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Clonal growth may increase the likelihood for alien plants becoming invasive, as it is an efficient foraging and spatial exploration strategy. Here, we investigated the effect of artificial herbivory on organs of clonal growth and its potential to drive post-introduction evolutionary change. Based on the assumption that tolerance traits are costly and that clonal alien species may benefit from investing freed resources into growth, fecundity or nutrient acquisition, we tested the hypothesis of lower tolerance to herbivory on organs of clonal growth in alien plants. In a common-garden experiment we studied divergence in plants from native German and alien New Zealand populations of six species with different clonal growth forms. A nutrient treatment testing the plant’s acquisition abilities, was combined with artificial herbivory on clonal organs. We investigated origin-dependent differences in sexual reproduction, plant growth and the production of clonal organs. For aboveground and clonal organ biomass, alien plants showed lower tolerance to artificial herbivory on clonal organs than native plants. In the combined herbivory and nutrient treatment, alien plants of four species grew fewer clonal organs when compared to the nutrient treatment alone. Alien plants of the other two species produced more clonal organs, regardless of treatment. All species revealed significant differences in flower production between origins, with five of them producing more flowers on alien than on native plants. The results support the hypothesis that a release of herbivory on clonal organs has lead to subtle evolutionary changes in tolerance of alien plants and to a species-dependent increase in plant vigour, clonal growth and/or sexual reproduction that may enhance their invasive success.  相似文献   

Aim Understanding the processes that drive invasion success of alien species has received considerable attention in current ecological research. From an evolutionary point of view, many studies have shown that the phylogenetic similarity between the invader species and the members of the native community may be an important aspect of invasiveness. In this study, using a coarse‐scale systematic sampling grid of 1 km2, we explore whether the occupancy frequency of two groups of alien species, archaeophytes and neophytes, in the urban angiosperm flora of Brussels is influenced by their phylogenetic relatedness to native species. Location The city of Brussels (Belgium). Methods We used ordinary least‐squares regressions and quantile regressions for analysing the relationship between the occupancy frequency of alien species in the sampled grid and their phylogenetic distance to the native species pool. Results Alien species with high occupancy frequency in the sampled grid are, on average, more phylogenetically related to native species than are less frequent aliens, although this relationship is significant only for archaeophytes. In addition, as shown by the quantile regressions, the relationship between phylogenetic relatedness to the native flora and occupancy frequency is much stronger for the most frequent aliens than for rare aliens. Main conclusions Our data suggest that it is unlikely that species with very low phylogenetic relatedness to natives will become successful invaders with very high distribution in the area studied. To the contrary, under future climate warming scenarios, present‐day urban aliens of high occupancy frequency are likely to become successful invaders even outside urban areas.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Flowering phenology is a potentially important component of success of alien species, since elevated fecundity may enhance invasiveness. The flowering patterns of invasive alien plant species and related natives were studied in three regions with Mediterranean-type climate: California, Spain and South Africa''s Cape region.


A total of 227 invasive–native pairs were compared for seven character types across the regions, with each pair selected on the basis that they shared the same habitat type within a region, had a common growth form and pollination type, and belonged to the same family or genus.

Key Results

Invasive alien plant species have different patterns of flowering phenology from native species in the three regions. Whether the alien species flower earlier, later or at the same time as natives depends on the climatic regime in the native range of the aliens and the proportion of species in the invasive floras originating from different regions. Species invading at least two of the regions displayed the same flowering pattern, showing that flowering phenology is a conservative trait. Invasive species with native ranges in temperate climates flower earlier than natives, those from Mediterranean-type climates at the same time, and species from tropical climates flower later. In California, where the proportion of invaders from the Mediterranean Basin is high, the flowering pattern did not differ between invasive and native species, whereas in Spain the high proportion of tropical species results in a later flowering than natives, and in the Cape region early flowering than natives was the result of a high proportion of temperate invaders.


