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Aim The Mexican transition zone is a complex area where Neotropical and Nearctic biotic elements overlap. A previous study on mammal species has shown a great diversification in the area. We analyse the diversification of their flea species (Insecta: Siphonaptera), in order to determine if a diversification similar to their mammal host species has occurred. Location The area analysed corresponds to Mexico. Methods The panbiogeographical or track analysis was based on the comparison of the individual tracks of 112 species belonging to 48 genera and eight families of the order Siphonaptera. Generalized tracks were obtained based on the comparison of the individual tracks. Nodes were found in the areas where generalized tracks overlapped. Results Thirty‐four generalized tracks were obtained, distributed within the Mexican transition zone (20), the Nearctic region plus the Mexican transition zone (8), the Nearctic region (4) and the Neotropical region plus the Mexican transition zone (2). In the areas where they intersected, 26 nodes were identified: 23 in the Mexican transition zone and 3 in the Nearctic region. Main conclusions The nodes are concentrated in the Transmexican Volcanic Belt (14), Sierra Madre Oriental (5) and Sierra Madre del Sur (4) provinces of the Mexican transition zone. These results show a significant diversification of the flea taxa, in parallel with the diversification of their mammal hosts.  相似文献   

The Nearctic region is located on the North American plate. However, its tectonic history is related to convergence with other plates, which has promoted a complex topography. This complexity should be reflected by the distributional patterns of the biota. We used track analysis with 574 species of mammals to identify generalized tracks and panbiogeographic nodes in the Nearctic region and to propose an updated point of view of complex areas and their boundaries in North America. Seven generalized tracks with nested patterns (California, Columbia Plateau, Mesoamerican, Mexican Plateau, Neotropic, Southern Rocky Mountains, and Western Coast of USA) were identified using a parsimony analysis of endemicity with progressive character elimination. Nine panbiogeographic nodes were identified at the intersections of the generalized tracks, all of which were located in the Sierra of Chiapas and Central America physical features. A total of 192 nodes were identified for the nested patterns, located in only eight physical features. Our analysis revealed evolutionary patterns in generalized tracks, and the panbiogeographic nodes predicted areas with high evolutionary–geologic complexity, shared by other taxonomic groups.  相似文献   

Parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE) was used to analyse the distributional patterns of 124 species of Mexican gymnosperms, using two different sample units: grid-cells and biogeographical provinces. PAE analyses were based on distributional data from herbarium specimens and specialized literature. Two data matrices were constructed for 60 grid-cells of 2° and 14 biogeographical provinces. The analysis of the 2° grid-cell matrix led to 7084 cladograms. The strict consensus cladogram showed several clades equivalent to the results obtained with the biogeographical provinces. Three clades agree with some principal regions of distribution of Mexican pines, previously identified by several authors, located at the northern portion of the Baja California peninsula, the Sierra Madre Occidental, and the Sierra Madre Oriental. These areas represent important centres of species diversity and endemism for Mexican gymnosperms. The analysis of the province matrix led to two most parsimonious cladograms, which only differed in the position of the Sierra Madre Occidental province. The iterative procedure PAE with progressive character elimination was applied to identify generalized tracks, where clades of provinces were considered equivalent to generalized tracks, and each time a cladogram was obtained, species defining its clades were deleted and a new run was undertaken. We found five generalized tracks, mainly located in montane provinces. The distribution patterns of gymnosperms agree with the existence of several Mexican biogeographical provinces, and a different historical biogeography of the Mexican peninsulas from the rest of the country is evident.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 405–417.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Patterns of simuliid species richness were examined over a variety of scales at 532 stream sites in the Nearctic (394) and Neotropical (138) regions. In Nearctic streams, species richness of immature blackflies both within and across ecoregions and over two seasons was examined. Stream variables at each site included seston, width, depth, velocity, discharge, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, water temperature, dominant streambed-particle size, canopy cover, and riparian vegetation. These variables were subjected to a principal component analysis and derived principal components were related back to richness, using regression analysis. At the level of the stream reach, richness was not highly correlated with single-point measurements of stream conditions.
2. Using data from both Nearctic and Neotropical sites, the effect of regional richness on local richness was examined. As regional richness increased, local diversity reached an asymptote in which further increases in regional richness were not matched by increases in local richness. Hence, simuliid communities are best described as saturated (type II) communities, consistent with the current view of lotic communities as non-equilibrium systems.
3. The well-established pattern of greater species richness in tropical regions was not observed in this study. To the contrary, blackfly richness is higher in temperate streams than in tropical streams at both local and regional scales.  相似文献   

