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The Ponto‐Caspian amphipod, Dikerogammarus villosus, is an invasive species of many European rivers. First, we show that size difference of nrDNA ITS1 allows discriminating D. villosus from Dikerogammarus bispinosus, a closely related but morphologically hardly distinguishable species. Second, we present two types of polymorphic markers for D. villosus, three microsatellites and two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of mtDNA COI gene, which were scored by polymerase chain reaction‐single strand conformational polymorphism (PCR‐SSCP). These markers will be very useful in studying population genetics of D. villosus.  相似文献   

Abstract: We present the first record of the cardiid genus Monodacna from the Pliocene of Anatolia, Turkey. Monodacna imrei sp. nov. was found in the Pliocene Killik Formation from the western margin of the Baklan Basin, in very marginal brackish to freshwater lacustrine deposits. The new record extends the stratigraphic range of the modern Ponto‐Caspian genus back into the Pliocene and adds to earlier evidence that modern Ponto‐Caspian taxa originated in the Pliocene of south‐western Turkey.  相似文献   

A growing number of studies have shown that vocal mimicry appears to be adaptive for some bird species, although the exact function of this behaviour varies among species. Previous work has looked at the function of the vocal mimicry of non‐alarm sounds by the Greater Racket‐tailed Drongo (Dicurus paradiseus). But drongos also imitate sounds associated with danger, such as predators' vocalisations or the mobbing‐specific vocalisations of other prey species, raising the question of whether the function of mimicry can vary even within a species. In a playback experiment, we compared the effect on other species of different drongo vocalisations including: (1) predator mimicry, (2) mobbing mimicry, (3) drongo species‐specific alarms, (4) drongo species‐specific non‐alarms and (5) a control (barbet) sound. Both mobbing mimicry and drongo species‐specific alarms elicited flee responses from the most numerous species in the flocks, the Orange‐billed Babbler (Turdoides rufescens). Mobbing mimicry also elicited mobbing responses from the Orange‐billed Babbler and from another gregarious babbler, the Ashy‐headed Laughingthrush (Garrulax cinereifrons); when responses from both species were considered together, they were elicited at a significantly higher level by mobbing mimicry than by the barbet control, and a level that tended to be higher (0.07 < p < 0.10) than the response to drongo‐specific alarms. Predator mimicry elicited flee and mobbing responses at an intermediary level. Our results support the hypotheses that mobbing mimicry is a specific category of mimicry that helps attract the aid of heterospecifics during mobbing and that alarm mimicry can in some cases be beneficial to the caller.  相似文献   

Seabirds were counted in September 1998 from the research vessel Professor Khromovand a motorboat in Pil'tun and Lunskii bays and in the contiguous areas of the eastern Sakhalin shelf. Data on the species composition, abundance, and distribution of seabirds are presented. A fairly high species diversity and significantly high density of seabirds were recorded in Pil'tun and Lunskii bays, which are the main areas where they concentrate during the summer months.  相似文献   

Spatial variation in the fish community of the regulated Raia stream (Portugal) was examined during the summer of 1995. Variation in the native fish community (abundance of species-size combinations) was explicitly related to both the abundance of exotic species and habitat variables. The fish community changed in space from assemblages characterised by the high relative abundance of Leuciscus pyrenaicus, Leuciscus alburnoides and the smaller size classes of Barbus bocagei (all Iberian endemics with total length, TL, < 100mm to assemblages characterised by the high relative abundance of Chondrostoma polylepis (Iberian endemic) and B. bocagei with TL > 200mm and of exotics Micropterus salmoides and Lepomis gibbosus (> 100mm TL). The former assemblages used shallow sites far from downstream dams with some current whereas the latter assemblages used deeper sites closer to downstream dams without current velocity and with abundant floating macrophytes. Both exotic species and habitat variables were significant correlates of endemic assemblage composition in the Raia stream and the abundance of M. salmoides > 150mm in TL was the best biotic predictor of endemic assemblage composition. The total variation in the community of endemic fish was partitioned into four components: (i) associated uniquely with exotic species - 12.6%, (ii) associated uniquely with habitat variables - 27.6%, (iii) associated both with exotic species and habitat variables - 14.5%, and (iv) that unexplained - 45.3%. A significant association of exotic species with the endemic fish community remained after accounting for the selected environmental variables and a strong (habitat) x (exotic species) interaction was indicated.  相似文献   

