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The nonlinear resonance doubling of radio wave frequencies in inhomogeneous plasma is studied as applied to the ionosphere under the conditions of the phase synchronism between an extraordinary pump wave and its second harmonic. The synchronism is not related to plasma resonances, but is determined by the magnetic field and plasma electron density in the transparency region. The generation efficiency of the second harmonic of a transversely propagating wave is calculated for a wide frequency band lying higher than the lower hybrid resonance frequency. It is shown that this effect is physically analogous to the generation of the second harmonic of laser radiation in a nonlinear crystal. The generation efficiency of the second harmonic is determined for inhomogeneous ionospheric plasma in which the synchronism condition is satisfied in a limited frequency range. It is shown that this effect can be used for remote nonlinear diagnostics of the upper ionospheric plasma, in which the characteristic size of the synchronism region can reach several kilometers. It is proposed to use a combination of satellite and ground-based ion probes in experiments on transionospheric probing. Even if the frequency of the wave emitted from the satellite is lower than the critical frequency in the ionosphere, the frequency of its second harmonic can exceed the critical frequency, so that it can be recorded by a ground-based ion probe or a specially designed receiver. The reflected second-harmonic signal can also be detected at the satellite by using a broadband radio-frequency spectrometer.  相似文献   

Stochastic heating of plasma electrons by a large-amplitude electromagnetic wave propagating across a strong external magnetic field is studied theoretically and numerically. An analytic estimate of the threshold wave amplitude at which heating begins is obtained. The dependence of the average electron energy on the magnetic field and plasma density is investigated using particle-in-cell simulations.  相似文献   

A self-consistent set of Hamilton equations describing nonlinear saturation of the amplitude of oscillations excited under the conditions of parametric decay of an elliptically polarized extraordinary wave in cold plasma is solved analytically and numerically. It is shown that the exponential increase in the amplitude of the secondary wave excited at the half-frequency of the primary wave changes into a reverse process in which energy is returned to the primary wave and nonlinear oscillations propagating across the external magnetic field are generated. The system of ??slow?? equations for the amplitudes, obtained by averaging the initial equations over the high-frequency period, is used to describe steady-state nonlinear oscillations in plasma.  相似文献   

A nonlinear theory of the instability of a straight relativistic dense electron beam in a plasma waveguide is derived for conditions of the stimulated collective Cherenkov effect. A study is made of a waveguide with a dense plasma such that the plasma wave excited by the beam during the instability can be escribed, with a good degree of accuracy, as a potential wave. General relativistic nonlinear equations are btained that describe the temporal dynamics of beam-plasma instabilities with allowance for plasma nonlinearity and the generation of harmonics of the initial perturbation. Under the assumption that the resonant interaction between the beam waves and the plasma waves is weak, the general equations are reduced to relativistic equations with cubic nonlinearities by using the method of expansion in small perturbations of the trajectories and momenta of the beam and plasma electrons. The reduced equations are solved analytically, the time scales on which the instability saturates are determined, and the nonlinear saturation amplitudes are obtained. A comparison between analytical solutions to the reduced equations and numerical solutions to the general nonlinear equations shows them to be in good agreement. Nonlinear processes caused by the relativistic nature of the beam are found to prevent stochastization of the system in the nonlinear stage of the well-developed instability. In contrast, a nonrelativistic electron beam is found to be subject to significant anomalous nonlinear stochastization.  相似文献   

A study is made of the one-dimensional linear problem of the absorption of the energy of an extraordinary wave propagating along a nonuniform magnetic field by a plasma in the ECR region. The plasma electrons are assumed to be nonrelativistic and are described by a collisionless kinetic equation. The distribution of the absorbed power among the electrons and the distribution of the self-consistent field over the confinement system are obtained. The conditions under which the ECRH power is distributed uniformly among the bulk electrons are determined. The limits of applicability of the locally nonuniform magnetic field approximation are established. The solutions derived are compared with the solution to an analogous problem with the collisional absorption mechanism.  相似文献   

A study is made of the formation of the frequency spectrum of an extraordinary wave during its multiple small-angle scatterings along the path to the upper hybrid resonance, in the upper hybrid resonance region, and behind the conversion point. The formation of the spectrum is investigated both approximately (by the eikonal method) and exactly (in the limit of large-scale plasma density fluctuations responsible for small-angle scattering). It is demonstrated that these two approaches yield the same results in the common range of their applicability. It is shown that, in the vicinity of the upper hybrid resonance, the broadening of the frequency spectrum of a probing wave is proportional to its wavenumber. This circumstance and the predicted amount by which the spectrum broadens make it possible to consider small-angle scattering as one of the main effects responsible for a very large spectrum broadening observed in experiments.  相似文献   

The propagation of periodic ion-acoustic waves in plasma with two-temperature electrons and cold ions is analyzed. The equations for the wave potential are derived in the first- and second-orders of the perturbation theory, and their nonsecular periodic solutions are obtained. The average nonlinear ion flux is determined, and its properties are studied as functions of the ratios between the densities and temperatures of the cold and hot electron components. The conditions are analyzed under which the ion flux is co- or counter-directed to the wave propagation direction. For the case in which, depending on the plasma parameters, the ion flux at a given wave amplitude can be either positive or negative, the domains of existence of positive and negative ion fluxes in the “temperature ratio-density ratio” plane are determined.  相似文献   