Aim  We analysed the geographical distributions of species of Buprestidae (Coleoptera) in Mexico by means of a panbiogeographical analysis, in order to identify their main distributional patterns and test the complex nature of the Mexican Transition Zone, located between the Nearctic and Neotropical regions.
Location  Mexico.
Methods  The geographical distributions of 228 species belonging to 33 genera of Buprestidae were analysed. Localities of the buprestid species were represented on maps and their individual tracks were drawn. Based on a comparison of the individual tracks, generalized tracks were detected and mapped. Nodes were identified as the areas where generalized tracks converged.
Results  Thirteen generalized tracks were obtained: one was restricted to the Mexican Transition Zone and five to the Neotropical region (Antillean and Mesoamerican dominions), a further two occurred in both the Nearctic region (Continental Nearctic dominion) and the Mexican Transition Zone, and a further five in both the Neotropical region (Mesoamerican dominion) and the Mexican Transition Zone. Seven nodes were identified at the intersections of the generalized tracks – in the Mesoamerican dominion (Mexican Pacific Coast, Mexican Gulf and Chiapas biogeographical provinces) and the Mexican Transition Zone (Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, Balsas Basin and Sierra Madre Oriental biogeographical provinces).
Main conclusions  We conclude that the geographical distribution of Buprestidae is mainly Neotropical, corresponding to the Mesoamerican dominion and the Antillean dominion of the Neotropical region, and the Mexican Transition Zone. Most of the generalized tracks and nodes correspond to the Mexican Transition Zone, thus confirming its complex nature. We suggest that the nodes we have identified could be particularly important areas to choose for conservation prioritization.  相似文献   

Aim The main Japanese islands are land‐bridge islands divided by the biogeographic division Blakiston’s Line and represent two natural laboratories for studying land‐bridge diversification. Colonization of the current mammal fauna has been dated to the middle to late Pleistocene using fossil evidence. The purpose of this paper is to apply a molecular clock to the genetic divergences between Japanese mammalian taxa and their sister mainland taxa to test the late Pleistocene land‐bridge colonization hypothesis. Location The main Japanese islands (Kyushu, Shikoku, Honshu and Hokkaido). Methods I used mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome b) and a species tree approach to estimate the divergence times of 24 Japanese non‐volant terrestrial mammal taxa and their mainland sister taxa using the program *beast . I then tested for evidence of non‐simultaneous divergence among these taxon‐pairs by controlling for expected coalescent stochasticity using the program Ms Bayes . Results Divergence events between taxa on Japan and their mainland sister taxa were significantly older than expected under the current paradigm, which is based on fossil data. Consistent with the land‐bridge colonization hypothesis, there was evidence of multiple divergence events. Main conclusions These results implicate a colonization timeframe that is older than posited by the current paradigm based on fossil evidence. However, these results are still consistent with the land‐bridge colonization hypothesis. Multiple periods of land‐bridge connectivity may account for the current mammalian fauna in Japan. In addition, half of the divergence time estimates in the Honshu–Shikoku–Kyushu region were clumped around 2.4 Ma, which might suggest a dramatic interchange period, concordant with a period of significant global cooling, when the first land bridge may have connected Japan to the mainland.  相似文献   

