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The valentino (val) mutation in zebrafish perturbs hindbrain patterning and, as a secondary consequence, also alters development of the inner ear. We have examined the relationship between these defects and expression of fgf3 and fgf8 in the hindbrain. The otic vesicle in val/val mutants is smaller than normal, yet produces nearly twice the normal number of hair cells, and some hair cells are produced ectopically between the anterior and posterior maculae. Anterior markers pax5 and nkx5.1 are expressed in expanded domains that include the entire otic epithelium juxtaposed to the hindbrain, and the posterior marker zp23 is not expressed. In the mutant hindbrain, expression of fgf8 is normal, whereas the domain of fgf3 expression expands to include rhombomere 4 through rhombomere X (an aberrant segment that forms in lieu of rhombomeres 5 and 6). Depletion of fgf3 by injection of antisense morpholino (fgf3-MO) suppresses the ear patterning defects in val/val embryos: Excess and ectopic hair cells are eliminated, expression of anterior otic markers is reduced or ablated, and zp23 is expressed throughout the medial wall of the otic vesicle. By contrast, disruption of fgf8 does not suppress the val/val phenotype but instead interacts additively, indicating that these genes affect distinct developmental pathways. Thus, the inner ear defects observed in val/val mutants appear to result from ectopic expression of fgf3 in the hindbrain. These data also indicate that val normally represses fgf3 expression in r5 and r6, an interpretation further supported by the effects of misexpressing val in wild-type embryos. This is in sharp contrast to the mouse, in which fgf3 is normally expressed in r5 and r6 because of positive regulation by kreisler, the mouse ortholog of val. Implications for co-evolution of the hindbrain and inner ear are discussed.  相似文献   

Mouse fetuses carrying targeted inactivations of both the RAR(&agr;) and the RARbeta genes display a variety of malformations in structures known to be partially derived from the mesenchymal neural crest originating from post-otic rhombomeres (e.g. thymus and great cephalic arteries) (Ghyselinck, N., Dupé, V., Dierich, A., Messaddeq, N., Garnier, J.M., Rochette-Egly, C., Chambon, P. and Mark M. (1997). Int. J. Dev. Biol. 41, 425-447). In a search for neural crest defects, we have analysed the rhombomeres, cranial nerves and pharyngeal arches of these double null mutants at early embryonic stages. The mutant post-otic cranial nerves are disorganized, indicating that RARs are involved in the patterning of structures derived from neurogenic neural crest, even though the lack of RARalpha and RARbeta has no detectable effect on the number and migration path of neural crest cells. Interestingly, the double null mutation impairs early developmental processes known to be independent of the neural crest e.g., the initial formation of the 3rd and 4th branchial pouches and of the 3rd, 4th and 6th arch arteries. The double mutation also results in an enlargement of rhombomere 5, which is likely to be responsible for the induction of supernumerary otic vesicles, in a disappearance of the rhombomere 5/6 boundary, and in profound alterations of rhombomere identities. In the mutant hindbrain, the expression domain of kreisler is twice its normal size and the caudal stripe of Krox-20 extends into the presumptive rhombomeres 6 and 7 region. In this region, Hoxb-1 is ectopically expressed, Hoxb-3 is ectopically up-regulated and Hoxd-4 expression is abolished. These data, which indicate that retinoic acid signaling through RARalpha and/or RARbeta is essential for the specification of rhombomere identities and for the control of caudal hindbrain segmentation by restricting the expression domains of kreisler and of Krox-20, also strongly suggest that this signaling plays a crucial role in the posteriorization of the hindbrain neurectoderm.  相似文献   

We have investigated the mechanisms involved in generating hindbrain motoneurone subtypes, focusing on somatic motoneurones, which are confined to the caudal hindbrain within rhombomeres 5-8. Following heterotopic transplantation of rhombomeres along the rostrocaudal axis at various developmental stages, we have found that the capacity of rhombomeres to generate somatic motoneurones is labile at the neural plate stage but becomes fixed just after neural tube closure, at stage 10-11. Grafting of somites or retinoic acid-loaded beads beneath the rostral hindbrain induced the formation of somatic motoneurones in rhombomere 4 only, and Hox genes normally expressed more caudally (Hoxa3, Hoxd4) were induced in this region. Targeted overexpression of Hoxa3 in the rostral hindbrain led to the generation of ectopic somatic motoneurones in ventral rhombomeres 1-4, and was accompanied by the repression of the dorsoventral patterning gene Irx3. Taken together, these observations suggest that the somites, retinoic acid and Hox genes play a role in patterning somatic motoneurones in vivo.  相似文献   

