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Extrapair paternity in hooded warblers   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
We examined the role of extrapair fertilizations (EPFs) in themating system of the hooded warbler (Wilsonia citrina), a monogamoussongbird. DNA fingerprinting revealed that 8 of 17 (47%) femaleshad extrapair young in their first or second brood, and 23 of78 (29%) nestlings were the result of EPFs. Extrapair youngwere signifkandy more likely to occur in first broods than insecond broods. The proportion of EPFs within a brood was stronglybirnodal among broods: nests had 50% or more extrapair youngor none. In seven of eight broods where EPFs occurred, an adjacentmale neighbor was identified as the actual father. Male-likecoloration in females did not reduce the likelihood of havingextrapair young. Females with extrapair young did not receiveless parental care from their mates. All males who obtainedEPFs were mated to fertile females or were feeding offspringat the time they most likely mated with the extrapair female.Our results are consistent with the female control hypothesis,which predicts that females benefit from extrapair copulations(EPCs) and have some control over which males, if any, obtainEPCs. However, we could not reject the alternative hypothesisthat some male neighbors are particularly dominant and aggressiveduring EPC attempts, so females accept these EPCs to minimizecosts.  相似文献   

In sexually promiscuous animals, females may benefit by nestingclose to the edge of their partner's territory to facilitateextrapair copulations. In the present study, we describe theextrapair mating system of black-capped chickadees, Poecileatricapillus, and test whether nest locations are influencedby conspecific attraction to extrapair partners. We conducteda spatial analysis of female mating strategies by using microsatellitepaternity analysis in conjunction with geographic informationsystem (GIS) analysis of nest and territory locations. Extrapairoffspring comprised 52 of 351 offspring (14.8%) and were presentin 19 of 57 broods (33.3%). Females paired to males with lowdominance status in the previous winter's flock hierarchy weremore likely to engage in a mixed reproductive strategy thanwere females paired to males with high dominance status. Femaleshad extrapair copulations and extrapair fertilizations withhigh-ranking males more often than with low-ranking males. Notall extrapair copulations resulted in extrapair fertilizations.Females constructed their nests within 16.8 ± 1.0 m ofthe edge of their partner's territory, significantly closerto the edge of their nearest neighbor's territory than to thecenter of their own partner's territory. Extrapair males usuallyshared territory boundaries with cuckolded males. Females pairedto low-ranking males constructed nests near the territory edgesof neighboring high-ranking males. However, females did nothave extrapair copulations with the neighbor nearest to theirnest or even with the high-ranking neighbor nearest to theirnest. We conclude that conspecific attraction to neighbors mayinfluence nesting location in black-capped chickadees; however,it does not operate by facilitating extrapair copulations.  相似文献   

Parentage of nestling red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus)from an eastern population was determinedusing DNA fingerprintingtechniques. Of 235 nestlings surveyed, 58 had fingerprints excludingthemale, but none excluded the female tending the nest. Data onpairing status during the female's fertilizable period was availablefor 232 offspring; 55 (25%of 1988 nestlings, 23% of 1989 nestlings)of those were sired through extrapair copulations. Of these55 offspring, 33 could be assigned to nearby territory holders;16 of the remaining nestlings may have been sired by nearbymales that were not captured. During both years, 44% of territorialmales had more than one female nesting simultaneously on theirterritory. The number of extrapair fertilizations gained bymales increased significandy with harem size in 1 year. Paternity(die proportion of nesdings on the territory sired by die territoryholder) showed a positive but nonsignificant increase widi haremsize in bodi years. There was no apparent cost in paternityfor males guarding two or more fertilizable females at the sametime. The broods of females that were fertilizable at die sametime anodier female was setding on die same territory tendedto have a greater proportion of extrapair fertilizations (0.37)than did die broods of odier females within harems (0.15). Establishedfertilizable females were chased significantly more by die territoryowner and by extrapair males when a new female was setding.There were no associations between a male's paternity or successat gaining extrapair fertilizations and his age or color-bandcombination. Overall, extrapair fertilizations had litde effecton die relationship between fledgling success and harem sizeand appeared to have a minimal impact on die overall intensityof sexual selection on males.  相似文献   