Abstract Aim To examine how the genetic diversity of selected taxa of forest‐dwelling small mammals is distributed between and within the major rain forest domains of Amazonia and Atlantic Forest and the intervening interior forests of Brazil, as inferred by the relationships between gene genealogies and geography. I also addressed the historical importance of the central Brazilian forests in connecting Amazon and Atlantic Forest populations of rodents and marsupials. Methods I evaluated variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene to estimate the levels of sequence divergence between those taxa occurring throughout the Amazon, Atlantic Forest, and forests in the Cerrado and Caatinga regions. I inferred the hierarchical relationships between haplotypes, populations and formal taxa using the cladistic approach of maximum parsimony. I compared areas and the clades identified by superimposing cladograms on the geographical distribution of samples. The degree of concordance both in phylogeny and the depth of the nodes in these phylogenies, in addition to patterns of geographical distribution of clades, permitted me to make inferences on how, when and where the taxa differentiated. Results Sequence similarity is often greater between samples from the Atlantic Forest and either Amazon or central Brazilian forests than it is within each of the two rain forest domains. The Atlantic Forest clades are either not reciprocally monophyletic or are the sister group to all the other clades. There is some indication of northern and southern components in the Atlantic Forest. Given the geographical distribution of clades and the relatively deep levels of divergence, the central Brazilian area does not behave as a separate region but is complementary to either Amazon or Atlantic Forest. Patterns of area relationships differ across taxa, suggesting that different processes and/or historic events affected the diversification within each lineage. Main conclusions The Amazon and the Atlantic forests are not exclusive in terms of their small mammal faunas; both overlap broadly with taxa occurring in gallery forests and dry forests in central Brazil. Central Brazilian forests are an integral part of the evolutionary scenario of lowland small mammals, playing an important role as present and past habitats for rain forest species. Therefore, representatives from this area should always be included in analyses of the evolutionary history of lowland rain forest faunas. The incongruence of branching patterns among areas is in agreement with recent results presented for Neotropical passerine birds and indicates that a single hypothesis of Neotropical area relationships is unlikely. These findings reinforce the idea that speciation in the Neotropics will not be explained by any single model of vicariance or climatic changes.  相似文献   

Cladistic biogeography of the Mexican transition zone   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
Biogeographic relationships among nine montane areas of endemism across the transition zone between North and South America are analysed cladistically based on phylogenetic hypotheses of thirty‐three resident monophyletic taxa of insects, fish, reptiles, and plants. Areas of endemism include the Arizona mountains (AZ), Sonoran Desert (SD), Sierra Madre Occidental (OCC), southern Sierra Madre Occidental (SOC), Sierra Madre Oriental (ORI), Sierra Transvolcanica (TRAN), Sierra Madre del Sur (SUR), Chiapan‐Guatemalan Highlands (CGH), and Talamancan Cordillera (TC). Area relationships are summarized using Brooks Parsimony Analysis and Assumption 0, with the former resulting in more defensible biogeographic hypotheses. Areas of endemism are dividable into two monophyletic groups; a northern group including AZ, SD, OCC, and ORI, and a southern group consisting of TC, CGH, TRAN, SUR, and the isolated southern regions of the Sierra Madre Occidental (SOC). The northern set of areas are characterized by recent, probably Pleistocene, isolation and prevalent widespread species, whereas the southerly areas probably diverged after Pliocene closure of the Panamanian isthmus. The southern areas are redundantly represented on many of the taxon‐area cladograms by endemic species, indicative of much higher levels of endemism in the Sierra Transvolcanica and further south. Use of a general area cladogram in such a transition zone permits explicit exploration of biogeographic patterns and establishes a predictive framework for taxonomy and conservation prioritization.  相似文献   

Since the 19th Century, two regions have been recognized for North American mammals, which overlap in Mexico. The Nearctic region corresponds to the northern areas and the Neotropical region corresponds to the southern ones. There are no recent regionalizations for these regions under the criterion of endemism. In the present study, we integrate two methods to regionalize North America, using species distribution models of mammals: endemicity analysis (EA) and parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE). EA was used to obtain areas of endemism and PAE was used to hierarchize them. We found 76 consensus areas from 329 sets classified in 146 cladograms, and the strict consensus cladogram shows a basal polytomy with 14 areas and 16 clades. The final regionalization recognizes two regions (Nearctic and Neotropical) and a transition zone (Mexican Transition Zone), six subregions (Canadian, Alleghanian, Californian‐Rocky Mountain, Pacific Central America, Mexican Gulf‐Central America, and Central America), two dominions (Californian and Rocky Mountain), and 23 provinces. Our analysis show that North America is probably more complex than previously assumed. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 485–499.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to estimate the role of small mammals and birds in the cycling of nutrients in the littoral zone of lakes. We estimated the approximate amounts of food, organic matter and elements ingested and egested during the breeding season by waterfowl. Small mammal densities were estimated, and their movements studied between different patches of a mosaic landscape, including the lake's shore region. Studies on passerine birds were aimed at determining the territories of some species in alder forest. Special attention was paid to the range of penetration of the reed belts by forest species.  相似文献   

