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The fate of pyrimidine dimers in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) newly synthesized by Bacillus subtilis after ultraviolet irradiation was monitored by use of a damage-specific endonuclease that introduces single-strand breaks adjacent to nearly all of the dimer sites. Two Uvr- strains, one defective in the initiation of dimer excision and the other defective in a function required for efficient dimer excision, were found to be similar to their wild-type parent in the kinetics and extent of converting low-molecular-weight DNA newly synthesized after ultraviolet irradiation to high molecular weight. In the Uvr- strains large molecules of newly synthesized DNA remained susceptible to nicking by the damage-specific endonuclease even after extended incubation in growth medium, whereas the enzyme-sensitive sites were rapidly removed from both preexisting and newly synthesized DNA in Uvr+ cells. Our results support the hypothesis that postreplication repair in bacteria includes recombination between dimer-containing parental DNA strands and newly synthesized strands.  相似文献   

Cells of Bacillus subtilis recA1 are sensitive to irradiation with ultraviolet light. Evidence is presented here that these cells are not defective in ultraviolet light-induced incision of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or repair DNA synthesis. Ligation of DNA at repair sites appears to occur, but the DNA is subsequently fragmented, apparently at sites of previous repair synthesis. It is hypothesized that the defect in DNA repair leads to host-specific restriction at repaired sites because of a defect in either the structure of the repaired region or specificity of the restriction/modification system.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet-sensitive and wild-type Haemophilus influenzae cells were exposed to irradiated and unirradiated transforming deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) containing a marker which can be linked to another marker in the cells. Lysates were made after various times of incubation and assayed for transforming activity on an excisionless recipient. Repair can be noted as an increase in activity from the irradiated donor DNA after its linkage to the recipient DNA. No repair can be observed in a mutant which is unable to integrate transforming DNA. There is a little repair in another mutant which is unable to excise pyrimidine dimers. H. influenzae cells also repair nondimer damage, as judged by the increase in activity observed in lysates made with irradiated and maximally photoreactivated DNA.  相似文献   

1. Native DNA from Bacillus subtilis was fractionated by stepwise elution from methylated albumin, the transforming activity being confined to two out of four fractions. Partial separation of DNA active in transformation for the arginine marker from that showing activity for the histidine and tryptophan markers was achieved. 2. Partial denaturation of DNA at 90 degrees and 93.5 degrees resulted in the preferential destruction of transforming activity for the histidine and tryptophan markers. 3. Denaturation of DNA at 100 degrees followed by chromatography on methylated albumin yielded five fractions, two of which exhibited residual activity. Redenaturation at 100 degrees resulted in the interconversion of four out of the five fractions. Redenaturation of fractions labelled with (15)N and (2)H suggested the presence of a specific component that did not readily take part in the interconversions.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis deoxyribonucleic acid gyrase   总被引:15,自引:7,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Bacillus subtilis 168 was shown to contain a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) gyrase activity which closely resembled those of the enzymes isolated from Escherichia coli and Micrococcus luteus in its enzymatic requirements, substrate specificity, and sensitivity to several antibiotics. The enzyme was purified from the wild type and nalidixic acid-resistant and novobiocin-resistant mutants of B. subtilis and was functionally characterized in vitro. The genetic loci nalA and novA but not novB were shown to code for portions of the functional gyrase. Enzyme from the antibiotic-resistant mutants was resistant to the drug in vitro. The most striking observation was the remarkable similarity between the B. subtilis enzyme and other DNA gyrases, especially with respect to the oxolinic acid-induced DNA cleavage in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. All of the enzymes appeared to possess the same specificity of cutting sites regardless of the source or type of DNA used. This result implies that gyrase binding to DNA is highly specific.  相似文献   