Development in the chick hindbrain is founded on a segmented pattern. Groups of cells are allocated to particular segmental levels early in development, the cells of each segment (rhombomere) mixing freely with each other, but not with those of adjacent segments. After rhombomere formation, cells in the boundary regions become increasingly specialised. Rhombomeres are thus separate territories that will ultimately pursue different developmental fates. We are investigating the mechanisms that establish and maintain the pattern of rhombomeres and their boundaries. Donor-to-host transplantation experiments were used to confront tissue from different axial levels within the hindbrain. The frequency of boundary regeneration and patterning in the hindbrain was then assessed, based on gross morphology, arrangement of motor neurons and immunohistochemistry. We found that when rhombomeres from adjacent positions or positions three rhombomeres distant from one another were confronted, a normal boundary was invariably reconstructed. Juxtaposition of rhombomere 5 with 7 also yielded a new boundary. By contrast, donor and host tissue of the same positional origin combined without forming a boundary. The same result was obtained in combinations of rhombomeres 3 and 5. Confrontation of tissue from even-numbered rhombomeres 4 with 6 or 2 with 4 also failed to regenerate a boundary in the majority of cases. These results suggest that cell surface properties vary according to rhombomeric level in the hindbrain, and may support the idea of a two-segment periodicity.  相似文献   

The inner ear, which contains sensory organs specialized for hearing and balance, develops from an ectodermal placode that invaginates lateral to hindbrain rhombomeres (r) 5-6 to form the otic vesicle. Under the influence of signals from intra- and extraotic sources, the vesicle is molecularly patterned and undergoes morphogenesis and cell-type differentiation to acquire its distinct functional compartments. We show in mouse that Fgf3, which is expressed in the hindbrain from otic induction through endolymphatic duct outgrowth, and in the prospective neurosensory domain of the otic epithelium as morphogenesis initiates, is required for both auditory and vestibular function. We provide new morphologic data on otic dysmorphogenesis in Fgf3 mutants, which show a range of malformations similar to those of Mafb (Kreisler), Hoxa1 and Gbx2 mutants, the most common phenotype being failure of endolymphatic duct and common crus formation, accompanied by epithelial dilatation and reduced cochlear coiling. The malformations have close parallels with those seen in hearing-impaired patients. The morphologic data, together with an analysis of changes in the molecular patterning of Fgf3 mutant otic vesicles, and comparisons with other mutations affecting otic morphogenesis, allow placement of Fgf3 between hindbrain-expressed Hoxa1 and Mafb, and otic vesicle-expressed Gbx2, in the genetic cascade initiated by WNT signaling that leads to dorsal otic patterning and endolymphatic duct formation. Finally, we show that Fgf3 prevents ventral expansion of r5-6 neurectodermal Wnt3a, serving to focus inductive WNT signals on the dorsal otic vesicle and highlighting a new example of cross-talk between the two signaling systems.  相似文献   

Changes in retinoic acid signaling alter otic patterning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Retinoic acid (RA) has pleiotropic functions during embryogenesis. In zebrafish, increasing or blocking RA signaling results in enlarged or reduced otic vesicles, respectively. Here we elucidate the mechanisms that underlie these changes and show that they have origins in different tissues. Excess RA leads to ectopic foxi1 expression throughout the entire preplacodal domain. Foxi1 provides competence to adopt an otic fate. Subsequently, pax8, the expression of which depends upon Foxi1 and Fgf, is also expressed throughout the preplacodal domain. By contrast, loss of RA signaling does not affect foxi1 expression or otic competence, but instead results in delayed onset of fgf3 expression and impaired otic induction. fgf8 mutants depleted of RA signaling produce few otic cells, and these cells fail to form a vesicle, indicating that Fgf8 is the primary factor responsible for otic induction in RA-depleted embryos. Otic induction is rescued by fgf8 overexpression in RA-depleted embryos, although otic vesicles never achieve a normal size, suggesting that an additional factor is required to maintain otic fate. fgf3;tcf2 double mutants form otic vesicles similar to RA-signaling-depleted embryos, suggesting a signal from rhombomere 5-6 may also be required for otic fate maintenance. We show that rhombomere 5 wnt8b expression is absent in both RA-signaling-depleted embryos and in fgf3;tcf2 double mutants, and inactivation of wnt8b in fgf3 mutants by morpholino injection results in small otic vesicles, similar to RA depletion in wild type. Thus, excess RA expands otic competence, whereas the loss of RA impairs the expression of fgf3 and wnt8b in the hindbrain, compromising the induction and maintenance of otic fate.  相似文献   

