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In the context of the bay region hypothesis for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) carcinogenesis, molecular properties were calculated for seventeen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons related to (1) intrinsic substrate reactivities towards activating and detoxifying metabolism and (2) the stabilities of the putative carbocation ultimate carcinogens. All-valence electron methods were used, avoiding the inherent difficulties found in the pi-electron methods. The calculated substrate reactivities were found to predict major metabolites successfully, supporting the validity of their use in attempted correlations with observed carcinogenic potencies. Positive correlations were found between observed carcinogenic potencies and (1) the reactivities of the parent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons towards the initial distal bay region epoxidation and (2) the stabilities of the diol epoxide carbocations. The reactivities of the distal bay region diol epoxides, were high for both carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic compounds, implying that the second epoxidation does not determine relative carcinogenic activity. Support for a possible alternative hypothesis, that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are activated by one electron oxidation, was also found.  相似文献   

In the context of the bay region, K-region and radical cation hypotheses for polycyclic aromatic carcinogens, molecular properties were calculated for fourteen methyl derivatives of benz[a]anthracene (BA) related to (1) intrinsic substrate reactivities towards activating and detoxifying metabolism and (2)-the stabilities of the putative carbocation ultimate carcinogens. Allvalence electron methods were used, avoiding the inherent difficulties found in the π-electron methods. The calculated substrate reactivities were found to predict major metabolites sucessfully, supporting the validity of their use in attempted correlations with observed carcinogenic potencies. Positive correlations were found between observed carcinogenic potencies and (1) the reactivities of the parent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) towards the initial distal bay region epoxidation and (2) the stabilities of the diol epoxide carbocations. This latter correlation holds when both the methyl derivatives of BA and previously studied unsubstituted PAH are considered together, indicating its potential usefulness as a screening parameter for carcinogenic activity.  相似文献   

Oxidative DNA damage and repair, as measured by 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) in urine and DNA samples were studied in association with work-related diesel exhaust exposure among garage and waste collection workers. Seasonal variations of the urinary 8-OHdG levels in pre- and two post-workshift urine samples of 29 exposed workers and 36 control persons were evaluated. The mean±SE levels of post-workshift 8-OHdG (μmol/mol crea) were 1.52±0.44 in winter and 1.61±0.33 in summer for the exposed workers, and 1.56±0.61 in winter and 1.43±0.49 in summer for the controls, respectively. No significant difference in the urinary 8-OHdG levels between exposed workers and control subjects in winter (p=0.923) and summer (p=0.350) was observed. A linear mixed model, adjusted for years of employment, age, ex/non-smoking and BMI, indicated no significant dose exposure-relationships between the urinary 8-OHdG and 15 PAH air concentrations nor between the 8-OHdG and 7 PAH monohydroxy-metabolites analyzed in the same workers. 8-OHdG was also analyzed in the mononuclear cell DNA of 19 exposed and 18 control subjects. The mean value of 8-OHdG/non-modified 2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG/105 dG±SE) were 4.89±0.17 for the exposed and 4.11±0.16 for the control persons, which showed no correlation with the urinary 8-OHdG levels (r=0.01, n=28, P=0.96). The PAH exposure at workplaces was mainly composed of volatile compounds, particularly naphthalene, suggesting low exposure through the respiratory tract and a low effect of PAH in ROS induction.  相似文献   

The microbiological characteristics of the bacterialdegradation of mixtures of five polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons (PAH), phenanthrene, fluorene,anthracene, fluoranthene and pyrene, wereinvestigated. Three pure bacterial strains using oneor several of these PAH as carbon sources wereselected. The interactions between PAH during thedegradation of PAH pairs by each of these strains werestudied and their effects on the kinetics and thebalance of degradation were characterised. Competitionbetween PAH and degradation by cometabolism werefrequently observed. Mixed cultures of two or threestrains, although possessing the global capacity tomineralise the set of five PAH, achieved limiteddegradation of the mixture. In contrast, a consortiumfrom a PAH-contaminated soil readily mineralised thefive-PAH mixture. The results suggested that soilconsortia possessed a wider variety of strains capableto compensate for the competitive inhibition betweenPAH as well as specialised strains that mineralisedpotentially inhibitory PAH metabolites produced bycometabolism.  相似文献   