1. Invasive alien species are a major threat to biodiversity. In addition to predation and parasitism, native species might suffer from competition when invasive alien species occupy a similar ecological niche. 2. This study focused on the potential interspecific interaction between two hornets: the Asian yellow‐legged hornet, Vespa velutina, a high‐concern invasive alien species recently arrived in Europe; and the native European hornet, Vespa crabro. The two species share a similar ecological niche and V. velutina is rapidly expanding across Europe, which suggests that V. crabro might suffer from competition. 3. Under laboratory‐controlled conditions, two life‐history traits that might cause the two species to compete were investigated: (i) the ability of workers to find food sources and their flexibility in exploiting them (through individual food item choice tests and exploration assays); and (ii) the worker resistance to pathogens (through immune challenge tests). 4. The results show that trophic preference of both species highly overlaps, with a marked dietary preference for honeybees compared with other insect prey and non‐prey protein items. No differences were observed in the exploratory behaviour of both species. Finally, constitutive antibacterial activity was greater in workers of the native species than in workers of the invasive hornet. 5. This laboratory study provides a first assessment under controlled conditions of the factors affecting competition between workers of two hornet species and proposes a framework to assess, in wild contexts, the magnitude of the competition and the impact of the introduced V. velutina on the native V. crabro.  相似文献   

The Ponto‐Caspian invader Hemimysis anomala was studied in the river Elbe, Czech Republic. The study confirmed further spread of the species: the presence of juveniles and gravid females indicated that H. anomala is established within the Elbe River. Bottom, mid‐water and surface drift samples were collected during 24‐h cycles from July to September 2007. A tendency to remain hidden was the main behavioural strategy of H. anomala in the riverine environment. The mysid was found mainly in the bottom and mid‐water layers, and observed density and mean length of drifting individuals increased with decreasing light levels, being highest at night. Similarly, density and mean length of drifting individuals increased with increasing turbidity. The effect of turbidity on density was particularly apparent during the night samples, suggesting further advantage to night‐drifting individuals. (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We document the regeneration of native freshwater wetland plant assemblages following removal of the common reed, Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel from two sites at Chapman Pond, East Haddam, Connecticut, USA. We gathered field data on composition of the vegetation 1 year before and for each of the 3 years after the removal in fall 1995/spring 1996 of Phragmites by two slightly different methods (hand-removal and herbiciding in one area, mowing/mulching and herbiciding in another). An area where Phragmites was left intact was similarly monitored. Our goals for this monitoring were: (1) to document plant species composition and richness before and after Phragmites removal and (2) to examine temporal and spatial variability in patterns of plant recruitment. Phragmites declined in both density and extent in both plots where removal treatments were applied. Richness, evenness, and density of non-Phragmites species increased steadily from 1996 to 1997 in all removal and intact plots. However, the species composition of the removal plots was richer than that of the intact plot, and more closely resembled that of comparable, uninvaded freshwater tidal wetlands. Rates of recovery of species richness in the removal plots declined from 1997 to 1998, potentially reflecting saturation of available colonization space, or the return of Phragmites. Phragmites has expanded its range in both of the removal plots since 1997. A model of its colonization indicates that Phragmites occupies space through localized proliferation of dense rhizomes rather than diffusely foraging with long tillers. Vigilance in monitoring is needed to document the spread of invasives, to evaluate the multi-faceted ecological effects of eradication efforts on both the invader and the regenerating community, and develop strategies for preventing re-invasion.  相似文献   

Distributional records of non‐native fish species were identified in the Wet Tropics region, Far North Queensland, Australia, through a compilation of published records and expert knowledge. A total of 1106 records were identified comprising 346 presence and four uncertain records for at least 13 species, and 756 absence records. All current presence records consist of six species from the families Cichlidae and Poeciliidae with established self‐sustaining populations in the region, probably affecting the highly diverse native fish fauna.  相似文献   