We examined correlates and hypotheses pertaining to extrapairfertilizations in socially monogamous American redstarts (Setophagaruticilla). DNA fingerprinting revealed extrapair fertilizationin 59% of broods (19 of 32), involving 40% of nestlings (43of 108). Fewer broods than expected had mixed paternity, asdetermined from a binomial distribution of extrapair young inthe population. This result is consistent with the "good genes"hypothesis, but not with the "genetic diversity" hypothesis.There was a negative association between the age of putativefathers and the proportion of extrapair young in their broods.Irrespective of age, males with prior residency were cuckoldedless often than males new to the study area. Extrapair fatherswere' immediate neighbors in 7 of 10 cuckolded broods whereall neighbors were sampled. Males were more likely to sire offspringin the territories of younger neighbors than in those of olderneighbors. Plumage characteristics of adult males, breedingsynchrony of females, and breeding densities were not significantlyassociated with cuckoldry. Realized reproductive gain from cuckoldrywas small because of high nest predation in our area. Extrapairfertilizations allowed one-quarter of males whose own nestshad failed to achieve some reproductive success. Only 2 of 17males whose own nests were successful also had extrapair young.There was no egg dumping by females. We conclude that male ageand prior residency were predictors of cuckoldry in Americanredstarts. In the context of the heavy predation experiencedby our birds, extrapair fertilizations allowed many males tosalvage some reproductive success and did not increase the varianceof success across males  相似文献   

Species in which males directly defend groups of breeding femalesoften have extreme skew in observed male mating success. Inonly a few species, however, has a corresponding skew in fertilizationsuccess been confirmed. Furthermore, the ecological and socialfactors contributing to variation in fertilization success needinvestigation. This study examined competition for mates andpaternity in the boat-tailed grackle (Quiscalus major). Observationsat colonies of nesting females revealed that the toprankingor alpha males performed more than 70% of the copulations. DNAfingerprinting indicated that alpha males sired less than 40%of nestlings. Nevertheless, analysis of band-sharing scoresamong nestlings from different nests suggested that alpha malessired more than three times as many offspring as any other individualmale. Because few nestlings were sired by the nonalpha malesthat associated with colonies, females must have mated withother males while on trips away from colonies. Analysis of paternitywithin broods revealed that at least half of all females hadtheir brood fertilized by more than one male. Alpha males' successat fertilizing eggs did not vary with the number of simultaneouslyreceptive females within a colony. Our results suggest that maleand female behavior in female-defense polygyny results fromcomplex coevolution of the sexes.  相似文献   

Behavioral ecology has successfully explained the diversityin social mating systems through differences in environmentalconditions, but diversity in genetic mating systems is poorlyunderstood. The difference is important in situations whereparents care for extrapair young (EPY) originating from extrapairpaternity (EPP), extrapair maternity (EPM), and intraspecificbrood parasitism (IBP). In birds, IBP and EPM are rare, butEPP is widespread and highly variable among species and populations.Explanations for this variability are controversial, mainlybecause detailed ecological information is usually lacking inpaternity studies. Here we present results of the first studyto identify the ecological determinants of extrapair activitiesfor both sexes of the same species, the water pipit (Anthusspinoletta). DNA fingerprints of 1052 young from 258 nests revealedEPP in 5.2% of the young from 12.4% of the nests. EPM and IBP,both involving egg dumping (EDP), each occurred in 0.5% of theyoung from 1.9% of the nests. Nests with and without EPY couldnot be distinguished by traits of the breeders and by reproductivesucccess, but they differed with respect to ecology: nests withEPP young were characterized by asynchronous clutch initiation,nests with EPM and IBP young were characterized by higher overlapwith neighboring territories and closer proximity to communalfeeding sites. We suggest that chance events, resulting fromthe temporal and spatial distribution of broods, offer a betterexplanation for the occurence of extrapair activities than femalesearch for genetic or phenotypic benefits. This possibilityof "accidental" extrapair reproduction as an "ecological epiphenomenon"with low potential for selection should also be considered forspecies other than the water pipit.  相似文献   