An unknown chicken gene selected from a published substractive hybridization screen (GenBank Accession No. ; [Christiansen, J.H., Coles, E.G., Robinson, V., Pasini, A., Wilkinson, D.G., 2001. Screening from a subtracted embryonic chick hindbrain cDNA library: identification of genes expressed during hindbrain, midbrain and cranial neural crest development. Mech. Dev. 102, 119-133.]) was deemed of interest because of its dynamic pattern of expression across the forebrain and midbrain regions. A 528bp fragment cloned from early chick embryo cDNA and used for in situ hybridization corresponded to part of the 3' untranslated region of the chicken gene Leucine-rich repeat neuronal protein 1 (Lrrn1). The expression of this gene, mapped in the embryonic chick brain between stages HH10 and HH26, apparently preconfigures the zona limitans thalami site before overt formation of this boundary structure. Apart of colateral expression in the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain basal plate, the most significant expression of Lrrn1 was found early on across the entire alar plate of midbrain and forebrain (HH10). This unitary domain soon divides at HH14 into a rostral part, across alar secondary prosencephalon and prospective alar prosomere 3 (prethalamus; caudal limit at the prospective zona limitans), and a caudal part in alar prosomere 1 (pretectum) and midbrain. The rostral forebrain domain later downregulates gradually most extratelencephalic signal of Lrrn1, but the rostral shell of zona limitans retains expression longer. Expression in the caudal alar domain also changes by downregulation within its pretectal subdomain. Caudally, the midbrain domain ends at the isthmo-mesencephalic junction throughout the studied period. Embryonic Lrrn1 signal also appears in the somites and in the otic vesicle.  相似文献   

During vertebrate development, the hindbrain is transiently segmented into 7 distinct rhombomeres (r). Hindbrain segmentation takes place within the context of the complex morphogenesis required for neurulation, which in zebrafish involves a characteristic cross-midline division that distributes progenitor cells bilaterally in the forming neural tube. The Eph receptor tyrosine kinase EphA4 and the membrane-bound Ephrin (Efn) ligand EfnB2a, which are expressed in complementary segments in the early hindbrain, are required for rhombomere boundary formation. We showed previously that EphA4 promotes cell-cell affinity within r3 and r5, and proposed that preferential adhesion within rhombomeres contributes to boundary formation. Here we show that EfnB2a is similarly required in r4 for normal cell affinity and that EphA4 and EfnB2a regulate cell affinity independently within their respective rhombomeres. Live imaging of cell sorting in mosaic embryos shows that both proteins function during cross-midline cell divisions in the hindbrain neural keel. Consistent with this, mosaic EfnB2a over-expression causes widespread cell sorting and disrupts hindbrain organization, but only if induced at or before neural keel stage. We propose a model in which Eph and Efn-dependent cell affinity within rhombomeres serve to maintain rhombomere organization during the potentially disruptive process of teleost neurulation.  相似文献   