Observed patterns are due to the human-induced sympatry of species with different evolutionary histories whose flowering phenology evolved under different climatic regimes. The severity of the main abiotic filters imposed by the invaded regions (e.g. summer drought) has not been strong enough (yet) to shift the flowering pattern of invasive species to correspond with that of native relatives. It does, however, determine the length of the flowering season and the type of habitat invaded by summer-flowering aliens. Results suggest different implications for impacts at evolutionary time scales among the three regions.Key words: Biological invasions, flowering phenology, genetic inertia, Cape Floristic Region, California, Spain, Mediterranean-type ecosystems, water availability, climatic origin  相似文献   

不受欢迎的生物多样性:香港的外来植物物种   总被引:44,自引:2,他引:44  
香港早在19世纪中叶开始就有外来植物入侵的记录,迄今为止,已发现多达238种已归化的外来或怀疑为外来的植物,其中又以薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha)、五爪金龙(Ipomoea cairica)、假臭草(Eupatorium catarium)、大黍(Panicum maximum)等最常见,外来植物最常见于受人为干扰的生境,例如荒废农田及路旁等,而较少在天然林地生境及贫瘠的灌草丛中发现,外来植物的对本地生态系统的影响主要局限于低地生境,它们常形成单优种群,减少了生境及贫瘠的灌草丛中发现,外来植物对本地生态系统的影响主要局限于低地生境,它们常形成单优种群,减少少了生境及动植物的多样性,外来动物对香港原生植物影响最大的是于20世纪70年代入侵的松树线虫(Bur-saphelenchus xylophilus)。外来的脊椎动物也有可能对香港的植物被演替产生影响,目前香港的外来植物当中,有些在大陆较少分布或没有记录,作为华南最大的港口,香港对外来物种的引入扮演着重要的角色,因此制定控制外来种在香港及华南地区的引入及传播的政策及措施非常重要。  相似文献   

The introduction of carnivorous mammals has led many native island species to extinction. In the Balearic Islands, the introduction of carnivorous mammals in the main islands has contributed to the extinction of the endemic lizard Podarcis lilfordi, which is an important seed disperser of many plant species. One of the introduced mammals, Martes martes (pine marten), is also known to disperse seeds and may replace the native lizard in this role in islands. However, little is known on the patterns of seed dispersal by these two different species and their possible implications for plant regeneration ability and population structure. We have compared the quality of seed deposition provided by both to the vulnerable Mediterranean shrub Cneorum tricoccon, by studying the pattern of seed distribution among sites generated by both dispersers as well as the suitability of those sites for seedling emergence and establishment. The study was carried out in two types of habitats (coastal shrublands and pine forests) and two islands (Mallorca and Dragonera). Lizards and mammals showed contrasting patterns of seed deposition and, where lizards were absent, mammals played their role as seed dispersers in pine forests but not in coastal shrublands. The lack of seed dispersal in the coastal shrubland seriously limits recruitment, by concentrating seeds under conspecifics and hindering colonisation opportunities, marking a long-term trend towards decline. The introduced predator replaces the native seed disperser in its service where it has gone extinct, although with important differences in the dispersal service provided.  相似文献   

广州的外来植物   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
该文分析了127种广州外来植物的种类及其生长型、原产地、现状、生境和季节变化。结果表明:具有较强繁殖能力的草本、灌木和藤本植物以及一些世界广布或热带性科属的植物和原产美洲、非洲的一些植物具有较强的入侵能力;受人为干扰较强的路边、荒地、池塘、果园、菜园和人工林容易为外来植物入侵,而人为干扰较少的自然生境则不易为外来植物入侵。此外,文章对物种的入侵性和生境的入侵性问题进行了讨论,认为这实际上是一个问题的两个方面,物种的入侵性总是与被入侵的生境联系在一起并相互影响的。  相似文献   

