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A laboratory based method has been developed for infecting watercress with the crook root fungus ( Spongospora subterranea f.sp. nasturtii ). This utilised plastic trays of nutrient solution on which watercress shoots, supported by floats, were grown for a pre-inoculation period of 14 days before an inoculum consisting of 1 g of crook roots was added. Seven watercress someclones derived from plantlets regenerated from callus of a parental commercial control line (clone A) were tested onthree separate occasions. No variation within the parental control plants was seen but significant variation both between and within the individual somaclones over successive tests was observed. Two somaclones showed increased resistance to crook root disease compared with parental control plants.  相似文献   

Thirty three species and varieties of Narcissus plus seventeen cultivars with recent species parentage were screened for resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. narcissi. Accessions were either wholly resistant (bulbs remaining uninfected), partially resistant (a variable portion of the bulbs infected) or susceptible (all of the bulbs infected). Although a pattern of resistance was found among the species tested the genetic basis of the resistance is not known.  相似文献   

Potato mop-top virus (PMTV) was detected by ELISA in primary zoospores from four out of six isolates of Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea. One virus-free isolate (N) of S. subterranea was used to acquire PMTV from potato roots and to transmit the virus to healthy plants. A mono-fungal culture of S. subterranea (isolate N) was derived by infecting tomato plant roots with a single cystosorus. The culture was used successfully to acquire PMTV from the roots of infected Nicotiana debneyi plants that had been manually inoculated with virus isolates, and subsequently to transmit the virus to healthy bait plants. These experiments confirm that S. subterranea is a vector of PMTV. Two PMTV isolates that had been maintained by manual inoculation for 19 and 21 passages were also acquired and transmitted by the fungus culture.  相似文献   

Summary Two methods were used to screen putative Fusarium-resistant celery (Apium graveolens L.) plantlets from cell culture: placing plantlets on a mycelial mat for one month or planting them directly in Fusarium-infested soil. Resistant phenotypes were identified with both methods, but the plants grown on the mycelial mat died before they reached reproductive maturity. Four plants, K, T-2, T-3, and R-R1 from the soil screen, survived and produced viable seed. Tests of self-pollinated progeny, in field and greenhouse conditions, showed that T-2, T-3, and R-R1 were superior to the original cultivar, 5270R, with respect to disease resistance, as measured by vascular discoloration and plant height. Chi-square analysis of progeny scores for root and crown decay showed that the new variation was heritable and appeared to be conditioned by more than one locus.  相似文献   

An in vitro method for assessing cassava anthracnose disease (CAD) resistance was developed as a preliminary screen to a CAD-resistant breeding programme. Potato dextrose agar (PDA) media was amended by extracts from the stem cortex of 10 cassava cultivars (30001; 30572, 30211, 88/02549, 88/00695, 88/01336, 91/00344, 91/00313, 91/00684 and 91/00475), and assayed for efficacy of inhibition of the growth of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides f. sp. manihotis isolates (05FCN, 10FCN, 12FCN, and 18FCN). Morphological and physiological data indicated that there was a significant difference (P ≤ 0.05), in mycelial growth, spore germination and sporulation among the four isolates on PDA amended with cassava stem extracts. Extracts from cassava cultivars 30211, 91/00684 and 91/00313 showed higher inhibition of germ tube development, mycelial growth and sporulation of the fungal isolates, whereas cultivars 88/02549 and 88/01336 showed the least inhibition. The 10 cultivars were further tested in both greenhouse and field conditions, under disease pressure for two planting seasons, to corroborate resistance to the fungus as observed in vitro . Greenhouse and field trials with the 10 cassava cultivars showed a significant difference ( P  ≤ 0.05) in CAD resistance. Cultivars 88/02549 and 88/01336 were highly CAD-susceptible, as shown in the in vitro assays and confirmed in the greenhouse and field tests. The other eight cultivars were either resistant (30211, 91/00684), or moderately resistant (30572, 88/00695, 91/00475, 91/00344, 30001 and 91/00313) to CAD. The study shows that an in vitro screening assay of cassava for resistance to CAD could serve as a convenient preliminary screening technique to discriminate CAD-resistant from CAD-susceptible cassava cultivars. The in vitro screening method considerably reduces time and labour in comparison with the current screening techniques of cassava, which involve field planting, inoculation and evaluation.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in Fusarium resistance in 82 Lilium genotypes was studied. A high level of resistance was found in the Asiatic hybrids (section Sinomartagon) and to a lesser extent in cultivars of L. longiflorum (section Leucolirion). The Oriental hybrids (section Archelirion) showed only moderate resistance. In the sections Sinomartagon, Leucolirion and Martagon species were detected with high levels of resistance. An accession of L. dauricum (section Sinomartagon) was the most resistant source. Possibilities for introgression of Fusarium resistance into cultivars by interspecific hybridisation, using the resistance found in Lilium genotypes, are discussed.  相似文献   