A highly significant enhancement of mutagenicity occurs with 11 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons when 3-methylcholanthrene-induced guinea pig liver S9 is substituted for Aroclor-induced rat liver S9 in the Ames test. The use of MC-induced guinea pig liver S9 is particularly valuable for detecting the weak mutagenicity of benz[c]acridine, which is barely positive in a standard Ames assay. However, anthracene and phenanthrene, which are generally considered not to be carcinogens, remain non-mutagenic for strain TA100. This enhancement of mutagenicity does not correlate with arylhydrocarbon hydroxylase activities of the various liver preparations and does not apply to certain other non-PAH mutagens, including β-naphthylamine, aflatoxin B1 and 4-dimethylaminoazobenzene.  相似文献   

Due to increasing energy demand and limited fossil fuels, renewable energy sources have gained in importance. Particulate matter (PM) in general, but also PM from the combustion of wood is known to exert adverse health effects in human. These are often related to specific toxic compounds adsorbed to the PM surface, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), of which some are known human carcinogens. This study focused on the bioavailability of PAHs and on the tumor initiation potential of wood combustion PM, using the PAH CALUX® reporter gene assay and the BALB/c 3T3 cell transformation assay, respectively. For this, both cell assays were exposed to PM and their respective organic extracts from varying degrees of combustion. The PAH CALUX® experiments demonstrated a concentration–response relationship matching the PAHs detected in the samples. Contrary to expectations, PM samples from complete (CC) and incomplete combustion (IC) provided for a stronger and weaker response, respectively, suggesting that PAH were more readily bioavailable in PM from CC. These findings were corroborated via PAH spiking experiments indicating that IC PM contains organic components that strongly adsorb PAH thereby reducing their bioavailability. The results obtained with organic extracts in the cell transformation assay presented the highest potential for carcinogenicity in samples with high PAH contents, albeit PM from CC also demonstrated a carcinogenic potential. In conclusion, the in vitro assays employed emphasize that CC produces PM with low PAH content however with a general higher bioavailability and thus with a nearly similar carcinogenic potential than IC PM.  相似文献   

A specific fraction from the nuclei of the AKR mouse embryo cell-line (fraction I) displayed a much greater localization of radioactivity compared to fraction II and III when the chemical carcinogen, [3H]benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) was incubated with the cells for 24 h. The radioactivity in fraction I consisted of both covalently and non-covalently bound metabolites. Isolation of the DNA, RNA and protein of fraction I revealed that 94% of the covalently bound radioactivity was to protein, 5% to RNA and 1% to DNA. Analysis of the fraction I proteins by SDS gel electrophoresis revealed that there was more radioactivity covalently bound to the larger proteins than to smaller proteins. Isoelectric focusing (IEF) of the purified proteins displayed two peaks of radioactivity, one at a pH of 5 and the other at 11. The former proteins bound more radioactivity per mass of protein than the latter proteins. Analysis of fraction I histones on acid urea polyacrylamide gels showed that the radioactivity coincided with histones H3 and H2B and low levels of radioactivity associated with histones H1, H2A and H4. Two significant peaks of radioactivity closely migrated near but did not co-migrate with histone H1. The distribution of the bound radioactivity is probably a reflection of the availability of the proteins to the reactive carcinogen metabolites. The possible binding of B[a]P metabolites to phosphorylated histones and to the high mobility of group (HMG) proteins 1 and 2 is discussed.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids act synergistically with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in increasing mRNA and protein levels of CYP1A1 in rat liver. The action of dexamethasone to modify CYP1A1 expression has been investigated in adult human hepatocytes. The effect of dexamethasone on the induction of CYP1A1 by 3-methylcholanthrene is different in rat and human liver cells. Dexamethasone potentiates the induction of CYP1A1 about 3- to 4-fold in rat cells. In human hepatocytes, it reduces CYP1A1 induction by 50-60% at enzyme protein level, while it does not have an effect on CYP1A1 mRNA amount.  相似文献   