The small-angle scattering of an extraordinary wave by plasma density fluctuations near the upper hybrid resonance is analyzed. It is shown that the efficiency of the small-angle scattering increases markedly as the upper hybrid resonance is approached. The power lost by the probing wave is calculated as a function of distance from the upper hybrid resonance, the parameters of the wavenumber spectrum of density fluctuations, and plasma parameters. The estimates obtained indicate that small-angle scattering, first, may have a strong impact on the experimental results obtained from the enhanced-scattering diagnostic and, second, may be the main cause of the broadening of the frequency spectrum of a signal recorded by this diagnostic technique.  相似文献   

A solution is obtained in the form of coupled nonlinear periodic space-charge waves propagating in a magnetoactive plasma. The wave spectrum in the vicinity of the critical point, where the number of harmonics increases substantially, is found to fall with harmonic number as ∝ s ?1/3. Periodic space-charge waves are invoked to explain the zebra pattern in the radio emission from solar flares.  相似文献   

Results are presented from a theoretical investigation of the dispersion properties of a relativistic plasma in which an electromagnetic wave propagates along an external magnetic field. The dielectric tensor in integral form is simplified by separating its imaginary and real parts. A dispersion relation for an electromagnetic wave is obtained that makes it possible to analyze the dispersion and collisionless damping of electromagnetic perturbations over a broad parameter range for both nonrelativistic and ultrarelativistic plasmas.  相似文献   

Eigenmodes of an axisymmetric plasma column that is uniform along the magnetic field are investigated. It is shown that, as the plasma density increases, eigenmodes with frequencies close to the electron gyrofrequency tend to localize at the plasma periphery. This effect is likely to restrict the electron density at which the plasma can be heated by means of such modes. A theory is developed for the excitation of the eigenmodes of a plasma column in a weakly nonuniform magnetic field by an external antenna.  相似文献   

The evolution of a Langmuir wave in a weakly inhomogeneous relativistic plasma with a positive density gradient is considered. It is shown that, at relativistic phase velocities, the wave evolution even at the tail of the electron distribution, where it is close to linear in the nonrelativistic case, results in the wave transformation into a hybrid of two waves with different spatial periods. Nonlinear dispersion relations for different stages of the wave evolution are derived.  相似文献   

Nonlinear inverse bremsstrahlung absorption is investigated for a plasma photoionized in the Bethe regime of suppression of the ionization barrier, in which case the electron velocity distribution coincides with the distribution of atomic electrons. A comparison is made between the characteristic features of absorption in the cases where atomic electrons before ionization are in the ns and np states. It is established that, in the case of np states, the effective high-frequency conductivity is always nonlinear; in particular, for weak pump fields, it is proportional to the square of the pump field strength. The maximum plasma conductivity associated with p electrons is one order of magnitude lower than the maximum effective conductivity associated with s electrons, which creates conditions for less efficient plasma heating through inverse bremsstrahlung absorption.  相似文献   

A nonlinear differential equation describing oscillations of the chemical potential in a one-dimensional steady-state wave propagating in a degenerate electron gas against an immobile neutralizing ion background is derived, investigated, and solved exactly. It is found that the wave phase velocity is bounded below by a critical velocity, whose exact value is obtained.  相似文献   

A simple model is presented to analyze the effect of stenoses of different severities in a long elastic tube or artery on the pressure and flow-rate wave forms incident upon them. Wave propagation in the undisturbed tube is taken to be linear; nonlinearity arises from the quadratic dependence of stenosis pressure drop on flow rate. Before the model can be applied in practice, important physiological questions must be answered; e.g.: (a) Can the incident wave form and mean proximal pressure be regarded as given input? (b) is the mean flow rate given, or does the peripheral resistance remain constant? Results are given on the assumption that the answer to (a) is yes. The principal conclusion is that the input impedance spectrum of a stenosed artery depends strongly on the incident wave form, as well as on the severity of the stenosis and on the distance from it at which measurements are made. There is good qualitative agreement with the results of experiments and of other models.  相似文献   

A study is made of the nonlinear mechanism for the excitation of Langmuir waves in a dense plasma by an intense laser pulse with the frequency ω = ωp/2 (where ωp is the electron plasma frequency).  相似文献   

Docking to the plasma membrane prepares vesicles for rapid release. Here, we describe a mechanism for dense core vesicle docking in neurons. In Caenorhabditis elegans motor neurons, dense core vesicles dock at the plasma membrane but are excluded from active zones at synapses. We have found that the calcium-activated protein for secretion (CAPS) protein is required for dense core vesicle docking but not synaptic vesicle docking. In contrast, we see that UNC-13, a docking factor for synaptic vesicles, is not essential for dense core vesicle docking. Both the CAPS and UNC-13 docking pathways converge on syntaxin, a component of the SNARE (soluble N-ethyl-maleimide-sensitive fusion protein attachment receptor) complex. Overexpression of open syntaxin can bypass the requirement for CAPS in dense core vesicle docking. Thus, CAPS likely promotes the open state of syntaxin, which then docks dense core vesicles. CAPS function in dense core vesicle docking parallels UNC-13 in synaptic vesicle docking, which suggests that these related proteins act similarly to promote docking of independent vesicle populations.  相似文献   

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