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Cranial neural crest cells (NCCs) migrate into the pharyngeal arches in three primary streams separated by two cranial neural crest (NC)-free zones. Multiple tissues have been implicated in the guidance of cranial NCC migration; however, the signals provided by these tissues have remained elusive. We investigate the function of semaphorins (semas) and their receptors, neuropilins (nrps), in cranial NCC migration in zebrafish. We find that genes of the sema3F and sema3G class are expressed in the cranial NC-free zones, while nrp2a and nrp2b are expressed in the migrating NCCs. sema3F/3G expression is expanded homogeneously in the head periphery through which the cranial NCCs migrate in lzr/pbx4 mutants, in which the cranial NC streams are fused. Antisense morpholino knockdown of Sema3F/3G or Nrp2 suppresses the abnormal cranial NC phenotype of lzr/pbx4 mutants, demonstrating that aberrant Sema3F/3G-Nrp2 signaling is responsible for this phenotype and suggesting that repulsive Sema3F/3G-Npn2 signaling normally contributes to the guidance of migrating cranial NCCs. Furthermore, global over-expression of sema3Gb phenocopies the aberrant cranial NC phenotype of lzr/pbx4 mutants when endogenous Sema3 ligands are knocked down, consistent with a model in which the patterned expression of Sema3 ligands in the head periphery coordinates the migration of Nrp-expressing cranial NCCs.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells (NCCs) are pluripotent migratory cells that are crucial to the development of the peripheral nervous system, pigment cells and craniofacial cartilage and bone. NCCs are specified within the dorsal ectoderm and undergo an epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) in order to migrate to target destinations where they differentiate. Here we report a role for a member of the semaphorin family of cell guidance molecules in NCC development. Morpholino-mediated knockdown of Sema3d inhibits the proliferation of hindbrain neuroepithelial cells. In addition, Sema3d knockdown reduces markers of migratory NCCs and disrupts NCC-derived tissues. Similarly, expression of a dominant-repressor form of TCF (DeltaTCF) reduces hindbrain cell proliferation and leads to a disruption of migratory NCC markers. Moreover, expression of DeltaTCF downregulates sema3d RNA expression. Finally, Sema3d overexpression rescues reduced proliferation caused by DeltaTCF expression, suggesting that Sema3d lies downstream of Wnt/TCF signaling in the molecular pathway thought to control cell cycle in NCC precursors.  相似文献   

The expression of neurolin, the fish homologue of the cell adhesion molecule DM-GRASP/BEN/SC-1, is dynamically regulated. Here we demonstrate that the expression of neurolin correlates with early events of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) differentiation in zebrafish embryos. Neurolin mRNA first appears [28 h postfertilization, (PF)] in nasoventral cells, representing the first RGCs, then in dorsal, central (34 to 40 h PF) and temporal RGCs. After differentiation of RGCs in the central portion of the retina, RGCs exhibiting neurolin mRNA form rings. These rings move toward the retinal periphery and encompass older (central) RGCs. Thereafter, such as at 3.5 days PF, neurolin mRNA expressing RGCs are confined to the annular growth zone at the retinal peripheral margin. Two hours after onset of mRNA expression, RGCs acquire antineurolin immunoreactivity on the surface of their somata and on their axons as they extend to the tectum. The mRNA signal in RGCs decreases significantly within 20 h after its appearance, which correlates with the arrival of axons in the tectum. This is followed by weakening of neurolin immunoreactivity on RGCs and axons. This pattern of RGC differentiation in zebrafish revealed by the expression of neurolin is unique among vertebrates. The spatiotemporal expression pattern of neurolin suggests a functional significance of this cell adhesion molecule in RGC recognition and RGC axon growth. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Tyrosinase is a key enzyme involved in the synthesis of melanin in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Mice that are homozygous for the albino allele at the tyrosinase locus have fewer retinal ganglion cells with uncrossed projections at the optic chiasm. To determine the site of the albino gene action we studied the projections of retinal ganglion cells in two types of pigmentation mosaic mice. First, we generated mosaic mice that contain a translocated allele of the wild-type tyrosinase on one X chromosome but that also have the lacZ reporter transgene on the opposite X chromosome. In these lacZ/tyrosinase mice, which are homozygous for the albino allele on chromosome 7, X-inactivation ensures that tyrosinase cannot be functional within 50% of the retinal ganglion cells and that these individual cells can be identified by their expression of the lacZ reporter gene product, beta-galactosidase. The proportion of uncrossed retinal ganglion cells expressing beta-galactosidase was found to be identical to the proportion that did not express it, indicating that the albino mutation associated with axonal behavior at the optic chiasm must affect ganglion cells in a cell-extrinsic manner. Second, to determine whether the RPE is the source of the extrinsic signal, we generated aggregation chimeras between pigmented and albino mice. In these mosaic mice, the extent of the uncrossed projection corresponded with the amount of pigmented cells within the RPE, but did not correspond with the genotypes of neural retinal cells. These studies demonstrate that the albino mutation acts indirectly upon retinal ganglion cells, which in turn respond by making axonal guidance errors at the optic chiasm.  相似文献   

