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Erythrocytes from chicken embryos or from adult chicken were surface-labelled with 125I, using lactoperoxidase. The solubilized membrane material was allowed to react with antisera raised in rabbits to one or the other type of chicken erythrocyte, and rendered specific by treatment with unlabelled membrane preparation of heterologous erythrocytes. The immune complexes formed were subjected to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in dissociating buffer and the dried gels were autoradiographed. The embryonic antigenicity is associated with a single molecule of molecular weight 48 000 D, whereas the adult antigenicity involves two polypeptides, of 85 000 and 40 000 D.  相似文献   

Isolated nuclei from adult chicken erythrocytes were stained by indirect immunofluorescence for histones H5 and H1. Nuclei in 0.15 M NaCl stained for H5 showed internuclear variations in intensity of fluorescence from bright to dim. Most individual nuclei were homogeneously stained although some showed a bright rim around a dimmer interior. Treatment of nuclei with Tween 80 in 0.15 or 0.03 M NaCl also gave internuclear variation in intensity. Adult nuclei stained for H1 (in 0.15 or 0.03 M NaCl) showed little internuclear variation; most nuclei stained brightly with a brighter rim. Simultaneous staining of H5 and H1 in the same nuclei confirmed the variable fluorescence of H5 and consistent fluorescence of H1. Most nuclei showed the presence of both histones. Nuclei from embryonic blood cells also showed considerable internuclear variation of H5 fluorescence and less variation with H1 staining. For both histones the proportion of brightly staining nuclei increased with embryonic development. Difficulties in interpreting quantitative variations in immunofluorescence are discussed.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Relative to rabbit erythrocytes, chicken red blood cells exhibit a much greater capacity to utilize [3H]adenine for nucleotide synthesis in vitro, even at 5°C and in the absence of added inorganic phosphate.
  • 2.2. This difference is largely due to a higher concentration of phosphoribosylpyrophosphate and greater activity of adenine phosphoribosyltransferase in the avian cells. lli]3. The capacity of avian erythrocytes for utilization of guanine and hypoxanthine is several fold less than that of adenine.
  • 3.4. The data are consistent with lower activity for hypoxanthine/guanine phosphoribosyltransferase than for adenine phosphoribosyltransferase in intact chicken erythrocytes.
  • 4.5. The results indicate that reutilization of adenine by chicken erythrocytes may be physiologically significant.

1. The intracellular taurine concentration and rate of taurine uptake of chicken erythrocytes and two leukocyte populations were determined from one to six weeks of age. 2. Plasma taurine concentrations increased significantly from the time of hatching to week 2 and remained constant thereafter. 3. Intracellular taurine concentrations in both leukocyte populations increased significantly with age without any significant change in the erythrocytes. 4. Taurine uptake rate for erythrocytes was significantly higher at weeks 1-3 while both leukocyte populations showed no significant change during the six week period studied.  相似文献   

We have investigated the possibility that the reactivation rate of adult avian erythrocytes, which is slower than that of embryonic erythrocytes, after fusion with metabolically active cells, is due to a greater number of single-strand breaks (ssb) in the DNA of the former. We have assayed ssb by measuring the template activity of the erythrocyte nuclei for added Escherichia coli DNA polymerase. We have found that differences in the numbers of ssb within polymerase-accessible regions between adult and embryonic cells are within experimental error. We conclude that, unless very localized clusters of damage exist within the DNA (which would not be detectable by this or other techniques), the difference in reactivation rate is not attributable to differences in ssb numbers.  相似文献   

The rates of Cl and SO4 transport at 0° and 37°C, respectively, have been measured under exchange conditions for red blood cells of embryonic and adult chickens. It was found that the rate of self-exchange of SO4 in embryonic red cells decreases as the embryo matures, and that the SO4 transport rate was lower in adult compared to embryonic red cells. In contrast, no difference in the rate of Cl self-exchange was found between adult and embryonic red cells.  相似文献   