An in vitro adventitious regeneration system under selective pressure was established in Pyrus pyraster Burgsd to obtain somaclones with higher adaptability to calcareous soils. P. pyraster is important species, both for its relative closeness to cultivated pear and for reforestation of marginal farmland and for the production of timber. Shoot regeneration was induced from leaves and vegetative apices of in vitro-grown shoots on a modified LP medium supplemented with naphtaleneacetic acid (1.07 μM) and benziladenine (BA, 8.9 μM). After 30 days, explants were transferred to an expression medium consisting of the same basal medium with only BA present. Selective treatments utilized MS medium with Fe-EDTA replaced by equimolar amount of FeSO4 with either KHCO3 or NaHCO3. Through the selection process 11 putatively tolerant lines were obtained from vegetative shoot apices. RAPD analysis was performed on these lines to allow comparison to the mother clone. A total of seven 10-mer primers were used to amplify all the genotypes and 74 scorable fragments were produced. These were analysed using the Dice similarity index, showing genetic variability among the 11 regenerated clones and between them and the mother clone.  相似文献   


Panama disease of banana (Musa spp) caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Cubense (FOC), is a serious constraint both to the commercial production of banana and cultivation for subsistence agriculture. Chemical control is not economically effective and is also hazardous to the environment and human health. Breeding for disease resistance is an alternative strategy, which leads to the development of resistance clones. Field evaluation is the most reliable method of screening for disease resistance, but it is demanding in terms of cost, manpower and space requirements. Another approach of screening hybrids at the sucker's stage (planting material) through biochemical markers has been found to be effective in early identification of resistant hybrids. The resistance mechanisms involving the role of phenol, PAL, oxidative enzymes like peroxidase (PO), polyphenol oxidase (PPO), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and PR-proteins like chitinase, β-1-3 glucanase were studied and they showed relatively higher activity in resistant hybrids than susceptible hybrids. Isozyme analysis of peroxidase (PO) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) was also carried out in cultivars and hybrids, which revealed the induction of specific isoforms in the resistant hybrids upon challenge inoculation. This could be a useful tool for early identification of F. oxysporum f. sp. cubense resistance banana clones.  相似文献   

Host resistance is the most economical way to manage wheat stripe rust caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici. Slow rusting, a type of quantitative resistance, has been reported to last for a long time. Quantitative resistance, in terms of slow rusting parameters including final rust severity (FRS), apparent infection rate (r), relative area under disease progress curve (rAUDPC) and coefficient of infection (CI), was evaluated in a set of 29 wheat genotypes along with susceptible control during 2008–2009 and 2009–2010 cropping seasons. This study was conducted in field plots at Ardabil Agricultural Research Station (Iran) under natural infection conditions with two times artificial inoculation. Artificial inoculation was carried out by yellow rust inoculum having virulent genes against Yr2, Yr6, Yr7, Yr9, Yr22, Yr23, Yr24, Yr25, Yr26, Yr27, YrA and YrSU. Results of mean comparison for resistance parameters showed that lines C-86-1, C-86-2, C-87-1 and C-87-3 along with susceptible had the highest values of FRS, CI, r and rAUDPC, therefore were selected as susceptible lines. The lines C-86-3, C-86-9, C-87-2, C-87-6, C-87-8, C-87-11 and C-87-18 were susceptible at the seedling stage and had low level infection at adult plant stage. Consequently, these lines with low different parameters most probably have slow rusting resistance. The remaining lines had no infection or were at low level of infection. Thus, they were selected as resistant or moderately resistant lines. In this study, correlation coefficient between different parameters of slow rusting was significantly high (r = 0.92–0.99).  相似文献   

