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The effect of nonhistone protein HMG1 and HMG2 from pig thymus on the in vitro nucleosome assembly has been examined with plasmid pSV2-gpt DNA and pig thymus core histones in the presence of DNA topoisomerase I. In the absence of core histones, the direct binding of HMG proteins could induce negative superhelical turns in DNA at low ionic strength, but not at physiological ionic strength. The nucleosome formation in the higher histone-to-DNA ratios at physiological ionic strength was not facilitated by HMG proteins, in contrast to poly(L-glutamic acid). HMG proteins suppressed the nucleosome assembly in the moderate histone-to-DNA ratios, resulting in the reduction of fully supercoiled DNA topoisomers. The suppression by HMG proteins was not cancelled by poly(L-glutamic acid). These suggest that the highly acidic carboxy terminal of HMG proteins does not act as an assembly factor, and that the HMG proteins, on the contrary, suppress the nucleosome formation, probably by binding to DNA in a way to inhibit the assembly into core particles.  相似文献   

The Cse4 nucleosome at each budding yeast centromere must be faithfully assembled each cell cycle to specify the site of kinetochore assembly and microtubule attachment for chromosome segregation. Although Scm3 is required for the localization of the centromeric H3 histone variant Cse4 to centromeres, its role in nucleosome assembly has not been tested. We demonstrate that Scm3 is able to mediate the assembly of Cse4 nucleosomes in vitro, but not H3 nucleosomes, as measured by a supercoiling assay. Localization of Cse4 to centromeres and the assembly activity depend on an evolutionarily conserved core motif in Scm3, but localization of the CBF3 subunit Ndc10 to centromeres does not depend on this motif. The centromere targeting domain of Cse4 is sufficient for Scm3 nucleosome assembly activity. Assembly does not depend on centromeric sequence. We propose that Scm3 plays an active role in centromeric nucleosome assembly.  相似文献   

Using in vitro replication assays, we compared native with salt-treated simian virus 40 minichromosomes isolated from infected cell nuclei. Minichromosomes from both preparations contain the full complement of nucleosomes, but salt treatment removes histone H1 and a fraction of nonhistone chromatin proteins. Both types of minichromosomes served well as templates for in vitro replication, but the structures of the replication products were strikingly different. Replicated salt-treated minichromosomes contained, on average, about half the normal number of nucleosomes as previously shown (T. Krude and R. Knippers, Mol. Cell. Biol. 11:6257-6267, 1991). In contrast, the replicated untreated minichromosomes were found to be densely packed with nucleosomes, indicating that an assembly of new nucleosomes occurred during in vitro replication. Biochemical and immunological data showed that the fraction of nonhistone chromatin proteins associated with native minichromosomes includes a nucleosome assembly activity that appears to be closely related to chromatin assembly factor I (S. Smith and B. W. Stillman, Cell 58:15-25, 1989). Furthermore, this minichromosome-bound nucleosome assembly factor is able to exert its activity in trans to replicating protein-free competitor DNA. Thus, native chromatin itself contains the activities required for an ordered assembly of nucleosomes during the replication process.  相似文献   

We examine in vitro nucleosome assembly by nucleosome assembly protein-1 (NAP-1) and ATP-utilizing chromatin assembly and remodeling factor (ACF). In contrast to previous studies that used relaxed, circular plasmids as templates, we have found that negatively supercoiled templates reveal the distinct roles of NAP-1 and ACF in histone deposition and the formation of an ordered nucleosomal array. NAP-1 can efficiently deposit histones onto supercoiled plasmids. Furthermore, NAP-1 exhibits a greater affinity for histones H2A-H2B than does naked DNA, but in the presence of H3-H4, H2A-H2B are transferred from NAP-1 to the plasmid templates. These observations underscore the importance of a high affinity between H2A-H2B and NAP-1 for ordered transfer of core histones onto DNA. In addition, recombinant ACF composed of imitation switch and Acf1 can extend closely packed nucleosomes, which suggests that recombinant ACF can mobilize nucleosomes. In the assembly reaction with a supercoiled template, ACF need not be added simultaneously with NAP-1. Regularly spaced nucleosomes are generated even when recombinant ACF is added after core histones are transferred completely onto the DNA. Atomic force microscopy, however, suggests that NAP-1 alone fails to accomplish the formation of fine nucleosomal core particles, which are only formed in the presence of ACF. These results suggest a model for the ordered deposition of histones and the arrangement of nucleosomes during chromatin assembly in vivo.  相似文献   

