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The three-toed sloths (Bradypus) are slow-moving arboreal neotropical mammals. Understanding demographic variables (such as sex ratio) of populations is a key for conservation purposes. Nevertheless, gender assignment of Bradypus is particularly challenging because of the lack of sexual dimorphism in infants and in adults, particularly B. torquatus, the most endangered of the three-toed sloths, in which sex is attributed by visual observation of the reproductively active males. Here, we standardized a method for sexing Bradypus individuals using PCR-RFLP of sex-linked genes ZFX/ZFY. This assay was validated with known-gender animals and proved accurate to assign gender on three Bradypus species.  相似文献   

Tree shrews have relatively primitive tribosphenic molars that are apparently similar to those of basal eutherians; thus, these animals have been used as a model to describe mastication in early mammals. In this study the gross morphology of the bony skull, joints, dentition, and muscles of mastication are related to potential jaw movements and cuspal relationships. Potential for complex mandibular movements is indicated by a mobile mandibular symphysis, shallow mandibular fossa that is large compared to its resident condyle, and relatively loose temporomandibular joint ligaments. Abrasive tooth wear is noticeable, and is most marked at the first molars and buccal aspects of the upper cheek teeth distal to P2. Muscle morphology is basically similar to that previously described for Tupaia minor and Ptilocercus lowii. However, in T. glis, an intraorbital part of deep temporalis has the potential for inducing lingual translation of its dentary, and the large medial pterygoid has extended its origin anteriorly to the floor of the orbit, which would enhance protrusion. The importance of the tongue and hyoid muscles during mastication is suggested by broadly expanded anterior bellies of digastrics, which may assist mylohyoids in tensing the floor of the mouth during forceful tongue actions, and by preliminary electromyography, which suggests that masticatory muscles alone cannot fully account for jaw movements in this species.  相似文献   

Cranial musculature, dental function and mandibular movement patterns in Eremotherium laurillardi were reconstructed from the examination of crania and dentitions. Size, shape and pattern of muscle divisions were reconstructed from the examination of bony rugosities indicating muscle attachments. Details of masticatory muscle structure and function were based on dissections of the tree sloths Bradypus and Choloepus. Among sloths, masticatory muscles in E. laurillardi demonstrate a different synergist–antagonist pattern, reflecting greater emphasis on mediolateral mandibular movements. Eight cranial character complexes (anterior facial, zygomatic arch, superficial masseter, deep masseter–zygomaticomandibularis, pterygoid, temporal, occipital and occlusal) determined by interrelated contributions of each component made to group functions were identified. An elongate anterior face and predental spout in E. laurillardi allowed protrusion of a long narrow tongue at small degrees of gape, reflecting a probably ancestral xenarthran condition. Gape minimisation, in conjunction with the mediolaterally directed masticatory stroke in E. laurillardi, was a unique solution to increase masticatory efficiency by permitting molariform tooth shearing surfaces to remain in or near occlusion for a greater percentage of each chewing cycle.  相似文献   

Voles and lemmings are the most successful group of graminivorous rodents, but the adaptations allowing them to enter this niche are not fully known. Dissections of the masticatory musculature of the 12 genera and subgenera of North American microtines show an increase in the potential anterior vector component and in the potential vertical vector component of these muscles relative to the molar tooth row. The result is a separation of the compressive and propulsive functions of the masticatory muscles during the power stroke of mastication. This has led to the formulation of a propalinal “swing” hypothesis which is supported by vector analyses of the musculature.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Mammalian cervical count has been fixed at seven for more than 200 million years. The rare exceptions to this evolutionary constraint have intrigued anatomists since the time of Cuvier, but the developmental processes that generate them are unknown. Here we evaluate competing hypotheses for the evolutionary origin of cervical variants in Bradypus and Choloepus , tree sloths that have broken the seven cervical vertebrae barrier independently and in opposite directions. Transitional and mediolaterally disjunct anatomy characterizes the cervicothoracic vertebral boundary in each genus, although polarities are reversed. The thoracolumbar, lumbosacral, and sacrocaudal boundaries are also disrupted, and are more extreme in individuals with more extreme cervical counts. Hypotheses of homologous, homeotic, meristic, or associational transformations of traditional vertebral column anatomy are not supported by these data. We identify global homeotic repatterning of abaxial relative to primaxial mesodermal derivatives as the origin of the anomalous cervical counts of tree sloths. This interpretation emphasizes the strong resistance of the "rule of seven" to evolutionary change, as morphological stasis has been maintained primaxially coincident with the generation of a functionally longer ( Bradypus ) or shorter ( Choloepus ) neck.  相似文献   

