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A broad-specificity beta-D-glucosidase from pig kidney cortex was isolated and purified to homogeneity by a rapid purification procedure. The pI (5.14 +/- 0.05), Mr (59,000 +/- 2000) and specific activities with several p-nitrophenyl glycosides (galactopyranoside, glucopyranoside, arabinopyranoside, xylopyranoside) were comparable with those published previously for cytoplasmic beta-D-glucosidase from other sources and organs. Mixed-substrate experiments and inhibition studies with glucono-(1----5)-lactone revealed that a single active centre, containing one catalytic site and one saccharide-binding site, was responsible for the splitting of all four synthetic substrates. Inhibition experiments with substrate analogues demonstrated that (i) the major binding determinant of the glycosides was the aglycone moiety, (ii) an anionic side chain of the enzyme (probably a carboxy group) interacted with the glycosidic linkages and (iii) the properties of the aglycone significantly influenced the binding of the carbohydrate moiety. The inhibition constants of the p-nitrothiophenyl derivatives were in good agreement with the Km values of the corresponding substrates. Therefore the Michaelis constants could be regarded as true equilibrium constants (Ks). The 'three-point-attachment model' of the substrate splitting, proposed by Daniels [(1983) Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh] for the analogous liver enzyme, was applicable for beta-D-glucosidase from pig kidney too. The possible nature of the 'attachments' is discussed.  相似文献   

A beta-glycosidase gene homolog of Pyrococcus horikoshii (BGPh) was successfully expressed in Escherichia coli. The enzyme was localized in a membrane fraction and solubilized with 2.5% Triton X-100 at 85 degrees C for 15 min. The optimum pH was 6.0 and the optimum temperature was over 100 degrees C, respectively. BGPh stability was dependent on the presence of Triton X-100, the enzyme's half-life at 90 degrees C (pH 6.0) was 15 h. BGPh has a novel substrate specificity with k(cat)/K(m) values high enough for hydrolysis of beta-D-Glcp derivatives with long alkyl chain at the reducing end and low enough for the hydrolysis of beta-linked glucose dimer more hydrophilic than aryl- or alkyl-beta-D-Glcp.  相似文献   

The specificity of the Spodoptera frugiperda digestive beta-glycosidase (Sfbetagly50) for fucosides, glucosides and galactosides is determined by noncovalent interactions of glycone 6-OH and glycone 4-OH with the active-site residues Q39 and E451. Site-directed mutagenesis and enzyme steady-state kinetics were described, showing that replacement of E451 with glutamine increased the preference of Sfbetagly50 for glucosides in comparison to galactosides, whereas replacing E451 with serine had the opposite effect. In contrast, the replacement of E451 with aspartate did not change Sfbetagly50 specificity. The energy of the interactions formed by these different residues with the axial and equatorial glycone 4-OH were also measured, showing that the increase in preference for galactosides resulted from a larger energy decrease in the interaction with equatorial 4-OH than with axial 4-OH (22.6 vs. 13.9 kJ x mol(-1)), whereas the increase in preference for glucosides was caused by an energy reduction in the interaction with the axial 4-OH (5.1 kJ x mol(-1)). The introduction of glutamine at position 451 or of asparagine at position 39 increased the preference of Sfbetagly50 for fucosides in comparison to galactosides, whereas the presence of aspartate or serine at position 451 had less effect on this preference. The hydrolysis of fucosides was favored because glutamine at position 451 increased a steric hindrance with 6-OH of 7.1 kJ x mol(-1) and asparagine at position 39 disrupted a favorable interaction with this same hydroxyl. In conclusion, it is proposed that the specificity of new beta-glycosidase mutants can be predicted by combining and adding energy of the enzyme-substrate interactions evaluated in the present study.  相似文献   