The developing nervous system is particularly vulnerable to vitamin A deficiency. Retinoid has been proposed to be a posteriorizing factor during hindbrain development, although direct evidence in the mammalian embryo is lacking. In the present study, pregnant vitamin A-deficient (VAD) rats were fed purified diets containing varying levels of all-trans-retinoic acid (atRA; 0, 0.5, 1.5, 6, 12, 25, 50, 125, or 250 microg/g diet) or were supplemented with retinol. Hindbrain development was studied from embryonic day 10 to 12.5 ( approximately 6 to 40 somites). Normal morphogenesis was observed in all embryos from groups fed 250 microg atRA/g diet or retinol. The most caudal region of the hindbrain was the most sensitive to retinoid insufficiency, as evidenced by a loss of the hypoglossal nerve (cranial nerve XII) in embryos from the 125 microg atRA/g diet group. Further reduction of atRA to 50 microg/g diet led to the loss of cranial nerves IX, X, XI, and XII and associated sensory ganglia IX and X in all embryos as well as the loss of hindbrain segmentation caudal to the rhombomere (r) 3/4 border in a subset of embryos. Dysmorphic orthotopic otic vesicles or immature otic-like vesicles in both orthotopic and caudally ectopic locations were also observed. As the level of atRA was reduced, a loss of caudal hindbrain segmentation was observed in all embryos and the incidence of otic vesicle abnormalities increased. Perturbations in hindbrain segmentation, cranial nerve formation, and otic vesicle development were associated with abnormal patterning of the posterior hindbrain. Embryos from VAD dams fed between 0.5 and 50 microg atRA/g diet exhibited Hoxb-1 protein expression along the entire neural tube caudal to the r3/r4 border at a time when it should be restricted to r4. Krox-20 protein expression was expanded in r3 but absent or reduced in presumptive r5. Hoxd-4 mRNA expression was absent in the posterior hindbrain, and the rostral limit of Hoxb-5 protein expression in the neural tube was anteriorized, suggesting that the most posterior hindbrain region (r7/r8) had been deleted and/or improperly patterned. Thus, when limiting amounts of atRA are provided to VAD dams, the caudal portion of the hindbrain is shortened and possesses r4/r5-like characteristics, with this region finally exhibiting r4-like gene expression when retinoid is restricted even more severely. Thus, regions of the anterior hindbrain (i.e., r3 and r4) appear to be greatly expanded, whereas the posterior hindbrain (r5-r8) is reduced or absent. This work shows that retinoid plays a critical role in patterning, segmentation, and neurogenesis of the caudal hindbrain and serves as an essential posteriorizing signal for this region of the central nervous system in the mammal.  相似文献   

The vertebrate inner ear develops from an ectodermal placode adjacent to rhombomeres 4 to 6 of the segmented hindbrain. The placode then transforms into a vesicle and becomes regionalised along its anteroposterior, dorsoventral and mediolateral axes. To investigate the role of hindbrain signals in instructing otic vesicle regionalisation, we analysed ear development in zebrafish mutants for vhnf1, a gene expressed in the caudal hindbrain during otic induction and regionalisation. We show that, in vhnf1 homozygous embryos, the patterning of the otic vesicle is affected along both the anteroposterior and dorsoventral axes. First, anterior gene expression domains are either expanded along the whole anteroposterior axis of the vesicle or duplicated in the posterior region. Second, the dorsal domain is severely reduced, and cell groups normally located ventrally are shifted dorsally, sometimes forming a single dorsal patch along the whole AP extent of the otic vesicle. Third, and probably as a consequence, the size and organization of the sensory and neurogenic epithelia are disturbed. These results demonstrate that, in zebrafish, signals from the hindbrain control the patterning of the otic vesicle, not only along the anteroposterior axis, but also, as in amniotes, along the dorsoventral axis. They suggest that, despite the evolution of inner ear structure and function, some of the mechanisms underlying the regionalisation of the otic vesicle in fish and amniotes have been conserved.  相似文献   

 During segmentation of the mouse hindbrain (d8.0–8.5 pc), expression of the gap junction gene connexin31 (cx31) is precisely restricted to rhombomeres (r) 3 and 5. Shortly afterwards, during the turning process, cx31 expression in rhombomere 3 decreases and is no longer detectable at d9.5 pc, whereas expression in rhombomere 5 is maintained until about d10.0 pc. So far, cx31 is the first gap junction gene found to be expressed in rhombomeres. Its precise segmental and temporal expression pattern may reflect a critical requirement of cx31 channels for these odd numbered rhombomeres to acquire distinct cell identities. Received: 9 June 1997 / Accepted: 30 July 1997  相似文献   