Paul C. Sereno 《ZooKeys》2012,(226):1-225
Heterodontosaurids comprise an important early radiation of small-bodied herbivores that persisted for approximately 100 My from Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous time. Review of available fossils unequivocally establishes Echinodon as a very small-bodied, late-surviving northern heterodontosaurid similar to the other northern genera Fruitadens and Tianyulong. Tianyulong from northern China has unusual skeletal proportions, including a relatively large skull, short forelimb, and long manual digit II. The southern African heterodontosaurid genus Lycorhinus is established as valid, and a new taxon from the same formation is named Pegomastax africanusgen. n., sp. n. Tooth replacement and tooth-to-tooth wear is more common than previously thought among heterodontosaurids, and in Heterodontosaurus the angle of tooth-to-tooth shear is shown to increase markedly during maturation. Long-axis rotation of the lower jaw during occlusion is identified here as the most likely functional mechanism underlying marked tooth wear in mature specimens of Heterodontosaurus. Extensive tooth wear and other evidence suggests that all heterodontosaurids were predominantly or exclusively herbivores. Basal genera such as Echinodon, Fruitadens and Tianyulong with primitive, subtriangular crowns currently are known only from northern landmasses. All other genera except the enigmatic Pisanosaurus have deeper crown proportions and currently are known only from southern landmasses.  相似文献   

Maxillary and mandibular molars of the American opossum, Didelphis virginiana L., were viewed in the scanning electron microscope (SEM) after acid-etching or after cutting and acid-etching. Observations were made on enamel prism patterns as they relate to functional properties of the tooth at a particular site. Molars at different stages of wear were also observed under a dissecting microscope; worn surfaces were correlated with function and enamel ultrastructure. Pounding surfaces of molar cusps wear more rapidly than near-vertical shearing surfaces or crushing basins (i.e. the trigon and talonid basin). Pounding surfaces are subjected to abrasion by food and arc not normally involved in tooth-tooth contact. Near-vertical shearing surfaces and basins used for crushing do experience tooth-tooth contact, but are surprisingly more resistant to wear. Prisms at pounding sites approach the occlusal surface at a near 90° angle and are surrounded with very thick interprismatic (IP) enamel parallel to the occlusal surface of the tooth. The pounding pattern is present at tips of cusps and at occlusal surfaces of ridges of the tooth. At near-vertical shearing surfaces, the prisms approach the outer surface obliquely and are surrounded with IP crystals which are perpendicular to the vertical surface. The angle between prismatic and IP enamel in these patterns is 60–90° in a cervical to occlusal direction. In basins of the tooth used principally for crushing and some shearing, IP enamel is perpendicular to the changing slope of the basin and the prisms are usually at a 55–65° angle to the IP enamel. When the pounding and shearing-crushing patterns meet at a ridge, a distinct seam is observed. Pounding forces occur parallel to the long axis of the prisms and perpendicular to the thick IP enamel (i.e. perpendicular to the long axis of the IP crystals) lying on either side of the prisms. Shearing and crushing forces occur at an oblique angle to the prism, and interprismatic enamel is more evenly distributed about the prism. A spiral pattern is found at the bottoms of the trigon and talonid basins, but not at the bottom of the trigonid which is a non-occluding basin. It is concluded that the differential rates of wear of the enamel surfaces are necessary in maintaining the sharp cutting edges and effective crushing basins of the tribosphenic molar, and the ultrastructural arrangements of the enamel prisms are of functional significance.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to elucidate the role of the baroreflex in blood pressure control in sloths, Bradypus variegatus, since these animals show labile levels in this parameter. Unanesthetized cannulated sloths were positioned in an experimental chair and the arterial catheter was coupled to a strain gauge pressure transducer. Blood pressure was monitored before, during and after the administration of phenylephrine (0.0625 to 4 microg/kg) and sodium nitroprusside (0.0625 to 2 microg/kg), bringing about changes in mean blood pressure from +/-30 mmHg in relation to control values. The relation between heart rate changes due to blood pressure variation was estimated by linear regression analysis. The slope was considered the reflex baroreceptor gain. The results (means+/-SD) showed that the reflex baroreceptor gain was -0.3+/-0.1 bpm/mmHg (r=0.88) to phenylephrine and -0.5+/-0.1 bpm/mmHg (r=0.92) to sodium nitroprusside, denoting a reduced reflex baroreceptor gain when compared with other mammals, suggesting that in sloths the baroreceptors are minimally involved in the buffering reflex response to these drugs. These findings suggest that the labile blood pressure could be influenced or be a result of this lowering in the reflex baroreceptor gain.  相似文献   