Trophic niche overlap in native and alien fish species can lead to competitive interactions whereby non‐native fishes outcompete indigenous individuals and eventually affect the viability of natural populations. The species Erythroculter mongolicus and Erythroculter ilishaeformis (belonging to the Culterinae), which are two commercially important fish species in the backwater bay of the Pengxi River in the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR), were threatened by competition from the non‐native Coilia ectenes (lake anchovy). The latter is an alien species introduced into the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China and now widespread in the TGR. The trophic consequences of non‐native lake anchovy invasion for E. mongolicus and E. ilishaeformis were assessed using stable isotope analysis (δ13C and δ15N) and associated metrics including the isotopic niche, measured as the standard ellipse area. The trophic niche of native E. mongolicus had little overlap (<15%) with the alien fish species and was significantly reduced in size after invasion by lake anchovy. This suggests that E. mongolicus shifted to a more specialized diet after invasion by lake anchovy. In contrast, the trophic niche overlap of native fish E. ilishaeformis with the alien fish species was larger (>50%) and the niche was obviously increased, implying that fish in this species exploited a wider dietary base to maintain their energetic requirements. Thus, marked changes for the native E. mongolicus and E. ilishaeformis were detected as the trophic consequences of invasion of non‐native lake anchovy.  相似文献   

While antagonistic species interactions such as predation or competition have a long history of study, positive inter‐species interactions have received comparatively little attention. Mutualisms and commensalisms appear to be widespread in the animal kingdom, with examples of mammals, birds, fish, and reptiles from around the world engaging with other species in evidentially beneficial ways. Cleaning mutualism is a specific type positive inter‐species interaction in which one species removes and feeds upon parasites infesting the other. Here, we document a new subset of positive inter‐species “cleaning” interactions, in which one partner benefits from and reduces the abundance of pest species attracted by but not attached to their host. We observed in person and in camera trap footage numerous instances of insectivorous bats associating with white‐tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and feeding on the swarms of biting flies attracted to these large mammals. We call for the increased reporting of positive inter‐species associations to better our understanding of the mechanisms leading to the formation of these interactions and the effects that these relationships may for the structuring of ecological communities.  相似文献   

吉林西部草原地区蚂蚁种类及分布   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
侯继华  周道玮  姜世成 《生态学报》2002,22(10):1781-1791
在吉林西部草原地区蚂蚁是大型土壤动物的优势类群,数量巨大,但种类少,仅发现3亚科9属14种。放牧场、撂荒地、农田、人工林、乡间土路、院落6种生境中分布最多的蚂蚁是红林蚁和铺道蚁,撂荒地和人工林的蚂蚁种类和巢口密度最大。在割草场分布的蚂蚁主要是玉米毛蚁、黄墩蚁和铺道蚁,它们均修建明显的地上蚁丘,蚁丘呈环带状分布,即主要分布在草地与碱斑的交界处,并且从草场边缘向中心,蚁丘的数量逐渐减少。利用拥挤度指数对蚁丘的分布格局进行分析,表明蚁丘呈聚集分布,并对可能影响蚁巢分布的因素进行了探讨。  相似文献   

A number of recent studies indicated that establishment of exotic lady beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) may have adverse affects on native lady beetle species. In the present study, we analyzed changes in coccinellid community inhabiting potato crops in northern Maine over the past 31 years. Prior to 1980, lady beetle communities were comprised almost exclusively of the two native species, Coccinella transversoguttata Brown and Hippodamia tredecimpunctata(Say). Starting 1980, an exotic species Coccinella septempunctata L. became permanently established in potato crops and quickly started to dominate lady beetle community. Two other exotic species, Harmonia axyridis(Pallas) and Propylea quatordecimpunctata(L.) became prominent members of the lady beetle community in 1995 and 1996. Invasion by exotic species was followed by a significant decline in the abundance of C. transversoguttata and H. tredecimpunctata, and a significant increase in the overall diversity of lady beetle community. The abundance of aphid prey was substantially reduced after the establishment of H. axyridis. The observed trends demonstrate the profound effects that exotic natural enemies may have on target and non-target native species, and highlight the importance of their thorough evaluation before initiating biological control programs.  相似文献   