The substrate specificity of the thermophilic beta-glycosidase (lacS) from the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus (SSbetaG), a member of the glycohydrolase family 1, has been analysed at a molecular level using predictions from known protein sequences and structures and through site-directed mutagenesis. Three critical residues were identified and mutated to create catalysts with altered and broadened specificities for use in glycoside synthesis. The wild-type (WT) and mutated sequences were expressed as recombinant fusion proteins in Escherichia coli, with an added His(6)-tag to allow one-step chromatographic purification. Consistent with side-chain orientation towards OH-6, the single Met439-->Cys mutation enhances D-xylosidase specificity 4.7-fold and decreases D-fucosidase activity 2-fold without greatly altering its activity towards other D-glycoside substrates. Glu432-->Cys and Trp433-->Cys mutations directed towards OH-4 and -3, respectively, more dramatically impair glucose (Glc), galactose (Gal), fucose specificity than for other glycosides, resulting in two glycosidases with greatly broadened substrate specificities. These include the first examples of stereospecificity tailoring in glycosidases (e.g. WT-->W433C, k(cat)/K(M) (Gal):k(cat)/K(M) (mannose (Man))=29.4:1-->1.2:1). The robustness and high utility of these broad specificity SSbetaG mutants in parallel synthesis were demonstrated by the formation of libraries of beta-glycosides of Glc, Gal, xylose, Man in one-pot preparations at 50 degrees C in the presence of organic solvents, that could not be performed by SSbetaG-WT.  相似文献   

The mechanism of inhibition of diamine oxidase [DAO, histaminase, amine: oxygen oxidoreductase (deaminating) (copper-containing), EC] by aminoguanidine was studied kinetically. The DAO reaction was carried out with putrescine as a substrate in the presence of o-aminobenzaldehyde and followed by the continuous increase in A430. An enzymatic reaction product, 4-aminobutyraldehyde, was spontaneously cyclized to delta 1-pyrroline, which coupled with o-aminobenzaldehyde to give rise to a yellow quinazolinium chromophore [Holmstedt et al. (1961) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 48, 182-186]. First, to measure the initial velocities as accurately as possible, the kinetic relationship between the oxidase reaction rate and the color development rate was formulated. The reaction proceeded linearly in the absence of aminoguanidine, but slowed down time-dependently in its presence. When the color development velocities in the presence of the inhibitor were plotted against time, the plot was nonlinear and there seemed to be at least two phases of the inhibition. Nonlinear least-squares analysis of the data dA430/dt showed that the simplest model that fitted best was a model composed of two species of enzyme-inhibitor complexes: E + I k+1 in equilibrium k-1 EI k+2 in equilibrium k-2 E'I where E is the enzyme, I is aminoguanidine (an inhibitor), and the ks are the rate constants.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have studied the antigen specificity and cross-reactivity of a monoclonal antibody (mAb 72.11) of subclass IgG1, raised against the precursor form of porcine colipase (procolipase), whose epitope lies near the amino terminal region of the polypeptide. mAb 72.11 cross-reacts with native porcine, equine and human procolipase, as shown by immuno-inactivation and ELISA titration studies carried out on pure proteins, pancreatic tissue homogenate or pancreatic juice. The epitope site recognized by mAb 72.11 was further characterized by studying antibody binding to denatured procolipase. Reduced carboxymethylated procolipase reacted with mAb 72.11 in ELISA. Heat inactivated or reduced carboxymethylated porcine procolipase displaced antigen from the complex formed between antibody and native procolipase. The lack of sensitivity of epitope recognized by mAb 72.11 on procolipase to heat denaturation or reduction of the disulfide bridges is indicative that antigen specificity of mAb 72.11 is not dependent on the conformation of the antigenic site. Cross-reactivity of mAb 72.11 with procolipase from the three species demonstrates that substitution of amino acid at positions 1 and 3 causes no loss of antigenicity. Finally, mAb 72.11 was coupled to sepharose to isolate human procolipase from human pancreatic juice and to separate the precursor form from activated colipase non-adsorbed on the column.  相似文献   