The semispinalis capitis and splenius muscles of the horse were analyzed for gross morphology, microarchitecture, fiber length, and fiber type. Although these two muscles are similar in size and anatomical position, they are very different from one another in structural design and histochemistry, implying diverse functional roles in the animal's behavior. The histochemical staining profile was limited to two fiber types: slow oxidative and fast glycolytic. The splenius muscle has simple architecture, long fibers, and a 60/40 ratio of SO to FG cross-sectional area. The semispinalis capitis has complex architecture with short-fibered, concentric compartments dorsal to its central tendon and longer-fibered compartments ventrally. The entire dorsal region has an increasing gradient of slow oxidative fiber percentage from caudal to cranial (58-71% SO). In contrast, the ventral region has a decreasing gradient of slow oxidative fibers from caudal to cranial (48-67% FG). These patterns can be interpreted within the context of the cervical musculature during locomotion and posture to indicate the functional advantages of this organization.  相似文献   

The musculature of two species of the gastrotrich taxon Dasydytidae, Dasydytes (Dasydytes) goniathrix and Haltidytes crassus, was investigated and described using phalloidin staining, confocal microscopy and computer-aided three-dimensional data analysis. Dasydytidae is a peculiar taxon of freshwater Gastrotricha, containing species that are characterized by different adaptations to a semiplanktonic lifestyle, a rather uncommon feature among primarily benthic Gastrotricha. Like other dasydytid species studied so far, D. goniathrix and H. crassus possess a system of movable cuticular spines with an associated system of somatic oblique and segmented lateral muscles. The presence of other somatic (dorsodermal muscles R1 and R2) and visceral muscles (musculi ventrales, m. ventrolaterales, m. dorsales, m. helicoidales) known from a wide range of gastrotrich species was confirmed. Regarded from a functional perspective, the earlier proposed antagonistic role of oblique muscles (as spine abductors) and segmented lateral muscles (as adductors) is questioned for the species studied herein. Alternatively, our structural and behavioral observations suggest that muscular spine abduction in D. goniathrix is brought about by synergistic contraction of the musculi obliqua and m. laterales, and a passive adduction due to muscle relaxation and elastic recoil of the trunk and cuticle. For H. crassus, we hypothesize active muscular spine abduction by contraction of the musculi obliqua plus the last segment of m. laterales accompanied by severe cuticle deformations close to the spine insertions. Adduction is achieved by cuticle reformation due to elasticity and increase in tissue pressure brought about by muscle action, possibly of enforced dorsodermal muscles. The newly obtained and published muscular data of further gastrotrich species were gathered in a species-character matrix. Based on this data set, a maximum parsimony analysis of representatives of the Dasydytidae has been conducted. According to this analysis, there are three well-supported monophyletic lineages within likewise monophyletic Dasydytidae. The first lineage comprises the taxa Anacanthoderma, Stylochaeta and Chitonodytes, the second comprises Dasydytes, Setopus and Ornamentula, and the third represents the taxon Haltidytes. Relationships between these clades could be resolved but are only weakly supported. The new phylogenetic hypothesis is used to reconstruct the ancestral character pattern and to infer possible evolutionary transformations within the Dasydytidae.  相似文献   


Form, function, and regulation of ARGONAUTE proteins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mallory A  Vaucheret H 《The Plant cell》2010,22(12):3879-3889

  • 1.1. Blood volume and iron kinetics were determined in three specimens of Bradypus tridactylus which were obtained in the coastal north-east regions of Brazil.
  • 2.2. The average blood volume, circulating red cell volume and plasma volume were 54.9, 19.5 and 35.4 ml/kg body weight, respectively.
  • 3.3. The average plasma iron disappearance half-time was 150.6min; the red cell radioiron uptake was 62% and the serum iron was 74.3 μg/100 ml.
  • 4.4. From these figures the plasma iron turnover rate was calculated to be 165.6 μg/kg per day and the red cell iron turnover rate 102.7 μg/kg per day.

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