Class 3 semaphorins were initially described as axonal growth cone guidance molecules that signal through plexin and neuropilin coreceptors and since then have been established to be regulators of vascular development. Semaphorin 3e (Sema3e) has been shown previously to repel endothelial cells and is the only class 3 semaphorin known to be capable of signaling via a plexin receptor without a neuropilin coreceptor. Sema3e signals through plexin D1 (Plxnd1) to regulate vascular patterning by modulating the cytoskeleton and focal adhesion structures. We showed recently that semaphorin 3d (Sema3d) mediates endothelial cell repulsion and pulmonary vein patterning during embryogenesis. Here we show that Sema3d and Sema3e affect human umbilical vein endothelial cells similarly but through distinct molecular signaling pathways. Time-lapse imaging studies show that both Sema3d and Sema3e can inhibit cell motility and migration, and tube formation assays indicate that both can impede tubulogenesis. Endothelial cells incubated with either Sema3d or Sema3e demonstrate a loss of actin stress fibers and focal adhesions. However, the addition of neuropilin 1 (Nrp1)-blocking antibody or siRNA knockdown of Nrp1 inhibits Sema3d-mediated, but not Sema3e-mediated, cytoskeletal reorganization, and siRNA knockdown of Nrp1 abrogates Sema3d-mediated, but not Sema3e-mediated, inhibition of tubulogenesis. On the other hand, endothelial cells deficient in Plxnd1 are resistant to endothelial repulsion mediated by Sema3e but not Sema3d. Unlike Sema3e, Sema3d incubation results in phosphorylation of Akt in human umbilical vein endothelial cells, and inhibition of the PI3K/Akt pathway blocks the endothelial guidance and cytoskeletal reorganization functions of Sema3d but not Sema3e.  相似文献   

During development of the mammalian eye, the first retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) that extend to the brain are located in the dorsocentral (DC) retina. These RGCs extend to either ipsilateral or contralateral targets, but the ipsilateral projections do not survive into postnatal periods. The function and means of disappearance of the transient ipsilateral projection are not known. We have followed the course of this transient early ipsilateral cohort of RGCs, paying attention to how far they extend, whether they enter targets and if so, which ones, and the time course of their disappearance. The DC ipsilateral RGC axons were traced using DiI labeling at E13.5 and E15.5 to compare the proportion of ipsi‐ versus contralateral projections during the first period of growth. In utero electroporation of E12.5 retina with GFP constructs was used to label axons that could be visualized at succeeding time points into postnatal ages. Our results show that the earliest ipsilateral axons grow along the cellular border of the brain, and are segregated from the laterally positioned contralateral axons from the same retinal origin. In agreement with previous reports, although many early RGCs extend ipsilaterally, after E16 their number rapidly declines. Nonetheless, some ipsilateral axons from the DC retina enter the superior colliculus and arborize minimally, but very few enter the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus and those that do extend only short branches. While the mechanism of selective axonal disappearance remains elusive, these data give further insight into establishment of the visual pathways. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 75: 1385–1401, 2015  相似文献   