Taiwan is a mountainous island off the coast of the Asian continent. The island is located on the continental shelf and rises to an elevation of nearly 4000 m. It became an island approximately 4 million years ago and has been connected to the continent more than once since its emergence. Therefore, the elevational zonation of two Taiwanese pairs of congeners in the rodent genera Apodemus and Niviventer can be explained by one of two competing hypotheses. One hypothesis assumes that speciation of the two congeners occurred in situ after an ancestral species migrated from the continent. In contrast, the second hypothesis argues the zonation resulted from separate incursion events during the connections. The phylogenetic analyses, which are based on electrophoretic allozyme data, reject the first of these hypotheses. Furthermore, genetic population structure and gene flow of three species of Taiwanese rodents (Apodemus semotus, Niviventer culturatus and Microtus kikuchii) are studied in relation to their patterns of elevational distribution. The genetic structure of A. semotus and N. culturatus, which have extensive elevational distribution, is rather homogeneous and no genie discontinuity or cline in allele frequency was detected. Gene flow among subpopulations for these two species is rather substantial; therefore, the potential isolating effect imposed by deep river valleys is minimal. Conversely, isolation of populations of M. kikuchii on different mountaintops is quite complete as mirrored by the high level of genie differentiation and low gene flow.  相似文献   

Most Neotropical colubrid snakes belong to a single, well‐supported lineage. Relationships between the major constituents of this clade remain. Here, we explore the phylogenetic relationships of Mastigodryas and its affinities to other Neotropical colubrid genera by combining DNA and morphological data. Analyses demonstrate that the concatenation of multiple individuals into a single terminal can mask the detection of new taxa. Further, non‐random missing data and/or taxa in some empirical datasets can bias species tree analyses more than concatenation approaches. Our results place Mastigodryas in a strongly supported clade that includes Drymarchon, Rhinobothryum, Drymoluber, Simophis and Leptodrymus. Mastigodryas bifossatus is more closely related to species of Drymoluber and Simophis than to its congeners. Thus, we erect a new genus to accommodate it and recover a monophyletic Mastigodryas. We highlight the importance of the use of morphological characters to diagnose suprageneric clades by showing that some key external and hemipenial characteristics are phylogenetically informative.  相似文献   

Aim We present a biogeographical analysis of the areas of endemism and areas of diversification in the Muscidae. This analysis searched for geographical patterns in the Muscidae to reconstruct elements of the evolutionary biogeographical history of this insect family. Location Andean and Neotropical regions. Method We constructed a geographic database of 728 species from the literature and museum specimens. Areas of endemism were established by parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE) based on grids of two different sizes: 5° (550 × 550 km) and 2° (220 × 220 km). Areas of diversification were delimited by track analysis that also included phylogenetic information. This process was independently applied to 11 genera. For each genus, we plotted generalized tracks generated by sister species on a map. When these generalized tracks supported inter‐generic nodes they were manually contoured and inferred to be areas of diversification for the Muscidae. Results Thirteen endemic areas were found using the 5° grid, and eight endemic areas resulted from the 2° grid. Ten areas were in agreement with previous studies, and 11 were new. Amazonian and Atlantic areas of diversification agreed with previous areas for the genus Polietina, and new areas of diversification were found in Panama and in central Chile. Main conclusions Six spatial patterns in the Muscidae were identified: (1) areas of endemism in both Pampa and Puna provinces were established with species whose distributions had not previously been analysed; (2) a new area of endemism was established in extreme southern South America, in Tierra del Fuego; (3) two new areas of diversification, which include Panama and central Chile, were identified; (4) a spatial association was identified between the separation of Chiloe Island from the continent and the diversification in Andean species; (5) a north–south track axis and latitudinal node intervals were identified, interpreted as spatial responses to glaciation or glacial retreat in the Andes; and (6) a spatial coincidence of areas of endemism, of diversification and high species richness in the Muscidae was discovered. The analysis of a complete database and the recognition of areas of diversification are extremely important in elucidating novel biogeographical patterns, which will in turn contribute to a better understanding of the geographical patterns of evolution in the Muscidae.  相似文献   