Motor neurons are segmentally organised in the developing chick hindbrain, with groups of neurons occupying pairs of hindbrain segments or rhombomeres. The branchiomotor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve occupies rhombomeres 2 and 3 (r2 and r3), that of the facial nerve r4 and r5, and that of the glossopharyngeal nerve r6 and r7. Branchiomotor neuron cell bodies lie within the basal plate, forming columns on either side of the ventral midline floor plate. Axons originating in rhombomeres 2, 4 and 6 grow laterally (dorsally) towards the exit points located in the alar plates of these rhombomeres, while axons originating in odd-numbered rhombomeres 3 and 5 grow laterally and then rostrally, crossing a rhombomere boundary to reach their exit point. Examination of the trajectories of motor axons in odd-numbered segments at late stages of development (19-25) showed stereotyped pathways, in which axons grew laterally before making a sharp turn rostrally. During the initial phase of outgrowth (stage 14-15), however, axons had meandering courses and did not grow in a directed fashion towards their exit point. When r3 or r5 was transplanted with reversed rostrocaudal polarity prior to motor axon outgrowth, the majority of axons grew to their appropriate, rostral exit point, despite the inverted neuroepithelial polarity. In r3 reversals, however, there was a considerable increase in the normally small number of axons that grew out via the caudal, r4 exit point. These findings are discussed with relevance to the factors involved in motor neuron specification and axon outgrowth in the developing hindbrain.  相似文献   

Signaling from rhombomeres 5 and 6 of the hindbrain is thought to be important for inner ear patterning. In Noggin −/− embryos, the gross anatomy of the inner ear is distorted and malformed, with cochlear duct outgrowth and coiling most affected. We attributed these defects to a caudal shift of the rhombomeres caused by the shortened body axis and the kink in the neural tube. To test the hypothesis that a caudal shift of the rhombomeres affects inner ear development, we surgically generated chicken embryos in which rhombomeres 5 and 6 were similarly shifted relative to the position of the inner ears, as in Noggin mutants. All chicken embryos with shifted rhombomeres showed defects in cochlear duct formation indicating that signaling from rhombomeres 5 and 6 is important for cochlear duct patterning in both chicken and mice. In addition, the size of the otic capsule is increased in Noggin −/− mutants, which most likely is due to unopposed BMP signaling for chondrogenesis in the peri-otic mesenchyme.  相似文献   

The rhombomere 4(r4)‐restricted expression of the mouse Hoxb2 gene is regulated by a 1.4‐kb enhancer‐containing fragment. Here, we showthat transgenic mouse lines expressing cre driven by this fragment (B2‐r4‐Cre), activated the R26R Cre reporter in rhombomere 4 and the second branchial arch, the epithelium of the first branchial arch, apical ectodermal ridge of the limb buds and the tail region. Of particular interest is Cre activity in the developing inner ear. Cre activity was found in the preotic field and otic placode at E8.5 and otocyst at E9.5–E12.5, in the cochleovestibular and facio‐acoustic ganglia at E10.5 and the vestibular and spiral ganglia and all the otic epithelia derived from the otocyst at E15.5 and P0. Our data suggest that the B2‐r4‐Cre transgenic mice provide an important tool for conditional gene manipulation and lineage tracing in the inner ear. In combination with other transgenic lines expressing cre exclusively in the otic vesicle, the relative contributions of the hindbrain, periotic mesenchyme and otic epithelium in otic development can be dissected. genesis 47:361–365, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that inactivation of the Krox20 gene led to the disappearance of its segmental expression territories in the hindbrain, the rhombomeres (r) 3 and 5. We now performed a detailed analysis of the fate of prospective r3 and r5 cells in Krox20 mutant embryos. Genetic fate mapping indicates that at least some of these cells persist in the absence of a functional Krox20 protein and uncovers the requirement for autoregulatory mechanisms in the expansion and maintenance of Krox20-expressing territories. Analysis of even-numbered rhombomere molecular markers demonstrates that in Krox20-null embryos, r3 cells acquire r2 or r4 identity, and r5 cells acquire r6 identity. Finally, study of embryonic chimaeras between Krox20 homozygous mutant and wild-type cells shows that the mingling properties of r3/r5 mutant cells are changed towards those of even-numbered rhombomere cells. Together, these data demonstrate that Krox20 is essential to the generation of alternating odd- and even-numbered territories in the hindbrain and that it acts by coupling the processes of segment formation, cell segregation and specification of regional identity.  相似文献   