Explants of pig kidney cortex and medulla release a catabolin-like factor (CLF). The CLF of both kidney cortex and medulla can be precipitated with ammonium sulphate, mainly in the 60-95 per cent fraction. By gel chromatography the kidney CLF showed a major active fraction at a molecular weight of around 22 500. Whole glomeruli and dissociated glomerular cells in culture also released into the medium a CLF that could be bioassayed in live cartilage but displayed no effect on dead cartilage. The possible role of such a local hormone is discussed.  相似文献   

Bismuto E  Nucci R  Rossi M  Irace G 《Proteins》1999,35(2):163-172
The tryptophanyl emission decay of beta-glycosidase from the extremophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus (Sbetagly) has been investigated by frequency domain fluorometry. The data were analyzed in terms of sum of discrete lifetimes as well as in terms of quasi- continuous lifetime distributions of different shape. At neutral pH the emission decay is characterized by two components: a long-lived component, centered at 7.4 ns, and a short one at 2.7 ns, irrespective of the decay scheme used for the interpretation of the experimental results. The effects of an irreversible inhibitor, that is, cyclophellitol, and that of a powerful denaturant such as guanidinium hydrochloride on the dynamics of Sbetagly has been investigated by observing the changes induced in the two components of the tryptophanyl emission decay. The addition of cyclophellitol to native Sbetagly reduces the contribution of the short-lived component but does not affect the long-lived one. Increasing concentrations of guanidinium hydrochloride differently affect the contributions of the two emission components. Higher concentrations were required to unfold the molecular regions containing the long-lived indolic fluorophores. These results indicate that the long-lived contribution arises from tryptophanyl residues deeply clustered in the interior of the protein matrix, whereas the short-lived one includes residues located in less rigid and more solvent accessible regions, some of which might be located in functionally important parts of protein. The knowledge of the crystallographic structure of Sbetagly allowed us to evaluate some average parameters for each tryptophanyl microenvironment in the Sbetagly such as hydrophobicity, structural flexibility, and ability of side chains to act as fluorescence quenchers. These results permitted to divide the tryptophanyl fluorescence of Sbetagly in the contribution of two emitting groups: one consisting of eight closely clustered tryptophans, that is, Trp 33, 36, 60, 84, 151 174, 425, and 433, responsible for the long-lived emission component and the other one, composed of nine tryptophans nearer to the subunit surface, that is, Trp 12, 156, 192, 287, 288, 316, 361, 376, 455, associable to the short-lived emission component. Finally, the examination of the tryptophanyl emission decay of the mesophilic beta-galactosidase from Escherichia coli (Cbetagal) and the Arrhenius analysis of its dependence on temperature indicated that the tryptophanyl environments of the mesophilic enzyme are rather homogeneous in consequence of a larger protein dynamics.  相似文献   

Nicotinamide methyltransferase (EC has been purified over 1300-fold from porcine liver. The enzyme is electrophoretically homogeneous, exhibiting a relative molecular mass of 27,000. In addition to acting on nicotinamide and close structural analogs such as thionicotinamide and 3-acetylpyridine, the enzyme actively accommodates poor analogs such as quinoline, isoquinoline, and 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline as methyl group acceptors. The enzyme may thus have the function of detoxicating numerous alkaloids in vivo. In some cases, the action of the enzyme might paradoxically increase the toxicities of substrates, but the hepatotoxic antibiotic pyrazinamide, which we considered as potentially such an enzyme-activated electrophile, did not function detectably as a substrate for the isolated enzyme.  相似文献   