Replication-coupled nucleosome assembly is a critical step in packaging newly synthesized DNA into chromatin. Previous studies have defined the importance of the histone chaperones CAF-1 and ASF1A, the replicative clamp PCNA, and the clamp loader RFC for the assembly of nucleosomes during DNA replication. Despite significant progress in the field, replication-coupled nucleosome assembly is not well understood. One of the complications in elucidating the mechanisms of replication-coupled nucleosome assembly is the lack of a defined system that faithfully recapitulates this important biological process in vitro. We describe here a defined system that assembles nucleosomal arrays in a manner dependent on the presence of CAF-1, ASF1A-H3-H4, H2A-H2B, PCNA, RFC, NAP1L1, ATP, and strand breaks. The loss of CAF-1 p48 subunit causes a strong defect in packaging DNA into nucleosomes by this system. We also show that the defined system forms nucleosomes on nascent DNA synthesized by the replicative polymerase δ. Thus, the developed system reproduces several key features of replication-coupled nucleosome assembly.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of rat liver HMG1 cDNA.   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文

K Giese  J Cox  R Grosschedl 《Cell》1992,69(1):185-195
The high mobility group (HMG) domain is a DNA-binding motif that is associated with several eukaryotic regulatory proteins, including the lymphoid enhancer-binding factor LEF-1 and the testis-determining factor SRY. Here, we provide evidence that DNA binding by the HMG domain of LEF-1 involves primarily minor groove contacts and induces a bend of approximately 130 degrees in the DNA helix. Bending was also found to accompany sequence-specific DNA binding by the SRY-HMG domain. Examining possible regulatory roles of HMG domain-induced DNA bends, we found that LEF-1 can function in a manner similar to bacterial integration host factor and facilitate communication between widely separated protein-binding sites in a recombination assay. Together with the previous observation that LEF-1 by itself is unable to augment basal promoter activity, these data suggest that HMG domain proteins can serve as "architectural" elements in the assembly of higher-order nucleoprotein structures.  相似文献   

Reconstitution of chromatin: assembly of the nucleosome.   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The order of reassociation of the four histones H2a, H2b, H3 and H4 to the DNA during the reconstitution of chromatin was determined. At each step of the reconstitution the DNA and associated histones were separated from the free histones by centrifugation in a glycerol gradient. The unbound and reassociated histones were analysed by gel electrophoresis and the histone-DNA complexes characterized by circular dichroism and electron microscopy. We show that H3 and H4 bind first to the DNA between 1.2 M NaCl and 0.85 M NaCl and impose a nucleosome like structure; in a second step histones H2a and H2b are placed around this kernel to complete the nucleosome.  相似文献   

McBryant SJ  Peersen OB 《Biochemistry》2004,43(32):10592-10599
The self-association properties of the yeast nucleosome assembly protein 1 (yNAP1) have been investigated using biochemical and biophysical methods. Protein cross-linking and calibrated gel filtration chromatography of yNAP1 indicate the protein exists as a complex mixture of species at physiologic ionic strength (75-150 mM). Sedimentation velocity reveals a distribution of species of 4.5-12 Svedbergs (S) over a 50-fold range of concentrations. The solution-state complexity is reduced at higher ionic strength, allowing for examination of the fundamental oligomer. Sedimentation equilibrium of a homogeneous 4.5 S population at 500 mM sodium chloride reveals these species to be yNAP1 dimers. These dimers self-associate to form higher order oligomers at more moderate ionic strength. Titration of guanidine hydrochloride converts the higher order oligomers to the homogeneous 4.5 S dimer and then converts the 4.5 S dimers to 2.5 S monomers. Circular dichroism shows that guanidine-mediated dissociation of higher order oligomers into yNAP1 dimers is accompanied by only slight changes in secondary structure. Dissociation of the dimer requires a nearly complete denaturation event.  相似文献   