Current taxonomy of western Eurasian trout leaves a number of questions open; it is not clear to what extent some species are distinct genetically and morphologically. The purpose of this paper was to explore phylogeography and species boundaries in freshwater and anadromous trout from the drainages of the Black and the Caspian Seas (Ponto‐Caspian). We studied morphology and mitochondrial phylogeny, combining samples from the western Caucasus within the potential range of five nominal species of trout that are thought to inhabit this region, and using the sequences available from GenBank. Our results suggest that the genetic diversity of trout in the Ponto‐Caspian region is best explained with the fragmentation of catchments. (1) All trout species from Ponto‐Caspian belong to the same mitochondrial clade, separated from the other trout since the Pleistocene; (2) the southeastern Black Sea area is the most likely place of diversification of this clade, which is closely related to the clades from Anatolia; (3) The species from the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea drainages are monophyletic; (4) except for the basal lineage of the Ponto‐Caspian clade, Salmo rizeensis, all the lineages produce anadromous forms; (5) genetic diversification within the Ponto‐Caspian clade is related to Pleistocene glacial waves; (6) the described morphological differences between the species are not fully diagnostic, and some earlier described differences depend on body size; the differences between freshwater and marine forms exceed those between the different lineages. We suggest a conservative taxonomic approach, using the names S. rizeensis and Salmo labrax for trout from the Black Sea basin and Salmo caspius and Salmo ciscaucasicus for the fish from the Caspian basin.  相似文献   

Distributions, population densities, invasive potentials and adverse impacts of invasive Ponto‐Caspian gobies on native fauna in the Sava River basin remain unknown, whereby 23 locations in the Sava basin were sampled during a three‐year period (2011–2013). Among the five Ponto‐Caspian goby species previously reported in Croatia, only Neogobius fluviatilis (291), Neogobius melanostomus (177) and Ponticola kessleri (21) specimens were collected. Proterorhinus semilunaris and Babka gymnotrachelus were not found. N. fluviatilis was dominant among the invasive gobies at the majority of locations and almost omnipresent (apart from the upper Sava reaches) in the Sava basin. N. melanostomus was found only in the navigable Sava reaches, but its distribution range still seems to be expanding. The status of P. kessleri invasion remains unclear, as it was only found in 2011 at three locations in the lower Sava reaches. No significant (P > 0.05) increase in average catch‐per‐unit‐effort (CPUE) values was observed during the three‐year period. There is some evidence that a decline in Gobio gobio populations might be expected in response to increasing N. fluviatilis population densities. The findings suggest that further range expansions by the Ponto‐Caspian gobies can be expected in Croatia and the implementation of measures to limit their spreading should be considered.  相似文献   

Zebras, as prey species, attend to the behavior of nearby conspecifics and heterospecifics when making decisions to flee from predators. Plains zebras (Equus quagga) and Grevy's zebras (E. grevyi) frequently form mixed‐species groups in zones where their ranges overlap in Kenya. Although anecdotal observations suggest that Plains zebras are more flighty around humans than Grevy's zebras are, this has not been empirically confirmed, and relatively little is known about how they may influence each other's flight behavior. We addressed these questions by examining the flight initiation distances (FIDs) of Plains and Grevy's zebras in single‐species and mixed‐species groups from an approaching human. One target individual per group was approached steadily on foot, with start distance, alert distance, and FID recorded from this target. Using start distance and alert distance separately as covariates, 22 Plains zebras in single‐species groups exhibited a significantly longer mean FID than 15 Grevy's zebras in single‐species groups. The FIDs of 7 Plains zebras and 5 Grevy's zebras tested in mixed‐species groups were virtually equivalent and intermediate to those of Plains and Grevy's zebras in single‐species groups, suggesting a bidirectional moderating influence of heterospecifics on risk assessment. This effect was most pronounced for Plains zebras in mixed‐species groups that exhibited an FID that was significantly shorter than that of Plains zebras in single‐species groups. Our findings underscore the importance of recognizing that related equids may be differently impacted by anthropogenic stress.  相似文献   

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