Liposomes having membrane proteins of chicken erythrocytes were prepared and the effect of S-adenosylmethionine on 45Ca2+ uptake into the liposomes was investigated. S-Adenosylmethionine, a donor of methyl groups in enzymatic methylation, induced an increase of 45Ca2+ uptake into the proteoliposomes with membrane proteins but not into the liposomes without membrane proteins. Increased release of 45Ca2+ from the inside of the proteoliposomes was also induced by S-adenosylmethionine. These increases of uptake and release of 45Ca2+ were inhibited by S-adenosylhomocystein, an inhibitor of enzymatic methylation. Furthermore, membrane proteins from chicken erythrocytes showed protein and phospholipid methyltransferase activities. The uptake of other materials, 3-0-[methyl-3H]glucose, α-[1-14C]aminoisobutyric acid, 42K+ and 54Mn2+, into the proteoliposomes was not increased by S-adenosylmethionine. These results suggest that enzymatic methylation of membrane components may have an important role in the regulation of calcium transport in the chicken erythrocyte membrane and this regulation is rather specific for calcium.  相似文献   

K H Ibsen  L Murray  S W Marles 《Biochemistry》1976,15(5):1064-1073
Chicken embryos less than 15 days old contain only the K isozyme of pyruvate kinase, which appears to exist in vivo as an R,T conformational set with pI values of 7.2 and 6.6, respectively. Sets of lower pI and higher pI K-isozyme variants also are obtained. Whole embryos of 15 days or more of development show progressively increasing amounts of higher pI, lower K0.5S enzymatic variants. Tissue distribution and kinetic properties suggest that the highest pI form (pH 8.8-9.0) is an M-isozyme analogue. The intermediate forms are postulated to be hybrids. Adult liver extracts contain only the embryonic K isozyme; no evidence for an L-isozyme analogue was obtained. All major forms of the enzymes are compared with respect to saturation by phosphoenolpyruvate in the absence of effector and in the presence of fructose 1,6-diphosphate, alanine, serine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, and/or Mg-ATP.  相似文献   

Ligand uptake and release by the haemoglobin contained within adult mouse erythrocytes was studied by using dual-wavelength stopped-flow techniques. The rate of O2 uptake is very much lower than that expected for an equivalent concentration of haemoglobin in free solution. The O2-concentration-dependence found in uptake experiments is greater than first-order. CO uptake shows the same pattern of reactivity as does O2, but the associated rates of uptake are lower and the concentration-dependence of the CO rates is first-order. O2 release from the adult erythrocytes was measured by stopped-flow mixing with Na2S2O4. Under these circumstances the deoxygenation of intracellular haemoglobin shows accelerating time courses. The apparent rate-constant-dependence on dithionite concentration shows a rate limit at high reductant concentrations. Computer simulations of both ligand uptake and release processes were carried out by using a three-dimensional model. The simulations clearly indicate that in rapid-mixing experiments the rather slow experimentally observed O2 uptake rate is due to rate-limiting diffusion through an extracellular stagnant solvent layer. In the case of O2 release, however, the major rate-controlling process is the rate of O2 dissociation from the haemoglobin molecules, which accelerates during the deoxygenation process.  相似文献   

Sorbitol dehydrogenase activity (SDH) has been determined in various organs of embryonic and adult chickens. SDH is present in 24-hour embryos, and its activity continues to rise during the next 48 hours. During embryonic development and after hatching, regional differences in SDH activity are demonstrable in the organs of the animal. These differences concern both level of enzyme activity and temporal changes with development. No correlation could be established between enzymatic activity and the fructose concentration of the organs studied.  相似文献   

Two lactose-binding lectins from chicken tissues, chicken-lactose- lectin-1 (CLL-1) and chicken-lactose-lectin-11 (CLL-11) were quantified with a radioimmunoassay in extracts of a number of developing and adult chicken tissues. Both lectins could be measured in the same extract without separation, because they showed not significant immunological cross-reactivity. Many embryonic and adult tissues, including brain, heart, intestine, kidney, liver, lung, muscle, pancreas, and spleen, contained one or both lectins, although their concentrations differed markedly. For example, embryonic muscle, the richest source of CLL-1 contained only traces of CLL-11 whereas embryonic kidney, a very rich source of CLL-11 contained substantial CLL-1. In both muscle and kidney, lectin levels in adulthood were much lower than in the embryonic state. In contrast, CLL-1 in liver and CLL-11 in intestine were 10-fold to 30-fold more concentrated in the adult than in the 15-d embryo. CLL-1 and CLL-11 from several tissues were purified by affinity chromatography and their identity in the various tissues was confirmed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing, and peptide mapping. The results suggest that these lectins might have different functions in the many developing and adult tissues in which they are found.  相似文献   