The metabolism of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) carcinogen benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) was studied using microsomes prepared from the skin of the mouse and rat. Topical application of the polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) Aroclor 1254 or the PAH 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC) to the skin of the C57BL/6N and DBA/2N mouse and the Sprague-Dawley rat caused statistically significant enhancement of cutaneous microsomal aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) activity in each animal. PCB was a more potent inducer of the enzyme than was 3-MC. BaP metabolism by skin microsomes from the same animals was assessed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The skin of untreated animals metabolized BaP into 9,10-, 7,8- and 4,5-dihydrodiols, phenols and quinones. Skin application of PCB caused greater than 16–18-fold enhancement of BaP metabolism in the C57BL/6N mouse and the rat and 2–5-fold enhancement in the DBA/2N mouse. Skin application of 3-MC enhanced BaP metabolism 2–8-fold in the C57BL/6N mouse and 5–10-fold in the rat and had no effect in the DBA/2N mouse. The formation of procarcinogenic metabolite BaP-7, 8-diol was greatly enhanced (4–12-fold) by treatment with the PCB and 3-MC in the tumor susceptible C57BL/6N mouse and in the tumor-resistant neonatal Sprague-Dawley rat. In contrast, the formation of BaP-7,8-diol was either slightly enhanced (2-fold) or unaffected by treatment with the PCB or 3-MC in the tumor-resistant DBA/2N mouse. Our data indicate that neither the patterns of metabolism nor the amount of BaP-7,8-diol formation in the skin are reliable predictors of tumor susceptibility to the PAH in rodent skin.  相似文献   

The Z(cis)- and E(trans)-isomers of 1,3-dichloropropene (DCP), in confirmation of previous reports, caused dose-dependent increases in the numbers of reverse mutations in Salmonella typhimurium TA100 in the presence and absence of a 9000 X g supernatant fraction (S9) from the livers of Aroclor-treated rats. The relevance of these findings to mammals is uncertain, not least because of major differences in the metabolism of the DCPs in the microbial assay systems and in vivo. For example, (Z)-DCP is efficiently detoxified in mammals by the operation of a glutathione (GSH)-dependent S-alkyl transferase. It is possible that such detoxification could proceed only very slowly in the microbial assays because the concentrations of GSH could be severely rate-limiting even in those assays fortified by the addition of S9. The results obtained in the current study demonstrate a dramatic reduction in the microbial mutagenicity of both (Z)- and (E)-DCP when the concentration of GSH in the microbial assays was adjusted to a normal physiological concentration (5 mM). However, this protective action of GSH was at least as effective in the absence of S9 as in its presence, suggesting that it was not mediated by mammalian GSH transferase. There appears to be little or no GSH alkyl or aryl transferase in the cytosol of S. typhimurium TA100, but intracellular GSH is present at a concentration similar to that found in mammalian cells. Since the uncatalysed reaction between the DCPs and glutathione is relatively slow, the effect is not due simply to their destruction by GSH. It is possible that a physiological concentration of extracellular GSH maintains the intracellular GSH in a reduced form in which its nucleophilic thiol group competes effectively with the nucleophilic centres in the bacterial DNA for the haloalkenes. The current results highlight the efficiency of GSH-linked systems in affording protection against the genotoxic action of the DCPs. It may be presumed that their operation would exert a major limiting effect on the genotoxicity of (Z)- and (E)-DCP in mammals.  相似文献   

Plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) enhanced phytoremediation (PEP) is an attractive remedial strategy for the remediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and heavy metal (HM) contaminated sites. The effect of PGPB; Pseudomonas putida UW4 inoculation on the phytoremediation efficiency of Medicago sativa, Festuca arundinacea, Lolium perenne, and mixed plants (L. perenne and F. arundinacea) was assessed. This involved two contaminant treatments; “PAH” (phenanthrene; 300?mg·kg?1, fluoranthene; 200?mg·kg?1, and benzo[a]pyrene; 5?mg·kg?1) and “PAH?+?HM” (‘PAH’ treatments +100?mg of Pb/kg). PGPB inoculation significantly enhanced root biomass yield of F. arundinacea in PAH treatment, and the mixed plant shoot biomass and L. perenne root biomass yields of the PAH?+?HM treatment. PGPB significantly enhanced dissipation of phenanthrene and fluoranthene for M. sativa-PAH?+?PGPB treatment and fluoranthene for F. arundinacea-PAH?+?HM?+?PGPB treatment. In others, PGPB inoculation either had no impact or inhibited PAH dissipation. PAH dissipation for the single and mixed plant treatments with PGPB inoculation were not different. The efficiency of PEP is dependent on different factors such as PGPB inoculum biomass, plant species, plant–microbe specificity and type of contaminants. Exploiting PEP technology would require proper understanding of plant tolerance and growth promoting mechanisms, and rhizosphere activities.  相似文献   