Parentage and the evolution of parental behavior   总被引:3,自引:10,他引:3  
Parentage is the proportion of juveniles in a brood that areoffspring of potential care givers. We analyzed how reductionsin parentage affect the evolution of parental behavior usinga static optimization model. The main benefit of parental effortwas an increase in the survival of offspring, and the main costswere reduced opportunities to seek additional matings or toparasitize neighbors and or reduced survival. Both the costsand benefits included terms for relatedness to young. The effectof parentage depended on (1) whether parents responded in ecologicaltime (facultative response) or in evolutionary time (nonfacultativeresponse), (2) whether the cues enabling assessment of parentagepermitted discrimination among offspring, and (3) whether parentagewas the same among different groups of juveniles (unrestricted)or varied between them (restricted). When parents did not knowtheir own parentage and mean parentage was the same for allmatings, reduced parentage affected the costs and benefits equally,so, as in several previous models, there was no effect on theoptimal level of parental effort. Parentage did affect optimalparental effort when mean parentage to the present brood differedfrom that to young from alternative or future matings. Loweredparentage reduced optimal parental effort when the cost of parentingwas missed opportunities for extrapair copulations or broodparasitism or when parentage was consistently higher in alternativeor future matings. Nonlinear changes in parentage with age gavecomplex trajectories of parental care, with individuals of differentages having similar parentage but exhibiting different levelsof parental effort. Correlations between parentage and othervariables in the model (such as opportunities for additionalmatings) sometimes masked, but never eliminated, the effectsof parentage. When parents could discriminate their own youngin a brood, overall parental effort was reduced, but nepotismwas increased. When parents could not discriminate their ownoffspring but had general cues about average parentage to thebrood, effects varied depending on the costs and benefits ofparental behavior. When parental behavior was costly to caregivers, parentage had more effect than when parenting was notcostly. Likewise, parentage had less effect when care greatlyincreased offspring survival than when care was less necessary.Our analyses reconcile conflicting results from previous modelsand suggest a general framework for analyzing parental behaviorwithin populations and among higher taxonomic groups.  相似文献   

During the 1990s, the Steller sea lion ( Eumetopias jubatus Schreber) Western Alaska stock (WS) suffered steep population decline while the Eastern Alaska stock (ES) steadily increased. One bottom-up forcing hypothesis explaining this decline predicted lactating adult female foraging behavior would be different between stocks. To investigate this effect, we monitored 11 ES females at two breeding rookeries using satellite dive recorders (SDR) during the early breeding seasons of 1992–1993, examined their behavior with respect to prey, physiological limitations, and habitat, and made limited comparisons to observations of WS female behavior reported in the literature. ES females were not operating at the extremes of ability, with most diving within the limits of aerobic metabolism, less than one-quarter of possible foraging time during trips spent submerged and most foraging trips requiring less than one-half the lipid store fasting ability of dependent pups. Thus, females may have some capacity to alter behavior to accommodate future changes in foraging conditions, but the extent of this plasticity is unknown. Because recent work suggests WS recovery is impeded by low natality, future studies should test differences between reproductive and non-reproductive mature females in order to properly assess the contribution of foraging ecology to SSL population dynamics.  相似文献   

Breeding density, synchrony, and experience are expected toinfluence the frequency of extrapair paternity in birds. UsingDNA fingerprinting, we examined the effect of these factorson tree swallows nesting at relatively high (grids of nest-boxes)and low (solitary boxes at least 100 m from the nearest neighbor)densities and in relatively synchronous (Alberta) and asynchronous(Ontario) populations in Canada. The mean percentage of extrapairoffspring per nest did not differ significantly between birdsnesting in grids (43%, n = 22 families) and solitary boxes (57%,n = 12 families). Similarly, there was no significant differencein the mean percentage of extrapair offspring per nest betweenrelatively synchronous (60%, n = 12 Alberta families) and asynchronous(41%, n = 22 Ontario families) populations. We also found noconsistent pattern between extrapair paternity and breedingexperience among seven males and seven females examined overtwo to three breeding seasons. Female tree swallows can influencethe fertilization success of extrapair males by active selectionand rejection of copulation partners. We suggest that this abilitylimits the predicted effect of various ecological factors onthe frequency of extrapair paternity  相似文献   

We carried out DNA fingerprinting on 553 young (130 broods)great reed warblers (Acrocephalus arundnaceus) in 1987–1991.In the study population, where 40% of the males become polygynous,there was a low frequency of extrapair fertilizations (EPF).When data from all five years were pooled, 3.1% of the youngwere sired by extrapair males (EPF-males) and 5.4% of the broodscontained extrapair young. We found no cases of extrapair maternity;young with 6–17 mismatched DNA bands (n= 17) had highband sharing with their putative mothers (range = 0.52–0.72)but low band sharing with their putative fathers (range = 0.24–0.40).In broods exposed to EPF, on average 53% of the young were siredby EPF-males. We found the genetic father to each of the illegitimateyoung. In all cases the same EPF-male sired all extrapair youngin a brood. Broods containing EPF-young tended to be initiatedlate during the breeding season. Breeding attempts were ratherevenly distributed over two months, thus this breeding asynchronywould have facilitated EPFs. There was no difference in EPFfrequency between broods where the pair males had left theirfemales unguarded during parts of their fertile periods andbroods where males guarded throughout the fertile periods. Nestswith extrapair young had significantly shorter mean distanceto the closest male neighbor and more male neighbors within100 m than nests without extrapair young. We found no indicationthat females engaged in EPF to get parental care from the EPF-males,or because they were forced to copulate with extrapair males.The low frequency of EPF suggested that females did not seekgenetic diversity to their brood. We cannot rule out the possibilitythat females engaged in EPF to insure fertility. However, datasupporting this hypothesis were weak. Instead, our data supportthe conclusion that females engaged in EPF to increase the geneticquality of their offspring, and that females may have used malesong repertoire size as a cue when choosing EPF partners.  相似文献   