Mendonça LM  Marana SR 《The FEBS journal》2008,275(10):2536-2547
The relative contributions to the specificity and catalysis of aglycone, of residues E190, E194, K201 and M453 that form the aglycone-binding site of a beta-glycosidase from Spodoptera frugiperda (EC, were investigated through site-directed mutagenesis and enzyme kinetic experiments. The results showed that E190 favors the binding of the initial portion of alkyl-type aglycones (up to the sixth methylene group) and also the first glucose unit of oligosaccharidic aglycones, whereas a balance between interactions with E194 and K201 determines the preference for glucose units versus alkyl moieties. E194 favors the binding of alkyl moieties, whereas K201 is more relevant for the binding of glucose units, in spite of its favorable interaction with alkyl moieties. The three residues E190, E194 and K201 reduce the affinity for phenyl moieties. In addition, M453 favors the binding of the second glucose unit of oligosaccharidic aglycones and also of the initial portion of alkyl-type aglycones. None of the residues investigated interacted with the terminal portion of alkyl-type aglycones. It was also demonstrated that E190, E194, K201 and M453 similarly contribute to stabilize ES(double dagger). Their interactions with aglycone are individually weaker than those formed by residues interacting with glycone, but their joint catalytic effects are similar. Finally, these interactions with aglycone do not influence glycone binding.  相似文献   

Transition-state mimicry is increasingly important both to understand enzyme mechanism and to direct the synthesis of putative therapeutic agents. X-ray crystallography is able to provide vital information on the interactions between an enzyme and the potential inhibitor. Here we report the structures, at approximately 2 A resolution, of a family GH1 beta-glycosidase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus, in complex with both covalently (derived from 2-fluoro-glycosides) and noncovalently (hydroximolactam) bound inhibitors. The enzyme has broad specificity, accommodating both gluco- and galacto-configured substrates, and the crystallographic data demonstrate that the only difference in the way these ligands bind lies in the interactions between Gln18, Glu432, and Trp433, and the hydroxyl group at the O3 and O4 positions. Inhibition by the differently configured ligands was also shown to be extremely similar, with K(i) values of 1.04 and 1.08 microM for the gluco and galacto epimers, respectively. The noncovalently bound inhibitors have a trigonal anomeric carbon, adopt a (4)H(3) (half-chair) conformation, and an interaction is formed between O2 and the catalytic nucleophile, all of which contribute to (partial) mimicry of the oxocarbenium-ion-like transition state. The inhibition of the beta-glycosidase from S. solfataricus by hydroximolactams is discussed in light of the emerging work on family GH1 glycosidase inhibition by a spectrum of putative transition-state mimics.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate on the activation of purified swine kidney phosphofructokinase as a function of the concentration of fructose 6P, ATP and citrate was investigated. The purified enzyme was nearly completely inhibited in the presence of 2 mM ATP. The addition of 20 nM fructose 2,6-P2 reversed the inhibition and restored more than 80% of the activity. In the absence of fructose 2,6-P2 the reaction showed a sigmoidal dependence on fructose 6-phosphate. The addition of 10 nM fructose 2,6-bisphosphate decreased the K0.5 for fructose 6-phosphate from 3 mM to 0.4 mM in the presence of 1.5 mM ATP. These results clearly show that fructose 2,6-bisphosphate increases the affinity of the enzyme for fructose 6-phosphate and decreases the inhibitory effect of ATP. The extent of inhibition by citrate was also significantly decreased in the presence of fructose 2,6-phosphate.The influence of various effectors of phosphofructokinase on the binding of ATP and fructose 6-P to the enzyme was examined in gel filtration studies. It was found that kidney phosphofructokinase binds 5.6 moles of fructose 6-P per mole of enzyme, which corresponds to about one site per subunit of tetrameric enzyme. The KD for fructose 6-P was 13 µM and in the presence of 0.5 mM ATP it increased to 27 µM. The addition of 0.3 mM citrate also increased the KD for fructose 6-P to about 40 µM. AMP, 10 µM, decreased the KD to 5 µM and the addition of fructose 2,6-phosphate decreased the KD for fructose 6-P to 0.9 µM. The addition of these compounds did not effect the maximal amount of fructose 6-P bound to the enzyme, which indicated that the binding site for these compounds might be near, but was not identical to the fructose 6-P binding site. The enzyme bound a maximum of about 12.5 moles of ATP per mole, which corresponds to 3 moles per subunit. The KD of the site with the highest affinity for ATP was 4 µM, and it increased to 15 µM in the presence of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate. The addition of 50 µM fructose 1,6-bisphosphate increased the KD for ATP to 5.9 µM. AMP increased the KD to 5.9 µM whereas 0.3 mM citrate decreased the KD for ATP to about 2 µM. The KD for AMP, was 2.0 µM; the KD for cyclic AMP was 1.0 µM; the KD for ADP was 0.9 µM; the KD for fructose 1,6-bisphosphate was 0.5 µM; the KD for citrate was 0.4 µM and the KD for fructose 2,6-bisphosphate was about 0.1 µM. A maximum of about 4 moles of AMP, ADP and cyclic AMP and fructose 2,6-bisphosphate were bound per mole of enzyme. Taken collectively, these and previous studies (9) indicate that fructose 2,6-phosphate is a very effective activator of swine kidney phosphofructokinase. This effector binds to the enzyme with a very high affinity, and significantly decreases the binding of ATP at the inhibitory site on the enzyme.  相似文献   