油田区多环芳烃污染盐碱土壤活性微生物群落结构解析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
焦海华  张淑珍  景旭东  张通  白志辉 《生态学报》2016,36(21):6994-7005
多环芳烃(Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,PAHs)是土壤中广泛存在的、美国环保总署(USEPA)优先控制的一类有毒(致癌、致突变)的持久性污染物,主要来源于人类活动。土壤微生物多样性是表征土壤质量变化的敏感指标之一。磷脂脂肪酸(PLFAs)分析方法是基于活性微生物细胞膜的PLFAs组分的生化检测技术,克服了传统培养方法只能分离出少量微生物(1%)的缺点。采用PLFAs方法,解析了土壤活性微生物对PAHs污染胁迫的反应。结果表明,土壤微生物分布情况可分为4种类型:Ⅰ型,微生物PLFAs种类最多,占该区土壤微生物PLFAs种类总数的57.7%,PAHs对变量的解释量最小;Ⅱ型,微生物PLFAs占PLFAs总数的30.8%,PAHs对变量的解释量较小;Ⅲ型,微生物PLFAs种类占总数的7.68%,PAHs对变量的解释量较大;Ⅳ型,微生物PLFAs的种类仅占总数的3.85%,PAHs对变量的解释量最大。相关性分析表明:土壤微生物PLFAs的种类、生物量和生态多样性指数与土壤中萘(Nap)、芴(Flu)、蒽(Ant)、苯并[K]荧蒽(Bkf)、苯并[a]芘(Bap)、茚并[1,2,3-cd]芘(Ind)的相对含量呈负相关关系;与苊(Ace)、菲(Phe)、荧蒽(Fla)、芘(Pyr)、苯并[a]蒽(Baa)的相对含量呈正相关关系;与PAHs的种类和浓度呈负相关关系。结果将为开展PAHs污染土壤的生态风险评价和微生物生物修复技术研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Soil contamination with heavy metals and organic pollutants continues to cause major ecological damage and human health problems. Phytoremediation offers a highly promising technology for the recovery of sites contaminated with mixed pollutants. In this study, we performed a greenhouse experiment to investigate the individual and combined effects of cadmium (Cd) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contamination on the growth of Xanthium sibiricum, and also the ability of this species to accumulate and remove Cd and to reduce PAHs over a period of 75 days. Our results demonstrated that individual or combined contamination by Cd and PAHs showed no significant differences to the control treatment except in the high Cd treatment. The reduction of PAH concentration in the soil with the passage of time was similar in the presence or absence of plants. At higher levels of Cd, the removal of pyrene decreased in both planted and non-planted soils; however, this effect might be due to the higher Cd content. Soil dehydrogenase and polyphenol oxidase activities showed that soil contamination did not have a significant effect on the removal of PAHs. Overall, our results suggest that X. sibiricum might be a suitable species for use in the phytoremediation of contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Basal aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) activity and its kinetic properties were studied as a function of proliferation in C3H mouse embryo 10T12 CL8 cells. Activity was low in freshly plated cells, increased during exponential growth, peaked at confluency, and then declined. The apparent Km-values for benzo[a]pyrene (BP) and NADPH were less in proliferating (approx. 0.37 μM BP, 3.3 nM NADPH) than in confluent cells (0.74–1.39 μM BP, 33.4–53.4 nM NADPH). Cells at different growth states responded differently to benz[a]anthracene (BA) and aminophylline, an inhibitor of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases. When cells were harvested at the mid log phase of growth, 12 h of exposure to aminophylline caused maximum induction, while 24 h of BA treatment were required. In contrast, at early confluence, 12 h of BA treatment gave the greatest levels of activity, while exposure to aminophylline did not induce AHH. In fact, decreases in activity were observed. These differences are indicative of different regulatory mechanisms for BA and aminophylline induction. They also suggest the regulation of basal AHH by cyclic nucleotides changes during growth. The exposure times giving maximum activity were used to determine the kinetic properties of BA-induced activity. As with basal AHH, the Km-value for BP was less in log phase (0.2–0.4 μM BP) than in confluent cells (0.64–1.05 μM BP). Moreover, the Km-values for BP and NADPH in control cultures at confluency (0.10–0.14 μM BP, 15.4–23.2 nM NADPH) were less than those for BA-treated cells (0.64 μM BP, 37.9–54.8 nM NADPH) under the same nutritional conditions. The finding that the Km-value for BP is lower in rapidly dividing cells than in confluent cells may help to explain why proliferating cells are more susceptible to transforming agents.  相似文献   