Question: Which factors determine diversity of native and alien vascular plant species in semi‐natural dry grasslands? Location: Northern limestone Alps to the southern rim of the Bohemian massif in northern Austria. Methods: In 70 randomly chosen dry grassland patches (0.008 ha ‐ 7 ha) we sampled a complete inventory of vascular plant species at each site. We analysed the correlation between species diversity of natives, archaeophytes (pre‐1500 aliens) and neophytes (post‐1500 aliens). We used GLM to study the relationship of species number (natives, neophytes, archaeophytes) to five explanatory variables (altitude, within habitat diversity, habitat diversity of adjacent areas, within land‐use diversity and land‐use in adjacent areas). Orthogonal components of these variables were derived with a PCA and used in the models. We also tested the influence of minimum residence time (MRT) and the covariables origin, mode of introduction and life form on the number of grassland sites with neophytes with analogous GLMs. Results: Native species diversity species was positively correlated with the species diversity of new, but not old invaders. GLM explains 70% of the variance in the number of native species. Patch size explained the largest part of the variation in the number of native species. PCA axes 1 and 3 were significantly related to the number of native species. Axis 1was related to on‐site habitat and land‐use diversity. The GLM of the archaeophyte diversity explains 18% of the variance. Altitude and presence of fields and grassland in the neighbourhood mainly explained archaeophyte species diversity. The GLM of neophyte diversity explains 12% of the variance. The number of neophytes was positively related to that of archaeophytes. Only PCA axis 3, which is mainly influenced by adjacent land‐use types, showed a relationship with neophytes. MRT, mode of introduction and region of origin (but not life form) were significantly related to the number of grassland sites invaded by neophytes, explaining 35% of the variance. Conclusion: Most factors governing native species diversity are not significantly related to alien species diversity. Additional determinants of the local scale diversity of alien species exist such as region of origin and historical factors (MRT, mode of introduction).  相似文献   

Roadsides may homogenize the distribution of native species and act as corridors for the spread of alien taxa. We examined the variation in native and alien plant species richness and composition at two spatial scales defined by altitude and habitat type (edges and fill slopes), as well as the relationship between native and exotic species richness in roadside plant communities in mountains from central Argentina. Following a gradient from 1100 to 2200 m a.s.l. along a mountain road, plant species cover was recorded within sample plots of 30 m × 10 m systematically located at 100‐m altitude intervals on both roadside habitats. Although native species richness decreased with altitude and composition changed accordingly, the number of alien species peaked at both extremes of the elevation gradient and did not reflect an altitudinal replacement of chorological groups. The number of both native and alien species was higher in roadside edges, but a negative association between the richness of native and alien species occurred only on fill slopes, suggesting that roadside habitats differ in their susceptibility to plant species colonization and in the mechanisms driving native and alien species richness. Our results highlight the importance of altitude and roadside habitat as factors controlling plant species richness and composition along roadside communities in central Argentina. Although altitude acts as a filter for native plants, it apparently did not constrain the establishment of alien species along the studied roadsides, indicating that the influence of this road as a plant species corridor may increase with time, promoting the opportunities for aliens to expand their current distribution.  相似文献   


Background: Highly modified landscapes offer the opportunity to assess how environmental factors influence the integration of alien plant species into native vegetation communities and determine the vulnerability of different communities to invasion.

Aims: To examine the importance of biotic and abiotic drivers in determining whether alien plant species segregate spatially from native plant communities or become integrated and lead to biotic homogenisation.

Methods: Ordination and classification of a floristic survey of over 1200 systematically located 6 m × 6 m plots were used to examine how plant community segregation, nestedness and homogenisation varied in relation to climate, environmental and human-related factors across Banks Peninsula, New Zealand.

Results: The analyses of community structure indicated that native and alien plant communities were spatially and ecologically segregated due to different responses primarily to an anthropogenic impact gradient and secondly to environmental factors along an elevation gradient. Human-land use appeared most strongly linked to the distribution of alien species and was associated with increased vegetation homogenisation. However, despite spatial segregation of alien and native plant communities, biotic homogenisation not only occurred in highly managed grasslands but also in relatively less managed shrublands and forest.