Flow birefringence and extinction angles have been measured for HMG 14 complexes with nucleosome core particles from chicken erythrocytes under cooperative "tight" binding conditions, and for the uncomplexed core particles used in the preparations. Results are interpreted using optical models for the observed DNA anisotropy, and are compared to recent small angle neutron scattering results. (19) The studies effectively rule out highly distorted DNA conformations and configurations in which DNA ends are unwound and extended. It is concluded that the most likely conformation of the complex is one in which the DNA superhelix is radially increased, either uniformly or bilaterally, with the DNA ends remaining tightly bound to the particle. This conformation does not require large changes in spatial relationships between the DNA ends compared to the uncomplexed core as would accompany, for example, significant unwinding of the ends. However, it may lead to more subtle but possibly highly significant differences in the angles at which the DNA exits the core particle.  相似文献   

Zhang SB  Huang J  Zhao H  Zhang Y  Hou CH  Cheng XD  Jiang C  Li MQ  Hu J  Qian RL 《Cell research》2003,13(5):351-360
Using atomic force microscopy (AFM), the dynamic process of the in vitro nucleosome reconstitution followed by slow dilution from high salt to low salt was visualized. Data showed that the histone octamers were dissociatedfrom DNA at 1M NaC1. When the salt concentration was slowly reduced to 650 mM and 300 mM, the core histones bound to the naked DNA gradually. Once the salt concentration was reduced to 50 mM the classic “beads-on-a-string“ structure was clearly visualized. Furthermore, using the technique of the in vitro reconstitution of nucleosome,the mono- and di- nucleosomes were assembled in vitro with both HS2core (-10681 to -10970 bp) and NCR2 (-372to -194 bp) DNA sequences in the 5‘flanking sequence of human b-globin gene. Data revealed that HMG 1/2 and HMG 14/17 proteins binding to both DNA sequences are changeable following the assembly and disassembly of nucleosomes. We suggest that the changeable binding patterns of HMG 14/17 and HMG1/2 proteins with these regulatory elements may be critical in the process of nucleosome assembly, recruitment of chromatin-modifying activities, and the regulation of human b-globin gene expression.  相似文献   

Wang GS  Hong CJ  Yen TY  Huang HY  Ou Y  Huang TN  Jung WG  Kuo TY  Sheng M  Wang TF  Hsueh YP 《Neuron》2004,42(1):113-128

In a previous report we constructed a synthetic DNA sequence that directed the deposition of histone octamers to a single site, and it was proposed that DNA distortion was involved in the positioning effect. In the present study we utilized the chemical probe potassium permanganate to identify sites of DNA distortion in the synthetic positioning sequence. A permanganate hypersite was identified 15 bp from the nucleosome pseudo-dyad at a site known to display DNA distortion in the mature nucleosome. The sequence of the site contained a TA step flanked by an oligo-pyrimidine tract. A series of substitutions were made in the region of the permanganate hypersite and the resulting constructs tested for affinity for histone octamers and translational positioning in in vitro studies. The results revealed that either a single base substitution at the TA step or in the adjacent homopolymeric tract dramatically affected affinity and positioning activity. The rotational orientation of the permanganate-sensitive sequence was shown to be important for functions, since altering the orientation of the site in a positioning fragment reduced positioning activity and octamer affinity, while altering the rotational orientation of the sequence in a non-positioning fragment had the opposite effects. A reconstituted 5 S rDNA positioning sequence from Lytechinus variegatus was also shown to display a permanganate hypersite 16 bp from its pseudo-dyad.  相似文献   

The efficient assembly of newly replicated and repaired DNA into chromatin is essential for proper genome function. Based on genetic studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the histone chaperone anti-silencing function 1 (Asf1) has been implicated in the DNA repair response. Here, the human homologs are shown to function synergistically with human CAF-1 to assemble nucleosomes during nucleotide excision repair in vitro. Furthermore, we demonstrate that hAsf1 proteins can interact directly with the p60 subunit of hCAF-1. In contrast to hCAF-1 p60, the nuclear hAsf1 proteins are not significantly associated with chromatin in cells before or after the induction of DNA damage, nor specifically recruited to damaged DNA during repair in a bead-linked DNA assay. A model is proposed in which the synergism between hAsf1 and CAF-1 for nucleosome formation during DNA repair is achieved through a transient physical interaction allowing histone delivery from Asf1 to CAF-1.  相似文献   

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