The effects of vertebrate predation have been monitored since 1989 on 16 replicated 0.56 ha study plots in a semiarid thorn scrub community in north-central Chile. Using fences of different heights with and without holes and suspended game netting to alter principal predator (foxes and raptors) and large rodent herbivore (Octodon degus) access, four grids each have been assigned to the following treatments: 1) low fencing and holes allowing free access of predators and small mammals; 2) low fencing without holes to exclude degus only; 3) high fencing and netting with holes to exclude predators only; and 4) high fencing and netting without holes to exclude predators and degus. Small mammal population censuses are conducted monthly using mark-recapture techniques. Degu population trends during 1989 and 1990 showed strongly but nonsignificantly lower numbers in control plots during months when densities were characteristically low (September–November) for this seasonally reproductive species; since March 1991, differences have become persistent and increasingly significant. Predators appear to have greater numerical effects when their prey populations are low. Survival times of degus, particularly established adults, were significantly longer in predator exclusion grids during the 2 1/2 years of observation; thus, predation also affects prey population structure.  相似文献   

The extent of extinctions of mammals on islands   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many of the world's oceanic and oceanic-like islands possessed endemic mammal faunas before they were colonized by humans. These faunas, unbalanced and impoverished compared to continental faunas, usually lacked large mammalian carnivores. In virtually all cases, the arrival of humans and their domesticants and commensals on these islands is related to the extirpation of large numbers of endemic insular mammals. These extinction events affected at least 27% of autochthonous mammal species on the world's oceanic and oceanic-like islands. This percentage rises the 35% when volant mammals are excluded. This reduction in the natural biodiversity brought about the disappearance of several unique biological types that apparently never existed on the continents.  相似文献   

Climate has played a key role in shaping the geographic patterns of biodiversity. The imprint of Quaternary climatic fluctuations is particularly evident on the geographic distribution of Holarctic faunas, which dramatically shifted their ranges following the alternation of glacial-interglacial cycles during the Pleistocene. Here, we evaluate the existence of differences between climatically stable and unstable regions – defined on the basis of climatic change velocity since the Last Glacial Maximum – in the geographic distribution of several biological attributes of extant terrestrial mammals of the Nearctic and Western Palearctic regions. Specifically, we use a macroecological approach to assess the dissimilarities in species richness, range size, body size, longevity and litter size of species that inhabit regions with contrasting histories of climatic stability. While several studies have documented how the distributional ranges of animals can be affected by long-term historic climatic fluctuations, there is less evidence on the species-specific traits that determine their responsiveness under such climatic instability. We find that climatically unstable areas have more widespread species and lower mammal richness than stable regions in both continents. We detected stronger signatures of historical climatic instability on the geographic distribution of body size in the Nearctic region, possibly reflecting lagged responses to recolonize deglaciated regions. However, the way that animals respond to climatic fluctuations varies widely among species and we were unable to find a relationship between climatic instability and other mammal life-history traits (longevity and litter size) in any of the two biogeographic regions. We, therefore, conclude that beyond some biological traits typical of macroecological analyses such as geographic range size and body size, it is difficult to infer the responsiveness of species distributions to climate change solely based on particular life-history traits.  相似文献   

A brief account is given of the stratigraphical distribution of British Mesozoic mammals, with notes on the localities where they are known and comments on their likely mode of life. Complete species lists are included.  相似文献   

Six species of the genus Stethantyx Townes are found to occur in Mexico. One species, S. mexicana sp. n., is described as new, and four recently described Neotropical species, S. alajuela Khalaim & Broad, S. heredia Khalaim & Broad, S. osa Khalaim & Broad and S. sanjosea Khalaim & Broad, are new records from Mexico. A key to species of Stethantyx occurring in Mexico is provided.  相似文献   

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