Conclusions: The role played by anthropogenic factors in shaping alien and native plant species community structure should not be ignored and, even along a marked environmental gradient, if the recipient sites have a long history of human-related disturbance, biotic homogenisation is often strong.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. In 2004, Brood X of the periodical cicada (Magicicada spp.) emerged in Delaware. Extensive suburban development and concomitant planting of exotic species has occurred since the previous emergence of Brood X in 1987. 2. Exotic species could suffer extensive damage during years of cicada emergences if they are preferred for oviposition. Alternately, a shortage of suitable plant hosts may negatively affect remaining cicada populations. 3. We determined if the periodical cicada, Magicicada septendecim, preferred to oviposit on native or exotic woody plant species. Potential hosts were divided into three groups and planted in a randomised design near a likely source of cicadas. The first group, Natives, included 15 species native to Delaware. The second group, Non‐natives, included 15 exotic species that had a native congener represented in the Native group. The final group, Aliens, included 13 exotic species that did not have a native congener. 4. Based on observations of 428 plants, cicadas were more likely to oviposit on Natives or Non‐natives, which did not differ from each other in this measure, than on Aliens. Non‐natives had more oviposition holes per metre than Natives, which had more holes per metre than Aliens. The likelihood of stem flagging was lowest on Alien species; the percentage of the total plant that flagged was greatest for Natives. Plant morphology also influenced host preference and likelihood of flagging. 5. Taking plant morphology into consideration, we speculate that the evolutionary history between periodical cicadas and potential hosts is an important component of host preference.  相似文献   

Studies of pairwise interactions have shown that an alien plant can affect the pollination of a native plant, this effect being mediated by shared pollinators. Here we use a manipulative field experiment, to investigate the impact of the alien plant Impatiens glandulifera on an entire community of coflowering native plants. Visitation and pollen transport networks were constructed to compare replicated I. glandulifera invaded and I. glandulifera removal plots. Invaded plots had significantly higher visitor species richness, visitor abundance and flower visitation. However, the pollen transport networks were dominated by alien pollen grains in the invaded plots and consequently higher visitation may not translate in facilitation for pollination. The more generalized insects were more likely to visit the alien plant, and Hymenoptera and Hemiptera were more likely to visit the alien than Coleoptera. Our data indicate that generalized native pollinators can provide a pathway of integration for alien plants into native visitation systems.  相似文献   

为了探索外来种池蝶蚌引入的生态风险,对池蝶蚌(C)与三角帆蚌(S)及其杂交种正交F1(三角帆蚌♀×池蝶蚌♂,SC)、反交F1(池蝶蚌♀×三角帆蚌♂,CS)幼蚌的低氧、干露和重金属汞耐受力进行了比较研究.结果表明:4种幼蚌对低氧、干露和重金属汞均有不同程度的耐受能力.其中CS 的窒息点最低(0.92 mg·L-1),对低氧的耐受力最强,其次是C和SC,窒息点分别为1.04和1.10 mg·L-1,S窒息点最高(1.31 mg·L-1),方差分析表明S与其它3种差异均极显著(P<0.01),耐低氧能力最弱.C、SC和CS的干露耐受力无明显差异,但要显著强于S(P<0.01).根据4种幼蚌72 h和96 h对汞的半致死浓度的耐受力由强至弱依次为C>CS>SC>S.表明池蝶蚌的耐受力显著强于三角帆蚌,今后应加强对池蝶蚌的监控和防范力度,以避免对中国的特有种三角帆蚌构成生存威胁.  相似文献   

Biological Invasions - It is widely assumed that spillover of alien parasites to native host species severely impacts naïve populations, ultimately conferring a competitive advantage to...  相似文献   

