collagen formation and remodeling.  相似文献   

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