Previous genetic analysis indicated that at least two genes determine the ultraviolet (UV) sensitivity of Bacillus subtilis spores. The present study shows that these genes independently control two distinguishable processes for removing UV-induced spore photoproduct (5-thyminyl-5,6-dihydrothymine, or TDHT) from spore deoxyribonucleic acid. The first, is a spore repair mechanism by which TDHT is removed rapidly without appearing in acid-soluble form. This mechanism, which is demonstrated in both UV-resistant and excision-deficient strains, operates to a certain extent during germination without requiring vegetative growth. The second, demonstrated in a mutant which lacks the first mechanism, removes TDHT relatively slowly and only if germinated spores are allowed to develop toward vegetative cells. The latter mechanism appears identical to excision-resynthesis repair, since the mutation abolishing it renders the irradiated vegetative cells incapable of removing cyclobutane-type pyrimidine dimers. Blocking either one of these mechanisms only slightly affects the UV sensitivity of spores, but blocking both prevents TDHT removal and gives high UV sensitivity.  相似文献   

Fate of heterologous deoxyribonucleic acid in Bacillus subtilis.   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
CsCl density gradient fractionation of cell lysates was employed to follow the fate of Escherichia coli, phage T6, and non-glucosylated phage T6 deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) after uptake by competent cells of Bacillus subtilis 168 thy minus trp minus. Shortly after uptake, most of the radioactive Escherichia coli or non-glucosylated T6 DNA was found in the denatured form; the remainder of the label was associated with recipient DNA. Incubation of the cells after DNA uptake led to the disappearance of denatured donor DNA and to an increase in the amount of donor label associated with recipient DNA. These findings are analogous to those previously reported with homologous DNA. By contrast, T6 DNA, which is poorly taken up, appeared in the native form shortly after uptake and was degraded on subsequent incubation. The nature of the heterologous DNA fragments associated with recipient DNA was investigated with Escherichia coli 2-H and 3-H-labeled DNA. Association of radioactivity with recipient DNA decreased to one-fourth in the presence of excess thymidine; residual radioactivity could not be separated from recipient DNA by shearing (sonic oscillation) and/or denaturation, but was reduced by one-half in the presence of a DNA replication inhibitor. Residual radioactivity associated with donor DNA under these conditions was about 5% of that originally taken up. Excess thymidine, but not the DNA replication inhibitor, also decreased association of homologous DNA label with recipient DNA; but, even in the presence of both of these, the decrease amounted to only 60%. It is concluded that most, or all, of the Escherichia coli DNA label taken up is associated with recipient DNA in the form of mononucleotides via DNA replication.  相似文献   

Taylor, Martha J. (Fort Detrick, Frederick, Md.), and Curtis B. Thorne. Concurrent changes in transducing efficiency and content of transforming deoxyribonucleic acid in Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage SP-10. J. Bacteriol. 91:81-88. 1966.-Spores of Bacillus subtilis W-23-S(r) infected with transducing phage SP-10 served as convenient inocula for broth cultures from which transducing phage was harvested. Methods are described for producing highly infected spores. The inoculum level of infected spores in nutrient broth-yeast extract-glucose medium affected the transducing efficiency of SP-10 in lysates of these cultures. Phage in lysates of cultures inoculated with about 10(5) or fewer spores per milliliter transduced 20- to 350-fold more efficiently than did phage in lysates from cultures inoculated with 10(6) to 10(7) spores per milliliter. Transduction frequencies in the order of 10(-5) per plaque-forming unit were obtained routinely, and some infected-spore preparations yielded phage that gave frequencies as high as 10(-4). The combination of inoculum level and incubation time required to produce the best transducing phage had to be determined empirically for each batch of infected spores. Several possible explanations for the difference between lysates having high (HTE) and those having low (LTE) transducing efficiency were ruled out by special experiments. The hypothesis is presented that some cultural condition resulting from a relatively low inoculum of phage-infected spores favors the incorporation by phage particles of bacterial deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in the manner required for the production of transducing phage. Support for this hypothesis is a demonstration, through transformation experiments with DNA extracted from HTE and LTE phage particles, that populations of HTE phage particles yielded significantly more (7 to 27 times) transforming activity per microgram of DNA than did populations of LTE phage.  相似文献   

The transformation of Bacillus subtilis by homologous deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) made available by gently lysing a stable L-form or protoplast suspension was 3 to 10-fold more efficient than DNA isolated by conventional procedures. This increased transformation was not influenced by digestion with pronase, trypsin, or ribonuclease. Preincubation of isolated DNA with L-form lysates did not increase the transformation efficiency above that achieved with untreated, isolated DNA. In addition to displaying a higher efficiency of transformation, the DNA found in these gently prepared lysates was also able to co-transform heretofore unlinked markers at frequencies in excess of those found by congression. Comparison of the frequency of multiple marker transformations to single marker events as a function of DNA dilution conclusively proves that these markers originated from the same continuous strand of DNA.  相似文献   