Multiple sequence alignment on 73 proteins belonging to glycosyl hydrolase family 1 reveals the occurrence of a segment (83-124) in the enzyme sequences from hyperthermophilic archaea bacteria, which is absent in all the mesophilic members of the family. The alignment of the known three-dimensional structures of hyperthermophilic glycosidases with the known ones from mesophilic organisms shows a similar spatial organizations of beta-glycosidases except for this sequence segment whose structure is located on the external surface of each of four identical subunits, where it overlaps two alpha-helices. Site-directed mutagenesis substituting N97 or S101 with a cysteine residue in the sequence of beta-glycosidase from hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus caused some changes in the structural and dynamic properties as observed by circular dichroism in far- and near-UV light, as well as by frequency domain fluorometry, with a simultaneous loss of thermostability. The results led us to hypothesize an important role of the sequence segment present only in hyperthermophilic beta-glycosidases, in the thermal adaptation of archaea beta-glycosidases. The thermostabilization mechanism could occur as a consequence of numerous favorable ionic interactions of the 83-124 sequence with the other part of protein matrix that becomes more rigid and less accessible to the insult of thermal-activated solvent molecules.  相似文献   

Purification and specificity of porcine enterokinase   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  

1. A neutral peptidase, previously shown to be located in the brush border of the proximal tubule, and assayed by its ability to hydrolyse [(125)I]iodoinsulin B chain was purified from rabbit kidney. 2. The starting material for the purification was a microsomal pellet prepared from a homogenate of cortical tissue. The membrane-bound enzymes were solubilized by treatment with toluene and trypsin. About half the neutral peptidase activity was released by this treatment in a form that no longer sedimented with the microsomal pellet and which penetrated polyacrylamide gels when subjected to disc electrophoresis. Other treatments with detergents or proteolytic enzymes either inactivated the peptidase or failed to convert it into a genuinely soluble form. 3. Chromatography with successive columns of Sephadex G-200, DEAE-cellulose and hydroxyl-apatite yielded an enzyme that was free of other brush-border peptidase activities and which was homogeneous on disc electrophoresis and ultracentrifugation. 4. The purified enzyme attacked [(125)I]iodoglucagon at a rate comparable with that for [(125)I]iodoinsulin B chain. It did not appear to attack proteins (insulin, albumin and casein) that had been similarly iodinated. 5. Unlabelled insulin B chain and unlabelled glucagon were substantially hydrolysed by the endopeptidase, whereas insulin and albumin released only trivial amounts of ninhydrin-reacting material. The resistance of insulin to attack by endopeptidase, even after prolonged incubation, was confirmed by biological and immunoassay. 6. The specificity of the peptidase was determined by analysis of the products after incubating unlabelled insulin B chain, and some oligopeptide substrates, including pentagastrin, with the enzyme. All of the bonds readily cleaved were those involving the alpha-amino group of hydrophobic residues, i.e. x-Leu-, x-Val-, x-Tyr-, x-Phe- and x-Met-, provided that the residues were not C-terminal. 7. The enzyme showed only endopeptidase activity. Substrates suitable for aminopeptidases, carboxypeptidases or esterases were not attacked.  相似文献   