All internal organs are asymmetric along the left-right axis. Here we report a genetic screen to discover mutations which perturb organ laterality. Our particular focus is upon whether, and how, organs are linked to each other as they achieve their laterally asymmetric positions. We generated mutations by ENU mutagenesis and examined F3 progeny using a cocktail of probes that reveal early primordia of heart, gut, liver and pancreas. From the 750 genomes examined, we isolated seven recessive mutations which affect the earliest left-right positioning of one or all of the organs. None of these mutations caused discernable defects elsewhere in the embryo at the stages examined. This is in contrast to those mutations we reported previously (Chen et al., 1997) which, along with left-right abnormalities, cause marked perturbation in gastrulation, body form or midline structures. We find that the mutations can be classified on the basis of whether they perturb relationships among organ laterality. In Class 1 mutations, none of the organs manifest any left-right asymmetry. The heart does not jog to the left and normally leftpredominant BMP4 in the early heart tube remains symmetric. The gut tends to remain midline. There frequently is a remarkable bilateral duplication of liver and pancreas. Embryos with Class 2 mutations have organotypic asymmetry but, in any given embryo, organ positions can be normal, reversed or randomized. Class 3 reveals a hitherto unsuspected gene that selectively affects laterality of heart. We find that visceral organ positions are predicted by the direction of the preceding cardiac jog. We interpret this as suggesting that normally there is linkage between cardiac and visceral organ laterality. Class 1 mutations, we suggest, effectively remove the global laterality signals, with the consequence that organ positions are effectively symmetrical. Embryos with Class 2 mutations do manifest linkage among organs, but it may be reversed, suggesting that the global signals may be present but incorrectly orientated in some of the embryos. That laterality decisions of organs may be independently perturbed, as in the Class 3 mutation, indicates that there are distinctive pathways for reception and organotypic interpretation of the global signals.  相似文献   

The autoregulation of retinal ganglion cell number   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The development of the nervous system is dependent on a complex set of signals whose precise co-ordination ensures that the correct number of neurones are generated. This regulation is achieved through a variety of cues that influence both the generation and the maintenance of neurones during development. We show that in the chick embryo, stratified retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) are themselves responsible for providing the signals that control the number of RGCs that are generated, both by inhibiting the generation of new ganglion cells and by killing incoming migratory ganglion cells. Selective toxicological ablation of RGCs in the chick embryo resulted in the achronic generation of ganglion cells, which eventually led to the repopulation of the ganglion cell layer and a large decrease in the physiological cell death affecting postmitotic migratory neurones. Interestingly, the application of exogenous NGF reversed the effects of ganglion cell ablation on ganglion cell death. Because the only source of NGF in the retina is that produced by the stratified ganglion cells, we infer that these differentiated neurones regulate their own cell number by secreting NGF, a neurotrophin that has previously been shown to be responsible for the death of migrating ganglion cells.  相似文献   

Semaphorin 3E/collapsin-5 inhibits growing retinal axons   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
During development, the formation of neural networks is reflected by the oriented extension of neurites. Using retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) as a model, we identified the yet uncharacterized chick semaphorin Sema3E/collapsin-5 as a repulsive cue for outgrowing axons. Sema3E/collapsin-5 was highly regulated during retinal histogenesis, with peak expression during the period of intraretinal axon growth. Polymerase chain reaction analysis demonstrated Sema3E/collapsin-5 mRNA in retina layers, from which RGC axons are excluded. Neither isolated RGCs nor purified retinal Müller glia cells synthesized Sema3E/collapsin-5. Sema3E/collapsin-5 receptor sites were visualized by alkaline phosphatase fusion proteins in the axon-rich optic fiber layer. Time-lapse video recording of chick in vitro cultures revealed a growth cone collapsing activity of recombinant Sema3E/collapsin-5. This effect was specific for RGCs, since dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons of the peripheral nervous system were not affected. Comparison with Sema3A/collapsin-1 displayed a reciprocal specificity, because Sema3A/collapsin-1 hampered exclusively DRG but not RGC growth cones. The collapsing effect was mediated by low cGMP levels, but not cAMP, as revealed by a set of agonists. In summary, the data suggest a possible role of chick Sema3E/collapsin-5 in restricting growth of retinal ganglion cell axons to the optic fiber layer.  相似文献   