4,5',8-Trimethylpsoralen (TMP) monoadducts inactive transforming deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in Bacillus subtilis. Contrary to TMP diadducts (TMP cross-links), which severely inhibit entry of donor DNA (G. Venema and U. Canosi, Mol. Gen. Genet. 179:1--11), TMP monoadducts have only a slight effect on entry. Since reextracted TMP-monoadduct-containing transforming DNA is a differentially repaired by Uvr- and Uvr+ recipients and cross-linkable to the recipient strand in the heteroduplex recombinant DNA molecules, the monoadducts can be integrated along with the donor DNA into the recipient chromosome.  相似文献   

A system of cells made permeable by treatment with high concentrations of surcrose (plasmolysis) has been exploited to study the excision repair of ultraviolet-irradiated deoxyribonucleic acid in Escherichia coli. It is demonstrated that adenosine 5'-triphosphate is required for incision breaks to be made in the bacterial chromosome as well as in covalently closed bacteriophage lambda deoxyribonucleic acid. After plasmolysis, uvrC mutant strains appear as defective in the incision step as the uvrA-mutated strains. This is in contrast to the situation in intact cells where uvrC mutants accumulate single-strand breaks during postirradiation incubation. These observations have led to the proposal of a model for excision repair, in which the ultraviolet-specific endonuclease, coded for by the uvrA and uvrB genes, exists in a complex with the uvrC gene product. The complex is responsible for the incision and possibly also the excision steps of repair. The dark-repair inhibitors acriflavine and caffeine are both shown to interfere with the action of the adenosine 5'-triphosphate-dependent enzyme.  相似文献   

Effects of chloramine on Bacillus subtilis deoxyribonucleic acid.   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
The lesions induced in Bacillus subtilis deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) after treating bacterial cells (in vivo) and bacterial DNA (in vitro) with chloramine were studied biologically and physically. Single-strand breaks and a few double-strand scissions (at higher chloramine doses) accompanied loss of DNA-transforming activity in both kinds of treatments. Chloramine was about three times more efficient in vitro than in vivo in inducing DNA single-strand breaks. DNA was slowly chlorinated; the subsequent efficiency of producing DNA breaks was high. Chlorination of cells also reduced activity of endonucleases in cells; however, chlorinated DNA of both treatments was sensitized to cleavage by endonucleases. The procedure of extracting DNA from cells treated with chloramine induced further DNA degradation. Both treatments introduced a small fraction of alkali-sensitive lesions in DNA. DNA chlorinated in vitro showed further reduction in transforming activity as well as further degradation after incubation at 50 C for 5 h whereas DNA extracted from chloramine-treated cells did not show such a heat sensitivity.  相似文献   

About 13% of the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of various strains of Bacillus subtilis, independent of the stage of growth or competence for transformation, was rendered acid soluble by endonuclease S1. In a pH 11.2 CsCl gradient, 4% of the untreated DNA banded at the density typical for single-stranded molecules, whereas 9% of the remaining DNA (main band) was sensitive to endonuclease S1. Selective inhibition of DNA polymerase III, or of DNA-dependent ribonucleic acid polymerase, did not increase or abolish single-strandedness. The DNA purification procedure did affect the level of single-stranded DNA, indicating its binding to cell constituents containing ribonucleic acid, protein, and membranous material. The molecular weight of the single-stranded fraction resembled that of total denatured DNA, and its buoyant density in an alkaline CsCl gradient was centered partially at a density of 1.772 g/cm3 and partially at a density of 7.759 g/cm3. Incubation of DNA under conditions leading to renaturation of its single-stranded fraction led to an increase in transforming activity for the purA16+ marker (close to the origin of replication) relative to leu-8+ and metC3+ markers (located in the middle of the chromosome), indicating this region is the main source of the single-stranded fraction.  相似文献   

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