Root segments obtained from aseptically germinated seedlings of Brassica napus cv. Westar were used to optimize conditions for high-frequency shoot bud differentiation. The presence of low kinetin (0.5 M) and relatively high indole-butyric acid (1.0 M) levels facilitated optimum shoot bud differentiation. Modified MS medium (MMS) was superior to the other three basal media tested (MS, B5 and White's). Elevated sodium dihydrogen phosphate levels increased the differentiation of shoot buds. Increasing or decreasing the level of sucrose from 3% reduced the frequency of explants forming shoot buds. Addition of glutamine enhanced both the frequency of responding explants, as well as the number of shoots per responding explant. Root segments from 13-day-old seedlings produced the highest response (58%) in the presence of 100 mg l-1 glutamine. The position of the segment on the main root, size, and the presence or absence of lateral roots altered the morphogenic response. Sealing of the donor seedling cultures with Parafilm® instead of Stretch' n seal® resulted in a higher production of shoot buds, although root segment cultures were not affected by the type of sealing. Spontaneous rooting occurred on all developed shoots.Dedicated to Dr. Friedrch Constabel on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Aims: The aim of this study is to investigate the pathogenic diversity and virulence groups among Pyrenophora teres f. teres isolates, sampled from Syria and Tunisia, and to identify the most effective source of resistance in barley that could be used in breeding programmes to control net blotch in both countries. Methods and Results: One hundred and four isolates of P. teres f. teres were collected from barley in different agroecological zones of Tunisia and Syria. Their virulence was evaluated using 14 barley genotypes as differential hosts. The upgma clustering identified high pathogenic variability; the isolates were clustered onto 20 pathotypes that were sheltered under three virulence groups, with high, intermediate and low disease scores. According to susceptibility/resistance frequencies and mean disease ratings, CI05401 cultivar ranked as the best differential when inoculated with the Syrian isolates. However, CI09214 cultivar was classified as the best effective source of resistance in Tunisia. Conclusions: All P. teres f. teres isolates were differentially pathogenic. CI09214 and CI05401 cultivars were released as the most effective sources of resistance in Syria and Tunisia. Significance and Impact of the Study: National and international barley breeding programmes that seek to develop resistance against P. teres f. teres in barley should strongly benefit from this study. This resistance cannot be achieved without the proper knowledge of the pathogen virulence spectrum and the sources of host resistance.  相似文献   

Fifty-three cassava lines were selected from breeding populations at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria and screened in vitro for resistance to cassava anthracnose disease (CAD). The in vitro inoculation of stem cuttings with the fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides f.sp. manihotis showed significant differences (p ± 0.05) in acervuli production and in the sensitivity of the cassava lines to the fungal infection after 7 days of incubation at 25 °C. Cassava lines 88/01084, 91/00595, 91/00475, 91/00344, 91/00684, 91/00313, 91/00422, and 91/00344 were highly resistant, with necrotic lesion sizes less than 7 mm. In contrast pedigree lines 88/02549, 89/0008, 91/00390 and 91/00402 were highly susceptible with the largest necrotic lesion size being greater than 20 mm. Ten cassava lines from the in vitro screening that showed varying levels of resistance to CAD were selected, based on their flowering abilities for diallel hydridization trials, and were further screened in greenhouse and field trials for CAD resistance. The greenhouse and field screening showed significant varietal differences (p ± 0.05) in sensitivity to the fungus. In all cases, the progeny lines showed correlated levels of resistance irrespective of the type of screening or assessments. Correlation analysis of the in vitro, greenhouse and field assessments showed that there was a good correspondence among all three methods of evaluating for CAD. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary A collection of 169 streptomycetes representing natural isolates and type strains were examined for resistance phenotypes to 11 antibiotics. A total of 84 profiles were obtained with 18 patterns being repeated in two or more strains. The most common pattern was resistance to penicillin in an otherwise sensitive phenotype and accounted for 51 strains. This data was used to cluster the strains and groups defined were examined for correlation with bioactivity. Antibiotic producers were found in clusters 1, 2, 4 and 5–10. Certain strains in these areas were highly bioactive and typically had multiple resistances. Almost half of the collection of strains examined grouped in cluster 3, and were characterized as having a sensitive phenotype and virtually no biological activity in agrochemical screens.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to screen Phaseolus vulgaris L. germplasm accessions for anthracnose resistance genes to the fungus Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. (Sacc. and Magn.) Scrib. This fungus is made up of many pathogenic races which poses a challenge in developing resistant plant varieties; however, screening for and selection of resistant plant sources plays an important role in developing resistant plant lines. This screening work involved examining 69 accessions consisting of two resistant lines (D-line, L-line) and two susceptible varieties (Kanchana and Jwala). Fourteen SCAR primers specific to anthracnose disease resistance in the French bean were used. Of these 14 SCAR primers, 5 of them, SAS13, SF10, SC08, SZ04 and SBB14, produced amplification with good monomorphic bands.  相似文献   