Hypoxanthine uptake by human erythrocytes.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A Giacomello  C Salerno 《FEBS letters》1979,107(1):203-204

Erythrocytes infected with malaria parasites have increased permeability to diverse organic and inorganic solutes. While these permeability changes have been known for decades, the molecular basis of transport was unknown and intensively debated. CLAG3, a parasite protein previously thought to function in cytoadherence, has recently been implicated in formation of the plasmodial surface anion channel (PSAC), an unusual small conductance ion channel that mediates uptake of most solutes. Consistent with transport studies, the clag genes are conserved in all plasmodia but are absent from other genera. The encoded protein is integral to the host membrane, as also predicted by electrophysiology. An important question is whether functional channels are formed by CLAG3 alone or through interactions with other proteins. In either case, gene identification should advance our understanding of parasite biology and may lead to new therapeutics.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural analyses of reactions of mitochondria in hepatocytes of chicken embryos to low levels of exogenous thyroxine (T4) reveal that such reactions (overall swelling accompanied by disruption of crest geometry) first take place at about 10 days of incubation, T4 having been administered on the 6th day. Physically altered mitochondria may be seen after 11-12 days of incubation but are no longer evident by 13 days. Correlated with the initial evidence of T4 effects on mitochondria at 10 days of incubation is a spurt in hepatocyte proliferation. The time correlation observed between T4 induced mitochondrial changes in morphology and abrupt increases in rates of cell proliferation, suggests that liver nuclear receptors for thyroxine are unavailable prior to 9-10 days of incubation. Golgi complexes within the hepatocytes appear to be especially active in the production of electron-opaque vesicles from at least the 8th day of incubation to 11-12 days. Uptake of 35S (probably into chondroitin sulphates) was found to be fifteen times greater on the 8th day of incubation than at 15 days. This correlates with the period of heightened activity of the Golgi complex. In livers exposed to T4 on the 6th day, uptake of 35S was higher on the 9th and 10th days of incubation as compared to controls.  相似文献   

Reduction and uptake of methylene blue by human erythrocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A thiazine dye reductase has been described in endothelial cells that reduces methylene blue (MB), allowing its uptake into cells. Because a different mechanism of MB uptake in human erythrocytes has been proposed, we measured MB uptake and reduction in this cell type. Oxidized MB (MB+) stimulated reduction of extracellular ferricyanide in a time- and concentration-dependent manner, reflecting extracellular reduction of the dye. Reduced MB was then taken up by the cells and partially oxidized to MB+. Both forms were retained against a concentration gradient, and their redox cycling induced an oxidant stress in the cells. Whereas concentrations of MB+ <5 µM selectively oxidized NAD(P)H, higher concentrations also oxidized both glutathione (GSH) and ascorbate, especially in the absence of D-glucose. MB+-stimulated ferricyanide reduction was inhibited by thiol reagents with different mechanisms of action. Phenylarsine oxide, which is selective for vicinal dithiols in proteins, inhibited MB+-dependent ferricyanide reduction more strongly than it decreased cell GSH and pentose phosphate cycle activity, and it did not affect cellular NADPH. Open erythrocyte ghost membranes facilitated saturable NAD(P)H oxidation by MB+, which was abolished by pretreating ghosts with low concentrations of trypsin and phenylarsine oxide. These results show that erythrocytes sequentially reduce and take up MB+, that both reduced and oxidized forms of the dye are concentrated in cells, and that the thiazine dye reductase activity initially responsible for MB+ reduction may correspond to MB+-dependent NAD(P)H reductase activity in erythrocyte ghosts. thiazine dyes; ascorbic acid; ferricyanide; phenylarsine oxide; oxidant stress; redox cycling  相似文献   

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