Induction of cytochrome P4501A (CYP1A) in fish is an important biomarker in marine monitoring programmes but a number of factors complicate interpretation of data based on catalytic activity. To provide additional analytical tools, we have cloned and sequenced entire (dab) and partial cDNAs (flounder, turbot, sand eel) from several fish species. A detailed analysis comparing the new sequences to those on the database (13 sequences) is presented and identifies an invariant, teleost-specific sequence (195-IVVSVANVICGMCFGRRYDH-214) which might be the basis for production of a species cross-reactive antibody. Northern and slot blots of fish RNA (sand eel, plaice, turbot, flounder and dab) showed extensive cross-species hybridisation with each of the cDNAs (sand eel, plaice, turbot, flounder and dab). The exception was turbot RNA, which only gave adequate hybridisation when the turbot probe was used. Attempts to normalise the hybridisation data to GAPDH mRNA were not satisfactory since there were significant species differences in expression of this gene and expression was suppressed (20–40%) by β-naphthoflavone treatment. The CYP1A probes indicated induction levels relative to untreated dab of: plaice (five-fold); turbot (12-fold); flounder (12-fold); and dab (10-fold). The study demonstrates the relative ease with which species-specific molecular probes can be generated and used.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS), possibly produced during the metabolic conversion of benzo(a)pyrene (B[a]P), could be involved in B[a]P-induced genotoxicity and, eventually, carcinogenicity. Therefore, ROS formation by rat lung and liver microsomes was studied in vitro by electron spin resonance (ESR/EPR) spectrometry. B[a]P-mediated generation of ROS was detected in incubations with rat lung, but not with liver microsomes. Inhibition of cytochrome P450 (CYP450) by the non isoform-specific inhibitor SKF-525A resulted in a complete inhibition of B[a]P-dependent ROS formation, whereas ROS formation was not affected by inhibition of prostaglandin H synthase by indomethacin. Subsequently, bulky DNA adduct formation and 8-oxo-dG levels after a single oral dose of B[a]P were examined in vivo in rat lung and liver, in combination with urinary excretion of 8-oxodG. B[a]P exposure resulted in increased urinary 8-oxo-dG levels. On the contrary, 8-oxo-dG levels decreased in liver and lung after B[a]P exposure. Bulky DNA adducts reached higher levels and were more persistent in rat lung than in liver. These results indicate that ROS are generated during the CYP450 dependent metabolism of B[a]P, particularly in the rat lung, but this does not necessarily result in increased levels of oxidative DNA damage in vivo, possibly by induction of DNA repair mechanisms.  相似文献   

The binding of labeled carcinogen [3H]DMBA to murine epidermal cells (MEC) DNA in culture has been studied. The influence of unlabeled noncarcinogenic and carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), several PAH metablites, and various directly and indirectly acting non-PAH carcinogens on the binding of [3H]DMBA to MEC DNA has been examined. All the carcinogenic PAH and some of non-carcinogenic PAH effectively inhibit the binding of [3H]DMBA to MEC DNA. The non-PAH chemical carcinogens requiring metabolic activation also reduce the binding of labeled DMBA to MEC DNA; however, a higher concentration of these compounds is required for 50% inhibition of binding than the concentrations of PAH for the same degree of inhibition of binding of [3H]DMBA to MEC DNA. The directly acting carcinogens do not significantly inhibit the binding of [3H]DMBA to DNA. The relationship between structures of PAH and their ability to inhibit the binding of [3H]DMBA to MEC DNA is also discussed. Thus, it appears that the binding of DMBA to cellular DNA is primarily controlled at a level of metabolism and to some extent at the level of binding of reactive metabolites to DNA.  相似文献   

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