The mode of inheritance of resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cucumerinum races 1 and 2 in Wisconsin-2757 (WI-2757), a gynoecious cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), was determined by analysing segregation of F1, F2 and BC1 populations of crosses with susceptible cultivar Straight-8. Resistance to either race 1 or race 2 in WI-2757 was conferred by a single dominant gene. In allelism tests, resistance to either race in WI-2757 was determined by the gene Fcu-1, which also confers resistance in line SMR-18.  相似文献   

Summary With the aim of dissecting host-parasite interaction processes in the system Lycopersicon aesculentum-Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici we have isolated plant cell mutants having single-step alterations in their defense response. A previous analysis of the physiological phenotypes of mutant cell clones suggested that recognition is the crucial event for active defence, and that polysaccharide content, fungal growth inhibition, peroxidase induction in in vitro dual culture and ion leakage induced by cultural filtrates of the pathogen can be markers of resistance. In this paper we present the results of a similar analysis carried out on cell cultures from one susceptible (Red River), one tolerant (UC 105) and three resistant (Davis UC 82, Heinz, UC 90) tomato cultivars. Our data confirm that the differences in the parameters considered are correlated with resistance versus susceptibility in vivo. Therefore, these parameters can be used for early screening in selection programmes. These data, together with those obtained on isolated cell mutants, suggest that the selection in vitro for altered fungal recognition and/or polysaccharide or callose content may lead to in vivo — resistant genotypes. The data are thoroughly discussed with particular attention paid to the importance of polysaccharides in active defense initiation.  相似文献   

The barley Mla locus confers multiple resistance specificities to the obligate fungal biotroph, Blumeria (= Erysiphe) graminis f. sp. hordei. Interspersed within the 240 kb Mla complex are three families of resistance gene homologs (RGHs). Probes from the Mla-RGH1 family were used to identify three classes of cDNAs. The first class is predicted to encode a full-length CC-NBS-LRR protein and the other two classes contain alternatively spliced, truncated variants. Utilizing a cosmid that contains a gene corresponding to the full-length candidate cDNA, two single-cell expression assays were used to demonstrate complementation of AvrMla6-dependent, resistance specificity to B. graminis in barley and wheat. The first of these assays was also used to substantiate previous genetic data that the Mla6 allele requires the signaling pathway component, Rar1, for function. Computational analysis of MLA6 and the Rar1-independent, MLA1 protein reveals 91.2% identity and shows that the LRR domain is subject to diversifying selection. Our findings demonstrate that highly related CC-NBS-LRR proteins encoded by alleles of the Mla locus can dictate similar powdery mildew resistance phenotypes yet still require distinct downstream signaling components.  相似文献   

Culture of Papaver somniferum in vitro was used for a characterisation of cell surface structures and mode of cell adhesion and cell separation during cell differentiation and plant regeneration in somatic embryogenesis and shoot organogenesis. In early stages of somatic embryogenesis, cell type-specific and developmentally regulated change of cell morphogenesis was demonstrated. Cell wall of separated embryonic cells were self-covered with external tubular network, whereas morphogenetic co-ordination of adhered cells of somatic proembryos was supported by fine and fibrillar external cell wall continuum of peripheral cells, interconnecting also local sites of cell separation. Such type of cell contacts disappeared during histogenesis, when the protodermis formation took place. Tight cell adhesion of activated cells with polar cell wall thickening, and production of extent mucilage on the periphery were the crucial aspects of meristemoids. Fine amorphous layer covered developing shoot primordia, but we have not observed such comparable external fibrillar network. On the contrary intercellular separation of differentiated cells in regenerated organs, and accepting distinct developmental system of somatic embryogenesis and shoot organogenesis, cell adhesion in early stages and ultrastructural changes associated with tissue disorganisation, and the subsequent reorganisation into either embryos or shoots appear to be regulatory morphogenetical events of plant regeneration in vitro.  相似文献   

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