DNA fingerprinting of an island population of blue tits andgreat tits in southeast Norway revealed that extrapair paternityaccounted for 36% (17/47) and 27% (15/55) of broods and for7% (31/466) and 8% (33/408) of young in the two species, respectively.Cuckolded males did not differ from noncuckolded males withrespect to morphology, age, or survival. There was no seasonalpattern in the frequency of extrapair paternity, and males showedno individual consistency in paternity loss over multiple broods.Extrapair offspring did not grow faster, they did not fledgewith a higher body mass, and they did not show a higher localsurvival rate than their half siblings. Hence, there was noevidence of any association between extrapair paternity andmale phenotypic or genotypic quality. Extrapair offspring wererandomly distributed among broods, with the only exceptionsof one blue tit and two great tit broods in which all young(six to nine) were sired by an extrapair male. This patternis best explained by a small proportion of males (2%–4%)being infertile and by most females performing a few extrapaircopulations as insurance against laying infertile eggs. We concludethat the results suggest a role for fertility insurance butthat alternative functional explanations to extrapair paternityin these populations cannot yet be ruled out.  相似文献   

In 1993 and 1994 we determined the frequency of extrapair paternityin broods of great tits, Parus major using multilocus DNA fingerprinting.We found no instances of intraspecific brood parasitism, but40% of broods (31/78) contained extrapair-fathered young and83% of offspring (58/681) were xtrapair We identified the geneticfathers of 60% of the extrapair nestlings (35/ 58). Males withfull and lost paternity did not differ significantly in traitsthat have been suggested to indicate male quality, nor did thegenetic and social fathers of extrapair offspring. In 1993,cuckolded males sired more offspring that recruited to the subsequentbreeding season than males with full paternity. Moreover, eventhough genetic fathers of extrapair young (EPY) sired more fledglingsthan the males they cuckolded, genetic and social fathers ofEPY did not differ in the number of recruits sired. Also, theEPY of a brood did not survive better than their half sibs.Thus, our results do not supportthe hypothesis that femaleschoose better quality males for extrapair matings ("good genes"hypothesis). Further, the level of extrapair paternity differedmarkedly between the two years. Our data show that females areconstrained in their extrapair activities by the availabilityof extrapair mates. This is at least partly due to yearly differencesin breeding synchrony.  相似文献   

Cipo Canasteros (Asthenes luizae, Furnariidae) have a fragmented and limited range restricted to the campos rupestres (rupestrian grasslands) habitat in the Brazilian highlands of the Espinhaço Range, and little is known about their behavior, ecology, and population biology. From March 2009 to November 2010, we monitored birds (24 banded and 22 radio‐tracked) at two study sites at Serra do Cipó in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, to estimate their home‐range sizes and population density, and describe their habitat use, natal dispersal behavior, and vocal behavior. We found an average density of 8.7 paired adults/km² in our study areas or 22.9 paired adults/km2 when considering only used habitats. The sex ratio was male‐biased (males/total adults = 0.68), adults exhibited high site fidelity, home‐ranges averaged 4.0 ha (fixed kernel 95%) or 3.5 ha (95% minimum convex polygon) in size, and both sexes defended territories year‐round. We recorded four main types of songs, including two uttered more often during the breeding season. We monitored the natal dispersal of two males and one female who moved maximum distances of 1238 m, 780 m, and 1056 m, respectively, from natal areas. Our results confirm that Cipo Canasteros are restricted to the rocky‐outcrop habitat of the campos rupestres. In part due to their habitat specialization, Cipo Canasteros are considered Near Threatened, but other factors contributing to their demographic fragility include the small number, and probably low survival, of females and low reproductive success due to predation and brood parasitism by cowbirds. Given these threats, along with their specialized habitat and restricted range, the future conservation of Cipo Canasteros will likely depend on the extent to which their campos rupestres habitat can be conserved.  相似文献   

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