FGF signaling is required during multiple stages of inner ear development in many different vertebrates, where it is involved in induction of the otic placode, in formation and morphogenesis of the otic vesicle as well as for cellular differentiation within the sensory epithelia. In this study we have looked to define the redundant and conserved roles of FGF3, FGF8 and FGF10 during the development of the murine and avian inner ear. In the mouse, hindbrain-derived FGF10 ectopically induces FGF8 and rescues otic vesicle formation in Fgf3 and Fgf10 homozygous double mutants. Conditional inactivation of Fgf8 after induction of the placode does not interfere with otic vesicle formation and morphogenesis but affects cellular differentiation in the inner ear. In contrast, inactivation of Fgf8 during induction of the placode in a homozygous Fgf3 null background leads to a reduced size otic vesicle or the complete absence of otic tissue. This latter phenotype is more severe than the one observed in mutants carrying null mutations for both Fgf3 and Fgf10 that develop microvesicles. However, FGF3 and FGF10 are redundantly required for morphogenesis of the otic vesicle and the formation of semicircular ducts. In the chicken embryo, misexpression of Fgf3 in the hindbrain induces ectopic otic vesicles in vivo. On the other hand, Fgf3 expression in the hindbrain or pharyngeal endoderm is required for formation of the otic vesicle from the otic placode. Together these results provide important insights into how the spatial and temporal expression of various FGFs controls different steps of inner ear formation during vertebrate development.  相似文献   

The segmentation of the vertebrate hindbrain into rhombomeres is highly conserved, but how early hindbrain patterning is established is not well understood. We show that rhombomere 4 (r4) functions as an early-differentiating signaling center in the zebrafish hindbrain. Time-lapse analyses of zebrafish hindbrain development show that r4 forms first and hindbrain neuronal differentiation occurs first in r4. Two signaling molecules, FGF3 and FGF8, which are both expressed early in r4, are together required for the development of rhombomeres adjacent to r4, particularly r5 and r6. Transplantation of r4 cells can induce expression of r5/r6 markers, as can misexpression of either FGF3 or FGF8. Genetic mosaic analyses also support a role for FGF signaling acting from r4. Taken together, our findings demonstrate a crucial role for FGF-mediated inter-rhombomere signaling in promoting early hindbrain patterning and underscore the significance of organizing centers in patterning the vertebrate neural plate.  相似文献   

We report here the development and rescue of the truncated hindbrain of retinoid-deprived quail embryos. The embryo is completely rescued by an injection of retinol into the egg; this confirms retinol, or a related retinoid, as a required molecule in hindbrain development. Staging the retinoid replacement enabled us to determine that the 3-4 somite stage is the period when retinoids are required for normal development. Analysis of the development of the retinoid-deprived hindbrain phenotype through somitogenesis has revealed a pathway of retinoid action in early hindbrain regionalization. The hindbrain of the retinoid-deprived embryo is normal in size, during early somitogenesis, but has a respecified pattern of Krox-20 expression. From the earliest expression of Krox-20, at the 5 somite stage, the rhombomere 3 stripe fills the caudal third of the developing hindbrain to the level of the first somite. Morphologically only 2, instead of the normal 5, rhombomere bulges form. These 2 bulges express genes and, later, develop morphology characteristic of rhombomeres 1 and 2 and rhombomere 3. Posterior hindbrain specific genes, Hoxb-1, Fgf3, MafB, and the rhombomere 5 stripe of Krox-20 are never expressed in the head neuroepithelium of these embryos. From the initial formation of the neural plate, there is no evidence of rhombomere 4-7 specific characteristics. These results indicate the specification of the posterior hindbrain is lost and its cells participate in the formation of an enlarged anterior hindbrain. In our previous study, we reported the absence of the posterior hindbrain in retinoid-deprived quails (Maden, M., Gale, E., Kostetskii, I., Zile, M., 1996. Vitamin A-deficient quail embryos have half a hindbrain and other neural defects. Curr. Biol. 6, 417-426). Here, we show this phenotype to be the result of respecification of the hindbrain cells. This provides evidence for a region specific response to a single stimulus, retinol, which suggests a pre-rhombomeric regionalization of the hindbrain.  相似文献   

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