Semaphorins are a large family of secreted and cell surface molecules that guide neural growth cones to their targets during development. Some semaphorins are expressed in cells and tissues beyond the nervous system suggesting the possibility that they function in the development of non-neural tissues as well. In the trunk of zebrafish embryos endothelial precursors (angioblasts) are located ventral and lateral to the somites. The angioblasts migrate medially and dorsally along the medial surface of the somites to form the dorsal aorta just ventral to the notochord. Here we show that in zebrafish Sema3a1 is involved in angioblast migration in vivo. Expression of sema3a1 in somites and neuropilin 1, which encodes for a component of the Sema3a receptor, in angioblasts suggested that Sema3a1 regulates the pathway of the dorsally migrating angioblasts. Antisense knockdown of Sema3a1 inhibited the formation of the dorsal aorta. Induced ubiquitous expression of sema3a1 in hsp70:(gfp)sema3a1(myc) transgenic embryos inhibited migration of angioblasts ventral and lateral to the somites and retarded development of the dorsal aorta, resulting in severely reduced blood circulation. Furthermore, analysis of cells that express angioblast markers following induced expression of sema3a1 or in a mutant that changes the expression of sema3a1 in the somites confirmed these results. These data implicate Sema3a1, a guidance factor for neural growth cones, in the development of the vascular system.  相似文献   

. Enroth-Cugell and Robson (1966) first proposed a classification of retinal ganglion cells into X cells, which exhibit approximate linear spatial summation and largely sustained responses, and Y cells, which exhibit nonlinearities and transient responses. Gaudiano (1992a, 1992b, 1994) has suggested that the dominant characteristics of both X and Y cells can be simulated with a single model simply by changing receptive field profiles to match those of the anatomical counterparts of X and Y cells. He also proposed that a significant component of the spatial nonlinearities observed in Y (and sometimes X) cells can result from photoreceptor nonlinearities coupled with push-pull bipolar connections. Specifically, an asymmetry was predicted in the ganglion cell response to rectangular gratings presented at different locations in the receptive field under two conditions: introduction/withdrawal (on-off) or contrast reversal. When measuring the response to these patterns as a function of spatial phase, the standard difference-of-Gaussians model predicts symmetrical responses about the receptive field center, while the push-pull model predicts slight but significant asymmetry in the on-off case only. To test this hypothesis, we have recorded ganglion cell responses from the optic tract fibers of anesthetized cat. The mean and standard deviations of responses to on-off and contrast-reversed patterns were compared. We found that all but one of the cells that yielded statistically significant data confirmed the hypothesis. These results largely support the theoretical prediction. Received: 21 March 1997 / Accepted in revised form: 6 May 1998  相似文献   

Ganglion cells are the output retinal neurons that convey visual information to the brain. There are ~20 different types of ganglion cells, each encoding a specific aspect of the visual scene as spatial and temporal contrast, orientation, direction of movement, presence of looming stimuli; etc. Ganglion cell functioning depends on the intrinsic properties of ganglion cell’s membrane as well as on the excitatory and inhibitory inputs that these cells receive from other retinal neurons. GABA is one of the most abundant inhibitory neurotransmitters in the retina. How it modulates the activity of different types of ganglion cells and what is its significance in extracting the basic features from visual scene are questions with fundamental importance in visual neuroscience. The present review summarizes current data concerning the types of membrane receptors that mediate GABA action in proximal retina; the effects of GABA and its antagonists on the ganglion cell light-evoked postsynaptic potentials and spike discharges; the action of GABAergic agents on centre-surround organization of the receptive fields and feature related ganglion cell activity. Special emphasis is put on the GABA action regarding the ON–OFF and sustained–transient ganglion cell dichotomy in both nonmammalian and mammalian retina.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Netzhaut decerebrierter Katzen wurde mit sinusförmig moduliertem Licht gereizt und die in den Ganglienzellen ausgelöste Erregung extracellulär registriert. Amplitude und momentane Frequenz der Aktionspotentiale ändern sich sinusförmig und besitzen zueinander eine Phasenverschiebung von 180°. Die Phasenverschiebung ist unabhängig von der Frequenz des Reizlichtes, die im Bereich von 0,1–10 Hz geändert wurde. Anhand von Kontrollmessungen wurde gezeigt, daß die Amplitudenänderung der gemessenen Aktionspotentiale auf Änderungen des Membranpotentials beruht.  相似文献   