Enzymatic properties and substrate specificity of recombinant beta-glycosidases from a hyperthermophilic archaeon, Sulfolobus shibatae (rSSG), were analyzed. rSSG showed its optimum temperature and pH at 95 degrees C and pH 5.0, respectively. Thermal inactivation of rSSG showed that its half-life of enzymatic activity at 75 degrees C was 15 h whereas it drastically decreased to 3.9 min at 95 degrees C. The addition of 10 mM of MnCl2 enhanced the hydrolysis activity of rSSG up to 23% whereas most metal ions did not show any considerable effect. Dithiothreitol (DTT) and 2-mercaptoethanol exhibited significant influence on the increase of the hydrolysis activity of rSSG. rSSG apparently preferred laminaribiose (beta1-->3Glc), followed by sophorose (beta1-->2Glc), gentiobiose (beta1-->6Glc), and cellobiose (beta1--4Glc). Various intermolecular transfer products were formed by rSSG in the lactose reaction, indicating that rSSG prefers lactose as a good acceptor as well as a donor. The strong intermolecular transglycosylation activity of rSSG can be applied in making functional oligosaccharides.  相似文献   

A novel beta-glycosidase-producing microorganism was isolated from soil and identified as Aspergillus fumigatus AP-20 based on its taxonomical characteristics. The enzyme was found to be an extracellular protein in the culture of the isolated fungus and was purified 88-fold by fractionation with ammonium sulfate followed by successive column chromatographies on phenyl-Sepharose HP and Mono P HR. The molecular mass was estimated to be 47 kDa by SDS-PAGE and the isoelectric point to be pH 6.0 by isoelectric focusing. The purified enzyme was highly specific for a substrate, p-nitrophenyl beta-primeveroside (6-O-beta-D-xylopyranosyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside), which was cleaved in an endo-manner into primeverose and p-nitrophenol.  相似文献   

The midgut of the yellow mealworm, Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) larvae has four beta-glycosidases. The properties of two of these enzymes (betaGly1 and betaGly2) have been described elsewhere. In this paper, the characterization of the other two glycosidases (betaGly3 and betaGly4) is described. BetaGly3 has one active site, hydrolyzes disaccharides, cellodextrins, synthetic substrates and beta-glucosides produced by plants. The enzyme is inhibited by amygdalin, cellotriose, cellotetraose and cellopentaose in high concentrations, probably due to transglycosylation. betaGly3 hydrolyzes beta 1,4-glycosidic linkages with a catalytic rate independent of the substrate polymerization degree (k(int)) of 11.9 s(-1). Its active site is formed by four subsites, where subsites +1 and -1 bind glucose residues with higher affinity than subsite +2. The main role of betaGly3 seems to be disaccharide hydrolysis. BetaGly4 is a beta-galactosidase, since it has highest activity against beta-galactosides. It can also hydrolyze fucosides, but not glucosides, and has Triton X-100 as a non-essential activator (K(a)=15 microM, pH 4.5). betaGly4 has two active sites that can hydrolyze p-nitrophenyl beta-galactoside (NPbetaGal). The one hydrolyzing NPbetaGal with more efficiency is also active against methylumbellipheryl beta-D-galactoside and lactose. The other active site hydrolyzes NPbetaFucoside and binds NPbetaGal weakly. BetaGly4 hydrolyzes hydrophobic substrates with high catalytical efficiency and is able to bind octyl-beta-thiogalactoside in its active site with high affinity. The betaGly4 physiological role is supposed to be the hydrolysis of galactolipids that are found in membranes from vegetal tissues. As the enzyme has a hydrophobic site where Triton X-100 can bind, it might be activated by membrane lipids, thus becoming fully active only at the surface of cell membranes.  相似文献   

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