Biological invasions are major threats to biodiversity, with impacts that may be compounded by other forms of environmental change. Observations of high density of the invasive springtail (Collembola), Hypogastrura manubrialis in heavily grazed renosterveld vegetation in the Western Cape, South Africa, raised the question of whether the invasion was favored by changes in plant litter quality associated with habitat disturbance in this vegetation type. To examine the likely mechanisms underlying the high abundance of H. manubrialis, cages with three types of naturally occurring litter with different nutrient content were placed out in the area and collected after different periods of time. Hypogastrura manubrialis was mainly found in the nutrient‐rich litter of the yellowbush (Galenia africana), which responds positively to disturbance in the form of overgrazing. This suggests that invasion may have been facilitated by a positive interaction with this grazing resistant plant. By contrast, indigenous Collembola were least abundant in yellowbush litter. Negative correlations between high abundance of H. manubrialis and the abundance and diversity of other species suggest that competitive interactions might underlie low abundance of these other species at the patch level. Group behavior enables H. manubrialis to utilize efficiently this ephemeral, high quality resource, and might improve its competitive ability. The results suggest that interactions among environmental change drivers may lead to unforeseen invasion effects. H. manubrialis is not likely to be very successful in un‐grazed renosterveld, but in combination with grazing, favoring the nutrient‐rich yellowbush, it may become highly invasive. Field manipulations are required to fully verify these conclusions.  相似文献   

Plant traits associated with alien invasiveness may also distinguish rare from common native species. To test this, we grew 23 native (9 common, 14 rare) and 18 alien (8 common, 10 rare) herbaceous species in Switzerland from six plant families under nutrient-addition and competition treatments. Alien and common species achieved greater biomass than native and rare species did overall respectively. Across alien and native origins, common species increased total biomass more strongly in response to nutrient addition than rare species did and this difference was not confounded by habitat dissimilarities. There was a weak tendency for common species to survive competition better than rare species, which was also independent of origin. Overall, our study suggests that common alien and native plant species are not fundamentally different in their responses to nutrient addition and competition.  相似文献   

Large plant species self-thin to disproportionately lower densities than smaller plant species, and therefore may leave more patches of unused space suitable for invasion. Using experimental monocultures of 11 old-field perennial plant species differing in maximum size, as well as mixtures composed of all monoculture species, we tested our primary hypothesis that monocultures of larger species will be more susceptible to natural invasion. After 3 years, monocultures of larger species were invaded by a significantly greater number of species, and more ramets, from the surrounding vegetation. Invading plant species were significantly smaller than the monoculture species being invaded, suggesting that smaller plant species may be better invaders. Thus, we quantified a trade-off between species size, which is frequently associated with increased competitive ability for light, and invasibility, suggesting one reason why large and small species coexist in virtually all plant communities. Although we expected that invasion would enhance biomass production by more fully capturing available resources, we found that the most highly invaded plots of each species produced significantly less biomass. This suggests that increased diversity resulting from invasion did not result in complementary resource use. Mixture plots containing all experimental species did not admit a significantly different number of invading ramets or species than most monocultures, indicating no obvious role for diversity in resistance to invasion, or complementary resource use. Our results suggest that relatively large species may be limited in their capacity to competitively exclude other, smaller species from communities because pure stands of the former are more susceptible to invasion by the latter.  相似文献   

Questions: Does the invasive alien Hedychium gardnerianum (1) replace native understory species, (2) suppress natural regeneration of native plant species, (3) increase the invasiveness of other non‐native plants and (4) are native forests are able to recover after removal of H. gardnerianum. Location: A mature rainforest in Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park on the island of Hawai'i (about 1200 m a.s.l.; precipitation approximately 2770 mm yr?1). Study sites included natural plots without effects of alien plants, ginger plots with a H. gardnerianum‐dominated herb layer and cleared plots treated with herbicide to remove alien plants. Methods: Counting mature trees, saplings and seedlings of native and alien plant species. Using non‐parametric H‐tests to compare impact of H. gardnerianum on the structure of different sites. Results: Results confirmed the hypothesis that H. gardnerianum has negative effects on natural forest dynamics. Lower numbers of native tree seedlings and saplings were found on ginger‐dominated plots. Furthermore, H. gardnerianum did not show negative effects on the invasive alien tree species Psidium cattleianum. Conclusions: This study reveals that where dominance of H. gardnerianum persists, regeneration of the forest by native species will be inhibited. Furthermore, these areas might experience invasion by P. cattleianum, resulting in displacement of native canopy species in the future, leading to a change in forest structure and loss of other species dependent on natural rainforest, such as endemic birds. However, if H. gardnerianum is removed the native Hawaiian forest is likely to regenerate and regain its natural structure.  相似文献   

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