视网膜神经节细胞的纯化和体外存活   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We had used a specific anti-Thy 1.1 antibody binding method and a nylonmembrane sieve method to isolate and purify retinal ganglion cells from neonatal rats in order to compare the effect of tectal extract on these purified cells retinal ganglion cells. Isolated retinal cell suspension with retinal ganglion cells retrograde-prelabelled with Fast Blue were seeded on culture dishes coated with the specific anti-Thy 1.1 antibody for 30 minutes before nonadherent cells were removed. The percentage purity of the adherent retinal ganglion cells determined microscopically to be 95%. However, the percentage purity of the Fast Blue-labelled retinal ganglion cells recovered using the nylon membrane of pore size 15 microns was only 60 +/- 5%. Retinal ganglion cells purified by both methods could survive and grow into large, active neurons with neurite outgrowths in the presence of tectal extract. A MTT colorimetric microassay was used to quantify the survival growth activity of these purified retinal ganglion cells after culture for 24 hours. The result showed that the optical density ratio (+Te/-Te) of the retinal ganglion cells purified by anti-Thy 1.1 antibody binding method was 12.3 (0.111/0.009) and by the nylon membrane method was 6.4 (0.102/0.016), and the optical density ratio of the non-purified retinal cells was 3.8 (0.095/0.025), p less than 0.01 for all 3 sets of results. It was concluded that in the absence of other cells, the purified retinal ganglion cells responded specifically to the trophic activity in tectal extract, the purer the retinal ganglion cells and the clearer the effect.  相似文献   

The density of distribution and topographical features of small and large ganglion cells were investigated in total silver-impregnated preparations of the retina from two species of frogs (Rana ridibunda andR. temporaria). A horizontal band of increased density of ganglion cells was located in both species above the nasotemporal axis passing through the blind spot. Outside this band the density of the small cell population was maximal in the central zone of the retina, decreasing toward the periphery. In the upper halves of the retina the density of small cells was on average 26% greater than in the lower halves. Large ganglion cells, on the other hand, were more densely distributed in the lower half of the retina than in the upper half; this difference was particularly marked inR. temporaria (by 116%). The large cells were asymmetrically distributed relative to the dorsoventral axis also: In the nasal quadrants their density was 40–55% greater than in the temporal. Large cells were more densely distributed in the middle zone of the retina. Signs of asymmetry in the organization of the retinal output raster may be of adaptive ecologic importance and may determine the characteristics of formation of visually controlled food and avoidance behavioral reflexes.Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, N. I. Lobachevskii State University, Gorkii. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 198–204, March–April, 1985.  相似文献   

Retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) express basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) factors in a strikingly mosaic spatiotemporal pattern, which is thought to contribute to the establishment of individual retinal cell identity. Here, we ask whether this tightly regulated pattern is essential for the orderly differentiation of the early retinal cell types and whether different bHLH genes have distinct functions that are adapted for each RPC. To address these issues, we replaced one bHLH gene with another. Math5 is a bHLH gene that is essential for establishing retinal ganglion cell (RGC) fate. We analyzed the retinas of mice in which Math5 was replaced with Neurod1 or Math3, bHLH genes that are expressed in another RPC and are required to establish amacrine cell fate. In the absence of Math5, Math5Neurod1-KI was able to specify RGCs, activate RGC genes and restore the optic nerve, although not as effectively as Math5. By contrast, Math5Math3-KI was much less effective than Math5Neurod1-KI in replacing Math5. In addition, expression of Neurod1 and Math3 from the Math5Neurod1-KI/Math3-KI allele did not result in enhanced amacrine cell production. These results were unexpected because they indicated that bHLH genes, which are currently thought to have evolved highly specialized functions, are nonetheless able to adjust their functions by interpreting the local positional information that is programmed into the RPC lineages. We conclude that, although Neurod1 and Math3 have evolved specialized functions for establishing amacrine cell fate, they are nevertheless capable of alternative functions when expressed in foreign environments.  相似文献   

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